Free Event Teaches How to Stop Complacency in Student Transportation

School Bus Driver Safety Training Ideas

Stop School Bus Accident HeadlinesIn order to keep your student transportation department operating, there are minimum amounts of required training hours over a minimum number of topics that your school bus drivers must complete each year. In most districts, these trainings are done during in-services and at periodic safety meetings pre-planned on the district’s annual calendar. Outside of that, school bus drivers are on their own to safely transport students daily to and from school, sporting events, field trips and other district activities.

A devotion to pro-active safety training in student transportation is often inadvertently overlooked, in an effort to ensure drivers meet the minimum state training regulation standards. Some districts take it a step further and post a “Safety First” sign by the time clock in an effort to keep safety top-of-mind. There’s a small problem, however, with only meeting the minimum regulations and hoping a sign will keep drivers safe … human nature lends itself to complacency.

More on that in a moment.

First, you know you truly care about the safety of the students in your district. You probably aren’t happy with simply doing the minimum amount of training, and our hunch is, you already are aware complacency could be a problem with your drivers … you’re just not sure what you can do about it.

What if you could virtually eliminate complacency in your student transportation department?

The Infinit-I Workforce System for schools was designed to not only provide an easier way to coordinate the state regulated training your drivers must go through, but to also provide an affordable and convenient way for you to ensure your drivers have access to on-going training messages on a regular basis. Continual training is a big key to helping combat complacency – which is one of the leading causes of school bus accidents nationwide.

Terry Mathis, the founder and CEO of ProAct Safety wrote this in EHS Today:

“About half of the accidents we review that are attributed to complacency involve risks that can be avoided with simple precautions. Most simple precautions can become habitual with practice and reinforcement. Once they become habitual, they are all but exempt from complacency, distraction or other common problems. Just as many children are taught and reminded to look both ways before crossing the street, workers can be taught and reminded to take the precautions that most often impact accidents and near misses in their particular site or industry.”

Complacency has dominated the headlines recently, including a news story out of North Dakota that made international news with this headline:

‘Complacent’ school bus driver,
62, blamed for fatal crash that
left him and a student dead
with 12 more injured

If you would like to learn more about how you can implement an affordable training solution that will provide an easy tool to help combat bus driver complacency, we would like to invite you to a free event in April called the “Infinit-I Engage Evaluation Program”.  Click here to learn more.

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