Leading safety management system that brings current industry news that your company to use to stay updated & informed in todays fast pace world.

Ron Capehart, an attorney at The Bassett Firm, spoke to a room full of safety directors at trucking companies at one of our Boot Camp events.  They’d come to learn more about how online training can help them in multiple ways.  Ron’s presentation focused on how to prepare a trucking company before, during, and after a catastrophic event.

Here are some of the headlines jotted down throughout the room as he was talking:

1. The Nine Things to Gather at the Scene of an Accident

2. The 5 Things to Remember About Trucking Litigation

3. How to Avoid the “F-Word” in Trucking Litigation

4. Why the Safety Manual is an Oversized Paperweight

But there was one thing that really stood out to the room.  Ron asked this:

“Did you know one of the first 10 questions asked in almost every deposition by a plaintiff’s attorney is ‘What is your company’s policy on what to do at an accident, and were you trained on it?’”

The reason it stood out … every pen in the room was frantically writing down the question.  Two-thirds of the room then admitted their company didn’t have an accident policy like Ron had described earlier.

No one wants that call at 4:00 in the morning.

But chances are you’re going to get that call at some point in your career.  So if any one of your drivers was, knock-on-wood, involved in an accident today and asked that question … how would you fare in litigation?

I’d like to invite you to attend our next Safety Management Boot Camp.

The event is held at the state-of-the-art Vertical Alliance Training Campus in Dallas, Texas.  The lawyer presentation is just one of the many things you’ll learn from over the course of two days.  Reserve your free seat to our next event online.

Register to Attend

5 THINGS YOU’LL LEARN AT THE Safety Management  Boot Camp…

1. How to prepare your company before, during, and after a catastrophic event.

Hear from some of the very best defense attorneys to learn what your company needs to do to lay out the perfect defense ahead of time before any accident ever occurs.

2. How to make online training more than pay for itself through strategic initiatives

Because we have been doing online training since 2007, we have over a decade’s worth of success stories to share.  You’ll learn how to reduce maintenance expenses, improve CSA scores, reduce OS&D claims, streamline orientations … heck, we even share how you can improve your accounts receivables through online training.

3. How to get usage out of an online training system

No matter what kind of system you have, if you don’t get usage out of that system, it’s worthless. One of the things that we’ve perfected is how to get people to use an online training system. At Boot Camp, you’re going to learn exactly how to get your drivers engaged in your training.

4. How to identify areas where training is inconsistent and costing you a fortune

You know they say in the world today that there’s about 54 hours of unfinished work on everybody’s desk, and we’re asking you to take two days out of your schedule to come visit with us. It’s worth it. You’ll learn how to master training techniques that will alleviate a lot of the “busy” work that keeps piling up on your desk.

5. What documents you need to retain so you don’t get a claim levied against you

Your company could end up going to court defenseless if you don’t retain things asked for in a preservation letter.  You’ll learn when to put a litigation hold on certain things and why.

Plus … you’ll earn professional development credit

The Safety Management Boot Camp is a two day business building opportunity unlike anything else in the industry. earn NATMI credits while you take in valuable information to transform your training program.

Register to Attend

There has been a rise in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaints over the last five to six years. EEOC charges are a serious issue and the costs associated with the claims can put some companies out of business. That is why investing in training and coaching is so important as it relates to EEOC and your workplace.

In 2016 alone, $482 million dollars was collected by the EEOC from employers for alleged victims of discrimination. That number only includes settlements and judgements. It does not include the actual cost of the litigation itself. The money you invest into an online training program, like the Infinit-I Workforce System, can help you curb your company’s chances of being hit with a harassment, discrimination, or retaliation claim from the EEOC.

Ten cases … $18 million!!!

In 2016, the 10 private plaintiff employment discrimination class action lawsuit settlements totaled almost $18 million dollars.  While that number is trending downward significantly from earlier years, where the top 14 settlements totaled almost $630 million, there’s still a lot of money on the line if your company is not creating a workplace free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. So any money invested in training can be money and resources well spent to prevent these sorts of claims.

New HR Training Available on the Infinit-I Workforce System

After speaking with HR Directors at several companies across the nation, we learned training on the aforementioned topics, along with several other HR compliance issues, was needed for companies nationwide. We partnered with Danyelle Williams Ackall, SPHR & CPP, the 2011 HR Southwest HR Educator of the Year, to produce a training video series on the major compliance issues companies face in human resources.

