Reviews & Testimonials

We’re firm believers that your success is our success, which is why we’re so excited when our clients’ hard work is recognized. 33 Infinit-I clients received 2022 Fleet Safety Awards from ATA, TCA, and various state associations.

Our suite of training tools and content has not only helped thousands of companies win awards, but also improve their safety culture. Now we want to help you.

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Swift Transportation

“We knew [Infinit-I] would be cost effective. What we did not anticipate was the human resource value. The system actually helps us identify our future best employees. […]”

~ Tim McLain, National Director, Academy & Contract Schools

Wilsonart International Logo

“Using Infinit-I has allowed me to provide quality safety training to all of our satellite locations and also to our main manufacturing plants […] The customer support is outstanding and worked with me daily[…] when I was implementing the system.”

~ Shelby Flaugh, Safety Manager

CRST Client Logo

“I think one of the most important things is […]giving them [drivers] the power to engage in learning. The mobile app is limitlessly valuable. […] I put a training together and 5 minutes later a driver can jump in and take it.“

~ Keith Long, Training Programs Manager

How We’ve Helped Companies

The Documentation and Tools You Need To Prove Your Safety Record

“[T]he first question in almost every deposition I’ve been in [is] ‘tell me about your training program.’ […] This I think is going to be worth its weight in gold when you talk about litigation because it takes that training and that punitive damage out of the equation.” – S.F., VP of Safety

“It [Infinit-I] made my job a lot easier. Especially when I have a plaintiff attorney that is subpoenaing training records. I know that I’ve got everything I need. Amen! Record keeping, all I have to do is go in and punch a button, and I get whatever I need.” – R.P., Director of Safety

“In today’s litigious society […], having a well-documented training format gives us the Business Best Practice advantage we all are looking for in the transportation industry. […] Since coming onboard Infinit-I [we learned]: ‘if you can’t find it, if it’s not documented, if it’s not signed, it NEVER HAPPENED!’ Infinit-I has us covered on all these steps!” – Eric Hill, Northern Regions Safety Manager, Quickway Carriers

“We looked at the [Infinit-I] system and […] saw that you could document the work that was done. […] Any trucking company is open to litigation. If you can walk into a place and say, ‘see, I’m doing something to help train the drivers to be safer to the public,’ that’s a big deal.” – R.L., IT Director

“Almost every lawsuit we get includes a claim for negligent hiring and negligent retention and/or training. [Infinit-I] and the way it documents the training by testing at the end can go a long way in proving to a jury that the employer is working hard to put only qualified, trained people out there.” – P.L., Director of Loss Prevention

Date and Time-Stamped Training Records to Prove Your Commitment to Safety and Make Reporting Easier Than Ever

“Vertical Alliance takes care of everything for you. When a guy goes in to take the module, it will show whether he reviewed it and took the test. The history is there from the time the guy started to work with you. It shows everything that he looked at.” – Jay Winegardner, Former President & CEO, Truck One, Inc.

“Before we were using JJ Keller for online training and tracking ALL on a spreadsheet. We switched to Infinit-I because of the user-friendly system, the ability to track and trend training assignments and licenses/certifications, and the option for adding custom content. Using Infinit-I has made my job easier in regard to assignments and tracking completions.” – J.H., Corporate Trainer

“I don’t have to work so hard. I can pay attention to the more serious accidents or freight claims. I can give a little bit more one-on-one attention to those drivers if I need to. For general training, I can let the computer take care of all that for me. The reporting is automatic. It […] makes life a lot easier.” – J.G., Safety Supervisor

“The layout is easy to navigate around, and we are able to track and pull reports as needed.” – Rob “Stretch” Halterman, Transportation Supervisor, Organically Grown Company

“I like the reports that you’re able to see with Infinit-I. You can track their progress, you can see what they’re having issues with, and help them if they need that.” – Steve Niemeyer, Director of Student Services, Llano ISD

“We get a report daily of which drivers have overdue assignments. We know which drivers are overdue, and we are sending the messages to dispatch, along with safety sending the message to the driver.” – R.P., Director of Safety

“The system is a really good system. It really provides you what you need. It saves you time in your orientation. It’s a tool that provides training records for every driver. If you have a driver who leaves the company, you just go in and mark him as inactive, and all of the records are still there.” – H.B., Director of Risk Management

See Significant Improvements in Accidents and Costs with Infinit-I

  • 52% reduction in accident rates – ABCO Transportation, Inc.
  • 48% reduction in accidents – Ozark Motor Lines, Inc.
  • $8,400 reduction in accident costs – BR Williams Trucking, Inc.
  • 50% reduction in accident rates
  • 50% reduction in accident costs

“We’ve reduced our accident ratio by 52% in the last 4 years [using Infinit-I].” – Vern Edwards, Director of Safety, ABCO Transportation, Inc.

