A collection of all new online safety and HR training videos released, including fleet safety training and student transportation safety training videos.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training videos in the trucking industry.  This month released nine new training videos for you to utilize. Explore our content library for more resources to better train your fleet.

Time-Delayed Release
Length: 03:12
Jon herniated a lumbar disc during a slip. It’s important to remain aware of how your body reacts to seemingly minor injuries. Jon’s awareness allowed him to recognize his condition before it got worse.
Section: Real Life Lesson
Module: Entering/Exiting Truck Cab

Bridges and Overpasses
Length: 06:33
This video describes the potential hazards and dangers of bridges and overpasses to large commercial vehicles. Proper prevention techniques and reporting procedures are demonstrated in the video. Black ice is also discussed.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Bridges and Overpasses

Fleet Maintenance & Its Impact on Litigation – Part 1
Length: 08:19
This video introduces transportation attorney Mike Bassett and sets the stage for the story Mike tells throughout the webinar about how fleet maintenance plays an important role in protecting your company from a lawsuit.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Fleet Maintenance – Webinar

Fleet Maintenance & Its Impact on Litigation – Part 2
Length: 13:03
This video focuses on the problems caused by lack of correct documentation and the violation of company policies. It features a story about a transportation company who failed in both areas.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Fleet Maintenance – Webinar

Fleet Maintenance & Its Impact on Litigation – Part 3
Length: 15:27
This video focuses on the role maintenance managers played in the case. It highlights their mistakes, along with discussing the importance of cohesion within a company.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Fleet Maintenance – Webinar

Fleet Maintenance & Its Impact on Litigation – Part 4
Length: 09:40
This video discusses the lessons learned from a case where a trucking company failed to follow their own maintenance procedures.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Fleet Maintenance – Webinar

Fleet Maintenance & Its Impact on Litigation – Part 5
Length: 04:14
This video discusses what the fleet maintenance team can do after an accident to prepare for litigation.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Fleet Maintenance – Webinar

Fleet Maintenance & Its Impact on Litigation – Part 6
Length: 09:48
This video is a question and answer period with attorney Mike Bassett, focused on the role fleet maintenance plays in litigation.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Fleet Maintenance – Webinar

Fleet Maintenance & Its Impact on Litigation – PDF
Length: 55 pages
Download the slide deck for this webinar.
Section: Trucking Industry
Module: Fleet Maintenance – Webinar

Responding to EEOC Claims
Length: 51:58
Your company’s initial response to an EEOC complaint can often mean the difference between a successful and quick defense and a legal horror story. Regardless of why a disgruntled employee files a complaint with the EEOC, it’s going to cost you … time, sweat, legal bills, and possibly loss of reputation and costly judgments.
Module: Human Resources Trial – Infinit-I
Section: Responding to EEOC Claims

Please contact your client services representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training materials for the school industry.

This month we have added three new training videos for you to use.

Developing Your Professional Work Ethic
Length: 08:31
This video discusses how to develop your professional work ethic, focusing on dependability, dedication, self-discipline, accountability, honesty, and professionalism.
Module: HR – SafePUPIL
Section: Developing Your Porfessional Work Ethic

Bloodborne Pathogens – 2017
Length – 15:44
This video discusses the three most common bloodborne pathogens (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS), their symptoms and available treatments, as well as precautions against exposure and OSHA recommended cleanup procedures.
Module Category – School Bus
Section: Bloodborne Pathogens – 2017

Surviving a School Bus Fire
Length: 01:01:24
Denny Couglin pulls from his real life experience to share best practices school districts across the nation should be practicing to ensure the safety of their students in the event of a school bus fire. This webinar discusses best practices to help students quickly and safely evacuate the bus, including mock drills for bus drivers.
Module: SafePupil Best Practice Webinars
Section: Surviving a School Bus Fire

Responding to EEOC Claims
Length: 51:58
Your company’s initial response to an EEOC complaint can often mean the difference between a successful and quick defense and a legal horror story. Regardless of why a disgruntled employee files a complaint with the EEOC, it’s going to cost you … time, sweat, legal bills, and possibly loss of reputation and costly judgments.
Module: HR – SafePUPIL
Section: Responding to EEOC Claims

Please contact your Client Services Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 400, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group, Inc. is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training videos in the industry. This month we released five new training videos.
The first training video can be found in the Human Resources section.

