Leading safety management system that brings current industry news that your company to use to stay updated & informed in todays fast pace world.

WHAT TO DO BEFORE & AFTER OSHA WITH ATTORNEY TRAVIS W. VANCEDo you know how the Secretary of Labor’s right to enforce the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) may potentially affect your business? More importantly, do you know the step-by-step legal process your company should follow if a citation is issued?

Click on the button below to instantly hear attorney Travis W. Vance goes through practical, “real world” information regarding the various legal aspects of OSHA, including references to actual scenarios where citations have been issued.

In this hour-long webinar, you will learn:

  1. What ramifications may result from payment of citations, event after settlement negotiations have taken place
  2. How to put a plan in place to prepare for an OSHA inspection
  3. What your company’s rights are if and when OSHA arrive
  4. How to best respond during an OSHA inspection

Plus, you’ll learn how to put procedures in place to enhance employee safety and learn how to comply with OSHA’s anti-retaliation rules.

About the Presenter: 
Travis Vance is a partner in the firm’s Charlotte office. He has tried matters across several industries and various subject matters, including employment litigation, business disputes and matters prosecuted by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). He uses unique or outside-the-box approaches to counsel employers and owners on all aspects of employment law and the development of preventive policies and procedures to avoid employment and workplace safety-related claims. Travis handles litigation in both federal and state courts as well as claims pending with state and federal agencies including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), MSHA, OSHA, and the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL).

Replay the Webinar

Compare Key Features When Choosing a Learning Management System

Choosing a Learning Management System

With training budgets in the millions, training and development is a serious investment for companies. If you like, 40% of businesses want to invest in a learning management system, you want to choose a system that will meet all your needs.

To ensure you make an informed decision to get the best ROI, you need to consider the features that will make the platform most effective towards your company needs. There are five important features to look for.

#1 Training Management Audit

To make sure you get the management system you need, a new learning management system provider should offer to audit your current training situation. If they do not propose completing this audit, it shows a lack of confidence in their product.

This audit is a way for a provider to prove how they can save you money with their system. The audit should be able to show you how a provider can make your company more profitable. Prospects of the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions system receive a detailed program assessment.

#2 API Integration for Improved Productivity

API integration allows you to connect your different management tools so they can share information. Without this integration, a training management system is isolated and has limited capabilities to help you keep up with everything you need for a successful program.

The ability to integrate multiple tools to work together increases your company productivity as you can keep everything in one place. When choosing a management system, look for a provider that highlights this integration feature.

#3 Customization Capability

Many learning management system providers will offer customization capabilities, but you want to be watchful for hidden fees. Some providers will charge clients set up fees to provide a customizable platform.

They may also include hidden fees to upload custom training videos to your system. For the best experience, you want a fully customizable training platform like Infinit-I. This gives you the ability to create a custom-branded employee interface and upload custom training content at no additional charge.

#4 Consistent Updates to Training Material

Regulations and needs change regularly, and you want an online training system that keeps up with regular updates and releases for training videos. A limited content library is often a sign of outdated information.

The Infinit-I system has regular updates to the training library to help you keep up with industry trends and regulations. Our library has 850+ videos and new material is added each month.

#5 Hands-On Trial Run Before Buying

Beware of a provider that does not offer a trial experience of the training management system to give you in-depth experience before purchasing. While an online demo is useful, you will know more about the system with a hands-on trial.

With the Infinit-I system, you have several options for hands-on experience with the platform, including a two-day in-person training event. This event allows you to test the system along with other potential clients to see how it works for yourself and get your questions answered.

Implementing the Best Solutions for Your Company

Choosing a learning management system for your business will be easier with these key features in mind. Follow these guidelines to make a well-informed decision for the best tools to meet your needs.

Would you like to experience the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions system for yourself to see if it’s the right fit for your company? Join us at our next in-person training bootcamp for a hands-on experience.

Company Culture Improved With Online Training in the Infinit-I Workforce System | Vertical Alliance Group

Developing a Company Culture of Learning and Growth

Company culture has become a buzzword, but the original intent was to portray the values and people the company represents. Culture represents your diligence towards goals and growth in leadership as well as with all employees.