“In 2010, my annual cost for accidents was $10,000. In 2015, I’m down at about $1,600 an accident for three-and-a-half years. I’ve been with Infinit-I for about 3.5 years. […] You take 40 accidents at $10,000 and you drop it down to $1,600, that’s a big change to the bottom line.” – Allan Hicks, Former VP of Operations, BR Williams Trucking, Inc.

“The Infinit-I system enabled RG Transport to tailor fit a training program that worked on all fronts of our training needs. Since we have implemented Infinit-I, we have seen significant improvements in our accident ratios and loss runs.” – Hue Andrews, Chief Operation Officer, RG Transport, Inc.

“I look at preventable accidents for the first six months of this year over the six months of last year and we are down 48%. The culture that we are changing, monthly training, cameras, the things that we are doing are going to pay us dividends.” – Pat Landreth, VP of HR/Safety, Ozark Motor Lines, Inc.

“Simply put, Infinit-I training has proved to be a tremendous success for our company. We have cut our WC injuries and auto crashes collectively by more than 50% and greatly reduced the severity based on YTD total monetary incurred expenses again by more than 50%.” – M.J., Director of Safety

“We let them [one of our companies] run things their way. Meanwhile, for the other four companies […] we really pushed the Infinit-I training. After that year we had a total of 34 accidents for those four companies combined. The one company that was not doing Infinit-I training had 37 for the year. […] We realized that it is working.” – R.W., Director of Orientation & Training

“We’ve been using it [Infinit-I] for about 11 months and year-to-date apples-to-apples, we’ve saved about 50% in our crash ratings.” – H.B., Director of Risk Management

Training with Infinit-I Makes You a More Insurable Risk to Insurance Companies

“We recently had an insurance audit. I showed them the safety training records for our drivers. The insurance man was very pleased with the variety of training topics and the documentation of the training! Thank you very much!” – C.A., President

“Infinit-I[‘s] solution provides my clients with the ability to quickly and easily adopt technology into their safety and accident prevention program resulting in measurable efficiency and improved bottom-line results. In just a few words, they are very customer focused and can be counted on to provide what they promise.” – Edward Newman, VP Risk Services, Lockton Companies, LLC

“[…] [T]he deployment of the Infinit-I training system made our company very attractive during the bid process and enabled them [Insurance Provider] to write a competitive policy […] I want to say thanks to Infinit-I for helping us run a safer company, which in turn is giving us the opportunity to save money[…].” – Gene Sweeney, VP of Operations, Church Transportation & Logistics, Inc.

Be Excited for an Audit (for a Change)

“I just passed a two-week long DOT audit with no violations and no fines. The documentation of training from Infinit-I was spot on.” – Robert Moorehead, Risk Control Manager, B&B Trucking, Inc.

“If an auditor comes in and says I want to see training records on all these drivers, all I have to do is go into the [Infinit-I] system and pull it up. I’m excited if they ask those questions, we can provide that information to them.” – H.B., Director of Risk Management

“SMT had a DOT inspector visit the San Antonio location, where he looked at the hazmat drivers and their training records. He was very impressed by the system used by SMT as well as the amount of training given to the employees via the Infinit-I training system.” – Alex Ovalles, Safety Manager, Southwestern Motor Transport

“Two of our service technicians unexpectedly got pulled over by an Illinois State Trooper on their way to a job site. […] After a few text messages back and forth, they called to let me know that they had passed the inspection! […]So, kudos to our technicians, and to Infinit-I for helping to educate and give our technicians the confidence they did not have last year at this time!!!” – Gwen Hoffman, Human Resources, Cogent, Inc.

Improved Safety Behaviors for Improved CSA Scores

  • 20% improvement in CSA scores – Lone Star Milk Transport
  • 64% improvement in unsafe driving scores – Ozark Motor Lines, Inc.
  • 14% improvement in hours of service & 11% improvement in maintenance – Truck One, Inc.
  • 13.5% improvement in unsafe driving & 22% improvement in fatigued driving
  • 60%+ improvement in CSA scores

“When I first got there [Ozark Motor Lines] our unsafe driving score was 91 percentile and now we are at 27 percentile for unsafe driving [using Infinit-I]. So yes, we are making changes.” – Pat Landreth, VP of HR/Safety, Ozark Motor Lines, Inc.

