A collection of news and updates related specifically to the trucking industry and online safety training ideas.

Making Safety Culture Happen

7 Steps to Changing Safety Ideas into Safety Culture

Vertical Alliance Group has hosted free webinars to discuss various aspects of the trucking industry, especially safety. Brian Fielkow, CEO of Jetco Delivery, was one of our guests who joined us to discuss developing a safety culture.

Many companies “talk” about safety, but struggle when it comes to implementing it into their company culture. Fielkow shared practical tips for transforming your organization at every level. He spoke of the importance of everyone adopting safety, from front-line employees to leadership.

He also shared seven behaviors that help you make this transformation happen.

Values vs. Priorities

Many people, when discussing safety, call it a priority for their organization. This sounds good, but lasting organizational change comes when you go from safety priority to safety culture. Safety needs to be a core value for your whole company.

What’s the difference? According to Fielkow, values are the glue that binds a company together. Values are unchangeable, leaving no room to make compromises where they are concerned.

Priorities, on the other hand, can change based on what is happening at the moment for your business. For a real effect, safety needs to be the cornerstone of the organization.

You can’t send mixed messages when it comes to safety for your employees. Your commitment to safety needs to be in the same category as integrity.

Safety is Not a Cost Center

A safety culture is an investment in your company. It is the hallmark of excellent operations. Safety must be sought after, with intention to make operations run smoothly.

Yes, there is cost associated with safety training programs and materials. The ROI on safety makes this cost worth it. Having a healthy and safety conscious team is part of this investment.

Fielkow says, “Safety must be leader driven and employee owned.”

When you start with a strong safety culture, you gain more productivity. This, in turn, brings customer goodwill. No one wants to work with a team riddle with violations and accidents.

The Accident Pyramid

The accident pyramid is a sobering look at how all the tiny decisions to neglect safety lead to tragic outcomes. According to Fielkow, you should never dismiss an accident because it is “minor”.

Minor accidents lead to bigger accidents, and prevention is key. You need to find the root cause that led to the minor accidents before they become a real problem.

Employee behavior is the leading indicator in these situations. You must teach and lead in right behaviors, and this includes performing all required safety inspections. You set the expectations so that employees can manage themselves.

You need to minimize distractions that lead to accidents. Take precautions against those things that get in the way of your safety culture and train your team to focus on safety-sensitive actions.

99% is Not Good Enough

When it comes to safety, you can’t just relax when things are good. You must remain vigilant to adhere to safety best practices.

Fielkow says you have to maintain the mentality of ZERO accidents. It’s an impossible standard, but your mentality must not tolerate preventable incidents.

Safety always starts with leadership. Leaders have to display these safety-focused behaviors themselves and the rest of the employees will copy this.

When issues do happen, address them. Find the rot causes and behaviors so you can change them. Finding solutions to these issues will lead to increased profitability.

Safety Improves Your Bottom Line

Other than fuel, the three largest expenses in transportation are:

  • Insurance
  • Auto and Workers Comp coverage costs
  • Employee turnover

A focus on safety can lead to profits instead of losses in these areas. Excellent safety ratings give you leverage to negotiate better insurance rates. Your company may not be accident free, but an ability to show you have a plan in place matters.

Taking care of your employees is important to your profitability too. When employees know you care, they stay with you. Guide employees toward positive safety behaviors and put best practices in place that will lead to better productivity and highlight safety.

Risk vs. Chance

There is a difference between taking a risk and going with chance when it comes to safety. Risk can be managed and controlled. Chance is all luck.

If a team member exhibits unsafe behaviors, it’s only a matter of time before that luck runs out. Things like texting while driving or skipping pre-inspections lead to poor consequences. Don’t play games with chance.

Risk involves preparing for possible outcomes and making plans based on these possible outcomes. Risk gives you some control whereas chance is out of your hands. Be sure your employees know this difference and avoid chance.

Toxic Employees Lead to Tragic Outcomes

Some employees make changes with teamwork and coaching, which is always great. An employee who will not change, who has no interest in following safety behaviors, who is unwilling to embrace safety culture, is a problem.

If an employee refuses to receive necessary training and remains unwilling to change behaviors, you have to let them go. They put the safety of your team at stake each time they make a poor decision. Everyone in your company needs to be willing to work together for the health and safety of your business.

