Leading safety management system that brings current industry news that your company to use to stay updated & informed in todays fast pace world.


Can the Infinit-I Workforce System integrate with Tenstreet and other software?

One of the unique things about the Infinit-I Workforce System is how easily customizable it is to fit the unique needs of your business. For example, many of our clients  utilize Tenstreet for their driver recruiting software.  Through an API, we are able to integrate our training platform with Tenstreet software, making it very convenient for their drivers and managers to have all training and onboarding records housed within the Tenstreet system.


Client Spotlight: Road Runner Transportation Services

Kevin Traynor, Training and Orientation Manager for Road Runner Transportation Services, explains how their company customized the Infinit-I Workforce System to API with their driver recruiting software, Tenstreet.


What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It allows programs to talk to each other. It is a software to software interface.

How API WorksThere are three types of APIs:

  1. Local APIs
  2. Web APIs
  3. Program APIs

We primarily use Web APIs.  Our APIs allow the Infinit-I Workforce System to communicate with various software platforms. The API allows data to be transferred between our system and those software platforms.

How Keller Logistics Success Implement Online Training Into Their Safety Program

eth Woodbury, Director of Safety and Wellness for Keller Logistics Group, was the client speaker at our Engage Evaluation Program November 7th and 8th in Irving, Texas.  Beth spoke about the Infinit-I Workforce System and how her company deployed it successfully, saving both time and resources across the company.

Video Interview with Keller LogisticsWatch the complete interview

About the Infinit-I Workforce System

Infinit-I Workforce System Features

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Online Training Q&A with Beth Woodburry at Keller Logistics Group

Before you started using the Infint-I Workforce System, did you have any perceptions about online training, or any concerns about it?

I really didn’t know anything about online training before. I guess probably one of the concerns we had was how many people had access to online, to Wi-Fi mobile devices. We found that most of our drivers have access in one way, shape, or form, whether it’s in the office, mobile hotspot, tablet, or cell phone. We do required trainings every month, and we get 100 percent compliance.

What’s the primary use of the Infinit-I Workforce System? Is it just safety training, or orientation, or other things?

We use it for everything. We start out with driver orientation, as well as orientation with our general laborers and our forklift drivers, as well as our temps. We run a lot of temps through our repack business, probably 30 or 40 a week. This makes it a lot easier to get that training done, that OSHA required training for the temporary employees.

How did your drivers react to the Infinit-I Workforce System when you first introduced online training?

We did it softly, so we kind of left it optional. We didn’t put any penalties for not watching their videos, but then we started incorporating it with their safety bonus program. And we really haven’t had any issues.  They like it in the fact that we use Vertical Alliance now as our primary means for getting the message out to drivers for whatever we want to get the message out to them for.

It was only a portion of the people reading the newsletter, only a portion of the people that have e-mail, not everybody text messages, but we know that 100 percent of our drivers get on to watch these videos.

We just implemented a policy that said you have to turn in your bills of lading or you won’t get paid. We wanted to make sure everybody got that message before we put that down, and 100 percent of our drivers did. And it’s time stamped. There is no disputing whether they knew about it or not. It is 100% communicated.

Do you have company drivers or contract drivers?

They’re all company. Local, regional, over-the-road. Some are based in Illinois. Some are based in Wisconsin or Texas. We have drivers we don’t see regularly, but they’re all company drivers.

As you were implementing the Infinit-I Workforce System, were there any challenges you had to overcome?

I don’t really think there were. Erin is our customer client representatives. She does a real great job as far as getting the custom content uploaded and working with us to get the questions we want put on there.

How long did it take to get everyone using the Infinit-I Workforce System?

I think it was a two-year process. It’s some time commitment too for monitoring. There are reports you can run to see who’s in compliance and not in compliance.

We run a little bit different of a business, having general laborers, and forklift drivers, and drivers, so that was more of a challenge coordinating that training. I have Sara now, and she helps me get that done. She’s our training coordinator, so she’s taken that over. But with Vertical Alliance, it makes it very easy to get it done.

