How to navigate the DataQ System

How to Navigate the DataQs System

Complete the form for our free DataQs Information Packet.
This packet will contain the following detailed information.

•Full DataQ webinar
•DataQ Powerpoint presentation from the webinar
•DataQ Correction Checklist
•Personal Conveyance FAQs
•DataQs User Guide and Best Practices
•ANSI Manual on Classification of Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes (2017 edition)
•Crash Preventability Determination Program Eligibility Guide
•Crash Preventability Determination Program Fact Sheet
•Crash Preventability Determination Program FAQs
•MMUCC Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (2017 edition)

Do you need more information regarding DataQs? Complete the form below and get a demo of what other systems are charging thousands for (that we include with Infinit-I because it is part of safety training).

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Or give us a call at 888-949-4876.

First up, DataQs and You – Why should you care about DataQ? Because it is the data the FMCSA shares with the federal government that aids in its decisions and policy-making that impacts our industry. Making sure the DataQ accurately and correctly reflects your company benefits not only you but the entire transportation industry.

In our webinar, Chris will discuss the following:

  • The basics of DataQs – some of you are new to this industry or new in your role so we’ll tackle this briefly, discussing the process, timeframes you should expect, and supporting documentation you may need to collect
  • Steps you can take that will improve your responses
  • Steps to avoid that will hinder your responses and potentially negatively impact future requests
  • How to tackle the #1 most disputed item in DataQ – incorrect DOT number assigned to the crash or inspection

Next, it’s our first Ask-Me-Anything! All of us have wanted a chance to pick the brain of law enforcement about experiences our drivers have had that we would like to improve upon or avoid repeating. Now is your chance! Chris Turner will draw upon his 20 years of experience as a state trooper to answer YOUR questions about DataQ, interactions with law enforcement, inspections, and more.

Also, check out The Ultimate Guide to Disputing Negative DataQs 2021 for more information about DataQs

Sign-up to View Webinars

Thank you to everyone who registered and participated on the DataQ webinar. We covered a lot of ground with our guest speaker Chris Turner from CVSA. We even went almost 30 minutes over time answering questions from the audience! The replay of the webinar is available here: Call us at 866-904-5087 or fill out the form if you’re ready to learn more about DataQs.

DataQ Experts

Exclusive DataQ Webinar

We know personal conveyance is an emerging and persistent issue for some of you. The Personal Conveyance FAQ resource was not available before our online DataQ seminar. Chris wanted to include it based on questions we received from you. You can find all of them in DataQ downloadable format by completing the form.

Transportation Based Return on Investment ROI

Training Drives Results

As Chris explained in his presentation, preparing your drivers for how to respond to law enforcement during crash and inspection situations can have a positive impact on your ability to resolve DataQs in your favor.

For those who already use the Infinit-I Workforce platform, it’s as easy as creating custom content.  For example, do your drivers know what kinds of pictures to take at the scene of an accident?

For those of you unfamiliar with IWS, we have a DataQ all inclusive safety management platform 30-day complimentary trial  or try our FREE Demos available so you can find out what we’re all about as you assign training, track progress, and prepare your drivers to better respond to crashes and inspections.

Can I change and appeal my DataQ scores? YES!

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions will help you address your DataQs

DataQ Scores need help?

Address your DataQ scores today

Don’t let bad information count against your company. The FMCSA maintains safety data that can help or hurt your company. One wrong, misplaced, or misidentified record can raise your CSA scores and cost you valuable resources.

The good news is the DataQ System gives you the chance to fix the record. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions spoke with an industry expert to provide valuable tips for navigating the DataQ system and filling out the request for data review.

Chris Turner, Director of Enforcement Data and Judicial Outreach for CVSA shared his experience that spans more than 2 decades to help carriers dispute DataQs and correct the record. The webinar will teach you:

What the DataQ System Is:
•How the system can help you
•How to complete a request for data review
•The do’s and don’ts of using the DataQ System
•What to do at the scene of an incident to protect your company

DataQ Help is Here

Address your DataQ scores today

Don’t let bad information count against your company. The FMCSA maintains safety data that can help or hurt your company. One wrong, misplaced, or misidentified record can raise your CSA scores and cost you valuable resources.

The good news is the DataQ System gives you the chance to fix the record. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions spoke with an industry expert to provide valuable tips for navigating the DataQ system and filling out the request for data review.

Chris Turner, Director of Enforcement Data and Judicial Outreach for CVSA shared his experience that spans more than 2 decades to help carriers dispute DataQs and correct the record. The webinar will teach you:

What the DataQ System Is:
•How the system can help you
•How to complete a request for data review
•The do’s and don’ts of using the DataQ System
•What to do at the scene of an incident to protect your company

Driver DataQ Response is most important

How your drivers respond at the scene of a crash or inspection has a big impact on DataQ appeals. Understanding what pictures to take, and what to say or not to say are important training areas to consider.

Infinit-I Workforce Solution is an all-inclusive training program that allows you to do the following.

Truck Driver Safety ManagementSafety Management
Assign Training
Track Progress

Improve Safety ProgramGrow & Improve
Manage Reports
Tailor the Program to Fit Your Safety Needs

Improve safety scoresSucceed & Excel
Reduce Accidents
Improve CSA Scores

DataQs Responsive Safety Management Platform

Infinit-I Safety Management Addresses DataQs

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions provides the best safety management training platform that addresses how to respond to crashes and inspections among the 850+ other videos available to help you improve your safety records and prepare drivers to deal with the stresses of the road.

Want to learn more about the safety management solutions? Sign up for a free safety management platform demo and start with your 30-day complimentary trial. Join the 3,000+ companies using our safety management platform.

Complete the form and get what the professionals are charging thousands for free from us at Infinit-I because we care for your safety training by filling out the form on this page, or call us at 866-904-5087.