Tag Archive for: CVSA

What Your Drivers Need to Know About CVSA's Upcoming Brake Safety Week

Preparing Your Drivers for Brake Safety Week

Pre- and post-trip inspections are always an essential practice, but especially so during Brake Safety Week. Throughout the week of August 23-29, 2020, CMVs will be subject to inspection; if violations are found, they will be placed out of service until corrected.

Roadside inspections always include a thorough brake check, but this year, officials will be taking a close look at brake tubes and hoses. Proper mechanical fitness of the brakes is crucial to the safe operation of the vehicle.  A failure at any point in the braking system could result in dangerous or potentially fatal accidents.

Before August 23, every fleet driver should be aware of what enforcement officials will be paying attention to. If they aren’t confident in the proper status and function of their entire braking system, now is the time to act.

Last Year’s Stats – Brake Safety Week 

During the unannounced Brake Blitz in May of 2019, enforcement officials inspected over 10,000 CMVs for brake-related violations. 16% of all vehicles inspected were placed out of service due to critical issues.

CVSA reports the top 5 brake-related violations in Q1 & Q2 of 2019 were:

  • 86,296 CMV with brakes out of adjustment
  • 45,594 Post-1994 model CMVs’ ABS system failed to compensate for wear
  • 37,737 Chafed or kinked brake hose/tube
  • 37,313 No/Non-working ABD malfunction indicator lamp for post-1998 trailers
  • 31,125 Inoperative/defective brakes

Safety First – Prepare for Inspection

Remind drivers to always perform pre- and post-trip inspections with caution. Just because the tractor-trailer is not in motion doesn’t mean its risk-free.

If possible, find a flat surface to park before the inspection. Experts suggest placing blocks or chocks around the drive tires for added stability.

Before Brake Safety Week, evaluate your fleet’s equipment with the following concerns.

  • How would a 16% fleet shutdown impact my company in terms of:
    • Operating Revenue
    • Mileage Loss
    • Breakdown/Hotel Pay
    • Maintenance costs
    • Fines/Citations
    • Vehicle Maintenance BASIC
  • Does your fleet know what to look for?
    • Chaffing or rubbing airlines
    • Hose diameter reduction due to wear
    • Damaged, missing, or broken components
    • Brake pad and lining measurements
    • Cracked or contaminated pads or lining
    • Excessive camshaft movement
    • Rust or cracks on drum due to inoperative brakes
    • Rust/holes in brake chamber
    • Audible air leaks in the emergency brake
    • How to measure the pushrod

If your fleet has not been properly trained and familiar with these procedures, you could be facing some serious downtime if they fail inspection. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions can help you. Our content library contains the following safety videos regarding braking systems:

  • – Inoperative/Defective Brakes
  • – How ABS Works
  • – How You Should Brake with ABS
  • – Brake Safety
  • – Heavy Trucking Breaking System and Braking Techniques
  • – Brakes, Grade, and Runaways for Hwy Trucks (Parts1-4)

These safety training videos can be assigned to your entire fleet in minutes. Call your Client Success Rep today to talk about your options.

If you are not yet an Infinit-I client, click here for your free demo. For 30 minutes of your time, we will not only demonstrate our value to your company, we will also give you 30 days of free access to our system. No obligation. Assign these videos to your fleet for free, just in time for Break Safety Week!

Exclusive Webinar

CVSA’s Director of Safety Programs will join us to discuss the brake-related inspection process and advise the proper precautions.  Last year 13.5% of CMVs received brake-related violations and were placed out of service.  

This presentation will include proper attachment, flexibility, and how to spot potential failures in the braking system. 

Special Content: 

  • -Annual Brake Safety Week  
  • -How to Prepare 
  • -Inspection Details 
  • -Violations Consequences 

Attendance is complimentary, sign up here

Additional Reading

Nuclear Verdicts Entice Fraudsters in New Trucking Exploitation Scheme

Top 5 Surprising Ways Lawyers Attack Trucking Companies – Know Your Risk

How to Sue a Trucking Company and Win Big – The Impact of Rising Nuclear Verdicts

Chuck Norris Says “Thank You, Truckers!” In This Touching Video

Guest Speaker Spotlight

Safe Driver Week is upon us once again; this year’s focus is speeding. The industry expects to see an increase in the number of citations and warnings issued this week compared to normal. Especially since excessive speeds have become common during the pandemic.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is working to support trucking companies throughout speed week by getting advice directly from the source. We assembled a panel of experts whose advice will drive us to success.

A live webinar will take place July 9th, 2020 at 10:30 am CT featuring the following speakers:

Mark Rhea, CDS  

  • Truck Transportation Executive, 34 years
  • Certified Safety Director (NATMI and TXTA)
  • Licensed CDL and CMV Inspector, Texas DPS
  • Freight/Logistics Advisory Board, Council of Governments for North Texas/Cedar Valley College
  • Commissioned Officer, U.S. Army
  • Trucking Industry Consultant

Christopher J. Turner, Esq.

  • Director of Crash and Data Programs, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
  • Past President, CVSA
  • Former Kansas Highway Patrol Officer

Major Chris Nordloh

  • Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Coordinator, Texas DPS
  • 20+ years in the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service of the Texas Highway Patrol
  • Secretary, CVSA

Their credentials alone should be more than enough to prove that you need to be here.

But if you need more proof, here you go:


Looking for the most efficient way to slow your drivers down without sacrificing profitability? Keep talking about it.

Speed is a constant factor that takes continual adjustment. Your drivers must be hard-wired to think about speeding as soon as they climb in the tractor. There are two main reasons why a truck driver feels the need to operate at an excessive speed:

  • Indifference or Lack of training – Some drivers out there just don’t care about speed limits. And they will admit as much. When they see their speedometer reaching the upper limits, the only thing on their mind is, “more miles, more money.”