Continued learning and development is the best path towards implementing the growth and culture you want for your company.

The training you provide will determine the culture your company represents, and online training is a powerful tool to help you develop the training program you need to make changes to meet the culture you desire for your company.

Measuring Needed Changes for Company Growth

Return on investment (ROI) is vital to the growth of any organization. Before putting money into a change, such as a training program, you want to make sure you can measure the results so you can mange those changes.

A culture change is measurable, but it may take different tools than you are used to. Indicators of a company culture change will be seen in areas such as:

  • Motivation in employees
  • Improved cross-departmental communication
  • Better connection between department goals
  • Better understanding and connection between employees

With these indicators, you will begin to see a cultural shift that will better lead to your company’s growth. That impact is measurable.

It can be seen with higher efficiency in departments and, over time, higher profitability. You can compare this profitability with the cost of implementing new training to see your ROI. This decision for real change needs to start with leadership though.

Online Training to Cultivate Culture Change and Growth

On average, companies spend $1,308 per employee when it comes to training. Most organizations see this as a necessary cost of doing business, but you have added costs when it comes to disrupting workflows to complete desired training.

Online training can help mitigate these costs and make training simpler for you though. Online training isn’t new, but more and more companies are moving to these platforms to improve communication and initiatives.

To get the most out of an online learning management system, you need leadership to work with your different teams to determine what challenges your organization faces. Combining this knowledge with an understanding of which way you want to go will help you create programs to shift behavior towards your ideal company culture.

Work together with your different departments to create custom content that meet your needs moving forward. You can share new ideas and get employees involved in the changes without repetitive classes that take them away from their work.

You can also track employee progress through the training to ensure everyone is moving in the same direction. Using online training to establish and grow your company culture leads to:

  1. Unity and a sense of purpose
  2. Ownership of an individual’s part in the process
  3. Individual accountability towards company goals
  4. Changed behaviors
  5. Employee Retention
  6. Creative and innovative decision-making skills

Every industry and every company need innovation and creativity to survive. Employees need to feel empowered to take reasonable risks so they can produce their best work. Continuing education opportunities will help empower your employees to make these needed changes.

Prioritizing Learning and Growth

Whether you provide training opportunities that are industry or company specific, there are many benefits to prioritizing learning and growth as part of your company culture. Most importantly, well-trained employees are more efficient and better problem-solvers.

Clear, consistent, and truthful communication across the organization also helps boost employee morale. Better training opportunities keep more employees in your company and increases their productivity.

Online training makes this training process simpler for you and your employees so you can make needed changes moving forward. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions provides an online training management system that allows you to develop and continue a training program to meet your company goals.

To learn how the Infinit-I system can help you on the road to improved culture in your company, check out the solutions we have available.

Why Online Training is the Best Tool for Corrective Action

Using Online Training for Corrective Action Training

Truck drivers work incredibly hard. Many put in well over 60 hours per week away from the comfort of loved ones and friends transporting billions of tons of a freight in a year. Drivers are attracted to the transportation industry because of good pay and consistency.

Many of these are skilled drivers, but no matter how skilled a driver is, infractions and accidents can still occur. When this happens, the FMCSA requires corrective action training before a driver returns to the road.

These infractions can occur because of mistakes or confusion regarding compliance with new or updated regulations. Infractions can occur among leadership and drivers, and an easy method like online systems for completing necessary training is the best way to reduce disruptions and clarify regulations.

Handling Corrective Action Needs

Corrective action training needs to happen quickly. While a driver is off the road, they are not making money and your fleet is moving less freight. This can even make difficulties with customers as they are getting delayed shipping times.

The fastest way to get training completed and get your driver back on the road is using online training like Infinit-I workforce Solutions. The training is accessible anytime, anywhere with any device that has an internet connection. Wherever your driver is, they can access and complete the required training modules.

The vast video library included with the Infinit-I platform includes training on many different scenarios. No matter what type of violation occurs, there is training available to address it. It’s simple for your safety team to assign modules with a completion timeframe for drivers to get it done.

The system keeps a record of all progress, including date and time-stamped completion certificates. This information is readily available for submission during audits, depositions, or any other situation requiring documentation.

