A collection of all new online safety and HR training videos released, including fleet safety training and student transportation safety training videos.

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added 11 HR training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Request the Latest Catalog

Harassment & Discrimination Training for Managers

The first six videos are designed to help companies provide manager training on harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

EEO Workplace (Manager)
Length: 09:13
This video describes what an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) workplace looks like so employers can create a work environment free of harassment and discrimination.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Environmental Harassment (Manager)
Length: 08:48
This video continues the discussion about unlawful harassment to cover environmental examples. It also details what should be included in your company handbook to create a healthy work environment and protect the employer.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Overview (Manager)
Length: 05:09
This video outlines supervisor roles and responsibilities in preventing and correcting harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Spotlight on Remedies and Responses (Manager)
Length: 05:15
This video looks at how, from a risk management perspective, to reduce claims and respond to objectionable conduct and complaints.
Module Category: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Spotting and Assessing Potential Harassment (Manager)
Length: 08:13
This video explains the damaging nature of activities that may start harmlessly but evolve into a hostile work environment. These activities may or may not occur during work hours and at the workplace.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

Understanding and Preventing Unlawful Harassment (Manager)
Length: 10:54
This video starts the discussion about the two types of unlawful harassment by looking at economic harassment.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Harassment and Discrimination

New Spanish HR Training Videos

Additionally, we have added five HR training videos in Spanish to our catalog.  These videos correspond to the English version of training already available in the Infinit-I Workforce System HR Training Catalog.

Fair Credit Reporting Act – Ley de Reporte de Crédito Justo – Empleado
Length: 10:56
La Ley de Reporte Justos de Crédito cubre las verificaciones de antecedentes y otras verificaciones previas al empleo. Hablamos sobre los derechos y las responsabilidades de los empleados.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Fair Credit Reporting Act – Employee – Ley de Reporte de Crédito Justo – Empleado

Introduction – 1. Introducción a EEO
Length: 13:50
Los empleados o candidatos a puestos de trabajo que se encuentren en una situación similar deberían recibir el mismo trato por parte de los empleadores. Este video cubre las primeras cinco categorías de discriminación. Aprenderás categorías protegidas, cómo se malinterpreta la discriminación y qué es un BFOQ.
Section: New Spanish
Module: EEO Title VII Equal Pay – Management – EEO: Título VII y Paga igual

Legal Reasons for Discrimination –  Razones legales para la discriminación
Length: 07:13
No todas las decisiones de empleo con un resultado desfavorable para alguien en una categoría protegida son, de hecho, legalmente discriminatorias. Este video explora las razones válidas para la acción negativa de empleo y analiza cuándo y cómo se puede usar un BFOQ válido.
Section: New Spanish
Module: EEO Title VII Equal Pay – Management – EEO: Título VII y Paga igual

Complaints – 3. Quejas
Length: 06:46
Este video describe el proceso de presentación de una queja ante la EEOC y cómo deben responder los empleados.
Section: New Spanish
Module: EEO Title VII Equal Pay – Management – EEO: Título VII y Paga igual

Fair Credit Reporting Act – Ley de Reporte del Crédito Justo
Length: 11:22
La Ley de Reporte de Crédito Justo cubre las verificaciones de antecedentes y otras verificaciones previas al empleo. Discutimos lo que necesita además de la autorización del solicitante.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Fair Credit Reporting Act – Management – Ley de Informe de Crédito Justo – Manejo

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added two training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System. The first new training video is a new video in our Hours of Service Training (HOS) Series and focuses on how ELDs impact HOS.

Part 8 – HOS ELD
Length: 06:08
This video discusses the information a driver needs to know about proper utilization of ELDs, functionality involving harassment and reporting, as well as the necessary documentation and functions required.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: HOS – New Series

The other video released the month is the Spanish version of our Road Rage training video.

