Leading safety management system that brings current industry news that your company to use to stay updated & informed in todays fast pace world.

Coaching Tips for Harassment & Discrimination Training

It is important that you have a training program in place for coaching your managers and employees. By having coaching sessions with your supervisors around harassment and discrimination issues in the workplace, you’re helping them understand what is and is not acceptable behavior in the workplace on an ongoing basis.

Coaching your managers also helps you build a story should you ever have an EEOC or similar claim filed against your company. You’ll be able to show the kind of coaching you did. You’ll be able to prove your company understands what it means to be an EEOC complaint workplace.

The Infinit-I Workforce System makes it easy for you to guide your leaders to supervise the right way, to lead the right way, and to create an environment that is as free as possible from discrimination, retaliation, and harassment.

Watch the Video

Download the Flyer

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5 Rs When You Observe Harassment or Discrimination

Harassment and discrimination in the workplace are serious issues that need to be addressed before they lead to legal issues. By creating a positive atmosphere at work, you will not only protect yourself against the legal problems, you will also increase employee retention and productivity.

When you or someone else in leadership observes objectionable conduct by one of your employees, there are 5 things you need to do. These are the 5 R’s managers should be trained on to help prevent harassment and discrimination claims from happening at your company.

The 5 R’s include:

1. Recognize the situation
3. Remove yourself from that situation
3. Redirect the employee and and simultaneous…
4. Re-educate them be able to pinpoint the specific policy or procedure that’s been violated
5. Respond and determine the appropriate response.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has put together some resources to help you improve company-wide policies on discrimination in the workplace. If this is an issue, or you just want to make sure you are following best practices, check out our helpful video below.

Watch the Video

We have also put together a handy flyer to help keep the 5 Rs in mind when dealing with potential issues in the workplace. Click below to get a copy for yourself or your office.


Don’t let discrimination in the workplace or any other HR issues cause issues for your company. Infinit-I workforce Solutions has the training tools you need to prepare managers to deal with these issues immediately.

Incorporate the HR training with safety and other ongoing training needs to keep employee morale and productivity up while reducing workplace incidents. Request a demo to see how the Infinit-I system can help make your training program work better for you.

https://test.infinitiworkforce.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/5-Deadly-Sins-Safety-Managers-Make-at-Trucking-Companies.jpg safety managers

Watch the Training Video

Summary of 5 Deadly Sins Safety Managers Make

Government regulations can be unpredictable for the transportation industry. On top of this, you have new court precedents that make it more difficult for safety managers to protect their company.

In particular, there are 5 court precedents in place that can cause unexpected issues for safety managers and transportation companies if you don’t know how to navigate them.

  1. Negligent hiring
  2. Negligent retention
  3. Driver negligence
  4. Functionally asleep
  5. Last clear chance

When it comes to negligent hiring, this is completely on hiring managers. Plaintiff attorneys will come after your company if you haven’t done everything in your power to hire safe drivers.

While you don’t always have to redo safe driving tests when hiring new drivers, you do need to know their background, especially for issues such as failed drug tests. Make sure ahead of time that you know everything you need to know about the drivers you are hiring.

Negligent retention is also completely on the company. Plaintiff attorneys will look for the policies you have for drivers, and you need to have all these policies in writing. You also need to ensure that all policies are being followed.

Courts will assume that if the company policies aren’t being followed, no rules and regulations will be followed. It is important for everyone, including leadership to know and follow these rules.

These two issues alone can lead to punitive damages that can cost millions of dollars.

Driver negligence has to do with the actions of drivers before and during an accident. If an attorney can find that a driver was doing something they shouldn’t, they will look to see how your company could be at fault for this.

Functionally asleep involves what your driver does during rest times. If the driver was supposed to be resting, but the plaintiff attorney can prove they were on the phone during that time, the driver is considered functionally asleep.

Attorneys will look to your training records once again to determine if you hold any blame. If you can’t prove you provided training on proper rest, your company can be held at fault.