However, they fail to recognize that being pulled over for speeding or a traffic accident will slow them down. A severe accident could slow them down for days, if not forever.

  • Pressure from Dispatcher – The relationship between a driver and dispatcher requires a delicate balance of management, cooperation, and friendship. When the balance is disrupted, you may have drivers or dispatchers intentionally underperforming.

Are your dispatchers and drivers friends or simply acquaintances? It is difficult to maintain a healthy relationship over the phone or through dispatch messages. A healthy relationship will not only improve employee morale but will also enhance your safety culture. You will experience an increase in productivity when everyone is committed to working together.

And Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has two solutions:

  • – Our 850+ training videos are an effective way to drive the right behaviors over time. It has been proven that frequent and consistent training keeps safety top-of-mind.
  • – Infinit-I Workforce Solutions offers a 52-week course that focuses directly on improving the relationship of your drivers and dispatchers. You will see immediate results in communication and cooperation with The Dan Baker Cultural Relationship Program. Learn more here.


Is there ever an excuse to operate sans-seatbelt?

Simple answer: NO!

We know it’s illegal. We know it’s unsafe. We know the likelihood of injury or death is much higher without one. So why do some drivers choose to go without? Accountability.

“I didn’t know I was supposed to wear a seatbelt.”

How well do you think that would go over with a DOT officer, especially during Safe Driver Week? The good news is: Infinit-I Workforce Solutions recognizes this as a real, conquerable issue. We have training ready and available to be assigned today.

Our learning management system will allow you to assign training videos based on the areas of your company you would like to strengthen. We will automatically track all training, testing, and acknowledgment in our database. You will have immediate access to all your training records anytime, anywhere.


Since the adoption of touch screen technology, large truck occupant fatalities have maintained an upward trend. Correlation, in this case, may not necessarily mean causation. We do know, however, that mobile phone usage is a huge problem.

Officers will be on the lookout for “cellphone drivers” during the blitz. Make sure your drivers are aware of your company’s cell phone/mobile device policy as soon as possible.

Ideally, you would like to have their signature on file as proof of acknowledgment of your policy. This practice not only encourages safe driving, but also reduces your company’s liability in case of an accident. Readily available documentation will prove your due diligence and mitigate risk.

You MUST prepare for Safe Driver Week. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions already has a process in place to help you accomplish these goals. Don’t worry about developing a training plan, getting it approved, and maintaining participation after deploying it to your fleet.

We’ll do it for you.

An enhanced safety culture is just a few minutes away. Call today. We’ll walk you through it.

Keep Reading…

Gearing Up for Safe Driver Week; Preparing Drivers for Speeding Blitz

7 New Social Responsibilities of Truckers; COVID-19 + July 4th

Out-perform, Out-shine, and Out-grow your Current Safety Culture

Why A Positive Dispatcher & Driver Relationship is Key


The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is an international effort between industry participants, focused on improving roadway safety. They maintain efforts to educate all drivers in several categories, including International Roadchecks, Brake Safety, Hazardous Materials, etc.

The Operation Safe Driver Program was created by the CVSA to bring awareness to the significance of proper driver behaviors.

Safe Driver Week takes place July 12-18 this year with speeding as the main target. Officers will especially be looking for drivers who are operating at excess speeds. Last year, over 17,500 speeding tickets were issued to commercial and passenger vehicles during the weeklong blitz.

Last year during the same week, CMV drivers received more speeding tickets than the following, combined:

  • – Failure to Wear a Seatbelt
  • – Using a Handheld Phone/Texting
  • – Improper Lane Change
  • – Possession/Influence of drugs or alcohol

Why is it important?

Most accidents involving a CMV are caused by driver behavior, but most often, it wasn’t the trucker’s fault. With crowded highways, speeding four-wheelers, and governed big rigs, traffic accidents are inevitable. Proper training and awareness can significantly reduce the likelihood of an accident involving you or your drivers.

Speed-related issues cause 9,378 crash fatalities in 2018.

9,378 people are dead because someone was driving too fast. Excessive speed is always avoidable and always unacceptable.

No load is worth your life or the lives of others around you.

What are we doing?

Infiniti Workforce Solutions is sponsoring an exclusive webinar for all safety personnel. We will be discussing CVSA’s Safe Driver Week focused on speeding. Three industry experts will be giving best practice advice to help you prepare your fleet.

Here’s the lineup of guests:

-Mark Rhea, Industry Consultant, Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

-Chris Turner, Director of Crash and Data Programs, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance

-Major Chris Nordloh, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Coordinator, Texas Department of Public Safety

If you want to be proactive during the weeklong blitz, do not miss this webinar. Registration is free. Sign up here.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is offering a 30-Day Complimentary Trial to new users.

Absolutely free, no-obligation. Because 30 days is more than enough to prove our value.

And if not, you’ve had access to transportation’s #1 learning management system for free. No cost, whatsoever!

Here’s what you’ll gain:

Automatic Documentation – A rock-solid LMS that captures training and tests your employees on what they learned

Content Library – More content than any other transportation LMS. 850 training videos.

Unmatched Service – Dedicated Client Success Rep who works for you.

Enhance your safety culture today, click here to learn how.


Additional Resources:

7 New Social Responsibilities of Truckers; COVID-19 + July 4th

Out-perform, Out-shine, and Out-grow your Current Safety Culture

Why A Positive Dispatcher & Driver Relationship is Key

Why You Should Be Focused on Your Employee’s Cultural Relationships Now More Than Ever