Tag Archive for: Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

Guest Speaker Spotlight

Safe Driver Week is upon us once again; this year’s focus is speeding. The industry expects to see an increase in the number of citations and warnings issued this week compared to normal. Especially since excessive speeds have become common during the pandemic.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is working to support trucking companies throughout speed week by getting advice directly from the source. We assembled a panel of experts whose advice will drive us to success.

A live webinar will take place July 9th, 2020 at 10:30 am CT featuring the following speakers:

Mark Rhea, CDS  

  • Truck Transportation Executive, 34 years
  • Certified Safety Director (NATMI and TXTA)
  • Licensed CDL and CMV Inspector, Texas DPS
  • Freight/Logistics Advisory Board, Council of Governments for North Texas/Cedar Valley College
  • Commissioned Officer, U.S. Army
  • Trucking Industry Consultant

Christopher J. Turner, Esq.

  • Director of Crash and Data Programs, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
  • Past President, CVSA
  • Former Kansas Highway Patrol Officer

Major Chris Nordloh

  • Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Coordinator, Texas DPS
  • 20+ years in the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service of the Texas Highway Patrol
  • Secretary, CVSA

Their credentials alone should be more than enough to prove that you need to be here.

But if you need more proof, here you go:


Looking for the most efficient way to slow your drivers down without sacrificing profitability? Keep talking about it.

Speed is a constant factor that takes continual adjustment. Your drivers must be hard-wired to think about speeding as soon as they climb in the tractor. There are two main reasons why a truck driver feels the need to operate at an excessive speed:

  • Indifference or Lack of training – Some drivers out there just don’t care about speed limits. And they will admit as much. When they see their speedometer reaching the upper limits, the only thing on their mind is, “more miles, more money.”

However, they fail to recognize that being pulled over for speeding or a traffic accident will slow them down. A severe accident could slow them down for days, if not forever.

  • Pressure from Dispatcher – The relationship between a driver and dispatcher requires a delicate balance of management, cooperation, and friendship. When the balance is disrupted, you may have drivers or dispatchers intentionally underperforming.

Are your dispatchers and drivers friends or simply acquaintances? It is difficult to maintain a healthy relationship over the phone or through dispatch messages. A healthy relationship will not only improve employee morale but will also enhance your safety culture. You will experience an increase in productivity when everyone is committed to working together.

And Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has two solutions:

  • – Our 850+ training videos are an effective way to drive the right behaviors over time. It has been proven that frequent and consistent training keeps safety top-of-mind.
  • – Infinit-I Workforce Solutions offers a 52-week course that focuses directly on improving the relationship of your drivers and dispatchers. You will see immediate results in communication and cooperation with The Dan Baker Cultural Relationship Program. Learn more here.


Is there ever an excuse to operate sans-seatbelt?

Simple answer: NO!

We know it’s illegal. We know it’s unsafe. We know the likelihood of injury or death is much higher without one. So why do some drivers choose to go without? Accountability.

“I didn’t know I was supposed to wear a seatbelt.”

How well do you think that would go over with a DOT officer, especially during Safe Driver Week? The good news is: Infinit-I Workforce Solutions recognizes this as a real, conquerable issue. We have training ready and available to be assigned today.

Our learning management system will allow you to assign training videos based on the areas of your company you would like to strengthen. We will automatically track all training, testing, and acknowledgment in our database. You will have immediate access to all your training records anytime, anywhere.


Since the adoption of touch screen technology, large truck occupant fatalities have maintained an upward trend. Correlation, in this case, may not necessarily mean causation. We do know, however, that mobile phone usage is a huge problem.

Officers will be on the lookout for “cellphone drivers” during the blitz. Make sure your drivers are aware of your company’s cell phone/mobile device policy as soon as possible.

Ideally, you would like to have their signature on file as proof of acknowledgment of your policy. This practice not only encourages safe driving, but also reduces your company’s liability in case of an accident. Readily available documentation will prove your due diligence and mitigate risk.

You MUST prepare for Safe Driver Week. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions already has a process in place to help you accomplish these goals. Don’t worry about developing a training plan, getting it approved, and maintaining participation after deploying it to your fleet.

We’ll do it for you.

An enhanced safety culture is just a few minutes away. Call today. We’ll walk you through it.

Keep Reading…

Gearing Up for Safe Driver Week; Preparing Drivers for Speeding Blitz

7 New Social Responsibilities of Truckers; COVID-19 + July 4th

Out-perform, Out-shine, and Out-grow your Current Safety Culture

Why A Positive Dispatcher & Driver Relationship is Key


The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is an international effort between industry participants, focused on improving roadway safety. They maintain efforts to educate all drivers in several categories, including International Roadchecks, Brake Safety, Hazardous Materials, etc.

The Operation Safe Driver Program was created by the CVSA to bring awareness to the significance of proper driver behaviors.

Safe Driver Week takes place July 12-18 this year with speeding as the main target. Officers will especially be looking for drivers who are operating at excess speeds. Last year, over 17,500 speeding tickets were issued to commercial and passenger vehicles during the weeklong blitz.

