Tag Archive for: drivers

Safety First – Prepare for Inspection

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, E-Commerce usage has increased as the desire for social interaction has decreased. Standard operating hours are becoming a rarity as businesses are operating with a decreased workforce. Pre-planning is no longer simply about your origin and destination. Because of the widespread panic caused by the Coronavirus, now you must be prepared for closures, availability of food, and whether you’re at risk for cross-contamination.

Shippers and Receivers

Warehouse operations may have to restrict their hours as not to overwork their healthy employees. Whether or not warehouses will change their operational hours from their normal operating hours will depend on many factors:

  • Location– Is the warehouse located in an area with a dense population of people affected by COVID-19?
  • Category of Industry – Does the warehouse contain emergency or non-emergency related inventory?
  • Global Operations – May be difficult to maintain inventory if the majority of stock comes from overseas

So, what should a professional driver do if their shipper or receiver is temporarily closed?  

  1. Contact your dispatcher or fleet manager. There could be internal communication circulating about the location you are questioning.
  2. Be prepared to wait. If your shipper or receiver is operating under reduced hours or with a reduced workforce, they are likely offering detention pay for the time you have to wait.
  3. Be patient. Even though professional drivers are the heartbeat of logistics, it can take time for the flow of communication to reach you.
  4. Keep your eyes on the prize. Perhaps the most frustrating thing about trucking is waiting to be advised on what to do. Be productive while you wait. Spend your down time catching up on paperwork or watching safety videos.

Don’t forget about these!

Breakdowns and Parking

When pre-planning your trip, always keep in mind which truck stops exist along your route. Some may have shops that are closed or operating with a short staff. While it is difficult to predict when a breakdown will occur, it is important to be mindful of your options.

Know how far you will go and where you will park before you start driving for the day. Many states have closed rest areas in an attempt to stop the state-to-state spread of the Coronavirus.  If you have a favorite truck stop in your destination city, call ahead to reserve parking. If you can’t find parking at a truck stop or rest area, operate your vehicle to the nearest safe haven instead of parking on the side of the road or other dangerous areas. Remember that even though we are facing new challenges, your safety is still of the utmost importance.

Don’t get stuck without food

Many safety managers suggest it is always a good idea for drivers to keep a case of water and extra snacks in their cab in case of detention. The recent pandemic and nationwide shutdowns prove just how lifesaving this practice can be. Fast food restaurants across the nation have had to reduce their operations to drive-thru only, and are now inaccessible to those in a tractor trailer.

The next time you are in a grocery or convenience store, look for food goods that will sustain you but also have a long shelf life such as protein bars and/or beef jerky. This will ensure that you have something to keep you going if there are no dining options available.


Professional drivers are encouraged to limit exposure to contaminants during the COVID-19 outbreak. But for a truck driver, life on the road means encountering many publicly accessed locations in their daily routine. Drivers are at a high risk of cross contamination as a hazard of the job from the fuel pump, to the communal shower knob, to their money back that has changed many hands.

The cab of a tractor trailer is a breeding ground for the Coronavirus. Think of all the surfaces you touch throughout the day. How many times do you touch your seat belt, steering wheel, gear shifter, and knobs on a daily basis?

The Coronavirus can live on these surfaces for days without proper disinfection according to the CDC. Use disinfectants such as Clorox and Lysol products that kill bacteria to clean commonly touched surfaces.  There are many tips and tricks specifically for truck drivers in these videos.

Stay Safe

Your main focus over the next few weeks is simply to be prepared. Truck drivers should always pre-plan, stock up on food goods, and keep their truck and themselves clean. Your best chance at getting through the nationwide crisis unaffected is to keep these things on the top of your mind every day.


If Truckers Stop, We All Stop


The country has come to a grinding halt when it comes to social interaction. Citizens have been sheltering in place to avoid crowds in churches, schools, stores, etc. Employers have sent much of their workforce to their homes to conduct business. Self-isolation has become the nation’s hot topic.

Moving freight is still in high demand, though, due to the short supply in grocery stores plus an increase in E-commerce activity. We are a nation dependent on truck drivers. What is a trucker to do when they aren’t able to self-quarantine?

For them, the answer is simple: Keep rolling.

In the beginning of their career, some truck drivers are enticed by the idea of getting paid to tour the country. They love the idea of watching the sun setting over an open highway every night. Or carefully navigating the winding roads of a beautiful mountain. Or breathing in the fresh coastal air after driving all night. While they get to experience all manner of landscapes and cultures, being an over the road truck driver comes with many challenges.

The general public looks forward to the end of the workday. You can go home, relax, cook dinner, play with your kids. All these activities can help you distance yourself from the stresses of work. Let’s say one day, while relaxing at home, you get a fantastic job offer. More money, solid company, better benefits. What is there to think about?

For an over the road truck driver, the decision cannot be made lightly. Most importantly, he could be thousands of miles away from his home. It could take more than a week to reach the home terminal. So, until he gets routed back to the terminal, he is stranded with indecision.

The same is true if a trucker gets sick over the road.

