How Infinit-I Helps Reduce Accidents by at Least 18%

You never know when an accident will occur, but consistent driver training and understanding of company policies can decrease accidents by 18% or more.

One company was able to reduce their accidents by two-thirds using Infinit-I to provide consistent training to their drivers.

Reduce accidents by creating a safety culture using Infinit-I’s short, frequent, consistent online training solutions.

The first step to reduce accidents with Infinit-I is to get your free ROI assessment today!  Once Infinit-I has a baseline for your accident rates, the next step will be to get a free demo to see how easy it is to get started with our training management system.

As you use the Infinit-I system, you will have access to our client success team to help your company roll out the platform and work with you to help you be successful in all your accident training goals.

Reduce Accidents by 18%

Training Costs

Infinit-I will help you compare your current annual incident and accident totals and costs with the expected results when you use Infinit-I to reduce your incident rate and expenses.      

ROI results calculated by:
Estimated Per Year Savings – Net Annual Cost of Infinit-I = Net Savings
Net Savings / Net Annual Cost of Infinit-I = ROI 

Expected ROI Results 
Estimated Annual Cost of Infinit-I Services:   
Net Annual Cost of Infinit-I Services:   
Incident Improvement Rate:    
New Estimated Monthly Incidents:   
Estimated per Month Savings:   
Estimated Annual Savings:   

The results of an ROI survey are estimates based on the information you provide about your company with industry standards used if any gaps exist.

How lnfinit-I Improves CSA Scores 17-50%

Up ArrowCustomization
Customize your training program with company-specific training and materials. Provide policies, handbooks, event schedules, and company messages all in one place with your training so employees have everything they need.

Set up onboarding, ongoing, and corrective action training schedules to deal with the pain points that most affect your company. Provide training on common issues that lead to accidents to help your drivers be safer on the roads and reduce accidents.

Right Up Arrow

The lnfinit-I platform can be accessed on any device with an internet connection. You can assign necessary training that drivers can access immediately to help improve behaviors on the road.

Since drivers can access training from anywhere, you increase the number of drivers and other employees accessing the training that will help you build a safety culture.

Right Down ArrowDedication
A dedicated Client Success Team is available to all Infinit-I clients, without excessive wait times. Your dedicated Client Success Team will work with you to get the most out of the system.

Your Client Success Team will help you with the initial system set-up: loading all employees, custom content, and orientation documentation into the system. They will get to know your needs and wants so they can provide recommendations on training schedules and improving employee participation.

Down ArrowAutomation
Automated reports help you keep up with all user activity within the system, so you know employees are completing the training they need. Automatic notifications ensure employees know when they have new training assigned or an assignment is coming up due. A certificate of completion, complete with your company logo, will be generated automatically.

Administrators also get automatic notifications to help them track employee training. Quickly and easily manage users and assignments, track progress, and run reports to prove your safety record.

Green ArrowRetainability
For more effective behavioral changes that reduce accidents, employees need to be able to retain the information in training. Longer videos have been shown to lose interest and the information is not kept.

The 5-8 minute videos on the lnfinit-I platform focus on a specific topic at a time to ensure that the driver can retain the information presented and reduce workplace accident and other issues.

Blue ArrowSelection
lnfinit-I has a video catalog selection of over 1,000 videos on file so you can find the topics you need to focus on. We can also add custom content for company-specific needs.


Reduce Accidents

Providing frequent, consistent, ongoing training through the year will help keep these important topics top of mind for your drivers and other employees. With this consistent training, you will start to see a difference in driver behavior leading to reduced accidents, incidents, and violations, which will trickle down to mitigating rising insurance costs.

Training to Reduce Accidents

lnfinit-I has helped clients reduce accidents scores by at least 18% and can help you do the same with our easy-to-use training management system.  Get your free live demonstration today

4 Ways to Reduce Accidents
How Keller Logistics successfully reduced accidents with safety program
The ultimate guide to disputing negative dataQs 

Infinit-I Provides
Training for Every Industry
All Trucking and Transportation Industries
Trucking Solutions

Keep your fleet safe & on the road with a safety program geared towards improving behaviors so you can reduce accidents in the workplace. With a content library of 1,100+ videos, we have training to meet the needs of transportation companies.

All Industries ELDT Endorsements
Business Solutions

Infinit-I Workforce’s customizable training management system features branded onboarding, custom reporting, human resource solutions, API integrations, and communication tools to help you address company needs to reduce accidents immediately.

All Education and School System Industries
School Solutions

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions for schools offers a centralized district training resource center, online training, and digital documentation tools to help keep your drivers in your district training to reduce accidents.

Want to learn more about the value Infinit-I can bring to your company, including how we can help you reduce accidents? Join us for a Virtual Boot Camp, In-Person Boot Camp or Roundtable Webinar.

These are free programs Infinit-I offers to help you enhance your training program. Come yourself and refer friends who cold benefit from a stress-free training management program.

In-Person Boot Camp

Sign up to attend our free training management boot camp which will allow you to meet and talk to industry peers, hear from industry experts on hot button issues, eat great food, and stay at a luxury hotel. For more information on the In-Person Boot Camp, click here.

Expert Webinar Series

Webinars Looking Ahead with Industry Experts
Join one of our Expert Roundtable Webinars to hear from transportation industry experts on trending topics, get your questions answered, and enhance your training program to reduce accidents and incidents. For more information on the Expert Roundtable Webinars, click here.

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