Last year during the same week, CMV drivers received more speeding tickets than the following, combined:

  • – Failure to Wear a Seatbelt
  • – Using a Handheld Phone/Texting
  • – Improper Lane Change
  • – Possession/Influence of drugs or alcohol

Why is it important?

Most accidents involving a CMV are caused by driver behavior, but most often, it wasn’t the trucker’s fault. With crowded highways, speeding four-wheelers, and governed big rigs, traffic accidents are inevitable. Proper training and awareness can significantly reduce the likelihood of an accident involving you or your drivers.

Speed-related issues cause 9,378 crash fatalities in 2018.

9,378 people are dead because someone was driving too fast. Excessive speed is always avoidable and always unacceptable.

No load is worth your life or the lives of others around you.

What are we doing?

Infiniti Workforce Solutions is sponsoring an exclusive webinar for all safety personnel. We will be discussing CVSA’s Safe Driver Week focused on speeding. Three industry experts will be giving best practice advice to help you prepare your fleet.

Here’s the lineup of guests:

-Mark Rhea, Industry Consultant, Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

-Chris Turner, Director of Crash and Data Programs, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance

-Major Chris Nordloh, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Coordinator, Texas Department of Public Safety

If you want to be proactive during the weeklong blitz, do not miss this webinar. Registration is free. Sign up here.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is offering a 30-Day Complimentary Trial to new users.

Absolutely free, no-obligation. Because 30 days is more than enough to prove our value.

And if not, you’ve had access to transportation’s #1 learning management system for free. No cost, whatsoever!

Here’s what you’ll gain:

Automatic Documentation – A rock-solid LMS that captures training and tests your employees on what they learned

Content Library – More content than any other transportation LMS. 850 training videos.

Unmatched Service – Dedicated Client Success Rep who works for you.

Enhance your safety culture today, click here to learn how.


Additional Resources:

7 New Social Responsibilities of Truckers; COVID-19 + July 4th

Out-perform, Out-shine, and Out-grow your Current Safety Culture

Why A Positive Dispatcher & Driver Relationship is Key

Why You Should Be Focused on Your Employee’s Cultural Relationships Now More Than Ever

Infinit-I Award-Winning Training Platform

Through the first half of 2020, the trucking industry has made major adjustments to a “new normal.” Our procedures have evolved to maintain efficiency in a wounded economic environment. And yet, we survived.

Resistance to change is common, as amendments to the status quo can be challenging. Stepping outside our comfort zone, however, is an opportunity for personal and professional growth. We were motivated, because of the pandemic, to protect our greatest assets.

You, as a client, are our most valuable asset.

For us, it really wasn’t much of a stretch. We pride ourselves on our unrelenting customer service. The pandemic has allowed us to prove it to a broader audience who, amid the crises, sought affirmation.

For the past six months, our clients continued their success through our training and communication software. To achieve our goal, we stuck by one rule: keep it simple.

Because they have always been top-notch, our Client Success Team was instructed to maintain business as usual. We strive to transcend your expectations, provide superior communication, and employ a problem solver mentality. We provide these through our stellar Client Success Representatives.

Transcend Expectations

We specialize in training. It’s no surprise our Client Success Reps are thoroughly prepared to handle sticky situations. Their abilities will consistently transcend your expectations.

Our Client Success Reps are here to see you out-perform, out-shine, and out-grow your current safety culture.

Out-perform, Out-shine, and Out-grow your Current Safety Culture.

Superior Communication

A key indicator of employee satisfaction is communication. Ask any truck driver, office employee, or shop worker, etc. They will agree.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has reformulated the traditional customer service model. Instead of waiting for you to call us with problems, we proactively seek out potential issues in a bi-monthly check-in.

No need to dial a call center, select your prompts, and wait for the next available representative. Our Success Team reaches out to you, saving you time while simultaneously driving you to success.

Problem Solvers’ Mentality

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions not only created the Five Leadership Principles, we employ them. During your chat, let them know which areas of your company you would like to improve. We will show you what it means to “Propel the Psychology of a Problem Solver.”

Our Client Success Reps are well versed in the content of our resource library. They will happily recommend and assign training courses to your employees.

While other companies are scaling back their client support, we are expanding. Where they are cutting availability, we’re building ours. Where they have you on hold for 30 or 60 minutes, we respond as quickly as always.

In addition to your own dedicated CSR, you can now take advantage of our learning management system for free. Get to know us during your 30-Day Complimentary Trial, our gift to an industry under stress.

Our success model is proactive. It is effective. And most importantly, it is personal. We call them Client Success Reps for a reason. You will win! Let us prove it to you.

Truck drivers are in high demand, and they know it. Because of the driver shortage, truck drivers expect more from their employers than ever before.

You must become the kind of company a driver wants to work for.

Truckers move fast.  Formalities disappear when communication is hurried.  In the rush, sometimes we forget to see each other as people.

As someone’s mom or dad.  As someone’s son or daughter; grandma or grandpa. Sometimes we forget about each other’s lives lived outside the walls of the company.

The Cultural Relationship

Retention is one of the key factors in the profitability of a trucking company. And to achieve long-term retention of your drivers, they must value your company and want to be there.