He could be thousands of miles away from his primary care doctor. Thousands of miles away from his family. For most truck drivers, this happens all too often. Their only hope is to ask their dispatcher for a break and crawl into the sleeper until it passes.

And during that time, most will not earn sick pay. A professional driver’s paycheck usually comes from mileage driven. So, if the wheels aren’t turning, they aren’t earning. If a driver becomes infected with Coronavirus, he could have to make a tough decision between his health and his paycheck.

Exposure risks

Truck drivers are in contact with all manner of the public on their way from the shipper to the receiver. Every facility they utilize is publicly accessed. In and out of truck stops, fast food restaurants, and rest areas, there are many opportunities for a truck driver to become infected.

The roads they choose to travel can increase their risk factor as well. A driver routed through a major metropolitan area could be at a higher risk depending on the number of occurrences in each city he travels through. Some drivers may travel through several major cities in a single day. Drivers must remain diligent in their hygiene habits to stay healthy. America stops if truckers can’t go.

A Trucker’s Responsibility? Transmission.

Because there is a high exposure risk for drivers, there is also a high transmission risk. Just as drivers could contract the virus from all the places listed before, a driver could also spread the virus to those places.

Be proactive. Wash your hands, clean your cab, and know the symptoms in case you need medical attention. Keep in mind that even though there are many exposure risks for drivers, you can take these preventative measures to keep yourself healthy.

Everything is confusing right now. You might find it difficult to quarantine in your cabin or find a place to park while others do the same. Truck stops are essential for truck drivers, not only for food and supplies, but also for showers, sleep, truck repairs, etc.

The best plan is a pre-plan. Check out these links to find updates from big truck stops. Always know where you’re going before you start rolling.

During the Coronavirus outbreak, we’ve been asking experts for advice on how to adapt to an evolving trucking industry. Our peer group has come up with some great ideas on how to keep rolling during a national pandemic.

What was their ultimate goal? Business as usual.

We have seen businesses face new challenges, like how to comply with social distancing regulations without a loss in productivity. Or how to continue on-boarding new drivers while limiting face-to-face interactions. This new state of trucking requires creative solutions.

Pat Landreth is the Vice President of Human Resources and Safety at Ozark Motor Lines. His company has put a big emphasis on efficiency during the crisis. They have ensured their employees that they will never shut down, only find ways to improvise. One of the tools they are using is Infinit-I Workforce Solution’s learning management system. The technology allows them to deliver remote training and communication.

Pat sat down with Jay Wommack, CEO of Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, to discuss Ozark’s transition to remote online orientation. Pat’s company can now successfully conduct most of their orientation online. Ozark’s goal is to put everything they can online without sacrificing the quality of traditional orientation.

Drivers show up at the terminal ready to roll.

They have reduced their orientation from 3 days to 1 day since drivers can do most of their orientation from a smart phone. Since transitioning, they have seen an increase of participation from their new hires.

They are even saving money on their motel spending. The drivers get a truck as soon as they arrive on the yard. They can just spend the night in the tractor instead of being shuttled back and forth to a motel. Imagine how much money they are saving by eliminating just one night in a motel per driver.

Pat was even able to record the presentations that were normally given in orientation. The drivers would watch them before arriving to save time. He did encounter some push back when he pitched the idea to his coworkers. Some of them were skeptical because they fear change. Some of them were only hesitant because they did not want to be video recorded.

After he explained they would no longer have to do a weekly presentation, everyone jumped on board.

Pre-orientation packets include a lot of safety training too. Ozark assigns each new driver several safety videos to watch during orientation. The system also allows them to give follow up assignments weekly or monthly. Drivers are familiar with the format as soon as they clear orientation, so watching the monthly safety videos has become a habit.

Give your drivers what they want.

Drivers are eager to get on the road from the moment they get a job offer. Most drivers hate the orientation phase of employment because they have to sit around for days waiting for the keys to their new truck. But with online orientation smoothing the process, they appreciate diving headfirst into the hands-on tests. Paperwork, driving tests, and drug tests are completed in less than one day.

Ozark has been able to offer multiple orientations per week because of the efficiency of remote orientation. They have more time now that in-person orientation only takes one day at the terminal.

Because of the national crisis, logistics companies are looking for new and innovative ways to streamline their procedures. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions wants to reach out and help the industry in any way possible. That’s why we are offering our learning management system free for 30 days to new users. See how remote online orientation can improve your drivers experience.

If communication and training are your priority, our technology makes it simple.

driver engagement programs

At the end of the day, a driver working is mainly about a good job and a paycheck. But what does a “good job” mean? The answer might surprise you. In this gig-economy, good relationships, and meaningful engagement at work are more of a premium than ever, especially if you want to attract younger drivers who are looking for a fulfilling experience on the job, as well as good pay. Find out how driver engagement programs can help your company stand out from the crowd.

What is an “engaged” driver?

An engaged driver wants to make the relationship work. Why? Because an engaged driver believes they have a part to play in your company. They don’t feel like a disposable spare part that can be easily ignored and replaced but like a team player.

