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A truck drives down a road | low-impact training

Have you heard of low-impact driver training? If not, it’s time. It’s revolutionizing driver safety results. Here’s how.

The Failure of High-Impact Training 

Imagine you’re trying to lose weight. You hire a personal trainer. She says she can only see you on a workday. Then she brings you in on the first day, but instead of 1-on-1, you’re in the class with 60 other people, all at different fitness levels. 

Your personal trainer walks in and says: 

“Okay, guys. Today we’re going to hit every aspect of core and cardio because you’re all out of shape. Also, most of you need muscle-building. And a few of you have injuries we’ll need to consider. And Frank, your balance is way off. So today we’re going to work on all of it. For everyone. For eight hours.”

Then she tells you she’s pretty busy, so you’re going to do all the exercises everyone needs for the next three months.

And you’d better be fit in the meantime! If not, she’s going to call you and give you a piece of her mind, because fitness is really important!

And help yourself to coffee and free doughnuts in the back.

Top Training Problems You Need to Tackle

That’s a picture of high-impact training. It’s providing as much information as possible into learning sessions spaced far apart. This is how many trucking companies are still training their drivers!

But that’s not how memory and learning work. Driver training based on experience and adult learning uses a low-key strategy to make the bigger impact by training in frequent small bites over time.

In-person training sessions alone, no matter how well you do them, is an unreliable method for success:

  • • You’re not getting training to many of your drivers.
  • • You’re pulling drivers off the road, losing their money and yours.
  • • You’re teaching according to methods that contradict experience and research.
  • • There’s pressure to train every driver on all issues (whether applicable to that driver or not) to cover your bases.
  • • You’re often not able to be efficient with driver time (and they know it).
  • • You’re spending money and time on meetings that may not be effective.
  • • You’re spending money and time on remote remediations that may not be effective.
  • • You have to harass drivers with reminders, pressure, and threats between training events.
  • You’re not seeing dramatically better results. And you may feel like time is running out.

Changing driver behavior, like losing weight, isn’t about stressful “cram” sessions. It’s about changes over time, changing habits, and providing support. The only thing that’s going to do that is frequent, consistent repetition, in much smaller bites. 

Benefits of Low-Impact Training

This is why online training works especially well in the transportation industry. It supports drivers remotely, everyday, in a 3-Step Model for Change:


  • • Instead of being inundated with information a few times a year, you’re making it easy and convenient for drivers to have continual AWARENESS of top-of-mind issues. 
  • • Instead of touching base every so often, or building negative experience with the company, drivers are equipped and supported every day to MAKE RIGHT DECISIONS. 
  • • Better safety decisions mean you see more of the RIGHT OUTCOMES. 

When online training is well-designed, supported by automated documentation, and based on a low-impact strategy of short, frequent training sessions, you’ll find the following success factors:


Make training available anytime, anywhere, on any device. Don’t pull drivers off the road unnecessarily, when they should be delivering freight. During any waiting time, drivers can log in, watch a video, and complete safety reminders and messaging. 

This also allows drivers to be more efficient with their time. You certainly are being more efficient with their time! Drivers see and appreciate that.


Deliver the same content to all employees, whether onsite or remote. People repeatedly need time getting connected to messaging before it starts to take hold. 

And create a more consistent relationship between the company and the drivers. They may not see anyone from the company for weeks or months. Instead of trying to tell them everything they need to know a few times a year, you’re connecting on a regular basis. 


Use a micro-training strategy of short videos and messages to improve comprehension and retention of material. Effective = efficient. Impact turnover, too! Independent contractors are independent for a reason. You can’t demand that a person who’s not an employee show up somewhere for half a day. When you respect drivers’ time, you respect their paycheck. 


What issues always need repeated coverage? What only needs an occasional review? Schedule routine training and best practice safety reminders to come at regular intervals.


Deliver specialized training topics to those employees who need them (i.e., hazmat, fuel efficiency, driver/dispatcher, etc.) Infinit-I Workforce Solutions offers a bilingual learning library of over 850 topics.


Push out training in response to incidents in real-time and automate corrective actions. React quickly! Snow coming next week? Send a reminder right away for those drivers facing inclement weather.


Personalize messages from the CEO, send birthday wishes, and share holiday greetings. This builds relationships and rapport among remote teams, which increases employee retention.