Establishing a cultural relationship focuses on enhancing the employee experience. Building positive working relationships between employees improves employee retention and satisfaction.

From Drivers, Operations, Shopworkers, Recruiting, and everyone in between. Add enterprise-wide value with these takeaways:

  • Employee Development
  • Improve Communications
  • Encourage Cooperation
  • Foster Professionalism
  • Reinforce Company Culture

Drivers and Everyone else

A driver’s relationship with your company is formed by every single interaction, from day one. Think about your recruiters, your dispatchers, your mechanics; their job performance of determines the driver’s perception of your company.

An adequately trained and competent workforce leads to greater driver satisfaction. Which, in turn, reduces your turnover and saves you money.

Every employee is responsible for your company culture, a critical factor in retention. Every single employee is a key piece in making your company the place drivers want to stay.

Think about your drivers’ typical day, whether at the terminal or on the road. Every point of contact they meet is potentially a pivotal interaction.

Each of those points of contact determines the driver’s perception of the company. Each interaction is an opportunity to create value for the driver.

At any moment, your driver could experience an unfulfilling encounter with another employee. If that driver decides to leave your company, the cost of a new hire replacement is tremendous.

Your winning team depends on motivation, encouragement, and employee morale. Discover the secret to all three with The Cultural Relationship Program: The People Side of Trucking with Dan Baker.

The Dan Baker Cultural Relationship Program

The son of a trucker, Dan Baker utilizes his 40+ years in the industry to improve trucking operations. His consultation builds relationships between employees that bridge generational gaps.

Dan has developed the Dan Baker Cultural Relationship Program, designed for all employees. From the administration to the shop, from the CEO to the custodial staff, this program will improve their communication skills.

The Dan Baker Cultural Relationship Program is available now on the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform. It is presented in three sections:

Employee Development (71 videos)

  • Company Culture, Parts 1 & 2
  • Conflict Resolution, Parts 1 & 2
  • The Most Important Part of the Process is You
  • Our Five Basic Needs
  • Perception
  • How We Perceive Ourselves
  • What Makes People Tick?
  • Comfortable With Yourself

Dispatcher Development/Communication Training (64 videos)

  • Dispatcher Foundations
  • Perception
  • Trust and Respect
  • The Generational Challenge
  • The Functions of a Dispatcher, Parts 1&2
  • Successful Communication
  • The Dispatcher/Driver Relationship
  • Managing Your Own Thinking, Parts 1 & 2

Recruiting Insights (18 videos)

  • Generational Turnover Parts 1 & 2

Poems & Stories (2 videos)

Other Interesting Articles:

Why your Safety Culture will Die without Buy-In. And how to get it.

HOT HOT HOT! Sunshine Threatens Truckers. Here’s What Your Fleet Needs to Know

28 Things Every Employer Should Do While Employees Are Heading Back To Work

Truck Drivers Challenged by Demonstrations All Over the Country

Minimize Mistakes to Maximize your Most Valuable Resource – Your Drivers

What is Buy-In?

One of the most used and sought-after business phrases in the workplace today: Buy-In. When you have a project idea, but you are not a decision-maker, you must get the approval of higher-ups to go ahead.

Before the pitch, you must begin campaigning, gathering support from like-minded co-workers who share your vision for the future. Their support is called “Buy-In.”

Think about the process of starting a business. Most likely, you would need the financial support of investors. The first investor is usually the hardest to convince. Once you have a board of supporters, it is easier to get new ones to sign on.

Selling points

As with any business proposal, the pitch must include the top benefits of the product you wish to implement. Find the aspects of the product that will benefit your company the most and bring those to the presentation.

For instance, your decision-makers may be concerned about the additional workload with this new product. Focus on the redistribution of work that is offered by Infinit-I Workforce Solutions.

They may say the budget doesn’t call for an additional product. In that case, look for all the returns offered by the investment. For example, Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has been proven to reduce the number of accidents for clients.

One prevented accident could save a company thousands of dollars. In that case, the system pays for itself.

When the issue is budget-related, ask yourself what factors you examine when putting a price on your driver’s safety. How are those factors weighted?

Of course, this is a silly question. There is nothing more important than the safety of your fleet. When the return on investment is life or death, establishing a solid safety culture is paramount.

Push Back

When faced with changes, people naturally look for reasons to push back. Humans respect a routine. We feel most at ease when there are no surprises or new tasks to learn. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone is scary to some.

So, when pitching a new project, you will run into some nay-sayers who are not interested in advancing their skills but would rather coast through another day. Your safety culture, however, should never be diluted just so it appeals to those who are complacent.

“We wanted a well-rounded training program. Training dispatchers how to talk to drivers. Everyone has to understand the industry or there will be communication issues back and forth.”

-Larry Finley, Environmental Health & Safety Manager, White Arrow, LLC

As with any profession, employers tend to get the most push back from veterans of the industry. They will hear things like…

“We’ve never had to do this before.”

“I’ve never had an accident.”

Handling Objections

Of course, neither of these are qualifiers to skimp out on training. Accidents and incidents can happen at any moment, to anyone.