An engaged driver knows:

  • • They have your ear when they need it
  • • You respect them in word and deed
  • • You acknowledge that they have a life outside of work
  • • You’re honest and fair about policy enforcement
  • • If they complain, something gets done

An engaged driver engages by:

  • • Listening/complying when you ask for something
  • • Giving their best
  • • Sticking around
  • • Keeping you in the loop
  • • Being willing to learn
  • • Saving you time, trouble, and money when they can

In other words:

Engaged drivers act like team players because they’re treated that way.

As in any job, drivers care about the company they work for! Everyone wants to care about what they do. It doesn’t matter how tough or old-school a driver looks or sounds; they care about relationships, the functionality of the business, and their ability to contribute—not just about the dollar.

What makes drivers disengage?

A lot of turnover stems from a lack of connection with the hiring company. Even if everything generally seems OK on the surface, drivers often feel that they’re left hanging. Why?

One thing that drivers have is time. And it can work against you. With all that windshield time, they can start thinking about a problem that started on Monday; if they’re still thinking about it by Wednesday with no communication, by Friday, they might quit. For you, it comes out of the blue. But for the driver, it’s been stewing a while, with no productive outlet or solution. The key is communication.

Molehills easily become mountains when you don’t offer an opportunity for engagement and feedback. Long-distance relationships are hard, and that’s what this is.

How does a driver-engagement program work?

Drivers with 30 years or more on the road will tell you they have a family at home, and a family on the road. Earn your part in that family, and you will gain loyal drivers.

Be honest about the job.

Your first impression should include a clear, honest, and thorough job description, not a fuzzy description that’s really a desperate plea for drivers. Set applicants up for success. Tell them what they’re getting into.

Find the right people.

Seek drivers who are a fit for the roles. If you use online training, you can send training to applicants to screen them. Find out right off who is detail-oriented, who cares about finding a good job, who’s willing to learn and comply, etc. When you make it easier to recruit top-quality drivers, you reduce turnover.

Set the tone in orientation.

Be top-quality, time-sensitive, relevant, organized, honest about the job, and give drivers a great start. Again, online training is a flexible tool for engagement. If you introduce required online training at this point, you already prove that you prioritize safety and keeping drivers on the road. You can also get a sense of a driver’s attitude and comfort level. You and the driver can both make sure it’s the right fit.

Make it easy to communicate.

Communication goes two ways. Drivers should be able to hear from you without hassle, and you from them. Your technology may need to be rebooted or streamlined, but making this a #1 priority makes you a highly desirable employer.

Some ways to make this work:

  • • Work on communication between drivers & managers/owners
  • • Work on the driver/dispatcher relationship
  • • Make training quicker, easier, and more mobile
  • • Improve driver-driver relationships through driver mentors and trainers
  • • Cut down on in-person meetings as much as possible
  • • Personalize official messages when you can (ex. “Great haul last month” or “Happy birthday!”)

Make it easy to pitch in.

Drivers can assist management in solving business problems. They also contribute to the life, fun, and meaningfulness of work. Figure out why drivers aren’t happy and create training content based on the complaints expressed. Say, “I hear you.” Then take action. Use a safety competition as a fundraiser for a charity. Turn stories of some of your drivers on the road into a monthly e-newsletter. Open the door for engagement.

Give your CEO screen time.

Put together a “state of the company” message and share it with drivers each month. In a large company, a driver might only really know their dispatcher. Use messaging systems creatively to encourage and inspire from the top, as well as remind and challenge to meet goals.

Even if you do one or two of these things, it already sets you apart from most companies who do nothing to improve driver engagement! Wouldn’t it be great to have a waiting list of drivers who want to come on board with you? The driver is the only person in the company who does the work that generates the revenue to pay everyone else. Engage drivers at every level. Build a company where drivers want to work.

At Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, we help our clients get to the heart of driver engagement with online training and communication. It’s integrated, easy to implement, and powerfully effective. Read testimonials or sign up for a free demo today!

8 Tips for Improving Fuel Efficiency

Fuel is one of your biggest expenses in trucking. You run millions of miles every year. At around 70,000 miles of fuel per year per truck, that’s millions of dollars worth of fuel on an annual basis. Better fuel efficiency is major money in your pocket.

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Truck on a Map of North America - Online Training - Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

Many trucking companies maintain a fleet of geographically dispersed drivers, spread over the U.S. or North America. This can mean major business benefits and a wide network of carrier relationships, but also comes with its own set of problems when it comes to communications and driver training. This is where online training becomes an ideal solution.

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new training features

Change is inevitable in the trucking industry. Can you do more than keep up? Here’s on update on our new training features.

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summer driver safety

Welcome to July, folks! Fleet safety directors know what summer means. And we’re all preparing for hot, hot summers and crazier weather than usual. Our driver safety tips will help you prepare for this summer’s hottest weather and keep your drivers healthy and happy.

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Reduce accidents

Reducing accidents in the trucking business is an easy decision — not in how you’re going to do it, but in the fact that you need to. Four ways to reduce accidents now begin with keeping the urgency of the task in front of you.

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Incident Management

A distinction you often hear about in trucking is between accidents and incidents. The distinction is important because prevention and resolution are managed differently for each, and it’s important to learn how to keep associated costs under control. We’re here to help with these 3 tips for improving incident management.

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