A company may be compliant, but that does not mean they are safe. Real behavioral changes are needed to ensure better results. From these behavioral changes a true safety culture is formed.

7 Winning Behaviors

For real change to occur in your organization, there are seven behaviors you need to have as safety leadership.

  1. Don’t accept defeat. Recommit everyday to these important efforts.
  2. Remember, safety setbacks are inevitable but unacceptable. Accidents are not the “cost of doing business”.
  3. Be positive and transparent in your efforts. Don’t hide information.
  4. Own safety, it can’t be delegated.
  5. Let employees know you care about them. Know the basics and repeat them often.
  6. Always remain coachable yourself.
  7. Keep lines of communication open. Let everyone have input into your safety efforts.

And remember, you don’t have to go it alone when it comes to implementing a safety program. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions can be your partner in safety training management.

We have the tools you need to create, implement, and keep your safety culture moving forward. Request a demo today to see our training management system for yourself.

Custom Training Content for a Training Program with Less Manpower

Creating a Custom Training Program

As a safety director, you’re tasked with creating custom training content for safety orientation, onboarding, and corrective action needs with limited time for yourself or your drivers. There never seems to be enough manpower or resources to keep up with all the necessary paperwork, which makes it difficult to track behaviors and training.

This lack of training resources can lead to increased accidents and CSA violations if you aren’t careful. If you’re trying to complete training using traditional in-person safety meetings, you make your job even more difficult between maintain documentation and getting drivers in to complete the necessary training.

You can make this job simpler with an online training management system like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. You can provide the custom training your drivers need with the ability to track their progress. Best yet, all your documentation is ready at your fingertips when you need it.

The Value of Online Learning Management

Online learning management systems allow you to assign, track, and maintain documentation for all driver training in one place. Best of all, drivers can access the training from any device with an internet connection, so there is no need to pull them off the road.

The Infinit-I Workforce system provides:

  • 850+ up-to-date training videos on a wide range of trucking safety issues
  • Access from any device anytime, anywhere
  • Easy set-up to meet your company-specific needs
  • Tracking capabilities to see driver progress with assigned training
  • Notifications for drivers to complete their training
  • Automated reporting

You can help improve CSA scores and insurance rates for your company with less time and effort. Plus, one of the best parts of the system is the ease of adding your own company custom training content.


Infinit-I Workforce System | Online Employee Training

The Value of Custom Content

The Infinit-I system was developed to provide trucking industry best practices for our clients. While we know the trucking industry, we don’t know your company’s specific culture. You have a set of core values that set you apart from other carriers.

The best way to train and maintain those set values is to provide that message yourself. Creating custom training content allows you to tailor a message to fit those specific needs.

You can develop training programs that use your own team to make the message more relatable to your drivers. You can have existing training uploaded to your training library to get continued use out of it.

You can develop videos to meet specific needs or concerns for your company. If there is an area your team is struggling with, custom content is a great way to provide further training on those issues. You can use this content to create a uniform message for your team, which in turn creates unity in your company.

Everyone, not just your drivers, can complete the same training so you maintain consistency. Help everyone move towards the same goals in this way.

During a webinar, Jay Winegardner, CEO of Truck One, discussed using the Infinit-I system to share his CEO message. On a monthly basis, Winegardner records a brief message for his team where he discusses news, latest training topics, and things that need to be worked on.

He can get information he needs to share this message from the available reporting features to know exactly what to target. His message can easily be uploaded to the system to give all his employees access to it.

employee training software screenshot

How Do You Access the Custom Content Feature?

Once you have located or created your custom content, you can contact your Client Success team. They will give you instructions on how to send it to be uploaded, then will let you know when it’s available for your team.

Once the message or other content is available, you can easily and quickly give access to your team. If you need to provide some content only to certain members of your team, you can set up groups to make that possible.

Save Time with Online Custom Training

It’s easy for both safety team members and drivers to work long hours, but sometimes your safety team can feel these hours aren’t productive. With the right tools, you can make your time more effective.

Tools like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions allow you to provide training content to meet your company needs without disrupting schedules. Drivers can access their training from any device with an internet connection at their convenience, so their time is spent more effectively as well.

To learn more about the Infinit-I system and how it can work for your company, request a demo. With just 20 minutes you can see how easy the system is for both drivers and safety managers.