Employee Eligibility Verification
Length: 03:07
This video discusses the process for verifying new hire employment eligibility using the Form I-9 and E-Verify.

The next training video can be found in our Real Life Lessons section.

Automatic Tarps Are Not Risk Free
Length: 02:58
Two different drivers suffer injuries using automatic tarping systems. This video reminds drivers to assess situations for hazards, even when they appear to have been eliminated by devices designed to make the job easier.

The next training video can be found in the Trucking Industry section and replaces a prior title by the same name.

Length: 05:06
This video defines the intended uses for seatbelts and illustrates how seatbelts prevent wearers from being thrown from the vehicle.

The final training selections are replays of two webinars held recently on popular topics in human resources. These can be found in the Human Resources section in the Webinars module.

Risky Business: Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace
Length: 01:05:43
Workplace harassment and discrimination do more than create significant legal exposure for employers, they can also damage personal relationships and ruin careers. This webinar explores sexual harassment and takes an in-depth look at how to avoid it at holiday parties and year round.

The Employee Handbook: Fixing the Eternal Headache
Length: 01:08:31
Your employee handbook is more than just a document to handout to your employees – it can be your best friend or your worst enemy. By following a few simple rules when writing and updating your handbook and company policies, you may be able to avoid employee lawsuits or at least mitigate your risk if you are sued.

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training materials in the student transportation industry. This month we have added five new training pieces for you to use.

In response to the increased number of shootings occurring at schools across the country, the Indiana State Police produced a series of training resources designed to teach student transportation professionals how to respond in the event of an active shooter on the bus. The first four training materials released this month are from their training series and include:

Active Shooter Checklist
Type: PDF
Designed for K-12, schools can use this Active Shooter Checklist to assess their readiness and/or ability to respond quickly in case of such threats 5mutk5u.

Unarmed Response to a In-School Active Shooter Event – Overview
Length: 08:26
This video, produced by the Indiana State Police, gives an overview of how to respond if an armed terrorist boarded a school bus.

Unarmed Response to a School Bus Active Shooter Event – Scenarios 1 & 2
Length: 03:37
This video, produced by the Indiana State Police, depicts different active shooter scenarios which could occur during the school day.

Unarmed Response to a School Bus Active Shooter Event – Scenarios 3, 4, & 5
Length: 04:13
This video, produced by the Indiana State Police, depicts different active shooter scenarios which could occur during the school day.

The final training resource released this month feature’s Dan Sperry sharing his family’s story and ideas to improve student safety at the bus stop. While the heart of his story centers around the loss his family experienced when their 11 year old was killed getting off the school bus — the message centers around lessons learned and the things student transportation professionals can do to go one step further in protecting the kids they transport.

Makayla’s Story: It Didn’t Have to Happen
Length: 55:45
Five days before Christmas 2011, Dan Sperry’s family dynamic changed forever. While waiting for his step-daughter, Makayla, to arrive home on the activities bus from dance, he heard a loud thump that sounded like a hood slamming. A few minutes later, one of Makayla’s classmates knocked on his door and told him there had been an accident. Makayla had been hit by a vehicle illegally passing the stopped school bus as she ventured home. Dan and his wife found Makayla lying in the ditch and witnessed the life drain from her 11 year old body. After her death, Makayla’s classmates pushed for new Wyoming laws to equip all school buses statewide with stop-arm video cameras. In this webinar, Dan shares his family’s journey and how the importance of the right kind of training for bus drivers, students, and parents can help save lives – even if the industry can’t stop illegal passing of school buses.

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training videos in the industry. This month we released four new training videos. Find more great resources in our content library.

The first new training video is found in our Real. Life. Lessons. series and focuses on preventing workplace injuries.

If It Hurts, Say So
Length: 02:40
Rudy had an admirable 15-year record of being injury free on the job until he failed to report a nagging pain that developed in his shoulder. The additional three videos released this month are from our Best Practices in Transportation Webinar Series and discuss various topics.  These videos can be found in our webinar archives.