Low-impact training has a formidable record of effectiveness. And that reputation is only growing. Effective training saves you money in vital business areas, from training and re-hiring costs, to lawsuits and DOT inspections. With a 93% year-over-year client retention rate, we know that our model works in helping trucking companies like yours meet serious business goals.

Request your free demo of Infinit-I Workforce Solutions today and see for yourself.

documentation is essential for IRT scoring

Improving safety practices without improving documentation is like getting your degree, but not keeping your transcript. You can say you did all you could. You may have met your goals. But at the end of the day, you’ve literally got nothing to show. That’s the position of many trucking companies every day by training drivers with an unreliable documentation system. In the eyes of the law: If it’s not written down, signed, and dated — or if you can’t find it — it didn’t happen. The new IRT scoring system is only going to up the ante. But you can prepare. Here’s how we’re already solving this problem for thousands of clients.

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How Reporting Reduces Insurance Costs and Litigation Risk for Transportation Firms

Are you ready for your next deposition? How about your next audit? No trucking company wants there to be a next deposition or audit. But you’ve got to prepare. What does your safety documentation need to succeed? Can you ensure it’s working for you at the critical moment?

Wearing Your Armor

Your business relies on reliable documentation. No matter how tough the situation, if you can prove you’ve done the right thing, it’s like wearing armor into battle. Without it, you’re literally going on a wing and a prayer.

Too often safety documentation is a chink in the armor. During a deposition, typically that’s what you’ll be asked for first: safety training documentation. If it’s not signed, dated, and complete, or you can’t find it, your safety and compliance efforts are non-existent in the eyes of the law. Because when it comes to DOT, OSHA, and the courtroom:

If it’s not signed, dated, or you can’t find it, it didn’t happen.

Fines, fees, court settlements, and lawsuits can leave you doling out tens of thousands to millions of dollars per year. 

And that’s just indirect costs. Indirect costs of losing a court case or doing poorly in an audit include:

  • • Higher insurance rates
  • • Getting flagged for additional audits
  • • Reputation as a high-risk company 
  • • Losing employees and clients
  • • “Unsatisfactory” rating shutting you down 
  • • “Conditional” rating giving you lots of extra work to do

Documentation can make or break a business. When confronted by an auditor or an attorney, this won’t make much of an impression:

  • • “It’s complicated running a business these days…”
  • • “Our drivers are hard to get hold of.”
  • • “We’ve had a tough year.”
  • • “We trained our drivers, but we’re having trouble pulling together the paperwork.”
  • • “I can’t show you our safety plan, but I promise we’ll do better.”

Only successful safety documentation will reliably protect you in the eyes of the law.

Your External Hard Drive

Think of safety documentation like an external hard drive to your valuable work computer. If the computer crashes, you’ve got a backup. When the unlooked-for occurs on the road, you’ve got a plan. It proves, in black and white, “I did the work.”

Look on any website for people looking to sue trucking companies, and you’ll realize how frequently trucking companies take shortcuts to their own detriment and don’t plan ahead. It’s hard to hear, but at this point, you could almost call this tendency common knowledge. That’s why proof of safety training and remediation is a good investigator’s first line of questioning. 

When you cut corners with safety, you’re not giving yourself much of a chance in the case of accidents, audits, and suits. But if you are working to improve, doing due diligence, and backing up your work with a reliable system, you’re on your way.

6 Things Safety Documentation Needs to Succeed

So what makes a safety documentation system reliable? 

1 – Consistency

Don’t put up with costly chinks in the armor. Successful safety documentation closes the gaps with a consistent system of signing, dating, filing, and retrieval. The method you use needs to work, and it needs to stay the same. You need to be able to collect 100% of the documents you need from 100% of drivers. This can be hard to do unless you go paperless

2 – Accuracy

Are the correct documents time-stamped for the right people? Can you easily decipher what’s written? You need to be positive that what you’re seeing is accurate, no matter other variables.  None of these should EVER affect the accuracy of documentation: 

  • • Handwriting
  • • How tidy or messy your office is
  • • Driver, dispatcher, or office employee turnover
  • • Whether you’re understaffed
  • • Honesty of drivers, dispatchers, or employees
  • • Leadership change

3 – Details, details

What time of day did Driver X complete the remediation series? What training did you send out on March 23, 2019? What topics did you include in every training on distracted driving you required between January and June? Can you answer questions like that for every driver and every training? You will face these kinds of questions.

