Entries by infinitiworkforce

5 Ways to Cut Transportation Expenses in 2020

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And that’s precisely what it can feel like when you’re trying to reduce spending in your fleet budget. Each year you face similar budget choices, and with rising prices on fuel and insurance, it’s tough to make a big change. This is why you need […]

Why and How to Set Proper Expectations with New Drivers

Setting proper expectations with new drivers is a crucial part of driver assimilation. For every 100 drivers you hire, you’ll have to rehire 80 of them, and a large number of turnovers happen within the first 90 days of employment. If drivers feel things “click” within 90 days, they’ve assimilated successfully. If they don’t, they […]

Checklist for FMCSA Compliance

Where do your drivers miss the mark most? Do you have a checklist? Actually, you do. It’s called the pre- and post-trip inspection checklist. What drivers catch or miss in daily inspection directly impacts your business, to the tune of tens of thousands to millions of dollars a year, with big-budget items like fuel economy, […]

8 Tips for Improving Fuel Efficiency

Fuel is one of your biggest expenses in trucking. You run millions of miles every year. At around 70,000 miles of fuel per year per truck, that’s millions of dollars worth of fuel on an annual basis. Better fuel efficiency is major money in your pocket.

Medical Examiner Fraud and DOT Response

Earlier this year, the FMCSA began an audit of medical examiners on their National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. Launched in 2014, the registry made available a list of physicians certified to perform full medical examinations for truck drivers and issue valid medical cards in order to meet DOT requirements. Find out the DOT response […]

Online Training and Geographically Dispersed Drivers

Many trucking companies maintain a fleet of geographically dispersed drivers, spread over the U.S. or North America. This can mean major business benefits and a wide network of carrier relationships, but also comes with its own set of problems when it comes to communications and driver training. This is where online training becomes an ideal […]