Tag Archive for: demo


Hello again! Lindsay Presley here, Industry Marketer at Infinit-I. I have some very exciting news to share with you all.

Engage Bootcamp

If you were not able to attend our first-ever Remote Engage Bootcamp, you truly missed an amazing event full of expert advice, strategic development tools, and professional networking.

Expert Advice

Special ‘Thank you’ to Attorney Peyton Inge, Certified Safety Professional Phillip Wigginton, Award-Winning Safety Director Alisa White, and our very own Craig Hart, Mark Rhea, and Nakisha Luckey. You all brought actionable, timely, and relevant information to our attendees along with advice that will change the industry as we know it.

Strategic Development Tools

The strategic development tools were a huge hit! I heard from several attendees say they couldn’t write fast enough to keep up with all the key takeaways. If you missed Bootcamp, don’t worry, just shoot me an email. Lindsay.Presley@verticalag.com I will gladly send you copies of one or all the tools:

  • Engage Action Plan Workbook
  • Day 1 – Insurance Benefit Calculator
  • Day 2 – Opportunity Cost Formulas
  • Day 3 – Crash Response Checklist
  • Day 4 – 2021 Game-plan

Feel free to use these tools however is most helpful for you.

If you did come to Bootcamp, but missed something, or would like to circle back, ask me for the replay link.

For those who were unable to attend but would like to experience Engage and Infinit-I, let’s make a deal. Simply request a demo, ask Lorenzo for access to Bootcamp, and I will make sure you get an all-access pass to every, single, inspiring, motivational, actionable moment of our first-ever Remote Engage Bootcamp!

Professional Networking

The networking was my favorite part. I truly appreciate the opportunity to connect with other professionals through email, the daily live Q&A sessions, and, of course, the chat window. We talked, we laughed, we connected. Thanks to everyone who attended and made Bootcamp an unforgettable experience!

Just look what they said about Engage:

“Thanks for the training! I love to stay on top of safety topics, and it was great to network with other safety directors to get ideas on how to implement a better program in my office!”  

– Katie Wathen Director of Safety, Robbie D Wood, Inc.

“Today was AWESOME!  The content was spot on.  Cody and I are getting all kinds of ideas to share with upper management!  Thank you for having us.” 

– Renea Dearing Safety Director, Norton Transport


Fast Forward Series: Industry Expert Series

After an extremely successful Engage Bootcamp in November, we are back to work on our Fast Forward Series: Looking Ahead with Industry Expert Series.

In this Expert Roundtable Series, we have covered absolutely everything you need to know. My favorites, in no particular order, include:

WOW! After reviewing all these special guests and topics, even I am impressed. And I was there!

Up Next

We are bringing you, perhaps, the most interesting episode of them all. If you work in transportation and logistics, DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT!

Operation Warp Speed: As COVID-19 vaccinations become available for public consumption, truckers will become front-line heroes. Distribution is happening soon, and it will take all of us. Registration is open now.

Thursday, December 17, 2020 @ 10:30 am

Special Guest:

 Hosted by:

  • Mark Rhea, Industry Consultant
  • Infinit-I Workforce Solutions
  • And, me! Lindsay Presley, Industry Marketer
  • Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

Check out my LinkedIn here. And my group for Trucking Safety Professionals here. And of course, Infiniti Workforce Solutions here.

Ok, back to the event: Sit in with experts during this high-level overview of procedures, regulations, and industry-wide opportunities. We are packing so much information into this presentation, I am truly wondering if we can even get to it all.


  • – How, When, and Where?
  • – The Big Players
  • – What’s a truckload worth?
  • – Qualifications and Regulations
  • – Load Security Requirements
  • – Getting Involved
  • – Truck Driving Heroes

We have limited space to register. Again, I say: If you work in transportation and logistics, DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT! This will be an Expert Roundtable discussion with live Q&A.

Bring your notepad, bring your questions, bring your colleagues.

Click here to register. See you there!