Depending on the severity of the violation, you may want to follow up with other corrective actions. When a driver returns to the hub, you can set up additional in-person meetings to ensure they understand regulations. You can also upload custom content for drivers to understand how your organization handles different issues.

Beyond Corrective Action

The Infinit-I Workforce system provides online tools for corrective action training, but it’s useful for so much more. This platform is a customizable learning management system to meet all your training needs.

You can add custom content created by your company. You can integrate other tools such as ELDs with API integration. You can segment teams to communicate specific needs to different parts of your organization.

Whether you need to send corrective action or ongoing training to team members, or you need to announce new company initiatives, The Infinit-I system is the resource you need. To learn more about this system and the benefits it can bring to your company, request a demo.

Employee Engagement with Truck One

Improving Employee Engagement with Online Communication and Training

Jay Winegardner, CEO of Truck One, joined us to share his best tips on how to use the Infinit-I Workforce system for more effective employee engagement and communication. This includes creating custom content to personalize communications.

Winegardner has used the Infinit-I system since 2013 to improve his growing fleet, and he shares how easy this is to implement for the trucking industry.

Get to Know Truck One

Truck One began as B&L Motor Freight more than 70 years ago. Although the name has changed, the company continues to operate as a full truck loader and regular route carrier. They have 50 support employees at their hub and a fleet that consists of close to 200 truck drivers.

Some of the drivers are employees, while the rest are owner-operators. Winegardner requires all to complete Infinit-I Workforce System training. Many of the drivers have embraced the system, finding the training useful with good information.

Why Use Online Training?

Before implementing Infinit-I Workforce online training, Truck One held an annual in-person safety meeting. While attendance was mandatory, 25% of drivers would not be able to attend.

They tried incentivizing attendance with a dinner and door prizes, but the nature of the work made it difficult to meet 100% attendance. On top of poorly attended training, they were using paper communications that slowed down the process of informing the fleet on important communications.

Understanding that this was leading to poor employee engagement, Truck One decided to move to online training. This decision was reached for three reasons:

  • They were a growing organization that needed a better way to present a cohesive message to all employees.
  • They understood the need to implement custom content in their training program.
  • They needed an easy way to provide training to deal with incidents.

They took time to prepare the company for the rollout by ensuring they had all needed contact information to get everyone access to training. The Operations Safety Management team went through the training for themselves to make sure they understood the system and sent reminders to employees about the start date.

Winegardner also took the time to make sure employees understood why they were making the change and how it would help everyone. He produced a CEO message to share information about the system.

Through these preparations and a willingness to work with wary drivers on how to use their devices to access the training, Truck One made a smooth transition with little pushback. They were able to show how easy the training was to access, so the adoption rate among older drivers was not an issue either.

How the Infinit-I System has Improved Employee Engagement

Truck One has found that the Infinit-I system helped with employee engagement in many ways. Since everything is online, employees have access to an expansive library of videos. This reduces the need to pull personnel from other tasks to set up training for new hire onboarding and annual safety meetings.

Those employees who were pulled from other jobs to complete these things are now able to spend time improving their specific areas of responsibility while still having more time to complete those roles. Drivers still have access to important training, but they are able to complete that training in less time so they can stay productive on the road while ensuring everyone is able to join in the training.


Online training has allowed them to complete pre-orientation training in less time while still providing necessary info. Winegardner said the online system has allowed him to tell which new drivers are serious about joining their team.

“They complete the work in no time.”

The safety management team has access to orientation templates that help them build out the orientation program. They also have an easy way to upload custom videos when needed to provide updates on national regulations.

Corrective Action Training

The Infinit-I online training management system makes it simple to assign corrective action training immediately to address concerns. After incidents, drivers receive an email to complete specific modules dealing with the incident.

The drivers have learned to expect the corrective action training based on communications from the safety management team. They understand they have a week to complete the training if they want to remain in good standing.

ELD Mandate

When the mandate for electronic logging devices came up, Truck One was able to prepare drivers for the rollout through training series from the manufacturer. API integration made it possible to upload this training to the Infinit-I system so it was easily accessible by all employees, current and new hires.

