A collection of all new online safety and HR training videos released, including fleet safety training and student transportation safety training videos.

a transparent picture of a truck - new training

If you haven’t heard, we are adding another vital component to our content library, and we’re excited to share about our new training offerings this quarter. 

All videos we release from this point forward will be in English and Spanish! We’re currently updating the HAZMAT portion of our library to reflect this new commitment to bilingual training.  


Why Are We Going Bilingual?

We work hard to stay on the cutting edge of efficiency and industry leadership so we can bring you here, too. We currently release a new training video every month, adding to the 850+ videos in our training resources library. We add videos to cover new technologies, stay ahead of the curve on new and developing industry regulations, and just to keep our videos fresh and culturally relevant. (Ex. If a safety video is talking about current safety regulations, it won’t feature a guy wearing a windbreaker suit or driving a cabover!)

With an evolving and highly-multicultural workforce, we’re providing new bilingual training videos to help maximize safety and meet the needs of all your drivers.

Don’t Drivers Need to Know English Anyway?

Absolutely. But if you’ve ever tried to learn another language, you know there are different levels to it. What the law requires is not always what you need to stay ahead.

In the trucking industry, all truckers need to have a working ability to speak and comprehend spoken English, as well as read road signs. But speaking to an officer and reading road signs isn’t the same as technical learning or taking in more complex information. It’s like the difference between having a routine conversation and listening to a complex news program. You’re more likely to miss something unless you go beyond what the law requires.

Plenty of bad and careless drivers speak English flawlessly. Give all your drivers the chance to excel and contribute to your company.

Bilingual Training Builds a Superior Culture of Safety. 

You help drivers move beyond bare legal requirements by giving them opportunities for excellence. Conversations and basic reading can be enough to perform the everyday tasks of a job that keeps a roof over your head and food on the table. Give all drivers a chance to develop professionally while improving your safety scores and covering your bases. Be an industry leader. Equip ALL drivers to be excellent.

Remember, it’s not a matter of drivers being unable to process complex information and perform at a superior level. For drivers who speak Spanish as their primary language, it’s a matter of whether their English is at a level where they can comprehend the words used to describe the complex information. Hearing something in your own language makes it click faster and better, and helps it stick.


It’s about meeting ALL your drivers where they are and giving them what they need to be at their best.

Train and Test en Español for Top Performance.

This is the reality of the trucking industry today. To be a commercial driver in the U.S., you’re required to communicate in English. You need to demonstrate competency. But offering content in Spanish ensures Spanish-speaking drivers can learn without a hitch.  

English competency, combined with training in Spanish, will make sure that your Spanish-speaking drivers are equipped to perform at their top levels. There’s no need to worry about missed communication or whether some of your drivers are pretending to understand the more complex English instruction. We all pretend to “get it” when we’re not at 100%, out of embarrassment or a desire to hurry and get the job done. Is that acceptable when road safety is at stake? Be as thorough as you can so all your drivers can do the same.

At Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, we now offer 170+ training videos and test questions in Spanish. From now on, we will offer all our new videos and training in both languages. 

This is just a sample of the topics we already cover:

  • • Safer driving practices
  • • What to do in accidents/incidents
  • • First aid
  • • Driver mental/physical health and safety
  • • Maintenance, inspections, and safety checks
  • • Communication
  • • Driving scenarios in various conditions
  • • Driving with HAZMAT

For example, our “HAZMAT Packing/Paquetes de Materiales Peligrosos” video, covering DOT requirements for packaging hazardous materials, helps ensure none of these vital safety points slip through the cracks:

  • • Packages and packaging
  • • Packages and their contents
    • – Bulk
    • – Non-bulk
  • • General requirements for packaging and packages
  • • Hazardous materials packaging requirements
  • • Mixed contents
  • • Specification packaging
  • • Specification marking performance levels
  • • Performance testing for non-bulk packages
  • • Additional requirements

Imagine if 100% of your drivers had this level of thoroughness in their regular training schedule. Our clients have seen amazing results.

