Tag Archive for: free demo

The American Transportation Research Institute, verdict awards between 2010 to 2018  rose 51.7% annually. This number is astronomical when compared to standard inflation which grew 1.7% during the same time period. The highest awarded verdict in this time period was $91 million. Albeit an outlier, its existence proves the possibility for your company.


We searched the phrase, “How to Sue a Trucking Company.” Google returned almost 3 million results in less than half a second. Accident victims have virtually unlimited access to resources that explain a step-by-step guide to penalizing your company.

Legal websites lend advice stating employers are accountable for truck accidents, not the actual driver.

How could an attorney advise that the truck driver is not responsible? Even when the truck driver was at fault. Even if the driver, the one with his hands on the wheel, was drinking and driving. How is that driver not responsible?

The answer is simple: There’s not enough money in pursuing legal action toward an individual truck driver.

It is the employer who holds the checkbook.  Changes in the litigation procedure allow nuclear verdicts to become commonplace.

Thousands of attorneys employ this practice often. Accidents happen. Unfortunately, there’s nothing a trucking company can do to completely avoid litigation. The best thing you can do is prepare.

“…Truck companies will knowingly continue unsafe practices unless they know they will be held responsible with large verdicts when they are at fault.”

Michael Leizerman, Co-Founder of Academy of Truck Accident Attorneys

During discovery, prosecutors will attempt to discredit your company in any way possible. Attorneys will look for any of the following weaknesses:

  • – Negligence in hiring procedure
  • – Failure to maintain equipment
  • – Driver was not properly trained

Any of these scenarios are not difficult to prove and could cement the jury’s decision. Of course, the company would be at fault if the driver wasn’t properly vetted or was presented with defective equipment.

How to Prepare

You don’t have to wait until you are faced with litigation to prepare your defense strategy. For every effort you make in training your drivers and changing behaviors, you are a step closer to avoiding litigation altogether. A highly trained and skilled workforce is much more likely to avoid preventable accidents.

If you do end up needing a defense attorney after an accident, the first thing they will request is documented proof of your proactivity. They may ask questions like:

  • – How often do your drivers participate in training classes?
  • – Have you trained your fleet on specific matters?
  • – Do you drivers know what to do in the event of an accident?
  • – Have you provided all the reasonable accommodations?
  • – Can you prove your company has done everything to establish a solid safety culture?

Your frequency, consistency, and focus on safety training will prove your commitment to safety. Enhance your safety culture now and positively change driver behaviors before you are faced with legal trouble. Not only will you proactively protect your company from nuclear verdicts, you will be protecting your drivers from injury or death.

The consequences of an accident can be dire for your drivers and for your company. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions offers a learning management system specifically designed to mitigate your risk regarding driver behavior.

We Want To Earn Your Business

We would like to offer you a sneak peek at what our system can do. The only thing it will cost is 30 minutes of your time. Our experts will demonstrate how easy it is to

protect your company, your drivers, and everyone else on the road.

We want the opportunity to prove our value to you. For 30 minutes of your time, we will repay you with complimentary 30-day access to our system. Immediately begin protecting your company from billboard attorneys who specialize in suing trucking companies.

Click here for your free demo!


WEBINAR – Thursday, July 30, 2020 10:30 am – Trial Lawyer Peyton Inge joins trucking consultant Mark Rhea to discuss the prevalence of nuclear verdicts and how to avoid such situations. 

One crash, with the right attorney, can put your company up in smoke. Your preparation to avoid nuclear verdicts is key. Be proactive now or risk turning the lights off, for good.  

Click here for free sign up 


Additional Resources:

Chuck Norris Says “Thank You, Truckers!” In This Touching Video

Go Green: How Online Training Saves You Time, Money, and Resources

Increase Fuel Efficiency and Lower Maintenance Costs – Legislation Passed to Improve U.S. Highways

Save Time

The most precious commodity. Online training offers numerous ways to increase your efficiency; the most effective being through online orientation.

Traditional in-person orientation for a trucker is about 3 days on average. Every day that one of your drivers is sitting in a classroom and not on the road is potentially 500 miles per new hire. That’s money lost for your bottom line.

You might be thinking, “It’s not always about mileage, safety is a big part of orientation.”

Absolutely, we couldn’t agree more. Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the entire business structure has shifted. Companies are now realizing the need for remote capabilities.

Our learning management system allows your new hires to start orientation as soon as the job offer is accepted. Instead of dozing off during orientation presentations, your drivers can

participate in online orientation from the comfort of their homes.

If you eliminate just 2 days of in-person orientation, you are looking at an additional 1,000 miles per new driver! Increased your efficiency, capacity, and revenue instantly.

Bonus: Since your drivers can work at their own pace while online, they get to spend more time with their family. This means, when your drivers do show up for their truck assignment, they aren’t worn out by several days of repetitive workshops or classes. They are fresh; ready to hit the road and make some money.

“Infinit-I is the pioneer and the leader for online truck driver training. For instance, we were able to cut our new driver orientation from two days into 2.5 hours with Infinit-I.”

-Bobur Hasan, HR and Recruiting

Save Money

The industry average cost of onboarding a new truck driver is around $10,000 each. How many new drivers do you take on each year? Most trucking companies have a turnover between 85-105%.

