Tag Archive for: webinar

55 Things We Learned from an Expert Insurance Underwriter

Insurance premiums and renewal rates continue to be one of the biggest expenses incurred by trucking companies. Rates have increased exponentially in recent years due to accident frequency, truck driver shortage, and the ever-present threat of nuclear verdicts. But, we are here to help. We set out to learn about the underwriting process including:

  • – Assessing a Trucking Company
  • – Premium Increases
  • – Technology Factors
  • – COVID-19 Impact
  • – Safety Culture Influence

Download your free eBook from Infinit-I: Avoiding Nuclear Verdicts

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We interviewed Tony Hoff of Napa River Insurance about the underwriting process for trucking company insurance assessments. He gave the most interesting and data-packed presentation I have ever seen! I could barely keep up with all the notes.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions presents: 

55 Things We Learned from an Expert Commercial Auto Insurance Underwriter.

Underwriting Process

  1. Fleet managers and front-line operations are the ones who must maintain the safety culture with the drivers. If they are not ‘singing the safety tune,’ no one is.
  2. Operations MUST believe in safety culture and live it every day. It is a continuation of the top-down culture that insurance underwriters take into consideration.
  3. Underwriters will not convince you that safety culture is important. You should already be living it.

“Safety is doing the right thing for a long time.” – Tony Hoff, Napa Valley Insurance

Industry-Wide Premium Increases

  1. 15-20% Increase in premiums across the industry without a horrendous loss. If you have incurred large losses, you can expect more.
  2. Underwriters consider 5 years of data history.
  3. Excess limits are more costly and difficult to fill. They are not priced to have a loss every single year.
  4. Results in commercial insurance carriers leaving the market because they can no longer afford to write commercial auto coverage.
  5. Capacity is on a steady decrease as insurance carriers leave the market. When you lose money from a loss standpoint, you don’t want to underwrite anymore.

COVID-19 Effects on Insurance

  1. In the beginning, COVID-19 slowed everything down in the commercial auto insurance market.
  2. Initial reduction in claims due to:
    • Less congestion on roads
    • Increased productivity
    • Fewer losses
    • Decreased accident frequency
  3. The trucking industry rebound has led to more claims due to the resurgence of traffic, congestion, and sudden backups.
  4. Speeding is OUT OF CONTROL!!! Unsafe Basic scores are rising across the board.
  5. “Accident rates are increasing at an unprecedented level. We need to slow these drivers down.”

Premium Increase Factors

  1. Everything is more expensive. (Claims frequency and amount, medical coverage, defense attorney fees.)
  2. Insurance companies are seeing losses where their vehicle never touched the insured truck but are still paying out.
  3. Plaintiffs are getting better at what they are doing. Ten years ago, they did not even know what a CSA score was. Not they could teach you about CSA.
  4. There is a lot of uncertainty in trying cases. Settling may be cheaper than going to court (fees/attorneys) even if you were clearly not liable.
  5. Loss development – the longer the claim is pending, the more it costs.

“A 300% increase in 6 years is dramatic. It is unsustainable. Something has to give. Who is it going to be?”

What You Can Control

  1. Know the process – know what steps of underwriting consist of.
  2. Underwriters who have time to thoroughly vet the submission feel more comfortable writing.
  3. Strongly suggest you shop early. Get ready at least 3 months before renewal. Have your documents ready.
  4. If you are going to shop with more than one broker/carrier, have a standard submission-ready.
  5. Know where you stand. Is my expectation to get a decrease? Or do I want to manage my increase?
  6. (Loss Ratio + Incurred Total Loss) / Your Premium. If you are over 65%, your insurance carrier is losing money.

Safety Culture

  1. Online continual training is key in proving your commitment to safety.
  2. Look at your drivers’ attitude. Do they accept responsibility? Are they willing to learn?
  3. It is absolutely crucial to have a remedial training program. Find drivers’ weaknesses and coach them.
  4. Insurers look at loss development, are you trending in the right direction. If you have a stellar loss history, a new loss may not significantly affect your premiums.
  5. Find the carrier that you enjoy doing business with and then figure out the pricing.
  6. Put some faith behind your trusted safety program. Invest in yourself.
  7. Let Underwriters know what makes you “Best in Class.”
  8. Be prepared for renewal, provide a packet with the following documents:
    • Financial documents and review
    • Loss History
    • Insurance History
    • Profile of Operations
    • CSA Roadside Results
    • Reportable Accidents not on Loss Run
    • Onsite Loss Control Survey

Be a Real Partner

  1. Solidify a business relationship with your Insurance Partner.
  2. You can get a quote from anywhere, be engaged.


  1. Track everything. You can’t know where you are trending unless you can track it:
  2. Turnover, Retention, Ops Performance, CSA Scores, Driver Safety Performance, Loss Trends, Accident Costs, Recordable Accident Rates, Total Accident Rates, Insurance Costs
  3. Benchmark yourself and maintain accountability.
  4. Find out what metrics are causing your losses and attack those.
  5. Use front end data to make back end decisions.

