Truck Drivers Challenged by Demonstrations All Over the Country

Our nation is being challenged once again. This time, not only in the spread of a deadly virus, but at the hands of ourselves.

Citizens are outraged over recent acts of brutality, and rightfully so. Demonstrations of protests are taking place all over the country, bringing a voice to those who are concerned. While peaceful protests are encouraged in the Constitution, the actions of extremists are unpredictable and potentially dangerous.


Thousands of protesters have joined forces to bring light to a subject about which they are passionate. Where thousands gather, trouble may follow. Live videos on social media show footage of broken glass, buildings on fire, interstates blocked by protesters, etc.

At least two people were injured in Tulsa during a protest that stopped traffic on Interstate 244. In Minneapolis, a tanker truck can be seen driving dangerously fast through a crowd on Interstate 35W.

These demonstrations popped up all over the nation. News reports state that protesters have been impeding traffic all over the country, especially in major cities like St. Louis, Seattle, Asheville, Memphis, etc.

These areas are high traffic corridors for the logistics industry. Millions of truck drivers employ these interstates and inner-city streets every day. Follow these best practices to ensure the safety of your entire fleet.

Solidify your Communication Process

In today’s environment, trucking companies utilize technology to meet their need for widespread communication. Managing an over-the-road fleet requires the capability to quickly communicate with hundreds of people at the touch of a button.

Your drivers should have the ability to receive instant communications from management whether you send messages through text, email, or other messaging platforms. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has the capabilities to communicate with every employee in your enterprise, whether they be HR, Operations, Safety, Shop, or Professional Driver.


Be Proactive

Have you trained your drivers on your current company process in the event they run into protesters?

Keep in mind, most people carry a video camera in their pocket. Cell phones are being used to record interviews, fights, fires, and every little action that might get shared on social media.

You could have a driver end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Truckers have been video recorded defending their equipment.

If that happens in front of your company logo, it could be considered a giant advertisement of your endorsement of violence. In addition to your driver’s emergency communication plan, you should also include what to do if your company receives bad press.


Educate Your Fleet

The world of trucking requires companies to think quickly on their feet and react to all manner of situations. Trucking companies must have a system in place to deliver continuing education to their drivers who can’t immediately route to the terminal for training.

The only way companies can effectively train a widespread fleet is through technology. Drivers can attend and be tested on customized safety training courses from their smartphone or computer.

This technology allows drivers to be trained in situations that unpredictably arise. Management can assign courses on the proper course of action if one of their truckers encounters a protest.

Ensure Safety

Make sure you have a clear and concise plan of action that your fleet and operations are able to execute should they run into one of these demonstrations:

  • Do your dispatchers know how to advise their drivers?
  • Are there any curfews along their route?
  • Do you have a plan for customers if freight is delayed?
  • Have your drivers included searching for protests in their trip plan?
  • Should your drivers abandon their truck if they feel endangered?
  • What should your driver do in the event of an injury?
  • What should your driver do if his equipment is damaged by protesters?

Some of these questions may feel extreme, but its best to have readily available answers in case of an emergency. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions’ Five Leadership Principles could be used in preparation for crises that arise out of this conflict. Click here for the entire webinar series.

Manage HOS Expectation

Personal Conveyance vs. HOS Exception

Managing hours of service is an unforeseen challenge regarding the protests. Interstates are being shut down for hours at a time to ensure the safety of protesters. If your driver is caught in a traffic jam and cannot get off the highway, they must know what to do when they run out of hours.

Drivers can always use personal conveyance to move to the nearest safe haven if they use their entire 11- or 14-hour clock. This off-duty driving tool cannot be used, however, to complete loads unless the shipper or receiver is the nearest safe stop.

Truckers can use the hours of service exemption, however, when delayed due to extreme circumstances. The exemption grants two additional hours of drive time if stoppages could not have been anticipated.

This is usually regarding weather or infrastructure failure, etc. but could be used in the occurrence of an impromptu demonstration.

The exemption will not apply to drivers caught in a traffic jam that could have easily been anticipated. In the case of an empty clock, that driver must use PC to the nearest truck stop, rest area, or parking lot.

We want to Help

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions reminds all professional drivers that your safety is our number one concern. We are doing everything in our power to minimize further injuries and damage. We want to bring safety to the forefront of your truck driving experience.

To help with our mission, we are offering trucking companies a 30-Day Complimentary Trial. We are here to ensure the secure movement of your freight and the safety of your entire fleet.

Here are some articles you may find helpful:

Minimize Mistakes to Maximize You Most Valuable Resource – Your Drivers

Remembering Those Who Are Gone And Dedicated to Keeping Others Safe

5 Bright Future Forecasts For Truckers And How The Industry Is Adapting to Coronavirus Challenges

8 Ways Truckers Relieve Stress During The Pandemic

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