Last clear chance is about your driver being able to avoid an accident. If a plaintiff attorney can prove that the driver had a clear chance to stop the accident and didn’t, that falls under this category. This is even if another driver was at fault during the accident.

Once again, your company can be held liable if you can’t prove proper training. You must be able to prove you have done everything you could/should have to minimize accidents. If you don’t have documentation, you can be held liable because you can’t prove you trained your drivers.

When it comes to your safety program, it’s important to remember: if it’s not in writing, not signed, and not dated, it didn’t happen.

About the Infinit-I Workforce System

Infinit-I Workforce System Features

Click to Request a Demo | Online Employee Training System

About the Training Video

In this video, Dean Huth gives an overview of the “5 Deadly Sins” safety managers make.  This is the first in a five part training video series for safety managers available exclusively on the Infinit-I Workforce System.


Click to Request a Demo | Online Employee Training System

Avoid Common Training Program Challenges: Decrease Training Risks, Costs, and Headaches

Whether your in-person training program is weekly, monthly, quarterly, or just once a year, Infinit-I Boot Camp will teach you how to use online training to leverage what you’re already doing and maximize your training results.

The Inifinit-I platform takes a systematic approach that allows anyone who is dedicated to better training and a more profitable workforce can figure out.

The Purpose of Infinit-I Boot Camp

Infinit-I Training Program

The purpose of the Infinit-I Boot Camp is to show you how to improve your training program so you can increase training momentum and get the most out of it. The result is less time to train more employees and better safety results.

Plus, you’ll learn why the Infinit-I system can save you time and money while maintaining quality continuous training. With an understanding of the tools that help you make training a priority, your training headaches will be gone.

The Potential of Online Training

Most companies know their training program could use some help, but they don’t know how to get started. Some companies don’t really understand the value of a continuous training program. They gather employees into a room, get some papers signed to say training happen, and figure whatever results they get is as good as it gets.

Patrick Nevins New World Van Lines

With an online training management system like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, you can train an entire workforce more efficiently and in less time. The Boot Camp will help you understand how to utilize the Infinit-I system on a consistent basis so you have predictable, continuous results with a controlled training program that positively impacts your bottom line.

The purpose of training isn’t just to gather everyone in a room on a sporadic basis and discuss random topics. Rather it’s to facilitate ongoing learning and help employees feel prepared for the tasks and roles ahead of them. With continuous quality training, you can keep employees informed of important subjects without disruptions to your schedules.

A Partnership in Training

Our goal is to help you get the best results from your training program. For this reason, we want to show you up front how the Infinit-I system works so you can evaluate it for yourself. We will show you step-by-step how to improve profits through strategic training initiatives that will also save you thousands of dollars.

The purpose of the Inifinit-I Boot Camp is to educate you, so you have a clear vision of what your training can look like. We want to show you the steps and strategies that work and help provide great benefit to your company.

Reserve a FREE ticket to our next event.

The CVSA has announced Operation Safe Driver Week will be held October 16-22 across North America.  The event is designed to bring awareness to unsafe driving behaviors. Last year, 19,480 roadside inspections were conducted.  

The top five warnings and citations issued to drivers included:
(1) Size and Weight,
(2) Speeding,
(3) Failure to Use a Seatbelt,
(4) Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device, and
(5) Using a Handheld Phone.

To help educate your drivers on this important topic, V

7 Best Practices for Online Training

Study Finds Keys to Engagement with Online Training

An MIT study of 6.9 million video sessions identified the keys to improve engagement when it comes to online training. Among these key features, the study highlighted shorter lessons, less formality, and web-friendly lessons.

Seven key elements were found that improve the efficiency of online platforms. When it comes to developing a training program that utilizes online materials, you want to make sure you hit these areas to get the best results.