Road Rage – Furia en el camino
Length: 09:02
Define el fenómeno llamado Furia en el camino y las causas que lo propician; prepara a los conductores a esperar este fenómeno y evitarlo restableciendo el enfoque y la actitud; alienta a los conductores a evitar conflictos en el camino para evitar accidentes.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Road Rage – Furia en el camino

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we have released six new training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

ADA & Section 504 Training Video Series

Request CatalogThe first set of training videos are designed to help schools provide staff training to protect students with disabilities. This training covers ADA and Section 504 awareness training.

(ADA & Section 504) Overview
Length: 03:45
This video explores the non-discrimination statute that protects students with disabilities.
Section: Schools
Module: ADA and Section 504

504 Process
Length: 04:08
This video discusses school districts' obligations to designate a 504 coordinator and to identify and locate students with disabilities within the district. The process for referral, evaluation, placement, and implementation is also discussed.
Section: Schools
Module: ADA and Section 504

Referral Obligations
Length: 07:11
This video outlines the standards for considering a student for Section 504. It also explains the “Notice of Rights” obligation identified in Section 504 and the consent requirements not referred to in the statute but interpreted by the OCR. 
Section: Schools
Module: ADA and Section 504

Length: 07:52
This video discusses the specific procedures related to the process of identifying and evaluating students under Section 504, as well as who should be part of the 504 team.
Section: Schools
Module: ADA and Section 504

Copyright & Fair Use Training Now Available in Spanish

This month we also released Spanish versions of our Copyright and Fair Use training videos for staff training.

Copyright / Fair Use – Part 1 
Derechos de Autor / Uso justo – Parte 1

Length: 07:45
Este video brinda una breve descripción de las leyes de derechos de autor e incluye algunas situaciones que pueden surgir para los empleados de la escuela en lo que respecta a la ley de derechos de autor.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Copyright / Fair Use – Derecho de Autor / Uso justo

Copyright / Fair Use – Part Two
Derechos de Autor / Uso justo – Parte 2

Length: 06:32
Este video ayuda a navegar en la medida en que puede confiar en la doctrina del uso legítimo y evitar cualquier problema o inquietud acerca de las violaciones de la ley de derechos de autor.
Section: New Spanish
Module: Copyright / Fair Use – Derecho de Autor / Uso justo

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring that you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System. This month we added 44 training videos to our HR Catalog.

Request the Latest Catalog

What’s New this Month for HR?

All videos released this month were produced in partnership with Danyelle Williams Ackall, SPHR & CPP, the 2011 Southwest HR Educator of the Year. Ackall has 18+ years of human resources experience in warehousing, distribution, commercial real estate, higher education, government, and nonprofits. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas A&M University and earned a Master’s of Science from UT Arlington in Human Resource Management. She is currently a full-time faculty member at Texas Christian University.

About the Videos Released This Month
HR training covers multiple topics and different people in a company need to be aware of different facets of HR training.  To help you accomplish your training initiatives, training was developed specifically for managers and specifically for employees.  Look for the (Manager) or (Employee) designation at the end of each title to determine which audience the video was created to train.


Introduction to EEO (Manager)
Length: 10:24
This video covers the first five discrimination categories under Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). It discusses protected categories, how discrimination is misinterpreted, and what is a BFOQ. Remember: Similarly situated employees or candidates for employment should receive equal treatment by employers.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: Title VII & Equal Pay

Legal Reasons for Discrimination (Manager)
Length: 05:16
This video explores valid reasons for negative employment action and discusses when and how a valid BFOQ can be used. Remember: Not all employment decisions with an unfavorable outcome for someone in a protected category are in fact legally discriminatory.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: Title VII & Equal Pay


EEOC Claims (Employee)
Length: 12:44
This video covers the lengthy process of an EEOC investigation, including awards and time requirements. The training emphasizes why employees should work with their employer prior to making a claim.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module EEOC Claims

The Complaint Process (Manager)
Length: 07:06
This video explains the EEOC complaint process, what an employer might expect, and the types of complaints the EEOC takes.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: Claims and Processes

The Investigation (Manager)
Length: 05:43
This video outlines the EEOC investigation process and discusses possible outcomes.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: Claims and Processes