Ackall has 18+ years of human resources experience in warehousing, distribution, commercial real estate, higher education, government, and non-profits.  She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas A&M University and earned a Master’s of Science from UT Arlington in Human Resource Management. She is active in both the Fort Worth Human Resource Management Association (FWHRMA) and the Mid-Cities Human Resource Association (MCHRA), both affiliates of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). As an adjunct instructor she has taught management and business courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level for several Texas schools, including UT Arlington, Tarrant County College, Texas Wesleyan University, and Texas Christian University.  She is currently a full-time faculty member at Texas Christian University.

Why training on HR Topics is Important?

Training can be an effective deterrent to harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in the workplace. Not only that, well documented training is invaluable if you do have litigation or a charge of discrimination filed against you. It allows your attorney to be able to highlight not only that you have harassment and discrimination policies in place, but also that you’re frequently reminding people of them. The Infinit-I Workforce System makes it easy to assign out policies and ongoing refresher training on these topics.

In addition to training, the most critical thing your company can do regarding harassment and discrimination is to have an open-door policy and to encourage reporting. When you get a report, you must ensure your staff is trained on how to handle it. While your staff is busy, and you have a million things going on, if someone comes to you to talk about a problem, it’s critical that you listen to them and handle it effectively and handle it timely.

Coach Your Managers on HR Topics

It is also important that you have a training program in place for coaching your managers and employees. By having coaching sessions with your supervisors around harassment and discrimination issues in the workplace, you’re helping them understand what is and is not acceptable behavior in the workplace on an ongoing basis.

Coaching your managers also helps you build a story should you ever have an EEOC or similar claim filed against your company. You’ll be able to show the kind of coaching you did, and you’ll be able to prove your company understands what it means to be an EEOC complaint workplace.

The Infinit-I Workforce System makes it easy for you to guide your leaders to supervise the right way, to lead the right way, and to create an environment that is as free as possible from discrimination, retaliation, and harassment.

Schedule a Demo to learn more.

FSMA sanitary transportation training from the FDA added to the Infinit-I workforce system

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added four training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System. The videos are a compilation of the FDA’s recently released approved training for transportation companies on the Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Sanitary Transportation Rule.

Online Safety Training for Truck Drivers CatalogCross-Contamination
Length: 9:20
This video defines cross-contamination, discusses some of the ways it can happen, and instructs on ways to prevent it.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: FSMA

Types of Contamination
Length: 8:38
This video discusses some types and sources of contamination.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: FSMA

Temperature Control
Length: 9:51
This video discusses the types of food requiring temperature control and how to prevent temperature abuse.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: FSMA

Sanitary Transportation Rule
Length: 11:37
This video discusses the Sanitary Transportation Rule, who it applies to, and many of its critical elements.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: FSMA

Please contact your Client Services Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we have released six training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.  All of the videos are focused on providing school administrators, teachers, and staff members training on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or “FERPA” training.

Student Records are protected under FERPA, a federal law that applies to schools and colleges that receive federal financial assistance. FERPA affects school districts in some way almost every single day. For this reason, it is important for your entire staff to to know and understand what the law requires.

The six new FERPA online training videos make it easy for your staff to undergo initial and ongoing training on FERPA requirements using the Infinit-I Workforce System

New FERPA Training Videos

Training Videos for Schools CatalogRights of Access
Length: 7:20
This video discusses what the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act actually is, who is covered by FERPA, and who has rights of access to personally identifiable information.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Education Records
Length: 6:14
This video defines what does and does not count as an education record.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Videos and Emails
Length: 6:56
This video discusses how FERPA applies to video and emails in regards to treating them as education records.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Personally Identifiable Information
Length: 8:55
This video defines what personally identifiable information actually is and some exceptions to consent.
Module Category: Schools
Module: FERPA

Requesting Access to Student Records
Length: 6:24
This video discusses the procedures for accessing education records as well as amending records.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Notice of FERPA Rights
Length: 2:59
This video discusses what is involved in the notification of FERPA rights as well as the process of filing a complaint.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.

View our complete list of training videos for schools.

Training can be an effective deterrent to harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in the workplace. Not only that, well documented training is invaluable if you do have litigation or a charge of discrimination filed against you. It allows your attorney to be able to highlight not only that you have harassment and discrimination policies in place, but also that you’re frequently reminding people of them. The Infinit-I Workforce System makes it easy to assign out policies and ongoing refresher training on these topics.