“Safety Professionals who make future decisions based on past results and analysis are the most effective. BE PROACTIVE.”

  1. “Every lawsuit involves being able to produce documents quickly. “Have you trained your drivers? Can you provide the documentation that you’ve trained your drivers?” Camera/online training combination can take a nuclear verdict and knock it out of the courtroom.” – Mark Rhea
  1. The greatest myth in trucking is that safety is too expensive. The advanced technologies that are now in place are a game changer in the industry. Technology is embraced by insurance companies because it gives us a claims “edge” that we otherwise would not have.
  1. Onboard cameras and collision mitigation are proven to influence courtroom decisions. BUT it only makes sense if you are willing to act on the data. You will need to have policies in place before you utilize these technologies.

Addition Tips from the Underwriter

  1. We will look at how many times you have switched insurance carriers in the past.
  2. If you have favorable loss history that extends beyond 5 years, and then have a bad year, it will come up at renewal. You need a relationship history with your insurer.
  3. Be 100% honest about what kind of carrier you are and what makes you the best.
  4. Bring to renewal: What do we do best? What do we need to do better?
  5. Have Best Practices in place, not the easy out. (PSP, Long-form physicals, etc.)
  6. Invest money in the onboarding process. Invest in your training.
  7. 10% of drivers cause 90% of your problems. Get them in and coach them before we lose them.
  8. Reporting the issue is huge! We track day loss happened vs. when it was reported to us.
  9. 3 things that will result in plaintiff verdict:
    • Leaving the scene of an accident.
    • Failure to report an accident.
    • Positive drug test after accident.

Insurance Take-Aways

  1. 2021 will continue to be a very challenging year from an insurance standpoint.
  2. Losses are up and so is speed. Slow your drivers down.
  3. We are living in different times and we need to adjust.
  4. What makes you an exceptional risk? Can we fix those areas that are not exceptional?

“Safety Culture = Commitment. If everyone in your organization stays committed, you WILL succeed.”

Get Your Insurance Questions Answered!

MCIEF Founder Tommy Ruke is Ready to Answer Your Most Pressing Insurance Questions. 

Learn Real Solutions to Your Insurance Problems. 

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has partnered with the Motor Carrier Insurance Education Foundation (MCIEF.org) to help you get your insurance questions answered. Infinit-I and MCIEF have joined together to provide access to “Ask Tommy”.

This is a service provided to MCIEF members, but it is being opened up to Infinit-I visitors to give you the opportunity to ask your most pressing insurance questions. To submit your questions, click here.


Hello again! Lindsay Presley here, Industry Marketer at Infinit-I. I have some very exciting news to share with you all.

Engage Bootcamp

If you were not able to attend our first-ever Remote Engage Bootcamp, you truly missed an amazing event full of expert advice, strategic development tools, and professional networking.

Expert Advice

Special ‘Thank you’ to Attorney Peyton Inge, Certified Safety Professional Phillip Wigginton, Award-Winning Safety Director Alisa White, and our very own Craig Hart, Mark Rhea, and Nakisha Luckey. You all brought actionable, timely, and relevant information to our attendees along with advice that will change the industry as we know it.

Strategic Development Tools

The strategic development tools were a huge hit! I heard from several attendees say they couldn’t write fast enough to keep up with all the key takeaways. If you missed Bootcamp, don’t worry, just shoot me an email. Lindsay.Presley@verticalag.com I will gladly send you copies of one or all the tools:

  • Engage Action Plan Workbook
  • Day 1 – Insurance Benefit Calculator
  • Day 2 – Opportunity Cost Formulas
  • Day 3 – Crash Response Checklist
  • Day 4 – 2021 Game-plan

Feel free to use these tools however is most helpful for you.

If you did come to Bootcamp, but missed something, or would like to circle back, ask me for the replay link.