Experience managers plan for negative feedback. Try to think of every reason an employee might not want to participate. Prepare a rebuttal for each of them.

“I’ll quit before you make me do more training.”

This is, perhaps, the most challenging form of push back. Take a moment to realize the implications of this statement and how it threatens the quality of your safety program. If you have an employee that does not support the improvement and future direction of your company, you should reevaluate their position.

“There is an apex we want to shoot for. Value of training and the value of people and their safety. Do it right, do it safe, and treat everyone like a leader.”

-Jonathan Richardson, Director of Corporate Training, Martin Transport, Inc.

Mission Critical

Above all, you must prepare to counter uncertainties within your target audience. If your goal is to ensure the safety of your fleet, focus on frequent and consistent safety training.

Now, you can do it for free. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is offering a Complimentary 30-Day Free Trial to help you gain the Buy-In you need to improve your safety culture.

“Safety training doesn’t just come from a vacuum; you have to start someplace… It’s a process that has to be addressed year-over-year with ownership…”

-Craig Hart, Product Manager, Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

Further resources and expert advice are available in the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Fast Forward Webinar Series.

In other news: 

7 Steps to Get Safety Ideas Out of the Boardroom and Implemented Into Safety Culture

Why Enhanced Safety Culture is Your #1 Money Saver

Premier Safety Culture Advice

Sunshine Threatens Truckers

Its that time of year again. HOT! And it won’t be getting better any time soon. Heat-related illnesses affect truck drivers often due to the nature of the job.

Loading, unloading, throwing tarps, strapping, etc. all cause extended exposure to the heat. Operations managers must be aware of the risk their drivers are taking by working in the sun and extreme temperatures.

While assessing the risk, managers should create a response plan to be followed in the event of a heat-related illness. Familiarize yourself with the following information so you can create a solid plan to be deployed between your operations staff and drivers.

Truck Drivers are some of the hardest working people in the country. Along with road safety, we here at Infinit-I Workforce Solutions would like to offer some health safety tips.

Please be mindful of the following challenges you or your drivers might face as the temperatures continue to rise:

Sun Related Illnesses

Heat Stroke

If you suspect you or someone near you are suffering from a heat stroke, call 911 or local emergency services. Heat Stroke (or sunstroke) is a medical emergency that causes lasting damage to the victim.

A person can suffer from heatstroke without prior symptoms. It strikes hard and fast from high-temperature exposure. Your body loses its ability to control its temperature, classified by a core temperature of more than 104. This syndrome can cause damage to internal organs.

Check here to study the symptoms before it happens to you.

Heat Exhaustion

Heat Exhaustion is a less severe issue, but if left unchecked, it can lead to heatstroke. It is usually caused by exposure to high temperatures and either dehydration or salt depletion.

Obviously, if you don’t drink enough water, your body will not stay hydrated. It is less known that if your sodium levels get too low, your body can not retain the water you do take in.


Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluid than you are drinking. Watch for the warning signs before it happens. Vomiting and diarrhea can often lead to dehydration if you can’t adequately replace fluids lost.

Heat Cramps

High temperatures lead to dehydration. Dehydration leads to cramps.

Be mindful of your nutrition and hydration levels, especially if you are loading/unloading, throwing tarps, or performing truck maintenance. Exerting yourself in the hot weather can lead to severe cramps.

Heat Rash

Heat Rash is marked by blisters or red bumps that often occur when sweaty skin meets friction. It is especially common in areas that aren’t able to breathe, like armpits, elbow crease, or chest.

While this condition is less severe than the above, it can cause much discomfort to the sufferer. If this happens to you, try to remain in a cool, dry place. You can use powder or antiperspirants to keep the rash dry.

Sun Burn

The pain of a fresh sunburn is all too familiar. It is always a good idea to wear sunscreen, even on a cloudy day.

All skin types are susceptible to sunburn, some may be more vulnerable at lower UV rates. If your skin starts to feel tight or retains heat, it is time to move to a shady area.

Repeated exposure to sunburn can also lead to skin cancer. If you work a job that constantly has you out in the weather, always wear some sort of skin protection.

Use this CDC chart to become familiar with the Warning Signs and Symptoms of Heat Illness.

Sun Related Illness Prevention

To Operations:

Check on your drivers daily. Watch their logs and make sure they are moving. If you see a driver has been idle for an unusual amount of time, be sure to get in contact with them immediately.

If contact cannot be made, you may have to employ an emergency intervention. Speak with your management about a plan before this becomes an issue.

Drink water

Drink water on a timer and consistently throughout the day, not just when you’re thirsty. Often, thirst is not a warning sign of dehydration, but a sign it’s too late.

Avoid alcohol

Obviously, if you’re a professional driver, you should avoid alcohol altogether. Alcohol can function as a diuretic, causing your body to get rid of the fluids that you need. That’s partly why people suffer from hangovers; alcohol causes dehydration.

Avoid sugary drinks

Sugary sodas, juices, and teas are also diuretics and can cause your body to lose fluids more rapidly than normal. In extreme temperatures, it is best to drink low- or no-caffeine, unsweetened drinks.