If you run a fleet of 100 drivers, your onboarding cost for one year could be up to $1 million dollars. That’s cost to hire, before rolling. How many miles would your new driver have to run before your company breaks even? And since the majority of turnover happens in the first 90 days of employment, how many of your drivers stay on that long?

Our safety program has proven to decrease our client turnover by up to 53%. That means is possible for Infinit-I Workforce Solutions to take you from 100% turnover to just 47%. A reduction in turnover like that would save you over half a million dollars per year in onboarding costs. Incredible!

Let’s say, however, that the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform reduces your turnover by a modest (very modest) 5%. Here is a simple formula to show your annual savings:

With a fleet of 100 trucks, a 5% reduction in turnover would save your company $50,000 annually.


Save Resources – Drivers, Equipment, Fuel

Our #1 goal is to support you in your effort to create safer drivers. Hopefully, you aren’t willing to put a price on a driver’s life. If our frequent and consistent safety training saves even one life, driver or civilian, our platform proves invaluable to your company.

We can, however, put a price on accidents. The average cost of an accidents/incidents in the trucking industry is around $5,000. Our learning management system has shown some clients up to an 18% reduction in accidents.

“The Infinit-I platform has streamlined our orientation process…resulting in lower CSA scores, reduced worker’s compensation claims, and decreased vehicle incidents and accidents.”

-Shepard Dunn, President & CEO

What could a just a 5% reduction in accidents return to your bottom line? If we figure one accident/incident per week for an entire year, your potential savings could be around $13,000 annually. Plug in your numbers below to figure how much your company could be saving.

Remote training can save you resources in so many other ways too. In-person training sessions, no matter how frequent, will always increase wear & tear on your equipment and unnecessary fuel consumption.

Not to mention the loss of revenue while your drivers are traveling to and from the terminal, not making money for your company. These are opportunity costs that aren’t typically considered when planning for safety training sessions.

And since social distancing is here to stay, in-person training presents even more challenges:

  • – What are your legal responsibilities to your employees?
  • – Can you accommodate a 6-foot distance between attendees?
  • – Will you require your drivers to wear masks?
  • – Will you provide masks?
  • – What types of masks are acceptable?

Too good to be true? Nope!

See for yourself with a complimentary, one-on-one, 30-minute demonstration with our experts. In just half an hour, you’ll experience the power of the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform.

Our learning management system will not only create safer drivers, but will save you time, money, and resources. We can prove it.

Click here to enhance your safety culture in just 30 minutes.


Want to know more…

More New Content Coming Soon! Check out these new additions to our library.

Out-perform, Out-shine, and Out-grow your Current Safety Culture

Why A Positive Dispatcher & Driver Relationship is Key

Why You Should Be Focused on Your Employee’s Cultural Relationships Now More Than Ever

The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956

The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, signed into law by Dwight D Eisenhower, allowed $25 billion to construct a roadway system to efficiently connect the states. The bill is also known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act; its purpose to allow access for military defense during war.

While most drivers are aware and appreciative of this action, most do not know it was inspired by Eisenhower’s personal experiences in the Army. Lieutenant Eisenhower was a participant in the Transcontinental Motor Convoy in 1919, long before his presidency or the interstate system we know today.  The convoy left Gettysburg, Pennsylvania via the Lincoln Highway and headed to San Francisco.

They experienced numerous infrastructural challenges along the way. The convoy damaged bridges, became stuck off-road, and damaged equipment as a result of roadway conditions. The trip across the country took two months.

Because of this experience, Eisenhower was an advocate of constructing an interstate highway system to support national defense. In times of conflict, the US Army will be able to efficiently move troops and supplies across the country in just a few days, rather than months.

While truck drivers, along with the American public, still reap the benefits of this interstate system, it is aging and in need of major reconstruction.

2021 Budget Appropriations for the Department of Transportation


On July 14, 2020, the House Appropriations Committee voted on a $158 billion legislation to support the Department of Transportation, among others. The bill, passed in a vote of 30 to 22, will focus in part on the country’s aging transportation system.


“The departments and programs funded by the THUD bill are integral to our way of life – housing and transportation connect us to jobs, services, and education.”

-Chairman David Price, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies.

The Secretary of Transportation received $1 billion for highway infrastructure program. From the full committee print, the allocation requests are listed below.

In the coming years, we are likely to see major reconstruction of interstates across the country. With improved highways, trucking companies will experience increased fuel efficiency and lower mechanical maintenance costs.

For You

As long as we have highways, however, we will always have construction. You do not have to wait until this project is complete to benefit from increased fuel efficiency and lower maintenance costs. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions can help you get a jumpstart on those issues and improve your bottom line now.

Over the course of two years after implementing our system, American Central Transport experienced a fleetwide increase of almost 1 MPG. The Director of Safety states it was because of continual training and counseling through the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform.

You can do it too. We will show you how. We are offering free demonstrations of our system to anyone interested in enhancing driver performance. Give us 30 minutes to demo. If you like the program, and you will, we will give you 30 days to utilize the system absolutely free.

Further Reading

8% of Truck Drivers Could Lose Their Job if their Employers Do This To Save Money

More New Content Coming Soon! Check out these new additions to our library.

Out-perform, Out-shine, and Out-grow your Current Safety Culture

Why A Positive Dispatcher & Driver Relationship is Key