Essential Job Functions (Manager)
Length: 09:16
This video explains why essential job functions are an important criteria when considering accommodations for disabled employees or candidates.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: Disability

Disability Discrimination (Employee)
Length: 11:11
This video focuses on an employee’s responsibilities under federal law to protect their ADA rights, including how to be in compliance with reasonable accommodation requirements.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Disability Discrimination

Pregnancy and Age Discrimination (Manager)
Length: 10:18
This video discusses why employers cannot use pregnancy or age as a factor in making certain employment decisions.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: Pregnancy and Age Discrimination


Disparate Treatment and Adverse Impact (Manager)
Length: 09:20
This video discusses federal discrimination laws and various protected categories. It outlines what is and is not legal for employers, starting with disparate treatment and adverse impact.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: The Other Stuff

Retaliation (Manager)
Length: 04:36
This video discusses what is illegal retaliation by employers under federal discrimination laws.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: The Other Stuff


Harassment (Manager)
Length: 07:20
This video discusses what is illegal harassment by employers under federal discrimination laws.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: The Other Stuff


Employees in the Armed Services (Manager)
Length: 09:38
This video discusses the employment law that applies to all employers with employees in the armed services, including how to deal with orders for active-duty, weekend drills, and extended training sessions.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Employees in the Armed Services

Uniformed Services (Employee)
Length: 08:44
This video focuses on the rights and responsibilities of employees who also serve in the Armed Services. Communication between the employee and the company is key to making this relationship work.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Uniformed Services


Consequences of an Incorrect Determination (Manager)
Length: 04:01
This video discusses the consequences of misclassifying an independent contractor or an employee.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Employee or Independent Contractor

The Guidelines and Benefits (Employee)
Length: 07:20
This video explains the differences between employees and independent contractors. It demonstrates that employers have little choice in how they classify employees.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Employee or Independent Contractor

The IRS Cares (Employee)
Length: 04:39
This video explains why the differences between an employee and independent contractor matter to the IRS and to an employee.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Employee or Independent Contractor

What to Consider (Manager)
Length: 07:43
This video covers considerations for determining if someone is an independent contractor or an employee.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Employee or Independent Contractor

HR COMPLIANCE: Employment at Will

Common Exceptions (Manager)
Length: 10:09
This video discusses common exceptions to employment at will and handbook language that can be used to protect those rights.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Employment At Will

Employment at Will (Employee)
Length: 10:23
This video covers the concept of employment at will, while stressing the professional way to handle voluntary termination.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Employment at Will

Understanding the Basics of Employment at Will (Manager)
Length: 05:20
This video discusses the importance of employment at will and why it is beneficial for both employers and employees.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Employment At Will


Calculating Overtime (Manager)
Length: 07:59
This video focuses on the proper way to calculate overtime pay, including how to handle bonuses.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: FLSA: Regular Rate of Pay

Calculation Examples (Manager)
Length: 11:29
This video works through examples of calculating overtime pay with shift differentials and production bonuses.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: FLSA: Regular Rate of Pay

Covered Provisions (Manager)
Length: 04:31
This video explains who is covered under the FLSA and reviews the provisions under this act.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act

Exemptions (Manager)
Length: 11:03
This video reviews the six categories qualified for exemption and what the FLSA does not require.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act


Eligibility (Manager)
Length: 05:17
This video walks through the steps of eligibility to determine if a facility is eligible for FMLA coverage, including employer requirements and employee requirements.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: FMLA

Qualifying Events (Manager)
Length: 07:52
This video examines the qualifying events for Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) coverage and explains the importance of setting standard company practices for requesting leave.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: FMLA

Basics of FMLA (Manager)
Length: 10:07
This video discusses critical information about the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) including the intricacies of intermittent leave.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: FMLA: Advanced Topics

How FMLA Coordinates with ADA (Manager)
Length: 11:13
This video details how the FMLA  coordinates with accommodations under the ADA.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: FMLA: Advanced Topics

Family and Medical Leave (Employee)
Length: 08:40
This video discusses an employee’s rights and responsibilities under FMLA.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Family and Medical Leave