Seven Best Practices for Training

The seven elements MIT found necessary for training were:

  1. Shorter Videos
  2. Incorporating non-static visuals
  3. Pauses to allow for comprehension
  4. Less formality
  5. Provide web-friendly options
  6. Incorporate people outside of classroom settings
  7. Deliver content with enthusiasm

The shorter videos allow people to process the training materials without losing focus, meaning better comprehension and retention. Keeping videos to an average of 6 minutes can increase participation in your training program, meaning better results for your company.

6 Minute Videos

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions stands out when it comes to employee training because we offer an online platform that utilizes these key features to provide the training you need in the workforce. We provide training that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection through the website or apps.

We also keep our videos as short as possible to increase our clients’ success with their online training program. Most of our videos are between 3-8 minutes, and it is not uncommon for our clients to echo the MIT study if they have used other training platforms before switching to us.

Clients Share Why Infinit-I Meets Their Training Needs

Many clients have shared how the shorter training videos are better for their drivers. Ricky Parker, Director of Safety for KLLM Transport says:

“The other companies, they have 30-minute training sessions. Have you ever sat a driver down and tried to lecture him for 30 minutes about something?

You lose their concentration. They don’t retain it. With this, 7 minutes is perfect; they retain it.”

Bill Beaty, Safety Director for Earl L. Henderson Trucking agrees:

“We were using (competitor) who had videos that were a little bit long, and the average attention span for drivers was not quite there. So, we decided to go with something else, and we were highly recommended to use Infinit-I Workforce System.

The video content, video catalog, was the main reason we switched. We felt like the videos were short and to the point. We were looking for short that would keep their attention.

We were recommended to switch to Infinit-I Workforce System by a third party consultant. We viewed it, and we loved it.”

This is just two of the many clients who have shared their success with the Infinit-I online training system.

Discover the Benefits of a Well-Designed Training Program

Infinit-I is constantly looking for ways to improve our training platform to make it easier and better for our clients. We incorporate the best practices of the training industry to ensure you can provide all orientation, ongoing, and corrective action training needs to improve employee performance.

Would you like to see for yourself how the Infinit-I system can streamline your training program? Schedule a demo to learn more about the features that make us the #1 training system in the transportation industry.

Company Announces 4 Free Webinars for HR Professionals

Vertical Alliance Named SHRM Recertification ProviderVertical Alliance Group would like to announce we have been approved to join the SHRM Recertification Provider network.  This means we are now able to provide SHRM Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for programs we offer related to the SHRM Body of Competency and KnowledgeTM (SHRM BoCK). Four of our upcoming webinars meet the SHRM BoCK.  Attendees to these free webinars will receive 1 PDC for each webinar they attend.

SEPT 22, 2016 | IS YOUR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY LEAVING YOU AT RISK? Working on government contracts without knowledge of all of the requirements sets your business up to fail. Learn applicable laws to ensure you don’t lose money.

OCT 27, 2016 | THE UNWRITTEN RULES FOR ONBOARDING NEW EMPLOYEES Doing just a few things wrong on day one can set your company up for litigation peril. Learn the rules you must master in order to win the employee onboarding game.

NOV 17, 2016 | THESE COMMON POLICY MISTAKES COULD COST YOU YOUR JOB Company policies should protect your business. Ensure they’re free of mistakes that would otherwise make them a disgruntled employee’s roadmap to lawsuit heaven.

DEC 8, 2016 | GOT PROTECTION FROM HARASSMENT & DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS? Holiday parties, risqué banter, office cliques … all seem harmless enough until the EEOC hands you an employee grievance claim. Learn the “musts” to protect your company.

Each webinar will be held at 10:00 a.m. CST and is being taught by attorney Monica Narvaez. Before joining the Underwood Firm, Narvaez developed a strong regulatory background defending state agencies, county agencies, and universities as an Assistant Ohio Attorney General and as a Policy Attorney for the State of Ohio. She has a high level of experience as a Human Resource and Labor Relations Director and holds the SPHR and SHRM-SCP Certifications. She specializes her practice on providing labor and employment advice to employers of all sizes. “A lot of our clients look forward to attending our free monthly webinars, and several of the HR directors at these companies asked us to look into becoming a SHRM Recertification Provider.  We understand how important it is for human resource professionals to continue their education, and that is why we have added a human resource element to our free monthly training program,” said Tina Bell, Marketing Manager for Vertical Alliance Group.

