
Truck Safety Sensors Risk Management 2021

Truck Safety Sensors Risk Management

Truck Safety Sensors Risk Management

Thanks to nuclear verdicts, risk management is already tricky for the trucking industry, but plaintiff attorneys continue to find ways to increase your risk. You already know the importance of keeping up with CSA records and company documentation to reduce litigation risk.

What you may not know is the new target for plaintiff attorneys to justify litigation. Lawsuits are now targeting some of the safety measures you have put in place. Namely, safety sensors in your vehicles.

Nuclear Verdicts and Safety Sensor Calibration

Most trucking companies are relying on safety sensors to help manage driver safety and protect against litigation. Plaintiff attorneys are looking into the calibration of these sensors during discovery. Now, if you’re not careful, these sensors could be your downfall during litigation.

The new target during litigation is technicians. If any safety sensors are out of calibration during an accident, plaintiff attorneys will now drag the technicians that worked on the vehicle into the lawsuit. This adds to an already stressful situation.

Nuclear verdicts cause significant loss in the trucking industry. Now the very tools used to reduce this threat are being turned against the trucking companies. This means further vigilance and training are necessary for your company’s risk management program.

Protecting Against Litigation

Miscalibration can happen for many reasons. Daily use and environmental factors such as temperature change or vibrations can cause calibration issues. Replacing parts and accidents also affect the calibration of sensors.

This makes it essential to check the calibration of all sensors regularly. Technicians need to pay close attention after any repairs or replacements on vehicles. All records of repairs and recalibration processes should be updated and easily accessed in case of a lawsuit.

Maintaining this documentation is essential to protect your shop. Every time vehicles are worked on, technicians need to complete documentation to show that all safety sensors were working properly when the vehicle left.

Proper training is also vital to reduce your risk. Make sure technicians are prepared to check after all work done on the vehicles. Also, make sure they have thorough knowledge of the recalibration process. Keep up with this training along with other documentation to keep your company safe.

Manage Risk

In the trucking industry, risk management and safety management go hand-in-hand. You must remain vigilant to plug any holes in your safety training to protect your company against litigation. It would be best if you also remained vigilant with all documentation.

You need safety management solutions in place that will help you stay on track without disrupting the workflow. Infinit-I Workflow Solutions can help you keep your company safe and reduce risk from over-zealous lawyers.

Request a free demo today. Let Infinit-I be your partner in protecting your company and your workers.

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