4 – Integrity

Documents can’t be easily edited, changed, or created. This is pure accountability. If a lawyer can show that it’s possible to add to records, change scores, etc. in your system, no matter how honest you may know people to be, it’s a chink in the armor. They’ve got to be stored securely, so not even you can modify them.

5 – Accessibility

You’ve got all your paperwork. To the best of your knowledge, it’s accurate and secure. Now, do you know where it is? The key is secure and accessible. Documentation won’t do you much good if you can’t find it, or can only find part of it! It also needs to be easy to sort through and easy to read. 

6 – Retrievability

Finally, can you get to it quickly? An online, cloud-based training and documentation system can provide security, accessibility, and retrievability. Push a few buttons, and you have what OSHA, DOT, or the lawyers need in their hand. 

At Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, we believe in making life simple and safe. That is why we’ve developed a paperless safety documentation system tied with your safety training program. 

Once a training session is complete, it is: 

  • • Automatically dated
  • • Timestamped to the minute and second
  • • Held on a secure, 3rd-party server
  • • Part of an accessible, easy-to-read database

Every training you send — recorded. Every completed training — recorded. You will also see every training missed or refused. 

Our safety documentation is admissible in court and has helped our clients reduce fines and fees, impress at depositions, change CSA scores, and avoid the courtroom altogether. We are building an industry reputation. Research, real-world experience, and a world-class Client Success Team support our system.

Download our free whitepaper to learn more about how we’re building training partnerships, more secure businesses, and a stronger culture of safety in trucking.

driver engagement programs

At the end of the day, a driver working is mainly about a good job and a paycheck. But what does a “good job” mean? The answer might surprise you. In this gig-economy, good relationships, and meaningful engagement at work are more of a premium than ever, especially if you want to attract younger drivers who are looking for a fulfilling experience on the job, as well as good pay. Find out how driver engagement programs can help your company stand out from the crowd.

What is an “engaged” driver?

An engaged driver wants to make the relationship work. Why? Because an engaged driver believes they have a part to play in your company. They don’t feel like a disposable spare part that can be easily ignored and replaced but like a team player.

An engaged driver knows:

  • • They have your ear when they need it
  • • You respect them in word and deed
  • • You acknowledge that they have a life outside of work
  • • You’re honest and fair about policy enforcement
  • • If they complain, something gets done

An engaged driver engages by:

  • • Listening/complying when you ask for something
  • • Giving their best
  • • Sticking around
  • • Keeping you in the loop
  • • Being willing to learn
  • • Saving you time, trouble, and money when they can

In other words:

Engaged drivers act like team players because they’re treated that way.

As in any job, drivers care about the company they work for! Everyone wants to care about what they do. It doesn’t matter how tough or old-school a driver looks or sounds; they care about relationships, the functionality of the business, and their ability to contribute—not just about the dollar.

What makes drivers disengage?

A lot of turnover stems from a lack of connection with the hiring company. Even if everything generally seems OK on the surface, drivers often feel that they’re left hanging. Why?

One thing that drivers have is time. And it can work against you. With all that windshield time, they can start thinking about a problem that started on Monday; if they’re still thinking about it by Wednesday with no communication, by Friday, they might quit. For you, it comes out of the blue. But for the driver, it’s been stewing a while, with no productive outlet or solution. The key is communication.

Molehills easily become mountains when you don’t offer an opportunity for engagement and feedback. Long-distance relationships are hard, and that’s what this is.

How does a driver-engagement program work?

Drivers with 30 years or more on the road will tell you they have a family at home, and a family on the road. Earn your part in that family, and you will gain loyal drivers.

Be honest about the job.

Your first impression should include a clear, honest, and thorough job description, not a fuzzy description that’s really a desperate plea for drivers. Set applicants up for success. Tell them what they’re getting into.

Find the right people.

Seek drivers who are a fit for the roles. If you use online training, you can send training to applicants to screen them. Find out right off who is detail-oriented, who cares about finding a good job, who’s willing to learn and comply, etc. When you make it easier to recruit top-quality drivers, you reduce turnover.

Set the tone in orientation.