Understanding PHI (Manager)
Length: 07:49
This video discusses what HIPPA is and what Protected Health Information (PHI) is under HIPPA.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: HIPPA

How to Avoid Sanctions (Manager)
Length: 05:52
This videos discusses HIPPA, what management can and cannot say when it comes to PHI, and the penalties for violating HIPPA.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: HIPPA

A. HIPPA Basics (Employee)
Length: 06:44
This video explains the basics of the law protecting an individual’s health information, including exceptions in the workplace.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Your Health and Privacy

B. Confidentiality (Employee)
Length: 07:56
This video explains the critical nature of maintaining confidentiality of a fellow employee’s PHI. It discusses various real life scenarios.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Your Health and Privacy


Best Practice Tips (Manager)
Length: 06:04
This video offers interviewing tips to employers and identifies taboo topics that should not be discussed.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Interviewing Best Practices

Focus on the Right Process (Manager)
Length: 06:26
This video is a step-by-step guide that will assist employers in creating an interview process to weed out the “bad apples” before hiring them.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Interviewing Best Practices

Making Employment Decisions (Manager)
Length: 04:44
This video discusses why employers cannot use an employee’s disability as a factor in most employment decisions.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: EEO: Disability

Questions and Testing (Manager)
Length: 06:25
This video explains what questions employers should be asking in an interview, the importance of understanding how to use testing, and tips for making the hiring decision.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Interviewing Best Practices

HR COMPLIANCE: I9 and Eligibility

Immigration Control (Manager)
Length: 08:11
This video discusses the I-9 form and why properly documenting an employee’s eligibility for work is important. Training covers name changes, penalties, and preparing for an audit.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Immigration Control

HR COMPLIANCE: Job Descriptions

Choosing Additional Elements for Job Description Templates (Manager)
Length: 10:24
This video discusses including complete information in a job description, including qualifications, physical demands, and work environment.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Job Descriptions

Standard Elements for Job Description Templates (Manager)
Length: 06:09
This video covers the basics of creating job descriptions, including best practices for creating them as templates for your business.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Job Descriptions


Benefits (Employee)
Length: 08:31
This video covers which benefits are, and which benefits are not, legally required for employers to give to their employees.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Benefits

Calculating Overtime Pay (Employee)
Length: 12:34
This video explains the proper way to calculate overtime pay.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Calculating Overtime Pay

Salaries, Overtime and More (Employee)
Length: 13:29
This video discusses how to determine if an employee would be considered “hourly non-exempt” or “salaried exempt”.
Section: HR Basics – Employee
Module: Salaries, Overtime and More

Legally Required Benefits (Manager)
Length: 09:56
This video explains what benefits employers must offer, by law, to all employees, regardless of hours worked.
Section: HR Basics – Management
Module: Legally Required Benefits

Please contact your Client Services Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

There has been a rise in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaints over the last five to six years. EEOC charges are a serious issue and the costs associated with the claims can put some companies out of business. That is why investing in training and coaching is so important as it relates to EEOC and your workplace.

In 2016 alone, $482 million dollars was collected by the EEOC from employers for alleged victims of discrimination. That number only includes settlements and judgements. It does not include the actual cost of the litigation itself. The money you invest into an online training program, like the Infinit-I Workforce System, can help you curb your company’s chances of being hit with a harassment, discrimination, or retaliation claim from the EEOC.

Ten cases … $18 million!!!

In 2016, the 10 private plaintiff employment discrimination class action lawsuit settlements totaled almost $18 million dollars.  While that number is trending downward significantly from earlier years, where the top 14 settlements totaled almost $630 million, there’s still a lot of money on the line if your company is not creating a workplace free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. So any money invested in training can be money and resources well spent to prevent these sorts of claims.

New HR Training Available on the Infinit-I Workforce System

After speaking with HR Directors at several companies across the nation, we learned training on the aforementioned topics, along with several other HR compliance issues, was needed for companies nationwide. We partnered with Danyelle Williams Ackall, SPHR & CPP, the 2011 HR Southwest HR Educator of the Year, to produce a training video series on the major compliance issues companies face in human resources.