We release new content every month. We’ve done that without fail. Whenever there’s a chance to train on new laws, techniques, or rules, we’re there to implement them as fast as possible. Don’t stay still or get behind. Stay on top of things that change in the industry so you can inform employees and keep everything up to speed. We want to help you make that easy!

We currently have over 50 million views of our 850+ videos. The videos have all been used along the way by our clients, and most have been viewed many, many times. The whole spectrum of our training materials has been found useful by a number of transport businesses, and a variety of other businesses. 

We invite you to see for yourself. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions brings efficiency and effectiveness to the transportation workforce in a way that works for drivers. Our system onboards quickly, saves our clients money on accidents, litigation, and hiring/training, and integrates perfectly into a variety of businesses. Try a free demo and judge for yourself!

new training features

Change is inevitable in the trucking industry. Can you do more than keep up? Here’s on update on our new training features.

Read more

Pre-Trip Component Inspection Safety Training Video Trucking Fleet Safety

Infinit-I Training Management System for Trucking CatalogVertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a regular basis. One of our most watched videos in the Infinit-I Workforce System training library is “Pre-Trip Component Inspection”.  This month we are excited to announce we have released an updated version of this video.

Pre-Trip Component Inspection
Length: 06:04
Drivers are walked through a multi-point inspection of the tractor hood-to-rear axle, so as to ensure a safe and trouble-free trip.
Module: Pre-trip Component Inspection
Section: Trucking Industry

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

DOT adds semi-synthetic opioids to drug testing panel

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added three training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Request Catalog

The first video provides training on the DOT’s final rule that expanded the DOT drug testing panel to include four semi-synthetic opioids.

Education/Training: Semi-Synthetic Opioids
Length: 05:45
This video discusses semi-synthetic opioid drug testing: why it’s happening, how it’s performed, and what you should be prepared for.
Section:  Drug and Alcohol
Module: Drug and Alcohol Training – Section 4 – Education and Training

The additional videos are Spanish translations of videos already available in English on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

7 Deadly Errors – 7 Errores Mortales
Length: 06:39
Este video trata sobre los 7 principales errores mortales que los autos frente a vehículos grandes. También brinda consejos que los conductores de vehículos grandes pueden usar para evitar estos errores mortales..
Section: New Spanish
Module: 7 Deadly Errors – 7 Errores Mortales

CSA Speeding – Exceso de velocidad
Length: 04:51
Este video es un recordatorio corto de CSA sobre las diversas infracciones de exceso de velocidad.
Section: New Spanish
Module: CSA Speeding – Exceso de velocidad

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

baoundary invasion schools staff training

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we have released one new training video for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Boundary InvasionRequest Catalog
Length: 05:58
This video discusses the definition of boundary invasion and the proper procedures staff should practice to protect children from inappropriate conduct by adults.
Section: Schools
Module: Boundary Invasion

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.


2017 new csa regulations driver training videos

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added seven training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Request Online Trucking Training CatalogUnder the Influence of Alcohol
Length: 1:45
This video discusses a driver having any measured alcohol concentration or under the influence of alcohol while operating a CMV, which is a violation of the Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC.
Section: CSA Minutes
Module: CSA Minutes

Possession of Alcohol
Length: 1:23
This video discusses a driver being in possession of alcohol while operating or in physical control of a CMV, which is a violation of the Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC.
Section: CSA Minutes
Module: CSA Minutes

Hazardous Materials Package Specification
Length: 1:20
This video discusses representing a package as meeting a specification that does not meet a specification, which is a violation of the Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC.
Section: CSA Minutes
Module: CSA Minutes

In Possession or Under the Influence of a Narcotic Drug or Amphetamine
Length: 1:43
This video discusses a driver being under the influence of or in possession of a narcotic drug/amphetamine, which is a violation of the Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC
Section: CSA Minutes
Module: CSA Minutes

Traffic Signs – Senalamientos de Trafico
Length: 17:22
Este video trata sobre las muchas categorías de señales de tráfico, destacando las formas, la coloración y la información que presentan las diferentes categorías.
Section: New Spanish Videos
Module: Traffic Signs – Senalamientos de Trafico

