Entries by infinitiworkforce

Three Ideas for Improving CSA Scores

Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) shouldn’t just be a priority for your business, but a core value as well. So we’ve compiled our top three ideas for maintaining and improving CSA scores, to help your business develop a culture of safety and keep your drivers on the road. Keeping your drivers on the road is […]

How Truckers Can Help Combat Human Trafficking

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. We are partnering with Truckers Against Trafficking to use our unique positioning to combat human trafficking. Most human trafficking happens via major transportation routes and hubs, and truck drivers can be a first line of defense. What is Human Trafficking? The definition of human trafficking is “the action or […]

Why Enhanced Safety Culture Is Your #1 Money Saver

You’re probably working on the budget about now. Looking at 2020 with tight margins, what do you do? Where do you cut? Do you negotiate better prices on tires? Fuel? Do you start eliminating positions or cutting back hours? The solution is not saving in dribs and drabs. You need to break through the pattern […]

Benefits of Low-Impact Training

Have you heard of low-impact driver training? If not, it’s time. It’s revolutionizing driver safety results. Here’s how. The Failure of High-Impact Training  Imagine you’re trying to lose weight. You hire a personal trainer. She says she can only see you on a workday. Then she brings you in on the first day, but instead […]

Documentation, Risk Mitigation, and IRT Scoring

Improving safety practices without improving documentation is like getting your degree, but not keeping your transcript. You can say you did all you could. You may have met your goals. But at the end of the day, you’ve literally got nothing to show. That’s the position of many trucking companies every day by training drivers […]

6 Things Your Safety Documentation Needs to Succeed

Are you ready for your next deposition? How about your next audit? No trucking company wants there to be a next deposition or audit. But you’ve got to prepare. What does your safety documentation need to succeed? Can you ensure it’s working for you at the critical moment? Wearing Your Armor Your business relies on […]

New Safety Training Released This Quarter

If you haven’t heard, we are adding another vital component to our content library, and we’re excited to share about our new training offerings this quarter.  All videos we release from this point forward will be in English and Spanish! We’re currently updating the HAZMAT portion of our library to reflect this new commitment to […]

Implementing Driver Engagement Programs That Work

At the end of the day, a driver working is mainly about a good job and a paycheck. But what does a “good job” mean? The answer might surprise you. In this gig-economy, good relationships, and meaningful engagement at work are more of a premium than ever, especially if you want to attract younger drivers […]

6 Steps to Improve ROI for Trucking Companies

Improve ROI for Trucking Companies Growing your business isn’t just about earning money. You have to spend money to start growth, which means you need to look at the Return on investment (ROI) for each of those expenses. Each purchase decision you make should lead you closer to your company goals. Incorporating a secure, online […]

6 Ways to Ensure Policy Enforcement and Management

Trucking company managers and owners must carefully consider policy enforcement strategy for the sake of the law and company interests. The trick is how to do it? Policy enforcement/management is a linchpin strategy and includes: • Safety training – new hire/orientation and continuous training • Driver remediation • Money-saving practices – ex. braking and accelerating […]