Do you manage the Infinit-I Workforce System, or does Sara?

We do it jointly. We discuss what training topics we want to have monthly. We have monthly training topics. Our warehouses have weekly “Take Ten for Safety.” We use it for our mechanic training that we do, our safety training that we do weekly.

If we’ve had a work comp incident, we try and get the message out through Vertical Alliance, “You know we had this happen. We want to prevent it from happening again.” We get the training out that way.

Do you make your own assignments, or does Client Services do that for you?

We do our own assignments.

How is Client Services working out for you?

She’s great. Erin’s a big help. We were having some issues with a little bit of push back from our HR and driver manager staff that orientation was taking too long because the drivers are having to re-watch the videos. We talked to Erin about it, and she introduced us to the total clicks, and that made everybody happy. She’s been a great asset for problem solving some different things that we’ve had.

Can you share with us a little bit more about the custom content you are creating?

One of the biggest ones we did was a couple of months ago when we were seeing a lot of DriveCam videos where drivers were using cell phones. We realized we needed to put a policy down right now. So, the owner, Brian Keller, put out a custom video that was direct from him that basically laid out our policy that says, “We’ll give you one time we see you with a phone. The second time, you’re terminated.” That had a really good effect on the fleet. I mean we did have an incident not long ago, but the number of events dramatically went down.

Has the Infinit-I Workforce System training impacted your accidents or incidents?

I don’t have anything concrete with that. We’ve done a lot in the last 12 to 24 months to try and reduce accidents as well as worker’s comp accidents.

We do a lot of communication through Vertical Alliance. If there’s something we want people to know, we put it up on the Infinit-I Workforce System. It’s just the most surefire way to know that they got the message and the most economical.

Our H.R. department emailed out our 401k required notices this last week, and it was a thick book of you know the annual notification. I said, “We should have just put that on Vertical Alliance. It would have saved a lot of postage, a lot of time, a lot of people stuffing envelopes. And it’s guaranteed that they got it. You know.”

How would you say the Infinit-I Workforce System has impacted your job?

I think it’s made it easier. Initially, with any program it’s going to have its learning curve. But I think it’s made it easier. An easier way to get messages out.

We do our post-accident countermeasure all through Vertical Alliance, whether it’s a video or upload PDF.

My insurance company, when they do our captive audit every year, they always ask for what was my current reaction to this accident or this accident. And I can just print a report out of Vertical Alliance and show that that it was done through there. It’s an easy means to get the corrective action done. In less serious accidents, I can do it remotely. Just have them login. “Hey it’s up online. Go in and look at it, and let me know when you have it done.

Recently we’ve just started doing DriveCam coaching through there. Drivers can log into DriveCam through that portal. But putting them up on Vertical Alliance, it gives them a single point of access. They don’t have to remember multiple user IDs and passwords. So, they can log in. “Hey, you have an event to look at. Let me know when you’ve looked at it, and then call me, and we can talk about it.”  And then we are coaching them right through Vertical Alliance.

How do they know they have an event?

Through PeopleNet message. We send out a fleet message. We usually try and get it up the first week of the month, and they have until the end of the month to get them done.

We work with all our fleet managers every week. We have a meeting, and we let them know who’s outstanding. Once we get down to the last couple days of the month, there might be two or three stragglers, and we really hit them hard. Because our safety department is motivated to get these done, so they’re making calls there. “What do we need to do? Do we need to get you to someplace to watch them, or what can we do to help you?”

The fleet managers are also making calls because they are vested in having that done as well.

What percentage of hours does a driver spend doing online training in orientation vs. your entire orientation?

I would say 10 or 20 percent. We still like to have that one-on-one experience. We have put up drug and alcohol videos. We put some wellness videos on there. We’re very, very big into wellness. We have a wellness coordinator. We also own our own clinic, so we’ve done a custom video that tours our clinic and talks about our services that our clinic provides to our employees at no charge. That’s helped increase our clinic usage as well.