Microlearning Videos Benefit Employee Online Training

5 Reasons Microlearning is Essential for Driver Training

As a safety manager, do you ever feel overwhelmed coordinating safety meetings? From ensuring your training materials are correct to coordinating driver schedules and ensuring proper documentation, the task can be difficult.

This coordination is not only hard work, but it also takes time away from other business-critical needs. There is a better way though. Online training using microlearning courses eliminates many of the headaches safety managers can experience coordinating safety meetings.

Many companies have found switching to online training is better for them. It eliminates the need to track down drivers who missed an in-person safety meeting and is a method many drivers prefer over traditional training.

“Instead of having to pull drivers off the road for routine safety talks, they can receive updates on both timely topics like CSA BASICS, FMCSA, and PHMSA, and relevant topics like OSHA, either from their home-based computers or from laptops with internet connectivity.

Not only have the training programs been well received by our drivers, they have also helped increase productivity and equipment utilization, allowing the drivers to spend more time on the road and less time in the classroom.”

Douglas R. Carothers, Manager, EH&S Compliance Programs, Action Resources

If you’re not sure about switching to online training, consider five reasons why moving to a learning management system like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is beneficial for your business.

1.      Short Videos Work!

Microlearning involves breaking training into small, easy to consume segments, and it’s a big deal in the e-learning world. Microlearning ensures information is retained better than traditional training tools.

Research shows that 58% of employees would use online learning tools if the content was shorter and easier to get through. This is because employees generally only have 1% of their work week to dedicate to training. That’s equal to 24 minutes a week.

Microlearning also results in better productivity, meaning better profitability for companies. Short videos to improve information retention means employees will better remember important safety information.

2.      Long Videos or Meetings Aren’t Effective

Our lives are full of distractions and attention spans continue to decline. According to a Microsoft study, the average attention span to keep someone’s attention is eight seconds.

While eight seconds is not enough to absorb any meaningful training, this shows that short, engaging content will better reach employees and be more effective. Research shows the best length for an e-learning video is 5 to 8 minutes.

3.      Video Works for Training

For those who grew up before the internet age, it may seem ridiculous to hear that online training can be as good as, or better than, in-person training meetings. Studies have shown time and again that online video training works though, sometimes even better than traditional training.

Companies that use online training, especially microlearning, are more likely to achieve organization goals. They are more likely to have engaged employees, better able to fill key positions internally, and have better employee retention. This means less disruption to company productivity.

4.      Everyone Has Access to Devices

According to the Pew Research Center, 97% of all Americans own a mobile phone, and 85% own a smartphone. This means it’s likely that all your drivers have access to a smartphone or tablet so they can complete training when it’s convenient for them.

Using a platform like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions enables your drivers to learn anytime, anywhere, on any device with an internet connection. The Infinit-I system has been designed to be compatible with every device. Drivers can even download the Infinit-I app on their smartphone or tablet for easier access.

5.      Drivers are Mobile; Training Should be Too

When your drivers aren’t on the road, you’re losing money. Taking drivers off the road for training meetings is counterproductive and an inefficient use of resources. Providing microlearning training videos drivers can use to meet their training requirements makes life easier for drivers and safety managers.

One client, Jay Winegardner, CEO of Truck One, said training his team is easy with the Infinit-I Workforce system. Winegardner said even his older truck drivers had very little trouble adapting to the online learning format. He said the vast 850+ video library allows him to customize the training into a perfect fit for his drivers.

Winegardner also said the Infinit-I system is the easiest way to consistently communicate with his drivers. The system’s process for adding user created content is simple, even for the most computer-averse executive.

Make Training Easier

If you are in the trucking industry and aren’t using a microlearning online training program, you are wasting time and money. Learning management systems, like Infinit-I Workforce, eliminate or reduce the need to coordinate in-person training meetings and streamline documentation so management’s life is easier.

Add to this the ability to improve CSA cores and insurability, which are consequences of using our training system, and it’s easy to see why Infinit-I is the #1 training system in the trucking industry. If you haven’t seen the Infinit-I system in action, schedule a demo today. You can see firsthand how our system can change the way you think about training.

Learn more about Microlearning effectiveness.

