5 Ways Online Orientation Training Saves Time & Money

online orientation savings

Online Orientation Can Increase Employee Retention

The race for qualified candidates is on across every industry, but even more so in the transportation industry. Trucking fleets move more than 70% of domestic freight tonnage each year, meaning there is a big need for skilled operators.

With an ongoing driver shortage, it’s a good time to get into the industry. Companies are competing for top talent and turnover is high, up to 95%. Combine high turnover with increased costs associated with in-person training, and you’re left wondering how trucking companies can retain and maintain a well-trained fleet.

Online orientation and training are valuable resources that help companies save both time and money. Employment research has shown that a good orientation and onboarding process may be one of the major keys to employee retention.

Transportation companies have been turning to online training to remain up to date with FMCSA changes and new internal policies. Many do not realize how easy it is to conduct orientation and onboarding training online as well.

Online Training for Orientation and Onboarding

As companies are made aware of the many benefits of an effective onboarding program, more and more are choosing to have their drivers participate in this experience. The key is to make sure a potential employee comes away from orientation with a positive experience during training as most drivers will decide within 72 hours of orientation if they will remain with a new employer.

This orientation training is the first step in the ongoing onboarding process. Orientation allows an employee to become accustomed to their new employer. It gives a sense of the company’s culture and community.

It’s important to present this during their initial orientation, as these are the factors that will determine if a new driver stays on your team. Utilizing online orientation training can make this process faster and help drivers remain safer on the roads. There are many benefits to online orientation and training that make the process simpler.

1.      Drivers Retain the Information

Often with orientation there is an overwhelming amount of paperwork and new information to process. Moving this online allows you to present necessary information in smaller segments. Presenting the information in smaller burst of content makes it easier for employees to receive and recall what’s needed.

2.      Consistent Employee Training

With in-person training, you have to worry about booking a speaker who may or may not stay on script or make changes to the presentation. With online orientation and training, the information can be recorded once and shared multiple times. Plus, since the company is truly in control of the safety message, this information can be updated and expanded as needed.

3.      Accelerate the Orientation Process

An online platform makes it possible for your company to create simple, easy to digest orientation videos new hires can complete quickly. Many companies have cut orientation down from multiple days to as little as two hours using an online method.

4.      Faster Start Time for Drivers

By reducing time spent on orientation, you can get new hires on the road quicker, so they’re moving freight and earning money instead of stuck in a training session. Allowing new hires to get behind the wheel and earning money faster can give a better impression of the company and help motivate them to stay.

5.      Less Lost Revenue

Online orientation means drivers are on the road faster, meaning your company is earning money quicker. Combining this with an ongoing online training program means you don’t have to stop productivity to keep drivers trained, so no lost revenue bringing drivers off the road.

Online training also costs less than traditional training options.

Practical Savings of Online Training

On average, an online format for onboarding can save a company up to $1,000 per hire. What do these savings actually look like? Here’s the breakdown:

Instructor’s salary:


Hotel accommodation:




Training materials:


Idle equipment:


Lost revenue from driver off the road:





In addition to saving $1,000 per hire, you also increase time spent on the road or focusing on other areas of the business. All employees and managers will appreciate this benefit.

Implementing Online Training

The Infinit-I Workforce Solutions system allows trucking companies access to more that 850 videos created to keep fleets safe and moving, or you can add custom training to fit your company needs. You can enhance the training with company-specific orientation and onboarding processes to welcome new drivers and other employees to the team.

To learn more about the benefits of the Infinit-I system, request a demo to see it in action.

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