In addition to training, the most critical thing your company can do regarding harassment and discrimination is to have an open-door policy and to encourage reporting. When you get a report, you must ensure your staff is trained on how to handle it. While your staff is busy, and you have a million things going on, if someone comes to you to talk about a problem, it’s critical that you listen to them and handle it effectively and handle it timely.

6 Internal Remedies to Prevent Harassment in the Workplace

  1. Train
  2. Understand and promote your anti-harassment policy
  3. Distribute sexual harassment information to all employees
  4. Encourage reporting
  5. Respond effectively
  6. Partner with HR

Watch the Video

Download the Flyer

What are you doing right now to change your exposure to tail swing and sideswipe accidents

What are you doing right now to change your exposure to tail swing and sideswipe accidents? This is one of the questions insurance companies look at each year as they evaluate your school’s insurability.

In order for an insurance company to insure your district, and for you to transport students as safely as possible, you must decrease your chances of having the two most common accidents made in student transportation … tail swing and sideswipe accidents.  And there is only one way to affect change in this area. You must change school bus driver performance.  And that comes down to training and accountability.


Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. recently attended a Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA) Conference, where we spoke with risk managers representing insurance companies.  Each conversation we had echoed the prior conversation.  It went something like this…

“Schools train bus drivers at the beginning of the year.  They study accidents to spot trends.  They discipline drivers involved in minor accidents.  Most schools don’t run unsafe school bus operations, but what really hurts them from an insurance standpoint is the number of preventable accidents they have related to tail swing and sideswipe.”

Armed with that knowledge, we started talking with some of our friends in student transportation. We asked them to share with us how many accidents they have per year in student transportation and if they had ever noticed a correlation between what caused those accidents.

After looking at data from five different school districts, we found each school had an average of 25 minor accidents a year, typically related to tail swing or sideswipe.  While most of those preventable accidents involved minor damage to mailboxes or stop signs, each cost around $1,000 to fix.

Stop spending $25,000+ on damages from preventable accidents

It doesn’t take a math whiz to quickly realize the schools I just mentioned are spending an average of $25,000 a year just fixing damages created because school bus drivers forgot the policies that dictate how to safely avoid these preventable accidents.  Yes, you read that right.  Schools are throwing away at least $25,000 a year on school bus drivers who’ve become complacent.  They simply forgot the training they received earlier in the year.  The good news is, the Infinit-I Workforce System can help you solve this problem..

But first, did you know…

Studies show one in six school bus crashes involve personal injury.

While it didn’t take a math whiz to do the last bout of calculations, you may want to ask your school’s attorney how quickly that number could increase if the accident involved a person.  It only takes one tail swing or side swipe accident involving a pedestrian to wrap your district into a personal injury legal nightmare.  The cost for paying out on that can run into the $100,000+ range.

One easy solution to help stop tail swing and sideswipe accidents

Let’s go back for a moment to the conversation we had with various insurance risk managers.  There’s a second piece to what they had to tell us.

“When you train a teenager to drive, you practice skills with them repeatedly. Skills like backing, increasing following distance, lane changes, and proper speeds. A school bus driver needs the same ongoing training. They should be totally saturated on defensive driving skills training. They should be totally saturated on safety training.”

“How much emphasis a school district places on training is directly related to their insurance premiums. If a district has a high frequency of accidents and is not training to prevent them from happening through awareness, they will have higher insurance premiums because the frequency and severity of their accidents will continue to grow.”

And that’s where the Infinit-I Workforce Solution for Schools comes into play.   For the 2017-2018 school year, we’ve added several new training titles to our catalog, including new videos specifically focused on helping your school bus drivers keep best practices for avoiding tail swing and sideswipe top of mind.  Not only that, but in the event you notice a trend of any type of bad driver behavior, the system makes it easy for you to react to it, train on it, and prove you’ve held your school bus drivers accountable.

If you’d like to discuss adding these titles to your school bus driver training program, call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400.

training solutions, investment-948603.jpg

Are Your Training Solutions Working for You?

When it comes time to evaluate your insurability each year, there is one question insurance companies are asking. What training solutions are you implementing right now to change your exposure to accidents?

If you want an insurance company to insure you, and if you want your company to be profitable, you must decrease losses. The only way to make this happen is to change driver performance. Your only able to change driver performance if you hold them accountable and maintain regular training.

Lessons from an Insurance Risk Manager

Continued safety issues can cost your company thousands of dollars in insurance alone. A risk manager from an insurance company, speaking at a training event, shared how the Infinit-I training system empowers trucking companies.

