
FMCSA Study: Online Training Reduces Costs and Gets Results

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A May 2011 report from the Federal Motor Carrier Association (FMCSA) provided an evaluation of web-based or online training methods for the trucking industry. The report goes through the different types of web-based training and the effectiveness of each.

While much depends on the company and employees, the FMCSA report determined that online training does provide value when it comes to training drivers on safety and regulatory requirements.

What Does the Evidence Show?

The FMCSA study concluded that online training provides a training delivery method that:

  • Reduces the time and cost associated with training
  • Gives employees access to training materials anytime, and
  • Makes it easy to update information

The FMCSA found that online training eliminated travel costs and reduced instruction costs significantly. Online platforms make it simple and less costly to update training materials and information, while making it easier to reach a larger audience to provide training.

Online training also makes it easier to standardize training, so everyone is on the same page when it comes to new or updated information. You can provide training to employees as soon as it’s needed which simplifies orientation, ongoing, and corrective action training needs.

The evidence also suggests that online training is potentially more effective than traditional training methods, when the training is developed by people experienced with online training design.

This is due to the fact that it’s easier to administer training to all employees with online methods. The shorter training modules make it easier for employees to retain the information, and training can be done regularly so safety stays top of mind.

Online Training is a Useful Tool for the Transportation Industry

The report from FMCSA is good news for the transportation industry. With tools to provide online training, drivers can spend their time on the road instead of in a classroom and can complete necessary training when it’s convenient for them.

This report also supports the mission of Vertical Alliance Group to provide transportation companies of all sizes the training they need with an online learning management system that allows you to train, monitor, and assess employees and employee needs.

Learn more about how the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform can help you transform your training.