About Lindsay


Lindsay Presley is an Industry Marketer at Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. Specializing in the trucking industry, Lindsay has spent her professional career studying and implementing industry best practices. Her positions have included: recruiter, dispatcher, fleet manager, corporate trainer, copywriter, and industry marketer. She knows every aspect of the business including managing front line drivers, insurance providers, executive management, sales, operations, HR, and training.

Lindsay has garnered her knowledge through extensive dealings in:

·         Tractor-Trailer ·         Over the Road
·         Reefer/Dry Van ·         Local
·         Medium Duty ·         Regional/Dedicated
·         HazMat ·         Student Transportation


Lindsay’s specialty is transforming the dispatcher & driver relationship, enhancing safety cultures, & training fleet operations. She lends her unique points of view to the Infinit-I Workforce Solution blog through years of front-line experience. Throughout her career, she states the most rewarding experience was supporting her favorite truckers: running miles and moving freight.






Every year, the American Transportation Research Institute releases an annual report regarding the top 10 concerns of trucking professionals for this year. The ATRI spends months gathering data through surveys, analyzes responses from all over the industry, and releases information on key focus areas for the upcoming year.

Infinit-I offers instantly deployable solutions to several of these topics. Minimize four of the top 10 trucking industry concerns today.

CSA Score

The CSA program ranks professional drivers based on their performance and safe driving record. CSA points are based on a truck driver’s actions based on the severity of the infraction and then awarded to the driver’s employer. It can be assumed that a company with a high CSA score employs a fleet of unsafe drivers.

An elevated CSA score will negatively impact the overall success and profitability of a trucking company, mainly regarding insurance eligibility and costs.

Infinit-I offers a comprehensive CSA module (84 videos and 7 expert webinars) specifically designed to reduce CSA scores through awareness and behavioral changes. This module is immediately deployable to your entire fleet.

Hours of Service

Frequently shifting regulations have led to confusion and misunderstandings surrounding the hours of service changes that took place this year. Drivers now question when to switch to off-duty, whether they can take an extended break, and how their detention pay will be affected.

Drivers who are not fluent in the new language presented in the HOS regulations are liable to receive violations for HOS infractions. Even simple mistakes can lead to non-compliance violations that pose a serious impact on CSA scores.

Proactivity and training are your best option to avoid violations and preserve (and even reduce) your CSA score. Our course catalog contains a 10-part series that breaks the entire concept down into easily digestible, microlearning sessions designed for knowledge retention.

Insurance Costs

Freight operators are continuously challenged by the rising cost of insurance for commercial vehicles. In recent years, numerous trucking companies have had no choice but to cease operations in surrender to rising insurance premiums.

One way to reduce your insurance costs is to manage your risk. Invest in your safety culture by curating the safest fleet on the road. Proper continual training of your fleet will lead to improved driver behavior and break negative behavioral patterns.

Company culture, awareness training, technology usage, etc. are all intangible factors that will influence your insurance renewal rate. Infinit-I provides you with all the training you need to prove your dedication to safety and your fleet’s performance enhancement.

Driver Retention

As with any job, adequate and competent leadership can make or break an employee’s satisfaction. This is especially true in trucking, where the number of jobs industry-wide heavily outweighs the number of drivers.

The driver shortage creates an imbalance that favors truck drivers over trucking companies. A driver can leave one company for any reason, post a resume, and have the phone ringing in minutes from quota-hungry recruiters scouring the nation for drivers.

In the haze of fluorescent lights, computer screens, and KPIs, we can become laser-focused on creating the safest and most efficient fleets on the road. In doing so, it is easy to forget your drivers are people. They deserve respect and loyalty, too, especially since their job takes place out on the front lines at the heart of the operation.

Your operations team and your drivers should be experiencing a fulfilling relationship: one of give and take, one of bonding, one of mutual respect. If your dispatchers and drivers aren’t experiencing a fulfilling relationship, the job is simply not worth it. They will move on.

The average onboarding cost of one truck driver hovers around $10,000. How many new drivers do you bring on per year? Most trucking companies experience between 85-105% turnover. Our safety program is proven to significantly reduce turnover rates. One extremely successful client experienced a 53% reduction in turnover after implementing our platform.

