New Training Videos for Schools

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training materials in the student transportation industry. This month we have added five new training pieces for you to use.

In response to the increased number of shootings occurring at schools across the country, the Indiana State Police produced a series of training resources designed to teach student transportation professionals how to respond in the event of an active shooter on the bus. The first four training materials released this month are from their training series and include:

Active Shooter Checklist
Type: PDF
Designed for K-12, schools can use this Active Shooter Checklist to assess their readiness and/or ability to respond quickly in case of such threats 5mutk5u.

Unarmed Response to a In-School Active Shooter Event – Overview
Length: 08:26
This video, produced by the Indiana State Police, gives an overview of how to respond if an armed terrorist boarded a school bus.

Unarmed Response to a School Bus Active Shooter Event – Scenarios 1 & 2
Length: 03:37
This video, produced by the Indiana State Police, depicts different active shooter scenarios which could occur during the school day.

Unarmed Response to a School Bus Active Shooter Event – Scenarios 3, 4, & 5
Length: 04:13
This video, produced by the Indiana State Police, depicts different active shooter scenarios which could occur during the school day.

The final training resource released this month feature’s Dan Sperry sharing his family’s story and ideas to improve student safety at the bus stop. While the heart of his story centers around the loss his family experienced when their 11 year old was killed getting off the school bus — the message centers around lessons learned and the things student transportation professionals can do to go one step further in protecting the kids they transport.

Makayla’s Story: It Didn’t Have to Happen
Length: 55:45
Five days before Christmas 2011, Dan Sperry’s family dynamic changed forever. While waiting for his step-daughter, Makayla, to arrive home on the activities bus from dance, he heard a loud thump that sounded like a hood slamming. A few minutes later, one of Makayla’s classmates knocked on his door and told him there had been an accident. Makayla had been hit by a vehicle illegally passing the stopped school bus as she ventured home. Dan and his wife found Makayla lying in the ditch and witnessed the life drain from her 11 year old body. After her death, Makayla’s classmates pushed for new Wyoming laws to equip all school buses statewide with stop-arm video cameras. In this webinar, Dan shares his family’s journey and how the importance of the right kind of training for bus drivers, students, and parents can help save lives – even if the industry can’t stop illegal passing of school buses.

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.