Infinit-I Workforce Solutions: New Features and State-of-the-Art User Interface

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions: New Features and State-of-the-Art User Interface

We’re listening. The Infinit-I Workforce Solutions team is always working hard to make sure the training technology your company needs is the technology we provide. We are excited to announce that we’ve recently added a few things to our system that we think you’re really going to love.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions: New Features and State-of-the-Art User Interface

Our Training System Foundation

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is a cloud-based learning management system with the ability to track and report user participation and comprehension. In other words, we exist to provide video libraries, strategy, leadership resources, and communication tools to make your driver training program more efficient and much more effective. We work closely with managers, owners, and Safety Directors to train 100% of drivers on the topics they need to stay safe, and then document the results. Training happens online, with memorable micro-learning modules, instead of using costly in-person training time. This mitigates operating costs and helps trucking companies protect themselves in court. 

Our clients have an unlimited number of proven training modules at their fingertips to send to drivers. We already have over 800 modules available, from lane changes to distracted driving to extreme weather, and the variety is increasing every day. 

And when regulations change, our videos keep up. They’ll always reflect the latest news from DOT and FMSCA.

This is our foundation, and it’s why we’re at the top of our industry. 

So, What’s New?

Two words: user experience

We see things from the Safety Director’s point of view. 

  • • What’s it like to log in to our system?
  • • How do we keep our time-proven content looking fresh?
  • • Is our system easy to navigate, even for users unfamiliar with online training?

Our new upgrade answers these questions because it’s based directly on customer feedback.

Updated user experience

The new system is easier to navigate, so safety directors and managers can work smarter and more efficiently. It simplifies access to frequently used functions in the application so that you can find them faster. 

Easier navigation also means easier access to the application’s advanced functionality. In other words, it’s easier to find and use all aspects of our system, from basic to complex. We don’t want you to skip out on a benefit because you think, “I don’t want to mess with that.” We want to put it right in your hands.

Better user experience also enhances workflow. The reimagined user interface also includes features that improve scheduling and compliance services. They also make completing the videos even more convenient for drivers by letting them pause and return to videos when they need to.

Finally, interfaces become dated quickly. The “look” of user interfaces (like menus) and methods of digital navigation (like how people find their way around a webpage) can change a lot in a short time. Our updated interface means you always like what you see, and drivers find and connect with the content they need.  

What’s improved (in a nutshell):

  • • Getting client feedback is easier.
  • • Scheduling: administrators can assign one-to-many training modules.
  • • Compliance: the new UI is streamlined so those popular and frequent assignments can be accessed more quickly.
  • • Drivers can pause a video and resume when needed.
  • • Users enjoy a system with a fresh, contemporary look.

What stays the same

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions leads the market in providing training for transportation companies that want to enhance and automate their safety initiatives. And it’s for a reason. In online training for trucking, we have far more training content than others (over 800 videos on as many topics), and many happy clients. We also offer world-class, free leadership training and resources

Our business model is also different. Our training system is not set up on a per-use basis, in which customers have to purchase a certain number of training sessions. That’s a self-limiting safety program. With that clunky method, you’d have to change your plan and your budget every time you need to cover new laws and regulations, new weather expectations, new kinds of freight, etc. But with our system, we give all customers unlimited use of a subscription-based product. And as we add more resources (and we’re adding more all the time), they’re automatically available to all clients. 

Saving Safety Directors time

Improved user experience also meets one of our major goals: to save safety director’s time!

Managing the safety records for drivers’ company-wide can be a constant battle. Using an online tool to distribute and document training ensures your company has a permanent and unchangeable record of safety training. No more filing cabinets. No more scrambling to find an Excel spreadsheet. Every training is documented and timestamped when finished. 

John Hendry, Corporate Trainer from Aveda Transportation, says, 

Since employees can complete assignments on any smartphone, tablet, or PC, they can work on the assignments when they have downtime. And, due to the user-friendly system, we are finding that our employees are completing assignments in a timely manner.

We have gone from around 15% compliance with our required training using a previous system to over 90% across the board at all terminals with Infinit-I Workforce Solutions.

Vertical Alliance Group even customizes any training you need to adjust for unique company requirements so we can drive results. 

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is available now. The upgraded application is free to all existing clients, and we use a streamlined onboarding process, so you have your customized training site within a matter of days. 

Learn how hundreds of trucking companies are using Infinit-I Workforce Solutions for: 

  • • Proactive CSA training
  • • Decreased fuel costs
  • • And much more

See how online training, based on the expertise of experienced real-world instructors and other professionals, can save your company time and money. 

Get more information or request a live demo.

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