Infiniti safety training walkthrough

Getting the Most Out of Your Infinit-I Safety Training

You’ve explored the system, gotten the necessary approvals, the contract is signed, and your company is ready to roll out your newly purchased Infinit-I safety training platform. You want to make sure you roll it out correctly though.

Whether your company invested in the Infinit-I Workforce system to build better company culture, to improve employee performance, or to increase profits through training, you’ll start off on the right path with FasTrac.

What is Infinit-I FasTrac?

FasTrac is an onboarding process designed to teach companies how to get the most out of their Infinit-I safety training system. You can complete the FasTrac walkthrough before the first training module is assigned or the first orientation template is built.

Companies who implement a new learning management system can find difficulty in the setup phase if they are left to figure out the features of the software on their own. FasTrac was designed to ensure users of the Infinit-I system never have this negative experience.

FasTrac starts by assigning a dedicated Client Success Team to your company’s account. Your team will guide you through the system as you build and grow your online training. They will work with you to schedule an hour-long introductory call designed to walk you and your team through the features and functions of the Infinit-I Workforce system.

During this initial call, you’ll learn how to access and assign more than 850 training videos, what API integrations are, and how you can add custom training content you may already own into your online training library.

The ultimate goal of FasTrac is to ensure your company has success with your Infinit-I safety training rollout by helping you build the foundation that will set the pace for user adoption, training strategy, and your working relationship with your client success team.

“From a customer service perspective, they’ve really done a seamless job of everything from the frontend sales to the implementation and to the day-to-day management of the system. I very rarely ever have to get involved in any aspect, other than them giving me a call asking if everything is all right. They’re very responsive from a customer service standpoint. “

Mark Sorine, Vice President of Safety, Quality Distribution

One Size Does Not Fit All

Whether you have 15 or 1,000+ employees, the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions system can be customized to fit your company’s unique training needs. Working with your client success team, you can analyze your current and long-term goals to help develop a customized training solution.

Your client success team will ensure your company is set up for success using online training. After you complete FasTrac, ongoing help is always available. Whatever questions, challenges, or training needs come up, you can count on your client success team.

“The customer service is outstanding. There isn’t any company that I’ve ever worked with, no matter what service they’re offering, that has customer service like Vertical Alliance. They make your job a whole lot easier.

It’s really beneficial. It’s like having an extra safety person there.”

Jay Thomas, Executive Director, Super Service, LLC

Implementing a new learning management system does not have to be difficult. FasTrac is designed to make your transition into online training a smooth process so you can see a return on your training investment as soon as possible.

online orientation savings

Online Orientation Can Increase Employee Retention

The race for qualified candidates is on across every industry, but even more so in the transportation industry. Trucking fleets move more than 70% of domestic freight tonnage each year, meaning there is a big need for skilled operators.

With an ongoing driver shortage, it’s a good time to get into the industry. Companies are competing for top talent and turnover is high, up to 95%. Combine high turnover with increased costs associated with in-person training, and you’re left wondering how trucking companies can retain and maintain a well-trained fleet.

Online orientation and training are valuable resources that help companies save both time and money. Employment research has shown that a good orientation and onboarding process may be one of the major keys to employee retention.

Transportation companies have been turning to online training to remain up to date with FMCSA changes and new internal policies. Many do not realize how easy it is to conduct orientation and onboarding training online as well.

Online Training for Orientation and Onboarding

As companies are made aware of the many benefits of an effective onboarding program, more and more are choosing to have their drivers participate in this experience. The key is to make sure a potential employee comes away from orientation with a positive experience during training as most drivers will decide within 72 hours of orientation if they will remain with a new employer.

This orientation training is the first step in the ongoing onboarding process. Orientation allows an employee to become accustomed to their new employer. It gives a sense of the company’s culture and community.

It’s important to present this during their initial orientation, as these are the factors that will determine if a new driver stays on your team. Utilizing online orientation training can make this process faster and help drivers remain safer on the roads. There are many benefits to online orientation and training that make the process simpler.

1.      Drivers Retain the Information

Often with orientation there is an overwhelming amount of paperwork and new information to process. Moving this online allows you to present necessary information in smaller segments. Presenting the information in smaller burst of content makes it easier for employees to receive and recall what’s needed.

2.      Consistent Employee Training

With in-person training, you have to worry about booking a speaker who may or may not stay on script or make changes to the presentation. With online orientation and training, the information can be recorded once and shared multiple times. Plus, since the company is truly in control of the safety message, this information can be updated and expanded as needed.

