
5 Benefits of a LMS for Streamlining Safety Training

Learning management system

Streamline Safety Training with a Learning Management System

Investing in training programs is essential for business success, but the training process can be time consuming for everyone involved. That’s why learning management systems (LMS) have increased in popularity over the years.

A learning management system can make training more cost effective and make training at all levels easier. An LMS also makes tracking training progress easier so you can have the information you need to defend your safety record.

The 5 Biggest Benefits of an LMS

While adding one more tool or technology to your safety program can seem frustrating, some of these tools will make your life easier moving forward. A learning management system like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is a tool that will make safety training and reporting simpler for everyone involved.

Save Money on Training

With online training through an LMS, you can reduce employee travel to and from the training site. You also eliminate or significantly reduce the costs of trainers and training facilities.

Online training removes the costs of food and hotel accommodations for employees at different sites. Online training also reduces lost productivity, which means more cost savings since workflow isn’t disrupted.

Training Consistency

Online training with the LMS allows you to provide consistent, ongoing training for all employees. Training can be scheduled, and the system will notify users when it’s time to complete a new assignment so you can maintain regular safety training throughout the year.

With a single source for content, the quality of training also remains consistent. You can keep everyone on the same page and make sure all important topics are addressed.

Easy Tracking and Reporting

With an LMS, you can keep track of all user activity to ensure training is completed. You also have easy access to all reports needed to prove that training is completed all in one place, so you never have to worry about finding the information you need.

You can see how well employees understand the material, so you can plan training to help in areas they struggle. You can also store important documentation for easy employee access.

Maintain Regulatory Compliance

If you are in a highly regulated industry, you need to make sure all employees are meeting all regulatory requirements. A learning management system allows you to provide regulatory training to deal with your specific requirements.

You can also maintain all necessary documentation to meet regulatory and legal requirements within the LMS. With date and time-stamped reports that show you are meeting training requirements, you don’t have to worry about audits.

Increase Employee Learning

With options for orientation, ongoing, and corrective action training, you can make sure employees have access to all the information they need to perform their job roles. The assignments take less time to complete than traditional training, so employees can quickly apply new training.

Simplify the orientation process, so employees can get to work faster. Provide ongoing training that keeps necessary skills fresh in their minds. Online training makes training quicker, helps employees retain the information better, and allows for more productivity and improved skills in the workplace.

Training to Meet Your Business Needs

It is important to provide training that helps employees meet your overall business objectives and goals. A learning management system like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions provides you all the tools you need to assign, complete, track, and document your training so you know everyone is getting the training they need to meet these goals.

With 850+ videos available in the training library, the option for custom content, and the reporting tools available with the Infinit-I system, you can simplify the training process while knowing employees are gaining essential skills. Request a demo today to see how easy it is to implement into your training program.

Infinit-I Training Management System Reduces Training Costs