Idle time

Your employer probably has a policy in place about the amount of time you can idle. Running your air conditioner to stay cool is an important factor in your health and safety. Ask your Operations how often you can idle during the summer months, so you don’t put yourself at risk.

Take Breaks Indoors

During your pre-plan, check your shipper and receiver for a driver lounge. Do not stay in your tractor if it is not required.

Cool Showers

In extreme heat, it is best to avoid scouring shower temperatures if possible. Extended hot water exposure can raise your body temperature. If it is hot outside, your body has to work overtime to cool you back down.


Make sunscreen a part of your daily routine to protect you from sunburn in the short term and skin cancer in the long term.

Friendly reminder: Drink water.

We have a responsibility to take care of each other. During the summer months, it is critical to know the warning signs of heat-related illness and be able to respond appropriately.

Make sure you have a specific plan in place for heat-related illness and a proper way to communicate that plan to all your drivers and operations staff.

If you do not have the ability to communicate a safety plan immediately, contact Infinit-I Workforce Solutions at 866-904-5087 to learn how we can help. Or request a free demo.

Other Helpful Articles:

Minimize Mistakes To Maximize Your Most Valuable Resource – Your Drivers

Driver Safety Tips for the Summer

5 Tips for Truck Driver Fatigue Management

After a very informative webinar this week, we’ve decided to dive deeper into your strategic reopening. In case you missed the meeting, check it out here.

We spoke with Attorney Monica Narvaez about all the things employers should consider as employees return to work. While all her suggestions were thought-provoking, some were downright surprising.

Our expert advisory board has developed a checklist for Strategic Reopening. Use the checklist to determine which of these issues could be a potential threat or opportunity for your business and plan accordingly.

Here’s a breakdown and explanation of some things to consider while planning your reopening strategy.

CDC Flowchart

Download the CDC flowchart to determine if opening is an option for your business, school, or public space. This document asks yes or no questions to help you decide if reopening too soon will put your customers or employees at risk of infection.

OSHA Requirements

Research Osha requirements to determine your responsibilities in reopening. You are now liable for the health of your employees regarding COVID-19. Research your states employer requirements in sanitization, documentation, monitoring, and response planning.

Develop a Reopening Playbook

Have a plan in place before issues arise. Impromptu response can lead to emotional decisions.

Include Communication Plan – What information and how often will you communicate with your employees? The goal is to eliminate fear and doubt they may feel as not to hinder their work performance.

Determine Reassignment Structure – Does your business need to maintain its previous staffing structure? Many companies have focused on productivity and efficiency. In streamlining, they realized the cost-cutting potential of downsizing.

Identify Unemployment Triggers – If you do decide to reduce your workforce, check the Fair Labor Standards Act’s Fact Sheet regarding furloughed employees and pay reductions.

Work from Home Options – WFH options have the potential to drastically reduce your overhead costs. If employees are still as acceptably productive, it is worth looking at remote workstations as a permanent solution.

Health and Safety Considerations

Sanitization Plan – Before the mass return of employees, it is recommended to sanitize all office equipment, surfaces, floors, and bathrooms to limit the spread of germs.

PPE Requirements – Decide whether or not employees will be required to wear gloves, masks, etc. when returning to work. If you deem PPE necessary, your state may require you to provide it to your employees.

Cleaning Protocols – Determine what items need to be cleaned and how often. Think about commonly touched surfaces such as coffee pots, doorknobs, copy machines, time clocks, etc.

Health Requirements – Will you check your employees’ temperatures daily before they enter the building? What will you do if they have symptoms of COVID-19? Make sure you document all data and keep the information private.

Social Distancing Effort – To keep employees as comfortable as possible, make necessary accommodations to comply with social distancing protocols. Do not require employees to maintain a distance closer than 6 feet if it is not their choice. You can allow employees to spread apart their workstations or provide plexiglass barriers to protect them from airborne spread.

Employee in Contact with Positive TestThe CDC recommends that anyone in contact with a positive COVID-19 patient should stay at home and practice social distancing. Employers should notify everyone there has been a potential for contact so they can self-monitor for symptoms.

Employee Tests PositiveAccording to the CDC, that employee should self-isolate and follow the CDC recommended steps. Employers must inform their employees of possible exposure to COVID-19. You may not, however, reveal the identity of the employee who tested positive.

Develop a Response Plan

Staffing Level Changes – Assess the level of productivity achieved after layoffs and furloughs. Adjust your staffing level accordingly

Re-instate vs. Re-hire – Furloughed employees can simply be reinstated. Laid-off employees will need to be re-hired.

Decrease/Increase Wages – Some employees are currently making more money on unemployment benefits than they did when working. It may be necessary to increase wages to encourage them to come back to work.

Refusal to Return to Work – Know your rights as an employer. If you offer a laid-off employee their job back and they refuse, they may no longer be eligible for unemployment.

Re-establish Benefits Level – Will employees that are hired back be eligible for the same health insurance, retirement plan, paid time off plan as before?

Create Rationale to support Layoffs – Use what you learned to base your rationale on what job duties are still necessary. Some job duties may no longer be necessary.