During his discussion, he shared five reasons trucking companies should utilize Infinit-I Workforce Solutions to manage their training programs. These five training solutions were:

  1. You can keep drivers up to date on new rules and regulations
  2. You can keep drivers on the road making money
  3. You can identify negative driver behavior trends and reverse them
  4. You can provide ongoing training to all your drivers
  5. You can reduce your exposure to increased insurance premiums

How do the training solutions provided by Infinit-I help in these areas?

Keep Drivers Up to Date on New Rules and Regulations

Federal and even state rules and regulations change on a regular basis. This means you need training options that will help you inform drivers of the changes quickly. If you are using DVDs for training, you are costing your company more money to keep up with needed training changes.

Most of these DVDs are long and boring for drivers. The Infinit-I system offers short, up to date training videos that not only make training affordable, but also allow you to keep drivers engaged throughout the training.

Keep Drivers on the Road Making Money

Unlike in-person training that requires you to bring all your drivers into the terminal, Infinit-I Workforce Solution’s online training platform allows you to keep your drivers on the road and making money. Drivers can access assigned training from any device with an internet connection, so there’s no need to disrupt their schedules.

Let’s face it, few of your drivers really want to sit in a training room for hours. You can save both time and money for everyone involved with our online training solutions. Plus, the quizzes at the end of each short training video proves your driver understands the material presented.

Identify Negative Driver Behavior Trends and Reverse Them

With the tracking and reporting capabilities of the Infinit-I system, you can identify trends that lead to safety issues for your drivers. This means you can react quickly to these trends and provide necessary training to improve those negative trends.

The system ensures you have the documentation to prove you’re making investments in performance, identifying and reacting to trends, and holding drivers accountable for their actions. This documentation helps protect your company when it comes to litigation, inspections, audits, and insurance needs. Anytime your commitment to training is questioned, you can back up your claims.

Provide Ongoing Training

When you train a new driver, you practice skills like backing, follow distance, lane changes, proper speeds, etc. repeatedly to help them understand. A professional truck driver needs that same ongoing training to make sure they keep safety measures top of mind.

Drivers should have continuous training on defensive driving skills, FMCSA rules and regulations, and all other safety issues. With over 850 videos on a variety of safe driving topics, the Infinit-I Workforce system makes it easy for you to provide weekly or monthly training to keep your drivers safe.

Reduce Risks that Increase Insurance Premiums

The amount of emphasis your company places on driver training solutions can directly impact your insurance premiums. If your company has a high frequency of accidents and do not have any measures in place to address the behaviors that lead to these accidents, your insurance premiums will continue to increase.

Mark Sorine, Vice President of Safety at Quality Distribution appreciates the help Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has provided in reducing premiums…

“On renewal cycles, we have to do a presentation to our insurance carrier. Infinit-I is part of the presentation.

They haven’t provided us any type of discount per se for utilizing the system. But it has been a factor where we’ve seen premium reductions in the last three years based on performance. I have to think this product has something to do with that.”

An Easy Solution to Your Training and Insurance Needs

Implementing a best-in-class training solution program is easier than you may think. Since 2007, the Infinit-I Workforce system has helped thousands of trucking companies empower their drivers with the tools they need for safer driving.

By improving their safety, we’ve helped these companies become more presentable during the insurance renewal process. If you’re ready to ensure your drivers will remember the training they received and improve your company’s liability, we have you covered.

If you would like to learn more about how the Infinit-I Workforce Solution platform can empower your drivers, schedule a demo.


The CDL exam is a tough test and studying for the exam isn’t easy.

What will be covered on the exam?
Everything that will be covered in the exam is available for free by downloading your state’s CDL manual.  This manual is available through your state’s Department of Transportation.

One quick look through a state’s CDL Manual though, and you’ll wonder how anybody has ever passed the exam.

That’s why Tim Scott created the Online CDL Training Course.

After implementing his course at the National Transportation Driver Training Centers, over 90% of the people who took the course, passed the CDL written exam.  This was a 14% increase in the number of people passing the exam, compared to the pass rates seen by students prior to implementing his course.

Why did the Online CDL Training Course make a difference?

Tim Scott’s course focuses on the most important parts of the exam.  The course is taught in short video series, followed by a test.  This method helps CDL students the material.  Additionally, it takes away the intimidation of the sheer volume of material presented in the State CDL Manuals.

Swift Transportation Uses the CDL Training Not only has Tim discovered this but one of the largest trucking companies in the transportation industry, Swift Transportation, uses our Online CDL Training for new drivers entering into their company.