Be top-quality, time-sensitive, relevant, organized, honest about the job, and give drivers a great start. Again, online training is a flexible tool for engagement. If you introduce required online training at this point, you already prove that you prioritize safety and keeping drivers on the road. You can also get a sense of a driver’s attitude and comfort level. You and the driver can both make sure it’s the right fit.

Make it easy to communicate.

Communication goes two ways. Drivers should be able to hear from you without hassle, and you from them. Your technology may need to be rebooted or streamlined, but making this a #1 priority makes you a highly desirable employer.

Some ways to make this work:

  • • Work on communication between drivers & managers/owners
  • • Work on the driver/dispatcher relationship
  • • Make training quicker, easier, and more mobile
  • • Improve driver-driver relationships through driver mentors and trainers
  • • Cut down on in-person meetings as much as possible
  • • Personalize official messages when you can (ex. “Great haul last month” or “Happy birthday!”)

Make it easy to pitch in.

Drivers can assist management in solving business problems. They also contribute to the life, fun, and meaningfulness of work. Figure out why drivers aren’t happy and create training content based on the complaints expressed. Say, “I hear you.” Then take action. Use a safety competition as a fundraiser for a charity. Turn stories of some of your drivers on the road into a monthly e-newsletter. Open the door for engagement.

Give your CEO screen time.

Put together a “state of the company” message and share it with drivers each month. In a large company, a driver might only really know their dispatcher. Use messaging systems creatively to encourage and inspire from the top, as well as remind and challenge to meet goals.

Even if you do one or two of these things, it already sets you apart from most companies who do nothing to improve driver engagement! Wouldn’t it be great to have a waiting list of drivers who want to come on board with you? The driver is the only person in the company who does the work that generates the revenue to pay everyone else. Engage drivers at every level. Build a company where drivers want to work.

At Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, we help our clients get to the heart of driver engagement with online training and communication. It’s integrated, easy to implement, and powerfully effective. Read testimonials or sign up for a free demo today!

6 Steps to Improve ROI for Trucking Companies

Improve ROI for Trucking Companies

Growing your business isn’t just about earning money. You have to spend money to start growth, which means you need to look at the Return on investment (ROI) for each of those expenses. Each purchase decision you make should lead you closer to your company goals.

Incorporating a secure, online training and communications tool like Infinit-I for your company could improve your overall ROI and lead you towards those goals. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions can help you strengthen weak spots, stop money leaks, and empower innovation and leadership.

We have seen through years of experience in the transportation industry, that all aspects of the business tie together, even if they don’t seem to connect at first. For example, your driver-dispatcher relationships can have a significant impact on your profits.

6 ROI Improvements

With the right communication and training tools, you can help everyone in your company listen, learn, understand, change unwanted behaviors, and contribute toward company goals. Infinit-I provides solutions for trucking companies that improve your ROI in six basic ways.

1.      Streamline Onboarding, Training, and Documentation

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions can help you through many levels in the hiring process. Using our system, you can communicate with new hires, set up pre-orientation training, and start off with a professional impression. With Infinit-I, you can:

  • Screen potential drivers with training materials to complete before hiring them.
  • Attract quality drivers by showing you are serious about training, proper driving habits, and follow-through.
  • Train drivers without the hassle of pulling them in for on-site training using our online training system.
  • Save money on training costs by not spending it on training drivers can’t or won’t attend.
  • Securely and automatically document all completed training for easy access whenever it’s needed.
  • Provide a message portal for each driver with customized training based on their needs.
  • Securely upload documentation for benefits, HR info, etc. for easy access.
  • Provide welcome messages to give new hires a glimpse at what the job looks like.

You will also save money on training supplies, refreshments, staff hours, driver time off-road, etc. that would be required for on-site training.

2.      Reduce Accidents, Violations, & Insurance Costs

The Infinit-I system is designed to create and inspire behavioral changes in your employees. Irregular, long meetings will not help inspire this change.

Providing frequent, consistent, ongoing training through the year will help keep these important topics top of mind for your drivers and other employees. The system provides training in short videos that make it easier for users to comprehend and remember the information.

With this consistent training, you will start to see a difference in driver behavior leading to reduced accident, incidents, and violations, which will trickle down to mitigating rising insurance costs.

3.      Protect Against Costly Litigation

When something goes wrong on the road, proper documentation is your best defense in court. You don’t want to waste time digging through piles of paperwork, hoping you have all the documentation you need.