Monthly CEO Messages

While the ease of training access is great, where Winegardner excels with the Infinit-I system is his monthly CEO messages. Each month he prepares a message to share important information with all employees. He keeps the video to under five minutes so it’s easy for team members to watch, and his message includes:

  • A welcome to new employees
  • A summary of the videos for the month and why they are important
  • Company updates and announcements
  • Communications from the support team
  • Encouragement for everyone to stay safe

He makes sure to include plenty of gratitude and encouragement as he believes this is the hallmark of good leadership.

Further Advice on Using the Infinit-I System

Winegardner wrapped his message up with some last words of wisdom on implementing the Infinit-I system to train fleets.

  • Stick with it. The transition to online training is worthwhile.
  • Make sure you learn the system yourself to prepare for rollout.
  • Be diligent in implementing the program.
  • Make the training achievable. With custom content, keep videos short to keep driver attention.

Why does he encourage organizations to use the Infinit-I system to increase employee engagement? The system documents all completed training and tests, so the information is readily available at need.

The team also uses the system reporting and incident reports to select priority training to deal with safety issues immediately. In this way, Truck One has seen improvements in their CSA scores.

Transitioning to Online Training and Communication

If you are still trying to complete safety training through in-person meetings, you likely understand how difficult it is to get everyone to attend. If you’re ready to increase employee engagement and productivity, online training with Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has the tools you need to make this happen.

To learn how the Infinit-I Workforce System for Trucking can improve employee engagement for your fleet, request a demo here.

DOT Compliance Audit Prepartion

Are You Prepared for a DOT Compliance Audit?

Imagine the Department of Transportation (DOT) has informed you that you will have a DOT compliance audit. Would you be ready for it?

If you aren’t prepared, you can face fines for your company and drivers, and in the worst-case-scenario you could lose your business. Proper preparation and attention to detail can help you avoid these harsh penalties though.

To be prepared, you need to understand the BASICS of CSA violations and what’s necessary to prepare for the auditor when they come. The BASICS are often overlooked but making an effort to keep them top of mind will keep your fleets running in safety and compliance.

What is a Compliance Audit?

A DOT compliance audit is an on-site examination of a motor carrier’s operations. This is done to determine if the fleet’s safety fitness standard is being met and maintained. This audit evaluates a company’s safety performance, recordkeeping, and management controls.

Who Can be Audited?

Audits can be performed on any carrier transporting at least 10,000 pounds of cargo across state lines. These audits occur to ensure trucking companies are compliant with DOT and FMCSA regulations.

The DOT audits were designed to keep the roads safer, including your drivers and your cargo. Following necessary regulations means your business continues to run safely, efficiently, and profitably.

DOT Audit Inspection Factors

During a DOT compliance audit, the auditor is going to look at six factors to ensure your company is maintaining compliance. These factors are:

  • General
  • Driver
  • Operational
  • Vehicle
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Accidents

You will need to have records and other documentation necessary to show you have kept up with all necessary regulations. If you can’t produce the required documentation, you will end up with a CSA violation.


All motor carriers are required to have liability insurance for their entire fleet. You must be able to provide documentation showing you have the proper insurance.

You will also need to show proper documentation for the type of cargo being transported by your fleet. Certain cargo requires more restrictions, and it’s important to show you have everything in place.


There are several records you need to provide during an audit for your drivers. A carrier should be able to provide documentation that all drivers have correct and up-to-date licenses.

The carrier must also maintain and provide records of drug and alcohol testing for all company drivers. This includes a good faith effort to get three years of testing results from previous employers.


Recordkeeping is essential to pass a DOT compliance audit. The DOT requires six months of logs and other supporting documentation on all drivers employed during the period under investigation.

These logs show whether drivers are in compliance with regulations such as Hours of Service. The DOT will examine them for any violations, errors, or possible falsification.


A commercial motor vehicle (CMV) registered with a carrier for at least 30 consecutive days must undergo regular inspections, necessary repairs, and maintenance. You are required to keep all documentation on the CMVs and the logs of all inspections, repairs, and maintenance.