A testimonial from Swift.
“We chose to outsource to Vertical Alliance to help us manage some of our new entrant driver processing functions, like those pre-employment hurdles related to commercial driver permits. We knew it would be cost effective but what we did not anticipate was the human resource value. The system actually helps us identify our future best employees. Shortly after launching the system, we discovered that the applicants who finish the online process are the initiative takers and have a level of self discipline that translates into a superior driver. It weeds out those individuals who aren’t serious about their careers.”
– Tim McLain
National Academy Director
Swift Transportation

Are you ready to take the least expensive, best CDL online training in the industry?

Enroll Today

Entry Level Driver Training ELDT bus driver, school bus safety, school-3092580.jpg

Tail Swing and Sideswipe Training for School Bus Safety

After looking at school bus safety data from five different school districts, we discovered that each school’s transportation department had an average of 25 minor accidents a year. These accidents were typically related to tail swing or sideswipe issues.

While most of these accidents involved minor damage to mailboxes or stop signs, each cost around $1,000 to fix. These were also preventable accidents, meaning the damage never should have occurred in the first place.

Why Spend Thousands of Dollars on Preventable Accidents?

A quick calculation will show you these schools are spending an average of $25,000 per year to cover damages because school bus safety policies and procedures are not being followed. Yes, these districts are throwing away $25,000 a year on driver complacency.

Either the drivers are forgetting their safety training, not receiving proper training, or just not keeping safety as a focus. While these are minor accidents, the numbers can quickly increase in more serious accidents.

Cost Increase for Personal Injury Accidents

Studies show one in six school bus crashes involve personal injury. If you don’t know how this will affect the costs, you may want to ask your school’s attorney how quickly the litigation costs can increase if an accident involves another person.

It only takes one tail swing or sideswipe accident involving a pedestrian or a person injured in another vehicle to place your district in a personal injury legal nightmare. The cost for paying out in one of these cases can get into the $100,000 or more range.

Training Reduces Accidents

When you train a teenager to drive, you train with them on the skills they need repeatedly. You spend time going over things like backing, increasing follow distance, lane changes, proper speeds, etc. A school bus driver requires the same ongoing training.

To maintain school bus safety, drivers should be continuously training on defensive driving skills. They need continuous bus safety training. How much emphasis a school district places on training is directly related to their costs like potential claims and insurance premiums.

If a district has a high frequency of accidents and is not training to increase awareness and prevent them from happening, they will have higher insurance premiums. This is because the frequency and severity of their accident will continue to grow.

The Training Tools You Need to Maintain Bus Driver Safety

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is a leader in the transportation training industry. We have several training titles geared towards school bus safety in our training catalogs, and we are always adding new videos to help with training on topics like avoiding tail swing and side swipe accidents.

Not only that, but if you notice any other trends in bad driver behavior, the system makes it easy for you to react to it immediately, train on the issue, and maintain proof you’ve held your school bus drivers accountable. For more information on the school transportation training provided through Infinit-I, request our catalog for schools.

Request Catalog

If you want to learn how the Infinit-I system can make training for your school district easier, request a demo to see it for yourself.

5 Rules to Live by to Prevent Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace

There has been a rise in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaints over the last five to six years. EEOC charges are a serious issue and the costs associated with the claims can put some companies out of business. That is why investing in training and coaching is so important as it relates to EEOC and your workplace.

The money you invest into an online training program, like the Infinit-I Workforce System, can help you curb your company’s chances of being hit with a harassment, discrimination, or retaliation claim from the EEOC. In 2016 alone, $482 million dollars was collected by the EEOC from employers for alleged victims of discrimination. That number only includes settlements and judgements. It does not include the actual cost of the litigation itself.

Ten cases … $18 million!!! 
In 2016, the 10 private plaintiff employment discrimination class action lawsuit settlements totaled almost $18 million dollars.  While that number is trending downward significantly from earlier years, where the top 14 settlements totaled almost $630 million, there’s still a lot of money on the line if your company is not creating a workplace free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. So any money invested in training can be money and resources well spent to prevent these sorts of claims.

There are 5 rules to live by when it comes to preventing workplace harassment and discrimination:

  1. Don’t play where you work.
  2. Commit to your company’s values, policies, and standards.
  3. Remind others about your company’s values,  policies, and standards.
  4. Encourage employees to make good-faith complaints.
  5. Be fair and consistent in your managerial role.

Watch the Video