To learn more about the upcoming free webinar series, click here.  Registration is limited to the first 1000 registrants.  In order to receive certification credits, you must attend the live event.

Have your drivers marked Sept. 2017 on their calendar for Brake Safety Week? On those dates, law enforcement agencies across North America will conduct inspections to identify out-of-adjustment brakes, brake-system, and anti-lock braking system (ABS) violations as part of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) Brake Safety Week. There are two videos I thought you might want to assign out to your drivers this month to ensure they are ready for Brake Safety Week in September:


Infinit-I Bootcamp

Your number one priority in student transportation is ensuring your students make it safely to their destination.  Our number one priority is helping you ensure your drivers know how to manage safety issues on and around the bus. As the premier provider of online training for the student transportation industry, one thing has always set Vertical Alliance Group apart from the competition … our commitment to providing a customized training platform for your school district.

This includes teaching districts how to easily create their own custom training videos, while providing access to over 350+ training videos in the Infinit-I Workforce System. We’d like to invite you to stop by our booth at the SESPTC Conference on July 12th to film a personal safety video message for your drivers.  We’ll take your message and attach it to a video designed to remind your drivers about the importance of teaching children safety on and off the bus.

Visit Us at SESPTC in Booth #1214

Schedule Time at SESPTC to Film Your Safety Training Video

With close to 600 people currently registered to attend the SESPTC Conference, and only 5 hours for you to visit the Expo Hall, we encourage you to reserve a time to film your free safety training video. You can still stop by our booth and film the video, even if you don’t have a time slot reserved, but we will ensure those who scheduled an appointment are filmed first!

About Infinit-I Workforce System

The Infinit-I Workforce System was designed to inspire and create behavioral changes in your school bus drivers and other employees responsible for the day-to-day operation of your bus barn.  As the pupil transportation industry’s premier online learning management system, Infinit-I Workforce System not only gives you access to over 350+ school bus driver training videos, but it also provides the best online training, tracking, reporting, and online school bus driver communication platform in the industry. Hundreds of school districts utilizing this powerful school bus driver training program have reported improved student management, easier in-service coordination, improved safety meetings, streamlined communication, and more.  Sound too good to be true?  It’s not. Read some of our Client Testimonials to learn how utilizing Infinit-I Workforce System has revolutionized not only their school bus safety training programs, but also their entire bus barn operation.

Utilize 350+ School Bus Driver Training Videos

If your school bus training videos consist of  DVDs and VHS tapes, it is time to bring your program into the digital age.  With over 350+ bus driver training videos in our Training Library, you’ll enjoy access to current training on just about every topic you can imagine for training school bus drivers. Request our Training Catalog to get an in-depth look at the titles and video series currently available to you with your Infinit-i Workforce System membership. Plus, Infinit-I Workforce System is constantly creating and adding new videos into our Training Library.  All videos are between 5-10 minutes in length, making them easy to watch anywhere, anytime.  Their short length also makes them a perfect choice for safety meeting discussions. Want a tour of the our Training Library?  Schedule your demo now.