“Our CSA scores continue to improve every single month. For every securement violation we get, or speeding, we have modules we have them watch. So, each month our CSA scores have improved, and I attribute that to this [Infinit-I] system.” – H.B., Director of Risk Management

“We’ve noticed probably about a 20 percent improvement in our CSAs. It [Infinit-I] greatly improved our maintenance scores in the CSA.” – Jim Murphy, Safety & Compliance Manager, Lone Star Milk Transport

“In May of 2013, we were at 78 in hours of service and 83 in maintenance. By December we were down to 64 on hours of service and 72 on maintenance. So, we got rid of two triangles, and it was very quick. I did not anticipate it to affect that quickly.” – Jay Winegardner, Former President & CEO, Truck One, Inc.

“Since we started using Infinit-I in June of 2011, our unsafe driving scores have dropped from 82.3% to 68.8% and our fatigued driving scores have dropped from 66% to 44%. Infinit-I is a very user-friendly product and has been beneficial to my company.” – J.B., Owner

“[…] [O]n the CSA, we were 80% in crash indicator. I’m happy to report that utilizing Vertical Alliance, we’ve actually gone down to 19. I believe if we hadn’t done the online training, it would be much higher. It was progressively better as it went on. “- B.B., Safety Director

The Infinit-I platform is proven to help clients find and keep the best drivers for their company

  • 85% reduced driver turnover – ABCO Transportation
  • 30% reduced driver turnover – No Boundaries Transportation, Inc. (see driver participation for

“Our driver turnover rate has been reduced over 85% [with Infinit-I].” – Vern Edwards, ABCO Transportation, Inc.

“We knew Vertical Alliance would be cost effective. What we did not anticipate was the human resource value. The system actually helps us identify our future best employees. […]” ~Tim McLain, Swift Transportation

Save Money on Orientation Costs and Get Drivers on the Road Faster

  • 50% reduction in orientation time – TCW
  • 50% reduction in orientation time – Reed Hurst Trucking

“All new employees are trained using the [Infinit-I] system and this has resulted in reducing our orientation classroom time by 50%.” – David Manning, President, TCW

“We used to spend $1,000 per driver on our orientation[…] If we hired a driver on Friday, he was not on the road for us until the following Wednesday. With Infinit-I, we have virtually eliminated our entire orientation costs because the driver can go through orientation online immediately, wherever he is in the country. That driver can also be on the road for us the very next day. – P.L., Director of Loss Prevention

“My favorite thing about the Infinit-I platform is the opportunity to provide drivers with an easier onboarding process and orientation process. It provides our drivers the opportunity to go ahead and complete the training before they actually come to orientation, and they get rewarded for doing so.” – Amy Medlin, VP of Human Resources, Epes Transport System, LLC

“Our orientation beforehand was four to five days in the office. Now it’s down to two days.” – Patrick Bode, Former Director of Safety, Reed Hurst Trucking

“We use five or six videos for orientation. We were able to cut a half day off orientation by using those videos.” – Lucas Mowrey, Safety Director, Grand Island Express, Inc.

“With orientation, we don’t even do the driver test until they have completed all of the paperwork and passed all the tests. And the majority of the drivers we hire do that at home. It just works so well.” – Jay Winegardner, Former President & CEO, Truck One, Inc.

“We set them [drivers] up and give them the access codes. We monitor and make sure they’re doing it. Then when they get here, we go back in and make sure they completed it. A lot of times they’ve already completed a lot of training before they ever step foot inside the door.” – H.B., Director of Risk Management

Frequent and Consistent Training Keeps Safety Top of Mind

“We needed a way to keep our drivers up to date on recurrent training. After evaluating a couple of options, we decided to try the Infinit-I Solution. Now, instead of having to pull drivers off the road for routine safety talks, they can receive updates on timely and relevant topics either from their home-based computers or from laptops with internet connectivity. Not only have the training programs been well received by our drivers, but they have also helped to increase productivity and equipment utilization, allowing the drivers to spend more time on the road and less time in the classroom.” – Douglas Carothers, Safety Director, Action Resources, LLC

“We have been able to assign hundreds of hours of training […] that is readily accessible […] 24 hours a day […] and have drivers complete it over a large fleet that spans from coast to coast. […] Our drivers can consistently log on and view modules while away from our terminals which is invaluable to our business needs.” – Kevin Slater, Regional Manager of Safety and Compliance, Hansen & Adkins Auto Transport, Inc.