3.      Accelerate the Orientation Process

An online platform makes it possible for your company to create simple, easy to digest orientation videos new hires can complete quickly. Many companies have cut orientation down from multiple days to as little as two hours using an online method.

4.      Faster Start Time for Drivers

By reducing time spent on orientation, you can get new hires on the road quicker, so they’re moving freight and earning money instead of stuck in a training session. Allowing new hires to get behind the wheel and earning money faster can give a better impression of the company and help motivate them to stay.

5.      Less Lost Revenue

Online orientation means drivers are on the road faster, meaning your company is earning money quicker. Combining this with an ongoing online training program means you don’t have to stop productivity to keep drivers trained, so no lost revenue bringing drivers off the road.

Online training also costs less than traditional training options.

Practical Savings of Online Training

On average, an online format for onboarding can save a company up to $1,000 per hire. What do these savings actually look like? Here’s the breakdown:

Instructor’s salary:


Hotel accommodation:




Training materials:


Idle equipment:


Lost revenue from driver off the road:





In addition to saving $1,000 per hire, you also increase time spent on the road or focusing on other areas of the business. All employees and managers will appreciate this benefit.

Implementing Online Training

The Infinit-I Workforce Solutions system allows trucking companies access to more that 850 videos created to keep fleets safe and moving, or you can add custom training to fit your company needs. You can enhance the training with company-specific orientation and onboarding processes to welcome new drivers and other employees to the team.

To learn more about the benefits of the Infinit-I system, request a demo to see it in action.

Tips for Heavy Truck Fuel Economy

What Does Fuel Economy Mean for Transportation Companies?

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “fuel economy”? Words like profitability, safety, and improved driver experience should be at the top of the list.

Transportation companies and commercial carriers have seen a large push toward fuel efficiency as government regulations continue to be implemented. Many companies, in an effort to navigate fuel cost increases, have implemented certain practices meant to improve profit margins.

Why Focus on Fuel Economy?

There are several benefits to operating a fuel-efficient fleet. At the top of this list is profitability. Fuel is one of the highest operating costs for any transportation company, so organizations of all sizes benefit from a focus on fuel efficiency and economy.

Regained time is another benefit. Implementing and following fuel-efficient best practices can lead to fewer stops, meaning drivers reach their destinations with better time.

In today’s environmentally conscious society, people tend to have a better view of companies that commit to the wise use of resources such as fuel. Consumers are more aware of the processes for supply chain and deliveries, so creating a positive consumer perception of your actions is good for your company’s bottom line.

Fuel efficiency and economy also leads to safer driving. Many of the best practices for fuel-efficient driving have to do with how the driver handles their vehicle. Fuel-efficient driving means following safer techniques on the road.

4 Tips for a Fuel-Efficient Fleet

Even if you have the most fuel-efficient trucks, it takes skill and knowledge to operate a fleet at maximum efficiency. This knowledge starts with best practice tips to help your fleet with better fuel economy.

Don’t Sit Idle

Idling happens at times for comfort, safety, or maintaining optimal fuel temperatures in harsh weather conditions. The problem comes in when long-haul trucks remain idle overnight. This can consume more than 838 million gallons of fuel according to a study from Argonne National Laboratory.

This equals up to approximately $3 billion worth of diesel fuel and gasoline lost each year by medium and heavy trucks combined! There are multiple valid reasons for idling, but there are solutions that can save time and money companies can enact to lessen this practice.

Watch Weather Conditions

Weather is something no one can control, but drivers need to track weather conditions to know what they might run up against. For instance, winter weather conditions are notorious for negative effects on vehicle fuel economy.

Aerodynamic drag increases by 2% for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit dropped in a large truck. This drag makes it more difficult for a driver to operate their vehicle efficiently and wastes more fuel. Preparing drivers for adverse weather and best practices in these conditions will help drivers overcome weather-related effects as much as possible.

Ongoing Employee Training

Highly-skilled drivers can produce up to 35% better miles-per-gallon performance than less trained drivers based on information from ATA’s Technology & Maintenance Council. All your drivers should receive consistent training to keep everyone on the same track. This includes training on safety, driver best practices, and fuel efficiency.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted several studies that show driver training programs that include fuel efficiency improved fleet fuel economy by 5% to 10%. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has training modules on all your training needs, including fuel efficiency.