For those who were unable to attend but would like to experience Engage and Infinit-I, let’s make a deal. Simply request a demo, ask Lorenzo for access to Bootcamp, and I will make sure you get an all-access pass to every, single, inspiring, motivational, actionable moment of our first-ever Remote Engage Bootcamp!

Professional Networking

The networking was my favorite part. I truly appreciate the opportunity to connect with other professionals through email, the daily live Q&A sessions, and, of course, the chat window. We talked, we laughed, we connected. Thanks to everyone who attended and made Bootcamp an unforgettable experience!

Just look what they said about Engage:

“Thanks for the training! I love to stay on top of safety topics, and it was great to network with other safety directors to get ideas on how to implement a better program in my office!”  

– Katie Wathen Director of Safety, Robbie D Wood, Inc.

“Today was AWESOME!  The content was spot on.  Cody and I are getting all kinds of ideas to share with upper management!  Thank you for having us.” 

– Renea Dearing Safety Director, Norton Transport


Fast Forward Series: Industry Expert Series

After an extremely successful Engage Bootcamp in November, we are back to work on our Fast Forward Series: Looking Ahead with Industry Expert Series.

In this Expert Roundtable Series, we have covered absolutely everything you need to know. My favorites, in no particular order, include:

WOW! After reviewing all these special guests and topics, even I am impressed. And I was there!

Up Next

We are bringing you, perhaps, the most interesting episode of them all. If you work in transportation and logistics, DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT!

Operation Warp Speed: As COVID-19 vaccinations become available for public consumption, truckers will become front-line heroes. Distribution is happening soon, and it will take all of us. Registration is open now.

Thursday, December 17, 2020 @ 10:30 am

Special Guest:

 Hosted by:

  • Mark Rhea, Industry Consultant
  • Infinit-I Workforce Solutions
  • And, me! Lindsay Presley, Industry Marketer
  • Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

Check out my LinkedIn here. And my group for Trucking Safety Professionals here. And of course, Infiniti Workforce Solutions here.

Ok, back to the event: Sit in with experts during this high-level overview of procedures, regulations, and industry-wide opportunities. We are packing so much information into this presentation, I am truly wondering if we can even get to it all.


  • – How, When, and Where?
  • – The Big Players
  • – What’s a truckload worth?
  • – Qualifications and Regulations
  • – Load Security Requirements
  • – Getting Involved
  • – Truck Driving Heroes

We have limited space to register. Again, I say: If you work in transportation and logistics, DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT! This will be an Expert Roundtable discussion with live Q&A.

Bring your notepad, bring your questions, bring your colleagues.

Click here to register. See you there!


About Lindsay


Lindsay Presley is an Industry Marketer at Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. Specializing in the trucking industry, Lindsay has spent her professional career studying and implementing industry best practices. Her positions have included: recruiter, dispatcher, fleet manager, corporate trainer, copywriter, and industry marketer. She knows every aspect of the business including managing front line drivers, insurance providers, executive management, sales, operations, HR, and training.

Lindsay has garnered her knowledge through extensive dealings in:

·         Tractor-Trailer ·         Over the Road
·         Reefer/Dry Van ·         Local
·         Medium Duty ·         Regional/Dedicated
·         HazMat ·         Student Transportation


Lindsay’s specialty is transforming the dispatcher & driver relationship, enhancing safety cultures, & training fleet operations. She lends her unique points of view to the Infinit-I Workforce Solution blog through years of front-line experience. Throughout her career, she states the most rewarding experience was supporting her favorite truckers: running miles and moving freight.






Every year, the American Transportation Research Institute releases an annual report regarding the top 10 concerns of trucking professionals for this year. The ATRI spends months gathering data through surveys, analyzes responses from all over the industry, and releases information on key focus areas for the upcoming year.

Infinit-I offers instantly deployable solutions to several of these topics. Minimize four of the top 10 trucking industry concerns today.

CSA Score

The CSA program ranks professional drivers based on their performance and safe driving record. CSA points are based on a truck driver’s actions based on the severity of the infraction and then awarded to the driver’s employer. It can be assumed that a company with a high CSA score employs a fleet of unsafe drivers.

An elevated CSA score will negatively impact the overall success and profitability of a trucking company, mainly regarding insurance eligibility and costs.

Infinit-I offers a comprehensive CSA module (84 videos and 7 expert webinars) specifically designed to reduce CSA scores through awareness and behavioral changes. This module is immediately deployable to your entire fleet.

