
6 Features of a Good LMS for Training

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Features of a Good LMS for Training

The biggest benefits of learning management systems (LMS) come down to two categories: cost savings and improved efficiency. To get the most out of a learning system, you need to use one that will best meet your company’s training needs.

This means it’s important to evaluate your current training and determine future needs to pick the right tools. While you won’t want to eliminate all in-house meetings, a learning management system can help you reduce long training times and make it easier to provide consistent training.

What to Look for in a Learning Management System

A good training program provides consistent training to all employees. A good LMS will allow you to keep training centralized so you can provide training with quality consistency no matter where your employees are located.

You can also develop ongoing training schedules so safety and other important topics remain top of mind for everyone. You can easily determine how well employees are understanding the training provided since the system will track user progress and performance.

Easy-to-Use Reporting

You want to find a system that gives you easy access to training reports so you can track use, progress, knowledge gains, and the ROI of your training program. These reports are also useful to prove you are following regulatory requirements in heavily regulated industries.

Manage All Training and Policy Materials in One Place

With a system like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, you can upload any content you want to provide to supplement training. Video, audio, PowerPoint, and any other media is compatible with the Infinit-I system so you can keep policies, procedures, communications, and supplemental materials together for employees to access whenever they need them.

You can access the ready-to-use training materials or customize your training content with company-specific training or third-party materials you want to incorporate. With the right integration tools, you can make your training system meet all your company needs.

Easily Assign Training

With a good LMS, you can assign training to meet everyone’s needs. Set up orientation training, so all you have to do is assign it to new drivers during the onboarding process. Set up ongoing training for the year, and let the system take care of notification and tracking.

You can even assign training for specific people to deal with corrective action needs or to help in areas they are struggling. Training can be assigned to specific groups when you need to provide training for specific departments.

Provides Easy Communication for Multiple Locations

Whether you have multiple locations for your company, or you have remote employees, a good system will allow you to communicate important information immediately. Put announcements in the system so every employee has access to it.

Easy to Navigate

When assigning online training, you want it to be simple for all employees to use. The best systems will make navigation through the training easy. You also want to look for a system that makes accessing the training easy.

Look for a system that gives options for online access through the site or through apps for Apple and Android devices. This ensures employees can find their training without issue.

Technology Should Make Life Easier

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is constantly looking for ways to improve our LMS so we can make training easier for everyone. We provide tools that allow managers to track and manage documentation for all employee training simply. We make the system easy for employees to access so you can increase training participation.

Our system is the #1 trusted training management system because we have created it with your needs in mind. To see how valuable the Infinit-I system is, check out what our clients have to say about it.