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The Truckers Against Trafficking Logo overlaying several trucks driving on a highway toward the camera | help combat human trafficking this January during Human Trafficking Awareness month

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. We are partnering with Truckers Against Trafficking to use our unique positioning to combat human trafficking. Most human trafficking happens via major transportation routes and hubs, and truck drivers can be a first line of defense.

What is Human Trafficking?

The definition of human trafficking is “the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation.”

And human traffickers rely on the transportation industry to operate.

How to Spot the Signs of Human Trafficking

Truckers Against Trafficking offers great training resources for your drivers, and also shares success stories of drivers who have successfully identified and stopped human trafficking as it was happening. 

Be on the lookout for victims that exhibit some or all of these signs:

  • • Appearing destitute/no personal possessions
  • • Showing signs of physical injury or abuse
  • • Avoiding eye contact or social interaction, avoiding law enforcement
  • • Having tattoos/”branding” on the back of the neck or lower back
  • • Interacting with others seems scripted
  • • Appearing to have poor physical or dental health

How Can Trucking Companies Help?

Transportation companies are in a unique position to combat human trafficking. By training every driver to spot the signs, and equipping them with the tools to alert authorities, we can make a huge difference in the fight against human trafficking.

Trafficking almost always happens along major roadways, shipping, and transportation hubs, and roadside rest stops. 

As we deploy our drivers to these areas, they are our cavalry, charging out as the front line of defense against trafficking.

Driver Education on Combatting Human Trafficking

Some states require human trafficking training for renewing CDL licenses as well as new licenses, while others would require it only for first-time CDL licenses.

As part of our recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness month, we have partnered with Truckers Against Trafficking to offer a webinar to discuss human trafficking and how those in the transportation industry can learn to spot the signs, take action and save lives.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is partnering with Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) to use our exclusive platform to combat this issue and raise consciousness. Click here to learn how you can help, and talk to one of our experts today about adding human trafficking driver education to your training program. 

Three Key Takeaways:

  1. Human trafficking is prevalent at transportation hubs
  2. The human trafficking industry relies on the transportation industry to function
  3. You can be on the frontline in combat of this issue by training and equipping your drivers to spot the signs and take action

If you suspect human trafficking, call the 24/7 National Trafficking Hotline:1-888-373-7888 or text “HELP’ to 233733.