The DOT will examine these reports during an audit. All reports must include basic information about the vehicle, including model, year, identification number, and tire size. You are required to keep these records on file for at least 12 months.

Hazardous Materials

The DOT is very strict when it comes to transporting hazardous materials at a certain level, as these materials can cause safety risks if not careful. A carrier must keep a record of any hazmat-related documentation for inspection purposes.

This documentation includes licenses, storage information, labels, and placards. You will also need to provide documentation that all drivers carrying hazmat materials have received proper training.


Carriers must maintain a record of all driver accidents and injuries for DOT compliance audit review. These records will be checked for accuracy and used to confirm whether FMCSA regulations are met by you and your drivers.

It’s helpful to keep all records of the scene of the accident as well as any corrective action that was taken to reduce the chance of a recurrence.

The Safety Rating Scale

After the DOT compliance audit is concluded, you will receive one of three ratings: Satisfactory, Conditional, or Unsatisfactory.

Satisfactory Rating

A satisfactory rating means you have proper safety management controls in place to meet the safety fitness standard. Your safety management controls need to be appropriate for the size and type of operation.

Conditional Rating

A conditional rating means some part of your safety management controls are out of compliance with the safety fitness standard. This puts your company in jeopardy of fines and increased roadside inspections until you can get your company into compliance.

Unsatisfactory Rating

An unsatisfactory rating means multiple safety violations have occurred due to lack of safety controls. When carriers receive this rating, they will have their operating authority suspended. This goes into effect 15 days after the order and includes an Operation Out of Service order which keeps the carrier from operating within the U.S.

Maintaining CSA Compliance

It’s important to maintain a compliant fleet if you want to stay in operation. The best way to keep CSA violations from harming your company is an informed safety team and well-trained drivers on the road.

The Infinit-I Workforce Solutions system was designed to help you maintain safety in your trucking company. Our online training management system provides training to drivers anytime, anywhere to help them understand DOT and FMCSA regulations without disruptions to their busy schedules.

If you want to see how Infinit-I can help you reduce CSA violations and be prepared to meet all documentation needs for a DOT compliance audit, schedule a demo today.

Truck Driver Fatigue Management

5 Tips to Manage Truck Driver Fatigue

Hauling freight is a big responsibility. Highly skilled drivers shoulder more of this responsibility as they have a 35% better miles-per-gallon performance over other drivers. Drivers of all skill levels deal with the same issue though, driver fatigue.

To combat this issue, FMCSA safety regulations limit drivers to 60 hours a week. After this period, drivers must take a rest for 34 consecutive hours before getting on the road again. Still, drivers can spend up to 11 hours on the road per day before they are required to take a significant break.

Drivers can end up with as little as four to five hours a sleep a day. Many will take naps when possible, but this is not the same as a full seven to eight hour night of rest. This may explain why driver fatigue is one of the top 10 factors in commercial vehicle accidents.

There are some steps drivers can take to reduce this issue though.

Signs of Driver Fatigue

To make the most of these steps, it’s important for drivers to be aware when fatigue is coming on. Signs of driver fatigue include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Increase in smaller mistakes
  • Excessive nodding
  • Inability to keep your eyes open
  • Changes in mood
  • Decreased alertness and ability to concentrate
  • Not refreshed by longer sleep sessions

With truck drivers moving more than 70% of the nation’s freight by weight, they provide a valuable service. To keep them and everyone else a little safer on the road, drivers should follow five tips to manage driver fatigue.

1.      Sleep Well Before Long Hauls

It is well known that fatigue affects response times, performance, and critical thinking abilities. While this is known, many drivers face high expectations and great pressure when it comes time to move freight.

Drivers need to make a point to get as much quality sleep as they can before long trips. On their days off, drivers should sleep at the same time to help their body get better rest. They also should take naps during their trip when it becomes necessary to help them refresh.

2.      Follow Hours of Service Regulations

With the pressures of moving freight on time, it can be tempting for drivers to manipulate their hours of service where they can. They have deadlines to meet, clients to please, and money to earn, and the temptation to remain on the road longer than hours of service allows is strong.