A lot of what we do is custom. How we want to do a pre-trip inspection. How the state teaches it and how we want you to do it are a little bit different, and this is what we want you to look at. I would have to say it’s usually about three hours of videos, and it’s all videos.

We don’t do any HR paperwork. We still are having that one-on-one contact with them. So online training is about three hours of the orientation process.

When you started using the system, was there anything you found that you weren’t expecting?

I think all the time we come up with things like “We should put that on Vertical Alliance, why didn’t we do that? Why didn’t we put these 401K things up?”

Right now, we are using a process driven system for all of our departments to where we’ve taken every job task, whether it’s auditing logs or doing payroll, and we’ve actually written processes for every task, everything that people do.

Take auditing logs. We’ve went through what we do when we audit a log. If my log auditor is sick for a week, or two weeks, or goes on vacation, and I need somebody to come and fill in, they can reference this process.

We pay a separate service right now, but we’re looking at transitioning it all over to a Vertical Alliance, so that we have all our processes documented within a click. People can come in, and we reduce our downtime. We still get our logs audited, and we have a documented process. If we ever get audited by the DOT, or we’re involved in litigation, we have that process documented, and we trained our people on that process.

What do you like best about working with Vertical Alliance Group?

I like the tracking and traceability of the training. We used to do monthly trainings, accident countermeasures, all via paper. We’d mail it out, put it in their paycheck stubs. They’d send it back, and I’d have this big stack of paper that we’d have to go through and monitor and manage. And then somebody forgot to put their name on it or you couldn’t read it. This is just all right there at my finger. You can run a report and literally in 30 seconds you can see who has done it and who hasn’t done it. Nothing to scan and file. It’s all right there.

How did you implement this into your safety bonus program?

Well the fleet managers are incentivized via a bonus. They have a safety portion built into their quarterly or annual bonus. Drivers get a weekly safety bonus. We give them the deadline that they have to watch it by the last day of the month. If they don’t, they lose their weekly safety bonus until they get it watched. We pay 3 cents a mile safety bonus every week, it’s about $75. So, if you don’t watch it for one week, you’ve lost 75 bucks averaging 2500 miles. You don’t watch it for two weeks, that $150. They watch it.

We haven’t seen an issue once we started. You’re really putting some teeth in it, and we tie it to the safety bonus. They watch it. We call them. It should never be a surprise when somebody doesn’t get their safety bonus. They should know that it’s coming because we tell them. That last week leading up to the end of the month, we’re calling them. We’re reminding them. Their fleet managers are calling them. Again, it should never be a surprise that they’re not getting that in their check.

Is there anything new that you’re planning in the future?

Wellness is huge for us, so we are probably going to start using it more. I have a full-time wellness coordinator that works under me. I’m doing more videos, cooking videos. We give every driver a crockpot when they hire on, so we’re probably going to put some cooking videos out online. We’ll probably do some in-truck exercises. We hear a lot how drivers can’t exercise. We’ve run functional capacity exams, and we have a physical therapist as well on staff, and so he does a lot with rehabbing drivers. So probably doing some of that kind of stuff, but more working in the driver wellness. We’re doing a lot of communication right now for Sleep Apnea as well. So probably more rolling it into wellness, trying to capitalize on that piece now.

Reduce trucking accidents by at least 18%

About the Presenter

How would decreasing accident costs by $8400 per accident impact your company’s bottom line?

It equated to more than $330,000 per year for Allan Hicks, Vice President of Human Resources for BR Williams Trucking. He was able to accomplish this through awareness training using the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Named the 2015 ATA Safety Director of the Year, Allan is a big proponent of helping fleets improve their safety training programs. With more than 45 years of experience in the trucking industry, he has held various positions in management with large LTL carriers.