Getting Deposed? How to Nail it!
Length: 01:10:57
Giving a deposition is an intimidating, uncomfortable, and all too common experience for trucking company executives. As the company’s representative, you need to know your company’s policies, procedures, records, and history. How you conduct yourself during the deposition can sometimes make or break your case.

Preparing for Change: DOL’s Final Rule on Overtime
Length: 59:44
Over 4.2 million currently exempt employees will become eligible for overtime pay on December 1, 2016 when the minimum salary threshold for “white collar” exemptions doubles under the recently-expanded Fair Labor Standards Act.  Discover what the  changes mean for your company.

The Unwritten Rules for Onboarding New Employees
Length: 01:01:56
Companies have varied philosophies on the importance of orientation and onboarding of new employees. Some companies hire new employees and expect them to utilize their skills to quickly adapt to their new work environment without a plan. Other companies have a structured and well-planned out onboarding process. In this webinar, we’ll go through four areas your onboarding program should include.

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training videos in the student transportation industry. This month we have released one new video for you to use.

Harassment Reporting
Length: 05:54
This video discusses the proper ways in which to initiate and conduct an investigation into claims of Harassment.
Module: Human Resources

Please contact your Client Services Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group, is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training videos in the industry. This month we have released 3 new training videos. The first video is a redo and replaces an older video by the same title. View our updated content library.

Driving in Extreme Weather Conditions
Length: 08:42
This video discusses safety practices to use while driving or working in extreme weather conditions.
Module: Trucking Industry

The next video is the 100th video released in our Real. Life. Lessons. series. This series is designed to help prevent common workplace accidents.

Bungee Straps and Eyeballs
Length: 02:21
This video discusses the dangers involved in working with bungee straps and the safety measures necessary to avoid injury when using them.
Module: Real. Life. Lessons.

The final video is an addition to our new selection of trainings in human resources.

Harassment Reporting
Length: 05:54
This video discusses the proper ways in which to initiate and conduct an investigation into claims of Harassment.
Module: Human Resources

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training videos in the industry. This month we released 2 new training videos. The first video, entitled Changing Lanes, replaces an older video by the same title.  The newer video footage and layout has received a lot of positive feedback from clients who tell us keeping training fresh and new for their drivers is important to them.

Changing Lanes
Length: 05:41
This video discusses the importance of executing a lane change correctly. It demonstrates the correct execution of a lane change and discusses the most common errors made while changing lanes.
Module: Trucking Industry

The other video released this month, entitled Passengers Not Included, is the 99th video released in our popular Real. Life. Lessons. training series.  This series is utilized to reduce on the job injuries through awareness training.

Passengers Not Included
Length: 02:49
Martin makes a decision to stay inside his truck cab while the recovery truck is loading it. While exiting, he falls nearly 10 feet and fractures his wrist. Never stay in the vehicle when it is being towed or being prepared for a tow.
Module: Real. Life. Lessons

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group, is committed to ensuring you have access to the best safety training videos in the industry. This month we released 12 new training videos.

The first video released can be found in the Trucking Industry section and focuses on steps to safely back a rig.  This video replaces a former video by the same title.

  • Backing a Rig Safely
    Length: 05:18
    This video discusses steps to make backing a rig in tight corners easier. It stresses the importance of paying attention to your surroundings while backing a commercial vehicle.

The next video is designed for companies who utilize Infinit-I Workforce System across their business.  It provides best practices for how to write job descriptions and why it is important to involve at least three people in developing each description.  It is located in the Human Resources section.

  • Job Descriptions
    Length: 07:05
    This video discusses the importance of having a detailed job description for every position at your company and how to develop job descriptions.

We’ve also added a new video to our Real Life Lessons Series, reminding drivers how to remain safe when working with load locks.

  • Look Out for Load Locks
    Length: 02:53
    Adam is severely injured when his inexperience with load locks gets the better of him.

The final nine videos released this month are Spanish releases of titles previously released in English.  They can be found in the New Spanish Release section.