Using the Infinit-I system will help you feel confident you’ve done everything you can to prevent accidents and incidents. The automatic reporting and documentation features allow you to prove this.

Remember, if it’s not written, signed, and dated, it didn’t happen.

All our training modules are automatically documented once drivers complete it, and the training documentation is admissible in court. Our clients have already found this automatic documentation useful in court cases as it allowed them to prove due diligence.

The documentation is downloadable, printable, and at your fingertips when you need it.

4.      Develop a Culture of Safety

Our system works with drivers’ lifestyles by providing the training you need while giving them the convenience to access it whenever is best for them. Drivers can access training on any device with an internet connection and complete short, relevant, memorable videos.

These videos are effective for teaching new behaviors, but they also encourage drivers to dig into their own skills and understanding for continued improvements. With the Infinit-I system, you can give 100% of your drivers access to the training they need.

Online training shows your dedication to recruiting and retaining highly skilled professional drivers, and helps you create and improve the skills your company needs. With Infinit-I, you’re not just fixing problems, you’re building a culture of safety.

5.      Create a Comprehensive Training Program

The transportation industry is ever-changing. Infinit-I provide 850+ videos with expert information, and the videos are updated regularly. The training covers hundreds of topics and we stay informed on changes to quickly provide new training on FMCSA, DOT, and regional regulations as they come up.

We can also help you implement custom content to deal with issues specific to your company. We help you keep your drivers ahead of the curve- not just trying to keep up.

6.      Customize Training and Messaging

If drivers provide input and feel ignored, they are less likely to stick around. Good communication within your company reduces turnover and saves you on hiring costs or dealing with a job not done well.

With Infinit-I, you can create custom training and messaging that speaks directly to your drivers. You can generate content that speaks directly to questions or concerns that arise. With immediate access to this content, drivers will see that you hear their input, and will feel like they have a say in your company goals.

Improve Training, Improve Your Business

Try a free demo of Infinit-I Workforce Solutions today. Experience the difference in your ROI with improved driver hiring and retention, increased safe practices, and a streamlined business.

6 Ways to Ensure Policy Enforcement and Management

Trucking company managers and owners must carefully consider policy enforcement strategy for the sake of the law and company interests. The trick is how to do it?

Policy enforcement/management is a linchpin strategy and includes:

  • • Safety trainingnew hire/orientation and continuous training
  • • Driver remediation
  • • Money-saving practicesex. braking and accelerating to maximize fuel efficiency
  • • Breaks frequency and length
  • • ELD regulations
  • • New laws/regulationsfederal and state-specific
  • • Company-specific policies

You need drivers to cooperate. But you don’t want to push away drivers with your methods. “Hey guys, get it together!!!” on your message board probably isn’t going to work. (Maybe you’ve tried it.) 

And, threats can work, but they have their place, and they can’t produce a better team of drivers for the long run. You’ve also got a limited budget for bonuses. 

How do you strike a balance between urgency and long-term effectiveness?

1 – Pick Your Top Content

First, identify your priorities. The solution is not to lower the hammer on everything at once. That can be alienating to your drivers and confusing.

Consider your top priorities for policy enforcement. This is your “top content” for training. What protects your business? What would pull up the most important numbers? These are the specific areas to focus on first.

2 – Prioritize Safety

Include legal and safety issues, no matter what. Tickets, fines, fees, incidents, accidents, and lawsuits all come down to driver knowledge and performance on legal and safety topics. 

If you don’t currently use online driver training, this could be a good time to get on board. Online training lets you release brief, continuous content to drivers that they can finish quickly, remember easily, complete more frequently, and do in their off time. 

Bare minimum safety and legal issues you need to cover

  • • Distracted/impaired driving
  • • Speed
  • • Maintenance and safety/road checks
  • • Situation-specific policies, such as driving with HAZMAT

3 – Streamline Info Distribution

Remember the old phrase, “It’s not always what you say; it’s how you say it?” 

  • • Are you communicating in a way that all drivers have the technology to receive?
  • • Are you communicating frequently and dependably, or scatter-shot? 
  • • Are communications always relevant to the recipient?

Make it a mantra of leadership to view compliance as your responsibility. What can you do to make this easier? A reliable organizing tool that helps you streamline training, documentation and communication with drivers can speed up compliance without causing chaos.