How BR Williams Trucking Decreased Accidents with Online Safety Training

How would decreasing accident costs by $8,400 per accident impact your company’s bottom line? It equated to more than $330,000 per year for Allan Hicks, Vice President of Human Resources for BR Williams Trucking. He was able to accomplish this through awareness training using the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Video Interview with PTG LogisticsWatch the complete interview

About the Infinit-I Workforce System

Infinit-I Workforce System Features

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About the Client Spotlight

How would decreasing accident costs by $8,400 per accident impact your company’s bottom line? It equated to more than $330,000 per year for Allan Hicks, Vice President of Human Resources for BR Williams Trucking. He was able to accomplish this through awareness training using the Infinit-I Workforce System. Named the 2015 ATA Safety Director of the Year, Allan is a big proponent of helping fleets improve their safety training programs. Join Allan as he shares how he successfully implemented online training at his company.

In this client spotlight video, you will learn: 
1. How to rollout online safety training and get your drivers to complete it
2. How to improve loss ratios using online safety training
3. How to get 100% participation in quarterly or monthly safety meetings
4. How to easily create an annual training plan and monitor implementation

About the Presenter:
Allan Hicks has over 45 years of experience in the trucking industry, where he has held various positions in management with large LTL carriers. He is currently the Vice President of Safety and Human Resources at BR Williams Trucking, a position he has held for more than 20 years. He is also a partner with Vertical Alliance Group, representing the Infinit-I Workforce System in Alabama and Georgia. He was named the Safety Director of the Year by the American Trucking Association in 2015 and has received numerous other safety awards.

Decrease yearly accident costs


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Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added 11 HR training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Request the Latest Catalog

Harassment & Discrimination Training for Managers

The first six videos are designed to help companies provide manager training on harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

EEO Workplace (Manager)
Length: 09:13
This video describes what an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) workplace looks like so employers can create a work environment free of harassment and discrimination.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Environmental Harassment (Manager)
Length: 08:48
This video continues the discussion about unlawful harassment to cover environmental examples. It also details what should be included in your company handbook to create a healthy work environment and protect the employer.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Overview (Manager)
Length: 05:09
This video outlines supervisor roles and responsibilities in preventing and correcting harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Spotlight on Remedies and Responses (Manager)
Length: 05:15
This video looks at how, from a risk management perspective, to reduce claims and respond to objectionable conduct and complaints.
Module Category: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Spotting and Assessing Potential Harassment (Manager)
Length: 08:13
This video explains the damaging nature of activities that may start harmlessly but evolve into a hostile work environment. These activities may or may not occur during work hours and at the workplace.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Understanding and Preventing Unlawful Harassment (Manager)
Length: 10:54
This video starts the discussion about the two types of unlawful harassment by looking at economic harassment.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

New Spanish HR Training Videos

Additionally, we have added five HR training videos in Spanish to our catalog.  These videos correspond to the English version of training already available in the Infinit-I Workforce System HR Training Catalog.

Fair Credit Reporting Act – Ley de Reporte de Crédito Justo – Empleado
Length: 10:56
La Ley de Reporte Justos de Crédito cubre las verificaciones de antecedentes y otras verificaciones previas al empleo. Hablamos sobre los derechos y las responsabilidades de los empleados.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Fair Credit Reporting Act – Employee – Ley de Reporte de Crédito Justo – Empleado

Introduction – 1. Introducción a EEO
Length: 13:50
Los empleados o candidatos a puestos de trabajo que se encuentren en una situación similar deberían recibir el mismo trato por parte de los empleadores. Este video cubre las primeras cinco categorías de discriminación. Aprenderás categorías protegidas, cómo se malinterpreta la discriminación y qué es un BFOQ.
Section: New Spanish
Module: EEO Title VII Equal Pay – Management – EEO: Título VII y Paga igual

Legal Reasons for Discrimination –  Razones legales para la discriminación
Length: 07:13
No todas las decisiones de empleo con un resultado desfavorable para alguien en una categoría protegida son, de hecho, legalmente discriminatorias. Este video explora las razones válidas para la acción negativa de empleo y analiza cuándo y cómo se puede usar un BFOQ válido.
Section: New Spanish
Module: EEO Title VII Equal Pay – Management – EEO: Título VII y Paga igual