It’s important for drivers to take regular breaks and log all necessary time. Luckily electronic logs are now required to keep record of these hours, so this temptation is reduced. Drivers need to be aware of their time to plan for breaks so they keep within those regulations though.

3.      Create an Exercise Plan When Not on the Road

Just as sleep during off time is important, so is exercise. Maintaining a consistent exercise plan when the driver is not on the road can help reduce the instances of fatigue.

Exercise helps keep the mind sharp and provides more physical endurance. Even when on long trips, drivers should take advantage of break times to get a little exercise and sleep to help them remain focused.

4.      Look for Healthier Snacks

When driving long distances, it seems easier to grab a sugary snack and caffeinated drink when it’s time to eat. Sugar and caffeine do give an initial rush of energy, but they can lead to a significant slump later.

Drivers should eat well-balanced meals at consistent intervals whenever possible. This isn’t always feasible, but it helps if it happens often. Understanding the need for healthier options to keep energy up, truck stops now have a decent selection of healthier options.

5.      Maintain Medications

Everyone has had a need for medications at some point. Whether it’s an over-the-counter medication or a prescription, it’s important to take them wisely. This includes being aware of any side effects and interactions between medications taken.

Safety Training Includes Driver Health

Truck drivers have to decide to take steps to fight driver fatigue. This means safety training should include proper fatigue and health management. Well-trained drivers lead to a more profitable fleet.

Ongoing training can prove difficult with drivers regularly on the road though. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions provides an online training management system so drivers can access important safety training anywhere at their convenience. Plus, you can easily keep track of driver progress and ensure they keep important safety topics top of mind.

To learn more about how our online training system can help your fleet, request a demo of the Infinit-I Workforce system.

online training platform
Infinit-I Engage Evaluation Program | Charlie's Produce Testimonial

Jorge delToro, Safety Director at Charlie’s Produce, recently attended the Infinit-I Boot Camp Program at the Vertical Alliance Training Campus in Irving, Texas. The goal of the event was to teach Jorge, and other attendees, how to maximize online training to build a strong safety culture in their transportation companies.

During the event, Jorge sat down with us and shared why he was glad he had taken advantage of the opportunity to attend the event.

What Charlie’s Produce Learned at the Engage Evaluation Program

Question: Tell Us a Little Bit About Your Company
My name is Jorge delToro. I work for Charlie’s Produce. We’re a wholesale produce distributor on the West Coast with about eight branches. We have about 280 drivers and 240 trucks. As far as customers, we have everything from restaurants to grocery stores. We really just excel in produce distribution.

Question: Why did you come to the Infinit-I Engage Evaluation Program?
I came to further develop our training program. We’re at a place where we feel we’ve hit baseline, and we want to do more to really excel. I think we owe it to our drivers, and we owe it to the public to keep stellar safe drivers out there. I feel that this program can help us achieve that.

Question: What are two things you learned at the event?
Just how much record-keeping comes into play and how such a simple little thing really is brought up in really serious accident conversations when we talk about liability. I think that is what stood out to me the most.

The second thing I learned was just how easy you can achieve that record-keeping. Not only to be compliant, but also to limit and mitigate your risk.

Question: If one of your colleagues was thinking about coming to an Engage event, what two reasons would you give them to come?
There’s a number of reasons. ]I’d say the opportunity to ask questions. I know that sometimes people like the instant answers. For me, it’s been really beneficial to think of a question about the product and to ask it right here. I know a lot of times you can’t do that over email or phone conference. I think that’s a really good benefit for my peers to attend.

One of the things I noticed here was just an opportunity to network and discuss similar challenges we all face with training and record-keeping and dealing with that issue. I think it’s great to see what other carriers are doing in that sense. To see what they have in place.

Question: What did you learn during the event that may change your current training program?
I learned how uniform your system can be, yet at the same time, you can cater it to your specific operation. For us, with our specific branches, and even within those branches and the different types of drivers that we have (over the road, local, short haul, and non CDL drivers). It’s nice to bring consistency but also know you can cater to our specific needs.

About the Engage Evaluation Program

Our Engage Evaluation Programs are free, two-day, hands-on classes designed specifically to teach you how implement online training. The event is the fastest way for you to discover what your training program should look like, all while networking with like-minded industry professionals. You’ll learn how easy it is to reduce your liabilities, establish a culture of safety and excellence in your company, and empower your employees.