Determine Severance Payouts – Consider whether WARN or COBRA apply. By state, some employees have a right to severance or paid leave accrual payouts.

Moving Forward

Preparation for Second Wave – If you did not have a business continuity plan before the pandemic, create one now. If you did have a continuity plan, examine what worked and what needs to be improved.

Shelter in Place #2 – You now have a better idea of what positions in your company are essential and which ones are not. If the country is hit with a second shelter in place order, act quickly to transition essential employees back to remote work.

New Essential Employees – Do your essential employees have the technology required for extended remote work. Make accommodations for data storage, cybersecurity protections, and any other reasonable requests.

Renegotiating Contracts – Consider any employment contracts to consider, renegotiate, or terminate. There may be collective bargaining agreements in place that need to be followed.

Legal Precautions

COVID-19 Worker’s Comp – Employees are still covered for injuries at home under Workers Compensation and OSHA. In some states, if an employee contracts COVID-19, it will be immediately assumed to have been contracted at work. They will be entitled to Worker’s Comp.

OSHA – Negligence – You must be aware of all state requirements. Know your liability, follow guidance and torts for negligence.

Whistleblower Response – Create a response plan if you are accused of not providing the required PPE, requiring non-essential employees to work, or having previous knowledge of known hazards.


For more information, replay the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions webinar entitled Navigating the Unknown.

You can download this easy-to-read checklist that will help you keep track of your strategic reopening. Use it for your business or send it to your manager.


Trending Articles:

Truck Drivers Challenged by Demonstrations All Over the Country

Trucking Safety in a Time of Pandemic

Minimize Mistakes to Maximize your Most Valuable Resource – Your Drivers

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Logistics – Legal Trouble after COVID-19

Insurance – COVID-19 impacts Premiums and Renewals


Our nation is being challenged once again. This time, not only in the spread of a deadly virus, but at the hands of ourselves.

Citizens are outraged over recent acts of brutality, and rightfully so. Demonstrations of protests are taking place all over the country, bringing a voice to those who are concerned. While peaceful protests are encouraged in the Constitution, the actions of extremists are unpredictable and potentially dangerous.


Thousands of protesters have joined forces to bring light to a subject about which they are passionate. Where thousands gather, trouble may follow. Live videos on social media show footage of broken glass, buildings on fire, interstates blocked by protesters, etc.

At least two people were injured in Tulsa during a protest that stopped traffic on Interstate 244. In Minneapolis, a tanker truck can be seen driving dangerously fast through a crowd on Interstate 35W.

These demonstrations popped up all over the nation. News reports state that protesters have been impeding traffic all over the country, especially in major cities like St. Louis, Seattle, Asheville, Memphis, etc.

These areas are high traffic corridors for the logistics industry. Millions of truck drivers employ these interstates and inner-city streets every day. Follow these best practices to ensure the safety of your entire fleet.

Solidify your Communication Process

In today’s environment, trucking companies utilize technology to meet their need for widespread communication. Managing an over-the-road fleet requires the capability to quickly communicate with hundreds of people at the touch of a button.

Your drivers should have the ability to receive instant communications from management whether you send messages through text, email, or other messaging platforms. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has the capabilities to communicate with every employee in your enterprise, whether they be HR, Operations, Safety, Shop, or Professional Driver.


Be Proactive

Have you trained your drivers on your current company process in the event they run into protesters?

Keep in mind, most people carry a video camera in their pocket. Cell phones are being used to record interviews, fights, fires, and every little action that might get shared on social media.

You could have a driver end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Truckers have been video recorded defending their equipment.

If that happens in front of your company logo, it could be considered a giant advertisement of your endorsement of violence. In addition to your driver’s emergency communication plan, you should also include what to do if your company receives bad press.


Educate Your Fleet

The world of trucking requires companies to think quickly on their feet and react to all manner of situations. Trucking companies must have a system in place to deliver continuing education to their drivers who can’t immediately route to the terminal for training.

The only way companies can effectively train a widespread fleet is through technology. Drivers can attend and be tested on customized safety training courses from their smartphone or computer.

This technology allows drivers to be trained in situations that unpredictably arise. Management can assign courses on the proper course of action if one of their truckers encounters a protest.

Ensure Safety

Make sure you have a clear and concise plan of action that your fleet and operations are able to execute should they run into one of these demonstrations:

  • Do your dispatchers know how to advise their drivers?
  • Are there any curfews along their route?
  • Do you have a plan for customers if freight is delayed?
  • Have your drivers included searching for protests in their trip plan?
  • Should your drivers abandon their truck if they feel endangered?
  • What should your driver do in the event of an injury?
  • What should your driver do if his equipment is damaged by protesters?

Some of these questions may feel extreme, but its best to have readily available answers in case of an emergency. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions’ Five Leadership Principles could be used in preparation for crises that arise out of this conflict. Click here for the entire webinar series.

Manage HOS Expectation

Personal Conveyance vs. HOS Exception

Managing hours of service is an unforeseen challenge regarding the protests. Interstates are being shut down for hours at a time to ensure the safety of protesters. If your driver is caught in a traffic jam and cannot get off the highway, they must know what to do when they run out of hours.