Complaints – 3. Quejas
Length: 06:46
Este video describe el proceso de presentación de una queja ante la EEOC y cómo deben responder los empleados.
Section: New Spanish
Module: EEO Title VII Equal Pay – Management – EEO: Título VII y Paga igual

Fair Credit Reporting Act – Ley de Reporte del Crédito Justo
Length: 11:22
La Ley de Reporte de Crédito Justo cubre las verificaciones de antecedentes y otras verificaciones previas al empleo. Discutimos lo que necesita además de la autorización del solicitante.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Fair Credit Reporting Act – Management – Ley de Informe de Crédito Justo – Manejo

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added two training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System. The first new training video is a new video in our Hours of Service Training (HOS) Series and focuses on how ELDs impact HOS.

Part 8 – HOS ELD
Length: 06:08
This video discusses the information a driver needs to know about proper utilization of ELDs, functionality involving harassment and reporting, as well as the necessary documentation and functions required.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: HOS – New Series

The other video released the month is the Spanish version of our Road Rage training video.

Road Rage – Furia en el camino
Length: 09:02
Define el fenómeno llamado Furia en el camino y las causas que lo propician; prepara a los conductores a esperar este fenómeno y evitarlo restableciendo el enfoque y la actitud; alienta a los conductores a evitar conflictos en el camino para evitar accidentes.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Road Rage – Furia en el camino

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Over 60% of principals say they have been threatened with a legal challenge, and more than 82% of teachers say the current legal climate has changed the way they work. These statistics probably don’t surprise you, but they may cause you stress as you ponder how to calm the fear.  After all, part of your job is to protect your school from lawsuits.

While the threat of lawsuits may not keep you up at night, I’m sure you’ve wandered the halls a time or two wondering if your leaders, teachers, and auxiliary staff feel as prepared as they need to be to ensure a lawsuit never happens.  You may also ponder if they have received adequate training to not only perform their duties – but to also manage the upset parent, the disengaged student, or the latest regulations passed by the State.

Top 5 Areas School Districts Are Most Vulnerable for a Lawsuit

Request CatalogThere are five areas where school districts are most vulnerable for a lawsuit:

1. Special Education
2. Section 504
3. Sexual Harassment
4. Discrimination
5. Payroll Issues

These five areas are the most common issues where school districts rack up legal bills. Ensuring the leadership at the school and at the district level are well trained in these areas – and managing their staff accordingly – is critical to your success in lawsuit avoidance.

Accomplishing this by having a well trained staff means your educators will be free to focus on the performance of students within the district and schools – instead of focusing a lot of wasted energy and effort wondering if their actions today will cause them to end up in the courtroom tomorrow.

Because we live in a litigious society, where more and more parents are blaming school districts instead of taking the responsibility for the actions of their children, pretending your district will never be hit with a lawsuit isn’t reasonable.

What is reasonable is changing the way you prepare your team.

The question is no longer, “What have I got to do to keep our district out of court?” The question now is: When I stand before a judge, will I be on the winning side?

Any attorney will tell you that if you are doing your job correctly, treating people fairly, being consistent in the implementation of policies and procedures, and keeping proper documentation, the answer to that question is yes.

So how do you know that all of the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed at every campus across your district – in every single department?  How do you ensure you are able to provide your entire staff legal updates on a regular basis – so you know they are informed about what laws have changed and about the practices and procedures that might need to be looked at more carefully?

The answer is simple.  You need a comprehensive online training and communication system that will automate your training, gauge comprehension, and provide a way for you to quickly update your entire district on changes.

Discover why school districts across the nation are utilizing the Infinit-I Workforce System for staff training districtwide when you schedule a free demo of the system.


Training on each of these areas is now available on the Infinit-I Workforce System.  Learn more about how to prevent your school district from lawsuits in the era of “let’s sue a school district” with the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Click to Request a Demo | Online Staff Training System

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we have released six new training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

ADA & Section 504 Training Video Series

Request CatalogThe first set of training videos are designed to help schools provide staff training to protect students with disabilities. This training covers ADA and Section 504 awareness training.