Click Here to learn more and reserve your seat to our next event.

4 Steps to Building a Successful Safety Training Program Online

Why is a Safety Training Program So Important?

When one of your employees is involved in an accident, your company should immediately question what caused the accident and what you can do for the future to ensure it doesn’t happen again. A good place to start is to ask yourself “what could have been done differently with our safety training program in the weeks or months before the accident that could have prevented it?”

By analyzing accidents within your company, you will notice trends. The most important trend you will see is, employee behavior is at the root of most accidents that occur.

That means safety is not something you can delegate to one person. Safety must be at the root of every decision made by employees within your company.

4 Steps to Improve Your Training Program

To maintain a good safety record, or improve poor safety performance, you need to implement a safety training program that will inspire behavioral change throughout your organization. Using tools such as online training gives you a method to make training easy for employees.

You want your program to provide easy participation and engagement in training and communication around safety related messages. You want to put processes in place that will help you analyze and improve safety and accident prevention throughout your company. A successful training program starts with 4 steps.

Identify Trends - Safety Training IdeasStep 1: Identify Trends

The best indicator of future performance is past performance. You should evaluate your loss ratios and look for negative trends that could result in major accidents or safety violations you need to address with your safety training. Ask yourself two questions:

  1. What’s the number one cause of my losses?
  2. How are we training our employees to improve this?

If you find it difficult to identify these trends, your insurance company can help you analyze accidents to look at frequency and severity. Even if the accidents are minor, you still want to address the trends that led to these accidents.

The severity of an accident is mostly a matter of luck. You want to get ahead of the trends that lead to accidents and stop them to keep your employees and your company safe.

Create a Training Strategy - Safety Training IdeasStep 2: Create Strategy to Target Challenges

Once you have identified your trends, you need to create a strategy to develop your safety training program. Keep in mind, training leads to awareness, and awareness reduces losses.

One question companies often ask is. “How much training is enough?” The short answer is, it’s never enough.


In the trucking industry, drivers should be trained during onboarding on

  • Defensive driving skills
  • FMCSA rules and regulations
  • Maintenance
  • Hours of Service

Starting with training on these topics during orientation has been shown to have a positive impact on trending violations.

Ongoing awareness training throughout the year on safety sensitive issues is important to build a strong culture of safety. This ongoing training is simple with online training systems that allow you to assign short videos that can be completed in less than 10 minutes.

This ongoing training should also include any changes to rules and regulations. Use tools that will help you track employee comprehension and that will help you maintain all training documentation. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions can provide the tools you need that will save you time and money while ensuring safety best practices stay top of mind.

Measure Results via Benchmarking - Safety Training IdeasStep 3: Measure Results

As you implement your safety training program strategy, you will want to monitor how your training efforts are impacting company needs and goals. A good place to start is evaluating safety scores and loss ratios to see if there are any improvements in your target problem areas.

If you see trends moving in the right direction, continue your ongoing awareness training in these areas until you reach your goals. If there are continued or new negative trends, figure out what training or other safety initiatives you can include to get on track.

Repeat - Safety Training IdeasStep 4: Repeat the Process

Safety is a continuous process that all employees should participate in. Accidents can happen even in the safest companies, but you can always look for the trends that lead to these accidents so you can reduce them.

Identify trends regularly, then develop a strategy to improve on these trends. Continue to measure your safety training program results and look for ways to improve.


There is no last step in this process. Training and accountability are the only ways to affect change in your organization. If your company has a high frequency of accidents and you are not training to prevent them, your frequency and severity of accidents will continue to rise.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Has the Tools You Need to Track Training Progress

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is an online learning management system that makes training easy and affordable. Keep your safety message in front of your employees regularly with our training videos that help you develop orientation, ongoing, and corrective action training to deal with negative trends.

Track employee participation and progress so you know employees are getting the training they need. The reporting features available with Infinit-I will help you continue the process of improving your safety training program so you can reduce your risk.

Infinit-I Workforce System | Online Employee Training