Drivers can always use personal conveyance to move to the nearest safe haven if they use their entire 11- or 14-hour clock. This off-duty driving tool cannot be used, however, to complete loads unless the shipper or receiver is the nearest safe stop.

Truckers can use the hours of service exemption, however, when delayed due to extreme circumstances. The exemption grants two additional hours of drive time if stoppages could not have been anticipated.

This is usually regarding weather or infrastructure failure, etc. but could be used in the occurrence of an impromptu demonstration.

The exemption will not apply to drivers caught in a traffic jam that could have easily been anticipated. In the case of an empty clock, that driver must use PC to the nearest truck stop, rest area, or parking lot.

We want to Help

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions reminds all professional drivers that your safety is our number one concern. We are doing everything in our power to minimize further injuries and damage. We want to bring safety to the forefront of your truck driving experience.

To help with our mission, we are offering trucking companies a 30-Day Complimentary Trial. We are here to ensure the secure movement of your freight and the safety of your entire fleet.

Here are some articles you may find helpful:

Minimize Mistakes to Maximize You Most Valuable Resource – Your Drivers

Remembering Those Who Are Gone And Dedicated to Keeping Others Safe

5 Bright Future Forecasts For Truckers And How The Industry Is Adapting to Coronavirus Challenges

8 Ways Truckers Relieve Stress During The Pandemic

Client Success Team

One of the biggest expenses a trucking company experiences is onboarding new drivers. Studies show that each new driver costs approximately $10,000 to recruit, onboard, and train. Retention becomes a huge factor in cutting costs.

Dan Baker’s Cultural Relationship Program teaches that improving the relationship between management, operations, and drivers creates a positive company culture that is the key to success.

A foolproof way to create a more loyal fleet is to encourage the cultural relationship between dispatchers and truck drivers. Both should understand how the other operates and be able to maintain open communication.

Money-making truck drivers love being dispatched on those loads that require you to travel 2,000 miles in 4 days. Loads with more miles ensure more money for the truck driver and their employer.

That is not always the case, however. Sometimes, there are no good loads to dispatch.

In the case of bad freight, look for other ways to improve efficiency. Use these tips from logistics leadership to maximize your most valuable resource, your drivers.

Average Trucker Pay

In 2019, the average pay for truck drivers was roughly $58,000, up from $52,000 in 2017. Truck drivers make about $10,000 more than the average earner. But everyone likes to earn extra money, right?

Creating an environment where your drivers will not only be successful, but will also thrive, will encourage loyalty and long-term retention. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions offers numerous training courses that will allow continual education of any size fleet.

Encourage Drivers Maximize Hours

Some truck drivers fully enjoy the rush of running the highways, maxing out their hours every day. Those drivers typically make the most money.

Some drivers prefer to take extended breaks, mosey around truck stops, sleep late, etc. All the time they spend idle is money lost for that driver and your company.

Make sure they understand the basics concepts of hours of service and set the expectation with this training course:

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Training CatalogPage 21 – CSA Hours of Service Basics

Interpreting the BOL

One of the worst things a trucking company can experience is OS&D. Overage, Shortage, & Damaged – This occurs when the freight amount is incorrect or damaged and the receiver will not accept the shipment.

While your company probably has insurance to protect you from losses, these claims take time. An OS&D incident can stop a truck for several days while a claim is being sorted. When you make money per loaded mile, an idle truck can cost your company a lot of money.

Make sure your drivers know how to read a BOL for every type of load they haul. As soon as they are loaded, they should have a thorough understanding of the shippers/receiver’s expectations and condition the load should arrive in.

This type of proactive training can save money and prevent loss of miles and revenue.

Trip Planning

Most truck drivers know the importance of trip planning, but some may not be able to execute a trip plan properly. Sharing these tips with your drivers will start a conversation about improvement.

  • Get to the destination city as quickly and safely as possible. It is always a good idea for a driver to put more miles on the front end of a trip. It is better for a truck driver to knock out 90% of the trip on pickup day than have too many miles left on delivery day.
  • If your receiver doesn’t penalize you for early loads, encourage drivers to check in early. Chances are, they will take your freight before the actual appointment, allowing your driver to move on to another load.
  • Avoid dispatching loads with too much time on them. It is always better to have a driver rolling than getting paid for sitting still.
  • You drivers should always check the entire route for big cities, business loops, high traffic areas, construction, and weather as soon as they are dispatched. They must be able to identify areas that may require a reroute. Encourage them to communicate those concerns with operations.
  • Eventually, the FMCSA’s HOS changes will allow drivers to take their 30-minute break while on duty. When in effect, drivers will be able to take their 30-minute break while fueling or being loaded/unloaded. Emphasis the importance of restful breaks, however. This is a tool to help drivers utilize their time more efficiently, not drive fatigued.

On-Time Delivery

Some truck drivers don’t understand the consequences of late delivery until its too late. Most receivers will consider late drivers a ‘work-in.’