Decrease Accidents with an Online Safety Program
Length: 43:17
Allan Hicks, VP of Safety and Human Resources at BR Williams Trucking, shares how he implemented online training and saw a reduction in accidents. Allan shares strategies for building a strong safety culture, including how to successfully deploy online training at your company.
Section: Best Practices Webinars
Module: 2017 Webinars

ELD Compliance
Length: 1:04:14
Dave Osiecki, President of Scopelitis Transportation Consulting, LLC discusses what trucking companies need to do to be in compliance with the ELD regulations.
Section: Best Practices Webinars
Module: 2017 Webinars

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

active shooter emergency preparedness training

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added one HR training video for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Request HR Catalog for Online Training

Active Shooter – Emergency Action Planning
Length: 1:36:24
This video discusses how to mitigate active shooter threats through the creation of an active shooter preparedness plan for your organization.
Section: Human Resources – Infinit-I
Module: Active Shooter – Emergency Action Planning

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

CIPA Training for School Districts Online

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we have released eleven new training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Compliance with CIPARequest Catalog for School Training
Length: 03:25
This video discusses the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). It discusses who CIPA covers, what CIPA requires, and details the requirements of an Internet Safety Policy.
Section: Schools
Module: Compliance with CIPA

Balancing First Amendment Rights When School Staff Go Viral
A member of your faculty or staff posts a seemingly innocuous online expression, and all of a sudden you have a PR nightmare on your hands when the community finds out about it. Balancing your school district’s efficacy against the First Amendment Rights of faculty and staff in the age of social media doesn’t have to be a daunting task.
Section: Safe Pupil Best Practice Webinars
Module: Balancing First Amendment Rights When School Staff Go Viral.

Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School
Length: 47:11
Schools are one of the safest places in America, but they are not void of violent incidents. Is your school district prepared to keep everyone safe should a terroristic threat arise in your district? Learn the keys to surviving a terrorist assault and minimizing casualties and how to plan and train to facilitate early recognition of violent threats.
Section: Safe Pupil Best Practice Webinars
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

A. Introduction (Active Shooter)
Length: 03:08
This video reviews the areas to be covered in this series with a focus on learning how to survive and minimize casualties.
Section: Schools
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

B. Trends and History Lessons (Active Shooter)
Length: 09:36
This video looks back at significant active shooter incidents in the United States and what can be learned for the future.
Section: Schools
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

C. Terrorist Attack on a School
Length: 06:10
In this video, Steven Haynes describes what a terrorist attack on a school might look like.
Section: Schools
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

D. How We Respond to Danger (Active Shooter)
Length: 04:20
This video looks at how individuals react in a potentially life-threatening situation.
Section: Schools
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

E. Security Measures (Active Shooter)
Length: 02:50
This video looks at layered security measures as a best practice for securing your campus.
Section: Schools
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

F. Essential Course of Action (Active Shooter)
Length: 06:00
This video discusses the information that must be quickly reported to authorities in the event of an incident; the actions those on the scene must take while law enforcement is still trying to get on the scene; an explanation of law enforcement’s priorities once they arrive.
Section: Schools
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

G. Resources and Training (Active Shooter)
Length: 03:10
This video reviews the Homeland Security suggestions for an active shooter situation and additional training available from that department.
Section: Schools
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

H. Questions (Active Shooter)
Length: 13:30
This video is a compilation of questions and answers asked during a webinar on Active Shooters in the school.
Section: Schools
Module: Surviving a Terrorist or Active Shooter Attack in School

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added four training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Tire Load Limit and Under Inflation
Length: 1:50
This video discusses the violations of the weight exceeding tire load limit and weight exceeding the tire rating due to under inflation. Both of these are CSA violations under the Vehicle Maintenance BASIC.
Section:  CSA Minutes
Module: CSA M

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we have released five new training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Mitigating Measures
Length: 5:58
This video discusses criteria that must be considered when determining eligibility under section 504.
Section: Schools
Module: ADA Section 504

Accommodations and Services
Length: 5:02
This video explains the standard of what a school district is obligated