While a 53% reduction is the best-case scenario, consider how a modest 5% reduction in turnover would impact your bottom line. With a fleet of 100 trucks, a 5% reduction would save your company $50,000 annually. Use the following formula to figure your savings.

Premier Event

In collaboration with the ATRI president and COO, Rebecca Brewster, Infinit-I is proud to present effective solutions to the Top 10 trucking industry concerns rolling into 2021.

ATRI Explains – Top 10 Concerns

  • – Examination – Each concern is explored in-depth
  • – Impact – How each concern affects your company
  • – Preparation – What you should do now
  • – Solutions – Maximize business outcomes

Join us for expert advice on how to strategize, develop, and deploy a plan of action designed to meet safety-related challenges head-on. Learn how Infinit-I can greatly minimize at least 4 top worries of 2020.  Check out the replay here.

Rebecca Brewster employs an ​unwavering commitment to the trucking industry, made apparent by her award-winning performance and contribution to the trucking industry in her 27 years at ATRI. The information presented by our featured speaker will prove to be invaluable to your company.

Want to minimize these top concerns within your company? Find out more – schedule a demo.

Brake Safety Week

Fast Forward Webinar Series – Infinit-I Workforce Solutions hosts a bi-weekly webinar series focused on delivering leadership skills to trucking companies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each webisode offers expert advice from industry leaders. Special guests include:

Hit The Brakes! Webinar – August 20, 2020

This week’s webinar was dedicated to Brake Safety Week and we can’t stop… talking about brakes! CVSA utilizes this week to detect maintenance issues regarding brake systems in commercial vehicles and educate drivers on proper requirements. During inspections, enforcement officers will take a close look at the braking system of every tractor-trailer they inspect to ensure highway safety.

Any vehicles found in violation of operational regulations will be placed out of service until the violation is corrected. Last year, 13% of CMVs inspected were found to have some type of regulation severe enough to warrant the vehicle nonoperational. This could mean a portion of your fleet could face a shutdown if the braking systems are not up to standard.

CVSA provides these education videos to help trucking companies prepare for Brake Safety Week. Please contact CVSA or Infinit-I Workforce Solution if you would like further information. Click here for information videos: CVSA Brake Safety Week “Inspection Bitz”

Inspection Bitz include:

  • External Brake Stroke Indicator – The US and Canada require pushrod stroke indicators. Make sure your indicators meet the regulation requirements.
  • Air Leak – Is your audible air leak a violation, OOS condition, or just a minor inconvenience? Learn how to detect, identify, and document audible air leaks before you’re placed out of service.
  • Caged Brake NAIC – Only to be applied after an air brake failure should not be used for normal operation. Arizona DPS explains operational requirements.
  • Plastic Hoses – Air tube chafing out of service identification.
  • Brake Adjusters – Identify whether your trailer has manual slack adjusters and whether they are in compliance.

Upcoming Webinars

Check out the schedule of upcoming webinars. Each participant will receive helpful tricks and best practices to not only survive but thrive throughout the rest of the pandemic and beyond. The schedule is listed below. Registration is always free.

September 10, 10:30 am CST

American Trucking Association – Industry Updates and International Road Check

September 17, 10:30 am CST

FMCSA Hours of Service – industry changes

October 1, 10:30 am CST

Dealing with Fog and Adverse Weather Conditions

October 15, 10:30 am CST

Intersection Awareness – Intersection Hazards for Drivers

October 29, 10:30 am CST

Reduce Critical Events that trigger reporting

Free Expert Safety Consultation

Future Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Clients: Click here for an expert safety consultation. In just 30 minutes, we can show you how to enhance your safety culture and create safer drivers.

More Articles

Spotted Lanternfly: Operating Without a Permit Could Cost You $20,000

What Your Drivers Need to Know About CVSA’s Upcoming Brake Safety Week

Nuclear Verdicts Entice Fraudsters in New Trucking Exploitation Scheme

Top 5 Surprising Ways Lawyers Attack Trucking Companies – Know Your Risk

What Your Drivers Need to Know About CVSA's Upcoming Brake Safety Week

Preparing Your Drivers for Brake Safety Week

Pre- and post-trip inspections are always an essential practice, but especially so during Brake Safety Week. Throughout the week of August 23-29, 2020, CMVs will be subject to inspection; if violations are found, they will be placed out of service until corrected.