“We assign about 45 minutes of training per month to every driver in the fleet! Previously, we had used another online training format that did not give us the many options that Infinit-I allows us to enjoy and at a price we can afford.” – Eric Hill, Northern Regions Safety Manager, Quickway Carriers

“I like the quality of the content and the ease of getting it out to truck drivers. It [Infinit-I] helps me get my safety topics out at a more [regular] pace and the frequency would be unachievable in any other format.” – Bryan Norvell, Operations Manager, CW Transport, LLC

“Thanks to COVID we had to make some changes on training and it’s actually really good. It’s been a blessing as far as training because now we’re training in more depth, covering more subjects, and doing training regularly. We looked at several solutions. We chose Infinit-I because of the many features […]“ – Mike Sego, CFO, Burningham Enterprises, Inc.

“With Infinit-I, the drivers have the advantage of completing the training on their cell phones, iPads, home computers, or computers at the home terminal. Infinit-I is a very efficient means of training drivers when you don’t have the luxury of having all the drivers together for safety meetings.” – Terry Warren, Former Distribution Manager, Aeropres Corporation

“Every December, I will pick a training theme for the year. […] Whatever training for that month pops up on the first of the month. Then, if there is any remedial training, I’ll add that on a timely basis.” – Allan Hicks, Former VP of Operations, BR Williams Trucking, Inc.

“My favorite thing about the Infinit-I platform is the wide range of videos and subject content. They have over 1,000 trucking-related videos and they cover a wide range of subjects and topics.” – Tim Clark, Vice President of Safety, Big G Express, Inc.

“Let’s face it. It’s hard to get 500 guys together […] Those things we are required to do annually, this makes it much easier. They can do it at their leisure whenever they want. They’re more relaxed and more apt to learn something.” – S.F., VP of Safety

“The system allows us to set it up for all 1100 drivers. […] I think it’s great. It’s very easy, and I don’t have to teach 27 classes a day on 18 different topics. Just do it on video and hand it out. Then we can have face-to-face discussions over the material and the content later.” – J.G., Safety Supervisor

Deal with Incidents Immediately

“We can now single out individual drivers with corrective actions and do more ‘one-on-one’ mentoring and coaching. It has turned out to be one of the greatest safety systems we have put in place with our company. Thank you again for all your company has done for mine. I am looking forward to many years of our companies working together.” – Rob “Stretch” Halterman, Transportation Supervisor, Organically Grown Company

“With just one email to our representative, we can have the chosen training assigned to the specific driver who may need a little reinforcement to help keep them at the level we need them to reduce both their and OUR risk.” – Eric Hill, Northern Regions Safety Manager, Quickway Carriers

“[The system] has enough video options, that if you have a trend going on, you can usually find a video that relates to it and assign it right away. So, it draws [the driver’s] attention to that trend, and they start watching a little harder on that.” – Lucas Mowrey, Safety Director, Grand Island Express, Inc.

“We use it for remedial training. If part of the counseling process we feel that remedial training is called for, we will assign that driver remedial training. We will set a date and a window that he has to complete it by. We get a report saying the driver has completed. It’s a very effective tool.” – Jim Murphy, Safety & Compliance Manager, Lone Star Milk Transport

“Every one of us has our strengths and weaknesses. I have some drivers who can tarp a load and make it look like a Christmas present. That’s their thing. But they have trouble with their logbooks sometimes. So, we’ll focus on that. The next guy in the door is great with his logs, but his tarps look like a parachute on a dragster going down the road. We can tailor to that specific area.” – R.W., Director of Orientation & Training

Better Trainings → More Participation → Happier Drivers → Better Driver Retention → Lasting Behavioral Change

  • 85% to 90% training participation – Lone Star Milk Transport
  • 70% training participation – BR Williams Trucking
  • 100% training participation – No Boundaries Transportation

“Just to let you know, we are getting almost 100% positive feedback from the drivers since we started.” – Fred Fraser, Safety Director, MC Express LLC

“The shorter videos keep the drivers’ attention span a lot longer. [I]t’s 10 minutes, and most of the videos are over and questions answered. We have assigned monthly videos. […] I had one of our million-mile accident-free drivers walk up to me. […] He came up to me and said the backing video you guys have was the best he has ever seen, and it actually helped him.” – Lucas Mowrey, Safety Director, Grand Island Express, Inc.

“Our drivers who were hesitant about doing it [Infinit-I training], I even have them asking to do extra training now. When they first started doing it, they didn’t want to touch it. When they found out how well they could use it and how it could save them time, you can’t take it away from them. Our drivers have completely adapted to the online training. They like it.” – R.P., Director of Safety

“My favorite thing about the Infinit-I Workforce platform is the ease of it. It is very easy to get all of the training out to all of the drivers. In the past that’s been difficult because they actually had to come into the office to watch their training, and now we send it out over their phones. I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from that.” – Donna Schultz, Human Resources Director, Service Trucking, Inc.