Ackall has 18+ years of human resources experience in warehousing, distribution, commercial real estate, higher education, government, and non-profits.  She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas A&M University and earned a Master’s of Science from UT Arlington in Human Resource Management. She is active in both the Fort Worth Human Resource Management Association (FWHRMA) and the Mid-Cities Human Resource Association (MCHRA), both affiliates of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). As an adjunct instructor she has taught management and business courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level for several Texas schools, including UT Arlington, Tarrant County College, Texas Wesleyan University, and Texas Christian University.  She is currently a full-time faculty member at Texas Christian University.

Why training on HR Topics is Important?

Training can be an effective deterrent to harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in the workplace. Not only that, well documented training is invaluable if you do have litigation or a charge of discrimination filed against you. It allows your attorney to be able to highlight not only that you have harassment and discrimination policies in place, but also that you’re frequently reminding people of them. The Infinit-I Workforce System makes it easy to assign out policies and ongoing refresher training on these topics.

In addition to training, the most critical thing your company can do regarding harassment and discrimination is to have an open-door policy and to encourage reporting. When you get a report, you must ensure your staff is trained on how to handle it. While your staff is busy, and you have a million things going on, if someone comes to you to talk about a problem, it’s critical that you listen to them and handle it effectively and handle it timely.

Coach Your Managers on HR Topics

It is also important that you have a training program in place for coaching your managers and employees. By having coaching sessions with your supervisors around harassment and discrimination issues in the workplace, you’re helping them understand what is and is not acceptable behavior in the workplace on an ongoing basis.

Coaching your managers also helps you build a story should you ever have an EEOC or similar claim filed against your company. You’ll be able to show the kind of coaching you did, and you’ll be able to prove your company understands what it means to be an EEOC complaint workplace.

The Infinit-I Workforce System makes it easy for you to guide your leaders to supervise the right way, to lead the right way, and to create an environment that is as free as possible from discrimination, retaliation, and harassment.

Schedule a Demo to learn more.

FSMA sanitary transportation training from the FDA added to the Infinit-I workforce system

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we added four training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System. The videos are a compilation of the FDA’s recently released approved training for transportation companies on the Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Sanitary Transportation Rule.

Online Safety Training for Truck Drivers CatalogCross-Contamination
Length: 9:20
This video defines cross-contamination, discusses some of the ways it can happen, and instructs on ways to prevent it.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: FSMA

Types of Contamination
Length: 8:38
This video discusses some types and sources of contamination.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: FSMA

Temperature Control
Length: 9:51
This video discusses the types of food requiring temperature control and how to prevent temperature abuse.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: FSMA

Sanitary Transportation Rule
Length: 11:37
This video discusses the Sanitary Transportation Rule, who it applies to, and many of its critical elements.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: FSMA

Please contact your Client Services Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis. This month we have released six training videos for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.  All of the videos are focused on providing school administrators, teachers, and staff members training on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or “FERPA” training.

Student Records are protected under FERPA, a federal law that applies to schools and colleges that receive federal financial assistance. FERPA affects school districts in some way almost every single day. For this reason, it is important for your entire staff to to know and understand what the law requires.

The six new FERPA online training videos make it easy for your staff to undergo initial and ongoing training on FERPA requirements using the Infinit-I Workforce System

New FERPA Training Videos

Training Videos for Schools CatalogRights of Access
Length: 7:20
This video discusses what the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act actually is, who is covered by FERPA, and who has rights of access to personally identifiable information.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Education Records
Length: 6:14
This video defines what does and does not count as an education record.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Videos and Emails
Length: 6:56
This video discusses how FERPA applies to video and emails in regards to treating them as education records.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Personally Identifiable Information
Length: 8:55
This video defines what personally identifiable information actually is and some exceptions to consent.
Module Category: Schools
Module: FERPA

Requesting Access to Student Records
Length: 6:24
This video discusses the procedures for accessing education records as well as amending records.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Notice of FERPA Rights
Length: 2:59
This video discusses what is involved in the notification of FERPA rights as well as the process of filing a complaint.
Section: Schools
Module: FERPA

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.