Hours of Service

Frequently shifting regulations have led to confusion and misunderstandings surrounding the hours of service changes that took place this year. Drivers now question when to switch to off-duty, whether they can take an extended break, and how their detention pay will be affected.

Drivers who are not fluent in the new language presented in the HOS regulations are liable to receive violations for HOS infractions. Even simple mistakes can lead to non-compliance violations that pose a serious impact on CSA scores.

Proactivity and training are your best option to avoid violations and preserve (and even reduce) your CSA score. Our course catalog contains a 10-part series that breaks the entire concept down into easily digestible, microlearning sessions designed for knowledge retention.

Insurance Costs

Freight operators are continuously challenged by the rising cost of insurance for commercial vehicles. In recent years, numerous trucking companies have had no choice but to cease operations in surrender to rising insurance premiums.

One way to reduce your insurance costs is to manage your risk. Invest in your safety culture by curating the safest fleet on the road. Proper continual training of your fleet will lead to improved driver behavior and break negative behavioral patterns.

Company culture, awareness training, technology usage, etc. are all intangible factors that will influence your insurance renewal rate. Infinit-I provides you with all the training you need to prove your dedication to safety and your fleet’s performance enhancement.

Driver Retention

As with any job, adequate and competent leadership can make or break an employee’s satisfaction. This is especially true in trucking, where the number of jobs industry-wide heavily outweighs the number of drivers.

The driver shortage creates an imbalance that favors truck drivers over trucking companies. A driver can leave one company for any reason, post a resume, and have the phone ringing in minutes from quota-hungry recruiters scouring the nation for drivers.

In the haze of fluorescent lights, computer screens, and KPIs, we can become laser-focused on creating the safest and most efficient fleets on the road. In doing so, it is easy to forget your drivers are people. They deserve respect and loyalty, too, especially since their job takes place out on the front lines at the heart of the operation.

Your operations team and your drivers should be experiencing a fulfilling relationship: one of give and take, one of bonding, one of mutual respect. If your dispatchers and drivers aren’t experiencing a fulfilling relationship, the job is simply not worth it. They will move on.

The average onboarding cost of one truck driver hovers around $10,000. How many new drivers do you bring on per year? Most trucking companies experience between 85-105% turnover. Our safety program is proven to significantly reduce turnover rates. One extremely successful client experienced a 53% reduction in turnover after implementing our platform.

While a 53% reduction is the best-case scenario, consider how a modest 5% reduction in turnover would impact your bottom line. With a fleet of 100 trucks, a 5% reduction would save your company $50,000 annually. Use the following formula to figure your savings.

Premier Event

In collaboration with the ATRI president and COO, Rebecca Brewster, Infinit-I is proud to present effective solutions to the Top 10 trucking industry concerns rolling into 2021.

ATRI Explains – Top 10 Concerns

  • – Examination – Each concern is explored in-depth
  • – Impact – How each concern affects your company
  • – Preparation – What you should do now
  • – Solutions – Maximize business outcomes

Join us for expert advice on how to strategize, develop, and deploy a plan of action designed to meet safety-related challenges head-on. Learn how Infinit-I can greatly minimize at least 4 top worries of 2020.  Check out the replay here.

Rebecca Brewster employs an ​unwavering commitment to the trucking industry, made apparent by her award-winning performance and contribution to the trucking industry in her 27 years at ATRI. The information presented by our featured speaker will prove to be invaluable to your company.

Want to minimize these top concerns within your company? Find out more – schedule a demo.

FMCSA Hours of Service changes are taking effect on September 29, 2020. We will be speaking with the president of Scopelitis Trucking and Consulting, David Osiecki, to review what the HOS changes mean for your drivers.

If you are not familiar with the new HOS regulatory changes, a thorough explanation has been provided below. Join us for our upcoming webinar to learn how these changes will impact your fleet.

September 17, 2020 @ 10:30 am CST

Regulatory Changes

Pages 8-9 of the final ruling state the changes will include:

  • – The 30-minute Break
  • – Introducing the 7/3 Split
  • – Adverse Driving Conditions Exception
  • – The Short-haul Exception.

The 30-Minute Break

Drivers are still required to take a 30-minute break after 8 consecutive hours on duty. Previously, the break was only valid if the driver was in an off-duty status. (off-duty or sleeper berth). Now, the break is valid during on-duty functions if you are not driving.