“We have 100% participation in training with Infinit-I, and 30% reduced driver turnover.” – Billy May, VP of Safety, No Boundaries Transportation, Inc.

“TCW is a 24/7 operation, and the utilization of the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions system has provided us the opportunity to communicate important company and industry information to our employees on their schedule.” – David Manning, President, TCW

“Working with your company and team has been great. The assignments, modules, and webinars are fantastic. The drivers are completely involved in the weekly and monthly lesson plans, and we tie it all nicely into our monthly driver’s meeting with specific subjects.” – Rob “Stretch” Halterman, Transportation Supervisor, Organically Grown Company

“We have a hard time getting all our employees together for training due to conflicting schedules. Infinit-I allows all our employees to do their training at their pace.” – Chris Van Meerhaeghe, Fleet Operations Manager, Robertson Williams Transport, LLC

“The videos are very informative, and the drivers love the fact that they are not as time-consuming as our previous training site was. We have a scorecard that I keep each month for each of our terminals and this training is a requirement. If it is not complete, then points are taken from the total score. Well, of course, no one likes points taken, so our drivers are happy to complete the training!” – Charlotte Sipes, Logistics Specialist, Associated Asphalt Transport, LLC

“One big reason we have success with participation is Infinit-I’s ability to be compatible with all devices. […] Being able to complete the training on any device has made it much easier on everyone. Less frustration leads to better participation.” – Bryce Allickson, Safety and Compliance Coordinator, Magnum Companies

“[…][W]e are up to about 85 to 90 percent participation. We use the training company-wide. We use it for annual training for the office staff and safety meetings for our maintenance and office personnel.” – Jim Murphy, Safety & Compliance Manager, Lone Star Milk Transport

“On safety meetings, you would never get 100 percent of the drivers there. We saw an opportunity from an online stance, they could do it anytime they wanted.” – Jay Winegardner, Former President & CEO, Truck One, Inc.

“I was holding quarterly meetings. I have 150 drivers. I would average getting in about 60% of those drivers on a quarterly basis. [W]ithin six months [of using Infinit-I] about 70% doing it [training] on a regular basis.” – Allan Hicks, Former VP of Operations, BR Williams Trucking, Inc.

“My favorite thing about the [Infinit-I] platform that we use […] is the flexibility. The opportunity to do training wherever our employees or prospective employees are and the flexibility with the program, which really helped us here over the past 2 years with the COVID problem we had.” – Al LaCombe, VP of Safety & Risk Management, Dupre Logistics, LLC

“Our drivers have told us that they like this system and we really don’t have any problems with them completing assignments. We went from 15% compliance with our required training on JJ Keller to over 90% across the board at all terminals on the Infinit-I system. The speed in which we made progress was surprising.” – J.H., Corporate Trainer

We Know Training is Not One Size Fits All

“We are impressed with the quality and content of the videos and the flexibility of the program. We have been able to partner with Infinit-I to create our own videos and training modules to fit our needs.” – Donna Compton, Safety/DOT Compliance Manager, Premier Refrigerated Transport, LLC

“I want to express my appreciation for the online training format that Infinit-I has brought to our company. […] The Infinit-I platform allows us to download our company-specific modules that we create and also allows us to take advantage of the huge library of modules offered from the Infinit-I library. A special thanks to the Infinit-I team for formatting quiz questions at the end of our training. This saves me so much time!” – Eric Hill, Northern Regions Safety Manager, Quickway Carriers

“We have a customer that requires special training. We posted the training on Infinit-I and were the only company that completed the training. We really like that we can add our own curriculum and customize the training to our needs.” – Chris Van Meerhaeghe, Fleet Operations Manager, Robertson Williams Transport, LLC

“I do a monthly CEO message. I talk about what the content is for the month, where we are with our CSA scores, and what’s going on with business and equipment. […] We are able to provide drivers a lot of nice information. We have a combination of drivers and independent contractors, and they all appreciate that.” – Jay Winegardner, Former President & CEO, Truck One, Inc.