Streamlining information distribution, while keeping top content like safety and legal issues #1, is going to maximize efficiency, cut stress, and meet more compliance goals. 

4 – Understand Enforcement vs. Management

Enforcement is a direct method, whether positive or negative, to spur drivers on to policy compliance. Management describes the strategies you put in place to indirectly influence compliance

Either of these solutions can work. But they do not equally save you time, money, and frustration. The idea is, the more management you can improve, the less enforcement you’ll have to push.

Methods of enforcement (commonly used):

  • • Positive reinforcement (awards, acknowledgments, bonuses)
  • • Negative reinforcement (pulling someone from the schedule until they comply, warnings, threatening to fire)

Methods of management (not as common):

  • • Make training and remediation requirements easier to fulfill
    • • Send positive feedback to drivers regularly (individually and as a fleet)
    • • Send requests for improvement along with why and how (ex. “We’ve got a short, easy training this week to help you reduce speed violations.”)
  • • Improve driver-manager and driver-dispatcher communication
    • • Give leadership roles to drivers who excel (ex. driver mentors and driver trainers)
  • • Use key drivers as regular point people to learn first-hand about driver experience, complaints, and needs
  • • Connect CEO to drivers regularly (ex. through a short video)

5 – Improve Management Strategy

The lists above are just examples. What methods you actually use will depend on your particular business. But remember, trucking companies tend to rely more on enforcement than management strategies. The examples for enforcement are common, whereas the examples for management are not. 

Just pick one or two of these management strategies to improve, and you’re already an industry leader. Investing in solutions that get to the heart of the problem, instead of spending all your attention on fixing problems—that’s what’s going to make a difference.

Let’s just take one example. If you used some of your star drivers as trainers and mentors for new drivers, and then made changes based on trainer and mentor feedback, you’re already sending a strong message:

  • • You care about keeping excellent drivers
  • • You make training a smooth, positive process
  • • You want drivers to have good relationships on the road
  • • You want to hear what’s going on with drivers
  • • You want drivers to be real and honest
  • • Drivers directly contribute to making your business better

This is the kind of place drivers want to work, and the kind of management they’re ready to cooperate with.

6 – Manage Your Records

There is urgency behind policy enforcement/management, but how often is half the urgency just stress, because you’re not as organized as you could be

When you’re sure who’s been trained, who needs training, what topics need to be covered, what topics you’ll need to cover soon, who have complied, and who you’re still waiting on, the battle is halfway won. You can apply pressure where you need to, and not just push all issues to all drivers. Don’t generate confusion and frustration because you’re not sure you’ve covered your bases with documentation. 

Prioritizing excellent management will support your positive and negative enforcement policies to save you time, money, and turnover, and show your drivers you’re in it for the long haul.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions combines online training with management communication tools so you can connect with drivers like never before. All training is auto-documented in our secure, cloud-based server, giving you a 24/7 accessible, accurate record of driver compliance. Try a free demo!

A Jack-O-Lantern eats several dollar bills -cut trucking expenses

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And that’s precisely what it can feel like when you’re trying to reduce spending in your fleet budget. Each year you face similar budget choices, and with rising prices on fuel and insurance, it’s tough to make a big change. This is why you need a budget solution that’s going to tap into several areas at once, reducing transportation expenses not by cutting corners on quality or safety, but by preventing significant problems that cost you money.

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Why and How to Set Proper Expectations with New Drivers

Setting proper expectations with new drivers is a crucial part of driver assimilation. For every 100 drivers you hire, you’ll have to rehire 80 of them, and a large number of turnovers happen within the first 90 days of employment. If drivers feel things “click” within 90 days, they’ve assimilated successfully. If they don’t, they haven’t.

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Checklist for FMCSA Compliance

Where do your drivers miss the mark most? Do you have a checklist?

Actually, you do. It’s called the pre- and post-trip inspection checklist.

What drivers catch or miss in daily inspection directly impacts your business, to the tune of tens of thousands to millions of dollars a year, with big-budget items like fuel economy, lawsuits, and your reputation with shipping clients. Read more

8 Tips for Improving Fuel Efficiency

Fuel is one of your biggest expenses in trucking. You run millions of miles every year. At around 70,000 miles of fuel per year per truck, that’s millions of dollars worth of fuel on an annual basis. Better fuel efficiency is major money in your pocket.

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