Entries by infinitiworkforce

Vertical Alliance Group Adds 6 New Training Videos for Trucking

Vertical Alliance Group has added six new truck driver safety training videos this month into the Infinit-I Workforce System.

In the Real. Life. Lessons. Module, you will find five new releases designed to help remind your drivers how to avoid common accidents that cause worker’s compensation injuries:

Conducting Pre/Post Trip Inspection Title: Looking At and Looking For Andy breaks his collarbone and receives a citation after an accident that could have been prevented

How Online Training Helped Ram Services with a DOT Audit

Since 2004, Ram Services has successfully operated a fleet of right at 15 trucks out of the Dallas, Texas area.

When they lost one of their drivers to a single-vehicle fatality accident, they knew a DOT audit was coming. What they didn’t know was how severe that accident, coupled with one other recordable accident in a 12 month period, was going to substantially impact their bottom line.

With the exception of the two recordable accidents, Ram Services’ audit was one any company wou

Globally Harmonized System Classification Timeline

As we move into a global economy, clear communication becomes a necessity. Give your employees the basic information about the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. The deadline to have your employees trained is December 1, 2013. This training DVD program covers:

Introduction: This section provides an overview to the new unified, worldwide system of hazard communication called the Global Harmonization System or GHS.
Hazard Categories: This section pr

Vertical Alliance Group Adds 1 New Training Video for Schools

This month, Vertical Alliance Group is excited to announce that we have released a new video in your Learning Library.

Spanish Phrases for Drivers highlights common phrases school bus drivers may need to use in day-to-day bus operations.

Contact your Client Service Representative if you need help accessing the new training video. Also, check out our training library for more titles.

How Important is the Driver-Dispatcher Relationships?

Written by a trucking company president.

We should see more of a partnership between dispatchers and drivers. To be fair to dispatchers, most will have from 35 to 50 drivers under their wing. Keeping that many people moving and happy is not an easy task. Each driver is a different personality and all want to make a decent living and to be able to get home on a regular basis. Drivers only see their own little part of the planet and their wants and needs can be different from dispatchers. Dispatc

FMCSA CSA Safety Measurement System Changes

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Safety Measurement System (SMS) quantifies the on-road safety performance and compliance history of motor carriers to prioritize enforcement resources, determine the safety and compliance problems that a motor carrier may exhibit, and track each motor carrier’s safety. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) designed the SMS expecting that changes would be made as new data, and additional analysis became availa

FMCSA HOS Final Rule 2011

New Updated FAQ's Section

The Hours of Service of Drivers Final Rule <Download PDF Version> will be published in the Federal Register on December 27, 2011. The effective date of the Final Rule is February 27, 2012, and the compliance date of selected provisions is July 1, 2013. The links below provide more details regarding the HOS Final Rule:


Limitations on minimum "34-hour restarts&q

Maintaining Safety Compliance Regarding HAZMAT Requirements

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently took another step towards improving safety through its Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program. On August 3, 2011 Safety Measurement System (SMS) release, FMCSA refined the criteria that determines which motor carriers are subject to the more stringent Hazardous Materials (HM) intervention threshold. This improvement, which was made after several months of careful monitoring and listening to industry and enforcement safety


6 Features of a Good LMS for Training

The benefits of Learning Management Systems (LMS) can be placed into two broad categories: cost savings and efficiency improvement. LMS training is consistent from student to student and across years. The delivery of training is centralized so training quality can be ascertained based on the content and instructions of a consistent course. Using a LMS reduces the costs to companies of employee travel since instruction is given by computer. It also provides a good way to assess employee/students


FMCSA Study: Online Training Reduces Costs and Gets Results

A May 2011 report by the Department of Transportation (DOT) presented an evaluation on Web Based Instruction. The study, which was funded by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), concluded that web based instruction provides a delivery method where:

Costs and time can be significantly reduced;
Personnel can access training materials online anytime; and
New information can be updated easily and efficiently;

Evidence also suggests that technology-