“Creating custom content, we are able to add company flavor to our training. We are very pleased with our decision to incorporate the Infinit-I Workforce Solution system as a key component of our training culture.” – David Manning, President, TCW

“The major difference [with Infinit-I] has been the exceptional service. […] Currently, we are in the process of converting our onboarding training for new hires solely on the Infinit-I platform, which we know will provide consistency, which is tremendously vital.” – M.J., Director of Safety

“The [Infinit-I] company stays on top of the training, so we always get new stuff. We can customize and tailor it for our company, which is critical to us. […] To us, it’s certainly worth the return on investment.” – H.B., Director of Risk Management

“I called one of their [Vetical Alliance] customers, and their safety director said, ‘you know what’s great, all my videos […], I can upload them.’ Knowing I could have a platform to be able to do that sold me. We are going to use Infinit-I to distribute [our policies] to the drivers. Instead of what used to take maybe three or four months to get everybody filtered through, I’ll have done in a month.” – Patrick Bode, Former Director of Safety, Reed Hurst Trucking

Our Dedicated Client Success Team Helps You Develop a Training Program to Fit Your Needs

“We facilitate and administrate with ease from one central location. Any issues have been few and quickly remedied. Customer service has always been enthusiastic, thorough, and professional. I give Infinit-I two thumbs up!” – Donna Compton, Safety/DOT Compliance Manager, Premier Refrigerated Transport, LLC

“Vertical Alliance Group is willing and easy to work with. They’re interested in our thoughts, in our suggestions, and we get really rapid responses from Client Success.” – Tim Clark, Vice President of Safety, Big G Express, Inc.

“We have been using Infinit-I for almost a year now and have been very happy with our results and the product they provide. Their customer service has been incredible. There doesn’t seem to be anything that they can’t provide or help you with. It’s been a real pleasure and has made providing training to our employees much easier.” – Bryce Allickson, Safety and Compliance Coordinator, Magnum Companies

“The customer service is amazing. The Infinit-I team has been nothing but helpful and understanding, helping me walk through every step of it. I appreciate them very much. Thanks, Infinit-I, for going above and beyond making sure we had a good product to give to our trainees.” – Trisha Hudson, Training/Transportation Training, North East ISD

“Vertical Alliance always puts their customer first, that’s the biggest thing I enjoy about this company. They’re always willing to call and to make improvements to the Infinit-I platform to make their customers feel a whole lot more secure.” – Rachael Dvorak, Safety Manager, Sunrise Express, Inc.

“The [Infinit-I] company and especially the excellent client service representatives have been outstanding.” – Kevin Slater, Regional Manager of Safety and Compliance, Hansen & Adkins Auto Transport, Inc.

“Infinit-I was the perfect solution for us, and has been a huge time saver for me, as well as the drivers. The support is absolutely great! I love the proactive approach taken by the service representatives. I would suggest Infinit-I to anyone looking for a more efficient, thorough training system.” – Terry Warren, Former Distribution Manager, Aeropres Corporation

“Vertical Alliance has customer service that is next to none.” – Jim Murphy, Safety & Compliance Manager, Lone Star Milk Transport

“It’s really easy; customer service has been there every step of the way to help us. They are always there and within a day get answers to us and even walk us through the steps.” – Gipsy Johnson, F.A.C.E./Student Services Assistant, Pampa ISD

“[Infinit-I] is so great and our representative is the very best customer support that I’ve dealt with in any regard. She is so on the ball with everything, making sure everything gets handled, and calling to see if there’s anything else she can do. I have never met a better customer support person in my own life or a better representative. So, we’re happy with Infinit-I. We plan on never leaving.” – Mike Sego, CFO, Burningham Enterprises, Inc.

“Infinit-I client services has been fantastic to work with. I’ve received multiple reports back from school superintendents and transportation directors, commenting on the wonderful assistance they have received and support that they’ve received from Infinit-I. I just want to say thank you for helping our schools and helping the members of North Dakota Small Organized Schools.” – Michael Heilman, Executive Director, North Dakota Small Organized Schools

“I think the number one thing I like about Infinit-I is their customer service. You can call them up at any time and they have a solution. They have the answers that you’re looking for. If you’re having problems, Infinit-I is the answer.” – Steve Niemeyer, Director of Student Services, Llano ISD

“I cannot give enough praise to your client services. We are a relatively new customer, a few months, and [they] have been outstanding in attention to me utilizing your services. […] When I reach out for help, each time I get understanding and patience with my repetitive questions. My representative is very knowledgeable of your services and if there are any questions will get back to me right away with a response to resolve my questions.” – Laura Scott, Director of Health & Safety, Temarry Recycling, Inc.

“The whole infrastructure of the [Vertical Alliance] company is set up to make sure you succeed as a company and addressing every need that you have in a timely manner.” – Kyle Burns, Safety Director, J.P. Noonan Transportation, Inc.