  • Fixed Object Collisions – High Speed
    Length: 06:36
    This video discusses common causes and solutions for fixed object collisions that occur at high speeds.
  • Fixed Object Collisions – Low Speed
    Length: 07:33
    This video discusses common causes and solutions for fixed object collisions that occur at low speeds.
  • Pre-Trip Approach and Maintenance
    Length: 06:26
    This video explains the importance of a pre-trip inspection and regular maintenance. It describes common neglect of vehicles and discusses how inspection and maintenance play an important role in the mechanics, compliance, and safety of the vehicle.
  • Small Cut Leads to Serious Infection
    Length: 02:56
    Bill loses a finger after he allows a small cut to go untreated and it becomes infected. Always treat wounds, even smalls ones, properly. If you can’t treat it properly, seek medical attention.
  • A Broken Light Leads to a Broken Arm
    Length: 02:42
    Barry breaks his arm while attempting to replace a clearance light using the wrong equipment. If you are not authorized to perform repairs then do not. If you are, only do so when you have the correct equipment.
  • Driver Slips on Ice Stepping into Truck
    Length: 02:50
    Sam slips on ice attempting to climb into his truck. Remember to come to a complete stop before stepping up while on ice. Otherwise, your body’s forward momentum can cause you to slip.
  • Driver Tears Cartilage in Knee Jumping Out of Truck
    Length: 02:19
    Johnny tears the cartilage in his knee jumping out of his truck. Never jump from your truck. Always face your truck when exiting and hold on with both hands.
  • I Do Not Feel Good – Part 1
    Length: 02:48
    Harry narrowly avoids tragedy. Remember, your health is extremely important. Do not hesitate to notify management of potential health issues.
  • I Do Not Feel Good – Part 2
    Length: 03:26
    In this lesson Bubba shares some additional tips on protecting yourself and detecting exhaust leaks.

Please call your Client Service Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.

Vertical Alliance Group is committed to ensuring you have access to the best training videos in the student transportation industry.  This month we have released 8 new videos for you to use. The first video is found in the School Bus section and focuses on the importance of drivers teaching students safety at the bus stop both on and off the bus.

  • Bus Stop Safety Reminders
    Length: 01:48
    This video reminds bus drivers of the importance of teaching students bus safety both on and off the bus. It includes a short video of a student who is almost hit when a car runs a bus stop arm. It shares nine tips bus drivers can teach students about bus stop safety.

The next three videos are also found in the School Bus section and focus on teaching crossing guards best practices for crossing students.

  • Crossing Guards Part 1
    Length: 03:39
    This video discusses the legal framework around being a crossing guard. It also discusses post review and preparation.
  • Crossing Guards Part 2
    Length: 04:03
    This video discusses the eight steps to crossing children safely.
  • Crossing Guards Part 3
    Length: 04:53
    This video reviews the eight steps to crossing children safely and discusses crossing guard conduct and equipment needed.

The next two videos released are Spanish versions of videos already available in English on the Infinit-I Workforce System.

  • Fixed Object Collisions – High Speed 
    Length: 06:34
    This video discusses the common causes and solutions for fixed object collisions that occur at high speeds.
  • Fixed Object Collisions – Low Speed
    Length: 07:02
    This video discusses the common causes and solutions for fixed object collisions that occur at low speeds.

For school districts utilizing the Infinit-I Workforce System for district wide training, the next video is designed to help department supervisors and managers write and update job descriptions.

  • Job Descriptions
    Length: 07:05
    This video discusses the importance of having a detailed job description for every position in your district and how to develop job descriptions.

Finally, you can now access our  webinar replay in the SafePUPIL Webinars Section, which archives all of our best practices webinars.

  • Easy Ways to Customize Your Training to Improve Engagement
    Length: 55:44
    Learn 10 tips & ideas for easy ways to customize your training to enhance employee engagement and improve behaviors. Utilizing the tips taught in this webinar, you can quickly begin creating online training your employees can relate to. You’ll leave this class with a new opportunity to make a creative, personal experience that your learners will engage with.

Please contact your Client Services Representative at 877-792-3866, ext. 300, if you have any questions.