(ADA & Section 504) Overview
Length: 03:45
This video explores the non-discrimination statute that protects students with disabilities.
Section: Schools
Module: ADA and Section 504

504 Process
Length: 04:08
This video discusses school districts' obligations to designate a 504 coordinator and to identify and locate students with disabilities within the district. The process for referral, evaluation, placement, and implementation is also discussed.
Section: Schools
Module: ADA and Section 504

Referral Obligations
Length: 07:11
This video outlines the standards for considering a student for Section 504. It also explains the “Notice of Rights” obligation identified in Section 504 and the consent requirements not referred to in the statute but interpreted by the OCR. 
Section: Schools
Module: ADA and Section 504

Length: 07:52
This video discusses the specific procedures related to the process of identifying and evaluating students under Section 504, as well as who should be part of the 504 team.
Section: Schools
Module: ADA and Section 504

Copyright & Fair Use Training Now Available in Spanish

This month we also released Spanish versions of our Copyright and Fair Use training videos for staff training.

Copyright / Fair Use – Part 1 
Derechos de Autor / Uso justo – Parte 1

Length: 07:45
Este video brinda una breve descripción de las leyes de derechos de autor e incluye algunas situaciones que pueden surgir para los empleados de la escuela en lo que respecta a la ley de derechos de autor.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Copyright / Fair Use – Derecho de Autor / Uso justo

Copyright / Fair Use – Part Two
Derechos de Autor / Uso justo – Parte 2

Length: 06:32
Este video ayuda a navegar en la medida en que puede confiar en la doctrina del uso legítimo y evitar cualquier problema o inquietud acerca de las violaciones de la ley de derechos de autor.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Copyright / Fair Use – Derecho de Autor / Uso justo

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.

B Keith Transportation Picks the Infinit-I Workforce System for Online Safety Training

Watch the Interview Video

Andrea McSwain, Office Manager, B Keith Transportation attended the Engage Evaluation Program on November 7th in Irving, Texas.  At the end of the event, she sat down with our team and shared with us her biggest takeaway from the event.

About the Infinit-I Workforce System

Infinit-I Workforce System Features

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Trucking Company IconTell us a little bit about your company and your role at the company.

My name is Andrea. I am the office manager of two small companies – sister companies. I work directly with the owner. At this time, I’m overseeing a little bit of safety and operations. Primarily, we carry freight for FedEx ground. We do have a couple of solo routes that are a little bit closer from our main terminal in Fort Worth. It’s all drop and hook, terminal-to-terminal. Our drivers don’t touch any freight. They generally carry doubles, and they’re usually out about five days a week. So, it’s pretty cut and dry.

Online driver safety trainingWhat was your biggest takeaway from today?

My biggest takeaway from today is, where has a product like this been? It’s kind of amazing to me that something like this hasn’t existed for for us before now. That the company has operated for about 13 years without something like this, I think it’s going to really alleviate a lot of the stress for the office anyway.

Document TrainingWhat was the best lesson you learned from the attorney’s keynote presentation?

To document, to write down, to just really keep really good files. To make sure we’re keeping them a little bit longer, so that we can go back if need be. There’s a lot of turnover sometimes in the trucking industry. So, a lot of times creating files becomes kind of troublesome, and we try to limit what we’re putting into them. I think by doing that, we may leave out things. So, it was just kind of reassuring that, hey we really need to be making sure we’re keeping good files in the event that anything does happen.


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How Online Fleet Safety Training Helped Reduce Accidents for PTG Logistics

Bill Heming, Vice President of Safety with PTG Logistics, was the client speaker at our Engage Evaluation Program on October 17th and 18th in Irving, Texas.  Bill spoke about the Infinit-I Workforce System and how his company deployed it successfully, seeing a 2/3 reduction in accidents in just two years.


Watch the complete interview



About the Infinit-I Workforce System



Online Training Q&A with Bill Heming at PTG Logistics