“My favorite thing about Vertical Alliance is the people, very friendly from top down, everywhere through the ranks of the company. I think they are some very knowledgeable, very customer-oriented, and have really helped our organization over the past years compared to say previous providers that we’ve used.” – Al LaCombe, VP of Safety & Risk Management, Dupre Logistics, LLC

“ I wanted to say thanks to Infinit-I, we’ve used them for several years; we do all our orientation videos with them, our safety training, our pre/post-accident training, anything with videos. I can call and say, ‘here’s my problem, here’s what I’m looking for,’ and 5 minutes later I get a list of videos pertaining to the subject I need. For whatever we’re doing for supervisor training or driver training or new driver training, they’ve got it all.” – Barry McGowen, Safety/Maintenance Director, Christenson Transportation

“Client services has been an absolutely priceless resource.” – J.H., Corporate Trainer

“I’ve had a lot of support from my reps. They help keep my driver list up to date. When I send in training materials I want uploaded, they make sure they get that done in a reasonable time. They take care of every little need and question I come up with.” – J.G., Safety Supervisor

“[…][T]he best part is every time we have an issue Infinit-I immediately fixes the problem. Whether it is an employee having difficulty logging in and many times we the employer may have missed entering a new employee and it is fixed by Infinit-I. It really has been my pleasure to work with such a dedicated group who wants us to succeed.” – M.J., Director of Safety

“We rely on client services. All I have to do is call and say, ‘this is what I want to do this quarter.’ It’s taken care of. It’s easy. […] They are knowledgeable. They are friendly, and if you’re not calling them, they’re calling you, saying what can I do for you? I wasn’t expecting that I was going to get great service. I wasn’t getting it before, and I’m getting it now.” – R.P., Director of Safety

“The Vertical Alliance team was very supportive. They offered flyers to put out in the truck. That’s one thing I really like about Vertical Alliance. They call me once a month to see if everything is going okay. We get emails saying we’ve got new training.” – R.L., IT Director

“Infinit-I is a great tool, and the people at Vertical Alliance tell us up front they can do most of it or they can back out of it and let us tailor-make our own training. They are so helpful at running reports, answering questions, and following up on emails quickly. You can get as involved as you want, or they will do a lot of it and take the load off. They’ll crunch the numbers and tell you where you are.” – R.W., Director of Orientation & Training

The Infinit-I Fuel Efficiency Program helps companies save real money

  • 7% increased fuel economy – ABCO Transportation, Inc.
  • $8,000/week fuel savings

“Our fuel economy has been increased 7% [with Infinit-I].” – Vern Edwards, ABCO Transportation, Inc.

“4% fuel cost reduction […]doesn’t sound huge until you realize we spend $150,000 a week on fuel. All of a sudden, we’re saving $8,000 a week on fuel. The system paid for itself, I don’t even know how many times, over the last 12 months, just in that.” – R.L., IT Director

Reduce Disruptions to Busy Workflows

“My favorite thing about the Infinit-I platform is the versatility. It’s the ability to go in, find a learning module, get it to the right person at the right time, and they’re able to continue in their work; there’s not a break in it.” – Nate Buckingham, Safety Director, Webster Shipping

“My drivers are out there on the road more, being more productive, rather than being in a classroom setting where I have to bring them in. Over-the-road with 3,000 drivers- can you imagine a Saturday morning? It would be bad. Online training has been great for us. It has benefited us tremendously.” – R.P., Director of Safety

Get Higher Return On Investment With Quality Training Tools, Affordable Pricing, And Improved Operations

“I love that the Infinit-I platform is continuously improving, the material is always getting better, the company is always willing to hear our feedback, and that’s not something you find everywhere.” – Mitch Strider, Safety Manager, Evergreen Industries, Inc.

“Training is easy. It’s accessible for the drivers. We can use custom content. The value for the amount of money we pay has been terrific. I also like the reporting functions to help with litigation or retraining for tickets or violations. The system is easy to use, even for people who don’t have a large computer background.” – J.G., Safety Supervisor

“Considering the cost-per-class, Infinit-I had the best value. They [are] constantly develop new training programs[…]Their customer service and technical support have been outstanding.” – Douglas Carothers, Safety Director, Action Resources, LLC

“My favorite thing [about Infinit-I] is that it’s easy to use. The platform is easy to learn, it’s easy to navigate, and it’s quick. […] We’ve seen a decrease in accidents, a decrease in our CSA scores, and more effectiveness out of our fleet.” – Amber Rodriguez, Safety Director, Supreme Auto Transport, Inc.

“Monterey Logistics is a satisfied Infinit-I client. […] As Safety/DOT Compliance Manager, I used to travel to [10] locations a minimum of 2 times per year to facilitate some of the monthly safety training meetings. Having each of our 143 drivers complete their safety modules independently each month online has saved us tremendously.” – Donna Compton, Safety/DOT Compliance Manager, Monterey Mushrooms

“Over the last seven years, […] we found modules and tools in every part of the service that help us. […] [Infint-I] give[s] updates on a monthly and semi-annual basis. Some other materials out there are aged three to four years. Infinit-I makes me look very smart and very engaged. It makes me proud of what we’ve done together.” – Vern Edwards, Director of Safety, ABCO Transportation, Inc.