Roadside inspections always include a thorough brake check, but this year, officials will be taking a close look at brake tubes and hoses. Proper mechanical fitness of the brakes is crucial to the safe operation of the vehicle.  A failure at any point in the braking system could result in dangerous or potentially fatal accidents.

Before August 23, every fleet driver should be aware of what enforcement officials will be paying attention to. If they aren’t confident in the proper status and function of their entire braking system, now is the time to act.

Last Year’s Stats – Brake Safety Week 

During the unannounced Brake Blitz in May of 2019, enforcement officials inspected over 10,000 CMVs for brake-related violations. 16% of all vehicles inspected were placed out of service due to critical issues.

CVSA reports the top 5 brake-related violations in Q1 & Q2 of 2019 were:

  • 86,296 CMV with brakes out of adjustment
  • 45,594 Post-1994 model CMVs’ ABS system failed to compensate for wear
  • 37,737 Chafed or kinked brake hose/tube
  • 37,313 No/Non-working ABD malfunction indicator lamp for post-1998 trailers
  • 31,125 Inoperative/defective brakes

Safety First – Prepare for Inspection

Remind drivers to always perform pre- and post-trip inspections with caution. Just because the tractor-trailer is not in motion doesn’t mean its risk-free.

If possible, find a flat surface to park before the inspection. Experts suggest placing blocks or chocks around the drive tires for added stability.

Before Brake Safety Week, evaluate your fleet’s equipment with the following concerns.

  • How would a 16% fleet shutdown impact my company in terms of:
    • Operating Revenue
    • Mileage Loss
    • Breakdown/Hotel Pay
    • Maintenance costs
    • Fines/Citations
    • Vehicle Maintenance BASIC
  • Does your fleet know what to look for?
    • Chaffing or rubbing airlines
    • Hose diameter reduction due to wear
    • Damaged, missing, or broken components
    • Brake pad and lining measurements
    • Cracked or contaminated pads or lining
    • Excessive camshaft movement
    • Rust or cracks on drum due to inoperative brakes
    • Rust/holes in brake chamber
    • Audible air leaks in the emergency brake
    • How to measure the pushrod

If your fleet has not been properly trained and familiar with these procedures, you could be facing some serious downtime if they fail inspection. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions can help you. Our content library contains the following safety videos regarding braking systems:

  • – Inoperative/Defective Brakes
  • – How ABS Works
  • – How You Should Brake with ABS
  • – Brake Safety
  • – Heavy Trucking Breaking System and Braking Techniques
  • – Brakes, Grade, and Runaways for Hwy Trucks (Parts1-4)

These safety training videos can be assigned to your entire fleet in minutes. Call your Client Success Rep today to talk about your options.

If you are not yet an Infinit-I client, click here for your free demo. For 30 minutes of your time, we will not only demonstrate our value to your company, we will also give you 30 days of free access to our system. No obligation. Assign these videos to your fleet for free, just in time for Break Safety Week!

Exclusive Webinar

CVSA’s Director of Safety Programs will join us to discuss the brake-related inspection process and advise the proper precautions.  Last year 13.5% of CMVs received brake-related violations and were placed out of service.  

This presentation will include proper attachment, flexibility, and how to spot potential failures in the braking system. 

Special Content: 

  • -Annual Brake Safety Week  
  • -How to Prepare 
  • -Inspection Details 
  • -Violations Consequences 

Attendance is complimentary, sign up here

Additional Reading

Nuclear Verdicts Entice Fraudsters in New Trucking Exploitation Scheme

Top 5 Surprising Ways Lawyers Attack Trucking Companies – Know Your Risk

How to Sue a Trucking Company and Win Big – The Impact of Rising Nuclear Verdicts

Chuck Norris Says “Thank You, Truckers!” In This Touching Video