Customize Your Content Library & Driver Resource Area

When we first launched Infinit-I Workforce System, our goal was to provide the most robust training tool the student transportation industry had ever seen.  We realized from the first day we launched our system that providing a way for transportation directors to post modules from their own training libraries, plus upload district policy and procedure manuals, insurance information, driver calendars, announcements, and more into the system was going to be paramount to the system being a successful tool for school bus driver training programs.  By doing this we were able to ensure each school district we serve has the right training solution available for their bus drivers and their team. While some skills needed in the student transportation industry are standard, every district is different. Through one-on-one consultations, our team helps you identify your unique training needs and requirements.  Then we help you design highly customized solutions that address your unique district bus driver training challenges, making training bus drivers an easy, streamlined process.  And the best part is…our impressive reporting and tracking system makes it easy for you to see when you are achieving measurable results. Custom content is not limited to training videos.  In fact, a large number of our clients utilize our learning management system to make it easy for drivers to access all your district’s documents in one location.  Check out some of these exciting ways Infinit-I Workforce System clients are currently customizing their driver resource areas:

POST IMPORTANT TRAINING DOCUMENTS ♦ Employee Handbooks ♦ Field Trip Procedures ♦ Health and District Benefit Information ♦ Physical Contact with Students Policy ♦ District Vehicle Driving Requirements
CREATE UNIQUE TRAINING VIDEOS ♦ Special Transportation Videos ♦ Camera System Procedure ♦ Remedial Driver Training Program ♦ Winter Bus Driving Training ♦ Instructions on Proper Way to Change a Tire ♦ Instructions on District Pre-Trip Inspection Requirements
SHARE IMPORTANT POLICIES & CALENDARS ♦ Post Inclement Weather Policy ♦ Publish Driver Calendars ♦ Share School District Forms ♦ Post CDL License Rules ♦ Share Safety Message & Safety Reviews
SHARE COMPANY & INDUSTRY NEWS ♦ Post Your District’s Newsletters ♦ Recognize Employees on Their Birthdays ♦ Post Employee Years of Service Awards ♦ Celebrate Employee Birth Announcements ♦ Share Industry News & New Regulations ♦ Post Timely Messages from the Director of Transportation
Add an Element of Efficiency to Your Training Program ♦ Deliver Custom Content Online in Any Format ♦ Comprehensive Bus Driver Safety Training Video Library ♦ Customize Training to Deliver in Multiple Languages ♦ Add Consistency to Bus Driver Training ♦ Target Areas like Student Management Using Our Library
Develop Employees & Build Your Company Culture ♦ Improve Bus Driver Retention ♦ Celebrate Employee Accomplishments ♦ Ensure Drivers Understand Emergency Bus Evacuations ♦ Add CDL Training & Other Modules ♦ Test Drivers on Training Content to Ensure Understanding of Material ♦ Quickly Assign Remedial Driver Training ♦ Track Driver Progress with 3rd Party Date and Time Stamps

Your Very Own School Bus Driver Safety Training Consultant

We do more than just develop custom training solutions for the student transportation industry.  As a Infinit-I Workforce System user, you will be introduced to your personal Client Services Representative who will work with you from set-up and implementation through ongoing utilization of the system to ensure you are getting the maximum benefit out of your new training resource tool.  Your Client Services Representative is always just a phone call (or email) away, ready to assist you.  You can be as involved (or as uninvolved) as you want to be in every step of the process. We like to tell people, with Infinit-I Workforce System, you’re never alone.  All you need to be able to do is dial a phone, and we will take care of you from there. Our goal is to create a strong relationship with you to help guide your transportation department to success using an online learning platform. When you choose Infinit-I Workforce System, we become a partner with your training team.  Together we will work to achieve your transportation department’s learning objectives. Your Client Services Representative serves as a consultant and mentor for you on best practices for utilizing your training system.  He or she will regularly review your account and call you on a monthly or quarterly basis to offer advice, ideas, and new information for you to implement into your training program. Our Client Services Team is what our clients tell us truly sets us apart from others in the industry.

Schedule a Demo of Infinit-I Workforce System

June is National Safety Month, and thousands of organizations across the country have joined forces with the National Safety Council (NSC) to work to raise awareness of what it takes to stay "Safe for Life". Each week in June, the NSC will be highlighting a different safety topic, with June 27th-30th designated as "Share the Roads Safely" week. In observance of this month, we have put together ideas for you to share with your drivers.

5 Ideas to Help Observe National Safety