“The [Infinit-I] content is quality stuff. It’s easy to understand. The majority of the videos are 5 minutes or less. They’re fairly easy to do.” – Jay Winegardner, Former President & CEO, Truck One, Inc.

“I’ve got everybody in our company on it. […] On the warehouse side especially, we were holding monthly meetings for about an hour. Now, instead […] they go in and do their training. ” – Allan Hicks, Former VP of Operations, BR Williams Trucking, Inc.

“I have watched every webinar that’s possible for the new i3 [Infinit-I platform]. I really like all the improvements they’ve made. It is so much easier to work with, to deal with, to set up, to assign videos. […] Infinit-I, it is very easy to use.” Donna Grove, Safety Assistant, Kimrad Transport, LP

“I think that Infinit-I is trying to stay ahead with technology, so some of the items that I would like to see, they addressed and are already working on. And some of the stuff sounds like it’s going to be rolled out within the next month, which is great.” – Stacia Stumpf, Employee Relations Coach, Foodliner

“My favorite thing about the Infinit-I Workforce platform is the ease of use during the pandemic. That’s probably been our biggest eye-opener when we had to […] do driver orientation remotely. Infinit-I has been instrumental in helping us through the pandemic; a resource we will never get rid of.” – Thomas Komadina Jr., Owner, Express Lease, LLC

“My favorite thing about Vertical [Alliance] is their realization that the technology is rapidly changing, and they are taking steps to expand their services […]. There are so many other aspects for providing web-based training that I think is going to benefit Vertical Alliance and all safety cultures in the future.” – Tim Hacht, Safety Professional, TLC Companies

“I started using online training in 2005 with another company, and we switched to Infinit-I in 2013. […] [T]he other company was charging us a set fee and we had an allotted amount of training we could do. With Infinit-I, I can do unlimited training. […] The other companies have 30-minute training sessions. Have you ever set a driver down and tried to lecture him for 30 minutes about something? You lose their concentration. They don’t retain it. With this 7 minutes, 13 minutes, is perfect. They retain it.” – R.P., Director of Safety

Transform your safety program into one that does the hard work for you

“The [Boot Camp] venue is great. You’re really able to step back and take time to fully understand how you can use Infinit-I to understand what is going on at your company. It was well worth the time.” – Jeff, President

“The honest truth is that I came expecting to be bombarded by all these salespeople, to be bombarded with all these offers, and to have a contract sitting on the table… I […] [Infinit-I] just spends money on us […] and yes, you want me to sign up, but that is not the intent of Boot Camp.” – John, Safety Director

“I’ve learned so much. […] [Boot Camp] puts things in perspective for any safety manager, safety personnel. [B]eing at Boot Camp gives you so many […] tools on how to implement those things, so you know drivers are actually taking it in. […] The learning experience, everything I’m taking back with me, obviously is going to be well worth the trip.” – Sarah, Safety Coordinator

“Boot Camp is a must to help you think and act outside of the box. There are so many ideas that are shared and can be expanded on. It is a must! It took me one and a half years to ‘find time’ to go. Wish I would have made the time earlier. Life would have been made easier, quicker.” – Laura, Safety Officer

“It [Boot Camp] was a great forum to allow somebody to concentrate on what Infinit-I has to offer, as opposed to being distracted or influenced by your normal work activities [during a demo]. Boot Camp is well worth attending, even if you don’t end up getting the Infinit-I program. I learned a lot from the program, and it is definitely worth your time.” – Dave Rawicz, EHS & Risk Director

“From the time we got to Boot Camp, we’ve had enjoyable moments. At the same time, I’m taking back information that’s probably going to change our company forever.” – Eric, Vice President of Safety

“If you’re thinking about the program, Boot Camp is where you come in and find out what it can really do and ask the questions that are relevant to your business and say ‘Can it do this? Can I fit what you’re offering into the way I want to design my product and I want to present my business so that I can realize the most advantage from it?’” – Mahlon, Director of Safety & Compliance

“The content was very informative, particularly the legal teaching and discussion forum. There was no pressure sales approach from any of the instructors. I actually sent my son to Boot Camp when he first started working for us last year. […] I thought Boot Camp would be a great experience for him, and it was.” – Dewell, Owner

Infinit-I Video Reviews & Testimonials