Depending on their volume, that driver could be sitting for hours or even days waiting on an opening. This not only creates a loss of miles for the driver but also constitutes a loss in revenue for your company and compromises your reputation with that shipper and receiver.

Avoid Obstacles

Booking loads with unpaid deadhead can cost your company thousands of dollars of it happens too often. You should always negotiate empty miles with your customer. If not, look for backhaul loads. You may even reach out to brokerages to make up for the loss of revenue.

When booking loads, always check to confirm your driver will have enough time to deliver on time. Be aware of the distance of the trip, the route conditions, and the number of hours available to avoid a repower. Sending another driver to relay a load will only cost every person involved time and money.

Most importantly, encourage their safety. Drivers should be made aware that they don’t have to drive excessive speeds to make more money. The best way to improve your fleet’s performance is communication and continuing education.

Contact Infinit-I Workforce Solutions to find out how we can enhance your safety culture, improve your drivers’ behaviors, and save you money. Ask about your Complimentary 30-Day Trial!

Remembering Those Who Are Gone And Dedicated To Keeping Others Safe

In honor of Memorial Day, the team at Infinit-I Workforce Solutions would like to thank all members of our armed services. We stand with you.

We express our sincere gratitude to the ones who are no longer with us; the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may be free.

Thank you for your service.

Also, a huge thank you to all the truck drivers over the road who spend countless hours away from their family and friends to support their fellow Americans. You are the backbone of the supply chain.

Memorial Day weekend poses a higher risk for truckers because of road construction, the influx of traffic, and increased fatality rate.

Road Construction

Not only are traffic fines increased in construction zones, so is the risk of fatal accidents. In fact, a whole week in April is dedicated to raising awareness because construction zones are so dangerous.

State DOTs, road safety organizations, government agencies, and private companies come together every year to present National Work Zone Awareness Week. Their goal is to save lives, reminding all drivers to use caution, especially when encountering work zones.

In 2018, 34% of fatal work zone related crashes involved the death of a professional driver. Often, preventable actions cause these crashes such as improper following distance, distracted driving, excessive speeds, etc.

The confusion and frustration that exists in construction zones is normal for truck drivers. They encounter work zones frequently due to the nature of their job.

Keep in mind, four-wheelers are responsible for most CMV accidents. The truck driver and/or the company can still be taken to court, however, even though it’s not their fault.

Influx of traffic

As the summer begins, Memorial Day kicks off road trips, family vacations, and parties. We’ve all been stuck at home, slowly going stir crazy. Shelter in place recommendations have been relaxed as we enter a long-awaited 3-day weekend.

While the rest of the country practiced social distancing, truck drivers got used to less traffic  Drivers have been able to drive faster and deliver loads in a shorter amount of time.

Truckers need to be mindful that this weekend will bring people out of their homes. They will see a large increase in the amount of commuter traffic all over the country.

Increased Fatality Rate

Even though traffic has decreased over the past few months, motor vehicle fatality rates have gone up. The National Safety Council says the United States has seen a 14% increase in the number of fatal accidents since the quarantines started.

All drivers are taking advantage of the less congested roadways. Average speeds have increased, and as a result, this careless driving has caused more accidents.

Some states have seen massive increases in the number of driving fatalities. Arkansas’s number has increased by 16% compared to last year. Louisiana has experienced a 23% increase and Connecticut’s number skyrocketed by 42%.

“Disturbingly, we have open lanes of traffic and an apparent open season on reckless driving,”

Lorraine M. Martin, President and CEO of NSC encourages everyone to drive with caution, especially during the pandemic and crisis. She says driving safely is our civic duty.

“If we won’t do it for ourselves, we should do it for our first responders, our law enforcement and our healthcare workers, who are rightly focused on coronavirus patients and should not be overwhelmed by preventable car crashes.”

– Lorraine M. Martin, NSC president and CEO.

Experts’ Advice

The expert advisory board of Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has advice for trucking companies who are concerned about the health of their company. They have recommended the following best practices to ensure the safety of highways, truck drivers, and the general public:

Create a ‘first-in-class’ safety culture.

The goal of every safety department is to reduce accidents, reduce CSA, and ensure safety is always ‘top-of-mind’ for all employees. The best way to achieve this goal is consistent communication and frequent training.


Offer your truck drivers continual safety training.

One of the main challenges in the trucking industry is routing drivers to the terminal to attend safety meetings. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has virtually solved that problem for good.

The learning management system allows companies to deliver personalized safety training to any employee, anytime, anywhere.


Test their retention.

You may be thinking, “How do I know if my employees will pay attention to these safety videos?”

Great question!

On the LMS, you have the option to make them take a test on the content. Users cannot skip the video or halfway pay attention because they will have to start over if they fail the test.


Document everything.

If you’re working in the logistics industry, you’ve heard it a million times: “If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.”

In most legal cases involving CMV accidents, the first thing a litigation attorney asks for is the safety training records of the driver involved.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions offers automatic, electronic reporting and tracking. You never have to worry about sign-in sheets or completion record signatures ever again.


At Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, we are so grateful to all those who work hard to keep the American dream alive and well.

Please take extra caution this weekend so your family’s next Memorial Day won’t be in honor of you.