Drivers can now legally take a 30-minute DOT break while:

  • – Watching Safety Training Videos
  • – Waiting in line at the shipper/receiver
  • – Fueling or waiting in line at the fuel pump
  • – Co-driver sitting in the passenger seat
  • – Filling out paperwork
  • – Loading/Unloading/Lumping

Just switch your status to On Duty – Not Driving.

The New 7/3 Split

The 8/2 split rule is just as complicated as it is helpful. This new HOS ruling expands a driver’s resting options. In addition to the typical 10-hour break or 8/2 split, the FMCSA is introducing the 7/3 split.

The new 7/3 split rule works the same as the 8/2 split. It takes some drivers years to master the concept.

With the new rule, the driver can go into the sleeper berth for a full 7 hours. When he wakes up, he can use all the on-duty time that was leftover from before his break.

After completing his on-duty functions, he must go back into an off-duty status for at least 3 hours to complete his 10-hour break.


In essence, a split will pause the 14-hour on-duty window. When he comes back on duty, he will only have the leftovers from before his 7-hour break. So, if he drove 8 out of 11 hours, after the 7-hour break he can drive the remaining 3 hours.

When he comes out of the sleeper, the 14 starts running again. Since he was on-duty for 8 hours before the 7-hour break, his 3 hours of drive time must be used before his total 14 runs out. He would have 6 hours on duty to get in 3 hours of driving.

Adverse Driving Conditions Exception

Under this exception, two extra drive hours are available to drivers who encounter irregular and unforeseen circumstances that may have slowed your travel. This exception can now be applied to passenger-carrying CMVs.


– Sinkhole or downed powerline that causes a delay

– Traffic accident that shuts down traffic

– Sudden tornado, snow, fog, etc. that was not in the forecast.

If you qualify for this exception, you can now drive up to 13 hours as long as you do it within your 14-hour window. Keep in mind, it does not take away your 30-minute break or extend your 14.

This exception does not extend your 60 or 70-hour clock. If you only have 4 hours left on your DOT clock, you will only be allowed to drive out those 4 hours plus the additional 2 hours.

Drivers must follow up with a full 10-hour break. You are not allowed to split rest hours after taking advantage of this exemption.


– Adverse weather you knew about or could have discovered by trip planning

– Traffic jams during normal rush hour times

– Snowstorm in the winter in North Dakota

– Loading and Unloading delays

The DOT strongly recommends you log that you were taking advantage of 395.1 Adverse Driving Conditions Exception.

Short-haul Rules

Previously, drivers using the short-haul exemption, staying within an air radius of 100 miles, could not be on duty for more than 12 hours. Short-haul drivers within a 150-mile radius cannot drive beyond the 14 or 16th on-duty hour (depending on the number of days on duty).

This revision extends the radius from 100 to 150 air-miles for all short-haul drivers. It extends the maximum duty period allowed from 12 hours to 14 hours.

Special Offer!

For future IWS clients, we want to get you started for free. Click here for your 30-day Complimentary Trial. No Obligation. No Risk. Simple Communication.

By the way, you can reach me at Lindsay.Presley@verticalag.com with any comments, questions, or hilarious jokes about life on the road.

Thanks for sticking with me. Drive safe out there!

  • Lindsay Presley
  • Former Fleet Manager, now Industry Marketer
  • Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

For More Information:

Top 6 Trucking Industry Updates for Safety Directors – Q4 2020

Drastically Reduce Detention Pay with New HOS Regulation – Split Duty Proposal

“It’s More than Rain.” Three Tractors Overturned, My Driver Made the Right Call

My Best Friend, the Trucker: How We Transformed the Dispatcher & Driver Relationship

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with the National School Transportation Association (NSTA) on their podcast, The Bus Stop. Stephanie Wilcoxson joined NSTA Executive Director Curt Macysyn to discuss how current clients are benefitting from the IWS platform and creating safer spaces for students and drivers.

Stephanie is the National Account Executive for the Student Transportation Division at Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. She hopes her contribution to The Bus Stop will raise awareness to an issue about which we are passionate, safe student transportation.

Student Transportation

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions began as a training course system to train truck drivers on safe practices. We began hearing chatter about the need for continued training in the student transportation space.

At that time, IWS began producing DVDs for school bus driver training purposes. The product was widely utilized by school districts and private transportation companies. As technology moved to support cloud-based systems, IWS evolved to maintain the needs of the market.

The Infinit-I platform is fully digital with mobile capabilities. Users can access their assigned training anytime, anywhere. Since we provide a cloud-based system, our content is constantly being re-evaluated and updated. As laws or regulations change, or information becomes outdated, IWS will temporarily suspend inaccurate videos. Our in-house video production team allows for timely and accurate rerelease.