Incentivize Fuel Efficiency

Driver incentives are useful tools to implement behavioral changes toward fuel efficiency. Maintaining a culture of safety is the most important thing a commercial carrier can do, and adding a focus on fuel economy further upholds this standard of safety.

Incentives keep your employees interested in participating in the safety process. Incentives also assist in making behavioral changes while keeping up employee morale. If you have the right motivating incentives in place, you can increase performance by 25% to 44%.

You can use incentives to promote safety programs. Consider using these incentives to reward drivers who show a dedication to improving fuel efficiency, safety standards, or other goals that can help increase your profitability and performance.

Make Training Cost Efficient and Easy

To get the best results from your safety and performance training, you need a cost-efficient program that’s easy for everyone to participate in. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has the tools you need to meet these needs.

With our learning management system, you can set up all your orientation, ongoing, and corrective action training assignments easily, and the system will take care of assignment notifications. You can track progress to ensure drivers are getting the information they need to increase performance and safety. Your drivers can access the training assignments from any device with an internet connection, so you don’t have to worry about disrupting schedules.

Click the following link for more information on Infinit-I’s fuel efficiency.

You can schedule a free demo to see for yourself how easy the Infinit-I system is to use.

Plug Holes in Truck Driver Safety Program

Holes in Your Truck Driver Safety Program

If training is causing you stress, chances are there are holes in your truck driver safety program that are costing you lots of money and time that could be put to better use in other areas of your company. For your training program to be effective you need to be able to coordinate drivers, properly document training, and streamline your orientation process.

If these areas are a struggle, you can get an easy fix. With the right tools, you can take a more strategic approach to training and better allocate your resources. Before you take that strategic approach, you need to better understand the holes that are causing you stress.

Hole #1: Coordinating Drivers for Safety Meetings

If you’re still spending time trying to coordinate your truck driver safety program with old fashioned techniques that require gathering your drivers in one place, you are throwing away the resources available to you. Industry studies show that 40% to 65% of your drivers are not attending these types of safety meetings.

With this method, by default, your unknowingly allowing complacency to take hold in your company. You’ve probably heard the old industry saying:

“Rookies bump into stuff, it takes years of experience to be involved in the catastrophic crashes.”

In other words, your rookie drivers are fresh on their safety training and still have some fear of the equipment that makes them careful. Over time they learn by experience how much they can get away with to cut corners, and complacency begins to take over.

When complacency takes over, your CSA scores take a hit which can kill your business. That’s why your initial and ongoing training is crucial for all your drivers to participate in. The good news is, it’s not only possible to make this happen, it’s also easy with the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform.

Hole #2: Properly Documenting Training & Communication

There is always the possibility of ending up in court because of an accident. If this happens, you must be able to prove your drivers received and understood training to protect your company. You also need to prove that every memo, letter, policy, procedure, or other important company information was received and read by all employees.

The golden rule in training is:

“If it’s not signed; if it’s not dated; if it’s not in writing; if you can’t find it… it did NOT happen.”

The Infinit-I Workforce system can help you ensure you are following the Golden Rule in training. The platform will help you keep track of all necessary documentation and communication, saving your company from costly punitive damages in court.

Hole #3: Spending too Much Money on Orientation

If your company looks anything like the rest of the industry, you’re probably on a regular search for new drivers. This means you’re not only spending a lot of time and money on orientation, you’re also losing money with every hour the drivers sit in your facility completing their training.

There is an easier and faster way to complete orientation training to get your new drivers on the road quicker without taking away from your truck driver safety program. We all know you can’t make money if your drivers aren’t on the road.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has helped hundreds of trucking companies create customized online orientation to get their new drivers prepared and on the road faster.

Stop Patching Your Training Holes and Fix Them for Good

While some holes in your business need a lot of work to repair, the holes in your truck driver safety program are easy to fix with Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. Our online learning management system allows you to maintain orientation, ongoing, and corrective action training to fit your company needs.

Chances are you’re not doing everything you can with your safety training, and the things you are doing manually are creating too much stress. With Infinit-I, you can optimize your training, decrease your workload, increase your profits, improve your CSA scores, and fix the holes that can keep you up at night.