View our complete list of training videos for schools.

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

This month we added three training videos to our HR Catalog.

What’s New this Month for HR?

Infinit-I Training Management System for Business & Human Resources Catalog

12 Hot Topics HR Pros Should Be Training On To Protect Your Company From Lawsuits 
Length: 01:02:34
A company’s training program plays a very important role in both business success and risk mitigation. This webinar discusses the “must have” training topics a company should have in place to ensure compliance with labor laws, equal employment opportunity standards, harassment, Title VII, and more.
Section: Human Resources Infinit-i
Module: Webinars 

Cell Phone Use in the Workplace
Length:  04:37
This video discusses cell phone etiquette in the workplace, including cell phone cameras and cell phone use in work vehicles.
Section: Human Resources – Infinit-i
Module: Cell Phone Use in the Workplace

Recognizing and Stopping Bullying in the Workplace
Length: 06:14
This video discusses the proper procedures for recognizing and stopping bullying in the workplace and the proper conduct to prevent it.
Section: Human Resources – Infinit-i
Module: Recognizing and Stopping Bullying in the Workplace

Please contact your Client Services Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group Adds 1 New Training Videos for SchoolsVertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

This month we added one training video to our Schools Catalog.

What’s New this Month for Schools?

School Bus – Tail Swing and Sideswipe – Autobús Escolar – COLETEO O  ROSONES LATERALES
Length: 06:40
Este video detalla los acontecimientos de coleteo o  rosones laterales. Se detalla cómo prepararse adecuadamente contra ellos y establece las técnicas de conducción correcta para usar para evitarlos.
Section: New Spanish Videos
Module: School Bus – Tail Swing and Sideswipe – Autobús Escolar – COLETEO O  ROSONES LATERALES

Please contact your Client Services Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to new training videos on a monthly basis for use on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

This month we added seven training videos to our Trucking Catalog.

What’s New this Month for Trucking?

Roadside Inspection – Initial Stop and Contact
Length: 06:18
This video discusses proper conduct for a roadside inspection, including the types of materials a driver will need ready and ELD information.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Roadside Inspection – Initial Stop and Contact

Dry Van Rollovers – No Touch
Length: 03:54
This video discusses the causes and best practices for prevention of a rollover event. It discusses cargo load shifting and correct driving habits that help drivers of “no touch freight” prevent rollovers.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Dry Van Rollovers

Speed and Space Management – Part 1 – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio – Parte 1
Length: 02:22
Este video discute los principales puntos detrás de la velocidad y el manejo de espacio y lo que el manejo correcto  puede hacer para ayudar a ser un conductor seguro.
Section: New Spanish Videos
Module: Speed and Space Management – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio

Speed and Space Management – Part 2 – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio – Parte 2
Length: 02:55
Este video discute los principales puntos detrás de la velocidad y el manejo del espacio y lo que el espacio correcto puede hacer para ayudar a ser un conductor seguro.
Section: New Spanish Videos
Module: Speed and Space Management – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio

Speed and Space Management – Part 3 – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio – Parte 3
Length: 04:19
Este video discute los principales puntos detrás de la velocidad y el manejo del  espacio y lo que el manejo correcto puede hacer para ayudar a ser un conductor seguro.
Section New Spanish Videos
Module: Speed and Space Management – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio

Speed and Space Management – Part 4 – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio – Parte 4
Length: 04:50
Este video discute los principales puntos detrás de la velocidad y el manejo del espacio y lo que el manejo correcto puede hacer para ayudar a ser un conductor seguro.
Section: New Spanish Videos
Module: Speed and Space Management – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio

Speed and Space Management – Part 5 – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio – Parte 5
Length: 03:41
Este video discute los principales puntos detrás de la velocidad y el manejo del espacio y lo que el espacio correcto puede hacer para ayudar a ser un conductor seguro.
Section: New Spanish Videos
Module: Speed and Space Management – Manejo  de velocidad y espacio