Request a demo to walk through the system with one of our experts who can show you exactly how you can deal with your training issues with little effort on your part.


“I like the cold weather. It means you get work done.”
– Noam Chomsky

Trucking is an industry where the work always gets done, no matter the challenges – and there are many challenges. Staying on top of new legislation and regulation, monitoring new technologies and their benefits, and creating a company culture that attracts the best talent at all levels are just of few of the things leaders in transportation know to expect and can manage. Winter weather, however, is a factor teams can prepare for, but no one can control.

Safety and Winter Weather Conditions

Creating, implementing and maintaining a culture of safety is a pivotal core value for any transportation company. Employee training focused on the best practices for driving in winter weather conditions is an important part of that culture. Incidents of weather-related accidents involving large trucks increased greatly between 2012 and 2014, causing many leaders to reevaluate how to make the roads safer for everyone.

North America has experienced numerous severe weather events since the beginning of this year, including new record-cold days and even the first snow in 28 years in Tallahassee, FL! The cold weather continues and with it, a need to focus on cold weather preparedness for truck drivers.

Below are tips to keep drivers safe in extreme weather conditions.

Winter Weather Tips for Truck Drivers

  • Check weather apps and sign up for alerts

    Traveling long distances is a literal “day at the office” for truck drivers. Weather conditions can change dramatically over great distances. Starting with the end in mind is perfect for these occasions, as a trip can originate in mild temperatures but end in harsh winter weather. By planning ahead, drivers can choose better routes and determine the best locations to refuel and rest.

  • Perform pre-trip inspections

    Preparation is the key to success. Performing a pre-trip inspection is a vital best practice for truck drivers. When the practice becomes second nature it can be tempting to forego, but the routine is an essential safety step for every trip.

  • Treat traffic with care

    Wintry weather is a challenge for everyone on the road; truck drivers must exercise additional caution navigating slick road conditions. Maintaining a safe following distance is always important, but in winter weather it is paramount. Also, following traffic signs, like detours, ensures trucks are traveling along the best paths for the conditions.

  • Stay on track

    Traction is necessary to keep drivers moving forward safely. Patience and extra caution must be exhibited to start, accelerate and stop on wet or icy surfaces. Drivers have to be willing to travel at much slower speeds, to ensure better traction.

  • Keep windows clear and maintain a watchful eye

    There are various steps that can improve driver visibility in extreme weather conditions. Keeping all windows, mirrors and reflectors cleared of snow, ice or excessive dirt is essential, as is making sure all lights are working. Again, the pre-trip inspection is vital to this process. Use the cabin’s AC to keep windows defrosted and maintain a safe temperature, protecting both driver and fuel. And while navigating icy roads, especially on bridges and overpasses, remember to watch for snow drifts, which could have small vehicles or structures underneath.

To obtain more tips from industry experts and prepare a truly world-class fleet, click here to learn more about the Infinit-I Workforce System for Trucking.


Can the Infinit-I Workforce System integrate with Tenstreet and other software?

One of the unique things about the Infinit-I Workforce System is how easily customizable it is to fit the unique needs of your business. For example, many of our clients  utilize Tenstreet for their driver recruiting software.  Through an API, we are able to integrate our training platform with Tenstreet software, making it very convenient for their drivers and managers to have all training and onboarding records housed within the Tenstreet system.


Client Spotlight: Road Runner Transportation Services

Kevin Traynor, Training and Orientation Manager for Road Runner Transportation Services, explains how their company customized the Infinit-I Workforce System to API with their driver recruiting software, Tenstreet.


What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It allows programs to talk to each other. It is a software to software interface.

How API WorksThere are three types of APIs:

  1. Local APIs
  2. Web APIs
  3. Program APIs

We primarily use Web APIs.  Our APIs allow the Infinit-I Workforce System to communicate with various software platforms. The API allows data to be transferred between our system and those software platforms.

About the Presenter

How would decreasing accident costs by $8400 per accident impact your company’s bottom line?

It equated to more than $330,000 per year for Allan Hicks, Vice President of Human Resources for BR Williams Trucking. He was able to accomplish this through awareness training using the Infinit-I Workforce System.

Named the 2015 ATA Safety Director of the Year, Allan is a big proponent of helping fleets improve their safety training programs. With more than 45 years of experience in the trucking industry, he has held various positions in management with large LTL carriers.