Currents clients can browse our current resource library which boasts 400 safety training videos specifically regarding student transport. Admins can browse these titles and select the most relevant content. After a fleet evaluation, management can select the areas of driver behavior that need to be strengthened.

Admins who regularly evaluate their employees can easily pinpoint weaknesses within your fleet.  If a certain group of employees is struggling, management can deploy specific training for specific groups. Many clients state this is helpful before and after audits, tackle your lowest scoring sections and experience immediate improvement.

In addition to our current course offerings, the IWS platform allows each individual district or company to upload specific content that pertains to their company. There are no two school districts or bus companies that operate with the exact same policies and procedures.

Upload content that is specific to your company’s culture or performance expectations. Whether it is your own videos, PDFs, or existing slideshows, you can assign it to your drivers along with our video content. Drivers can be tested on custom content. Management will receive the same documentation that it was completed and understood.

Bus Drivers

Your drivers will receive their own unique login information. Their assignments will be streamed to their computer, tablet, or mobile device. After completing the coursework, users can be tested on their knowledge retention.

Scenario: One of your drivers was recently in an accident and needs remedial training. Management can access the course library, locate courses that are specific to the type of accident, and assign courses directly to the individual rather than the entire fleet.

Every lesson, task, and test are recorded. Admins can view how long it took the driver to complete the course. The number of attempts will be recorded so you’ll know if they failed to reach the acceptable grade. You can also view which test questions were missed, and from there, assign additional hands-on and specific training for areas in which the driver is struggling.

Student Transport and COVID-19

With new accommodations required by social distancing, in-person meetings have become increasingly difficult and risky. We’ve experienced many layoffs and furloughs due to school closures.

Social distancing is a major issue that is driving new clients to IWS. However, the main concern we receive from transportation executives is the need to properly communicate policies and procedures that are constantly changing.

Bus companies have taken this “down-time” to put a hard focus on training. New considerations must be made as we begin to expand and onboard returning or new employees.

Transportation departments must communicate these changes during onboarding. Now is the time to have a platform in place with communication capability to support your onboarding influx.

IWS has recently experienced a surge in interest, referrals, and users as transport companies are returning to a pre-pandemic level of operation, but with new and ever-changing operating procedures. The documentation functionality of IWS eliminates the, “I didn’t know we are supposed to do it that way now,” reasoning you often receive.


Thursday 9/24 at 11:30 am ET / 10:30 am CT Join Stephanie as she presents a live demonstration of the IWS platform. Get a visual of how easy it is to use and how it will improve your safety culture. We will be taking live questions during the webinar.

What you can expect:

  • Intro from NSTA guest speaker, Jessica Pinkerton
  • Live presentation of INFINITI
  • Operational scenarios INFINITI can address
  • Administrator’s view of the platform
  • A glimpse from the driver’s perspective
  • Open dialogue through Q&A

Click here to register

About Stephanie Wilcoxson

Stephanie Wilcoxson is the National Account Executive for the Student Transportation Division of INFINITI Workforce Solutions.  She began her career in the SAAS industry in 2012 and joined the ranks of Vertical Alliance Group in 2016.

Her focus has been to explore new verticals and raise awareness of INFINITI in the market.  Since beginning her role, she has developed a deeper understanding of the industry and a great appreciation for school bus drivers across the nation.

She has expanded our footprint and INFINITI is quickly becoming recognized as the leader in online training for student transportation professionals from coast to coast.



This week’s webinar hosted two trucking experts discussing upcoming industry updates. We are prepped and ready to share all the information you need to protect your fleet. Huge thanks to Mike McConnell of TSM trucking for sharing information directly from the 2020 Safety Management Council Policy Conference. This article explains the top 6 industry changes discussed at the conference.

FMCSA Clearinghouse Results

A clearinghouse is an information hub. It is a source that collects and stores information for a set of users. In a project that has taken years to come to fruition, the federal government has is using this structure for the convenience of trucking companies and CDL holders alike.

The FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse is a secure online database that contains records of violations of FMCSA drug and alcohol testing programs. Available information includes:

  • – Positive drug or alcohol test results
  • – Altered drug or alcohol test results
  • – Drug or alcohol test refusals
  • – Return to duty status
  • – Follow up testing plan
  • – SAP process completion date

FMCSA released a report in May of 2020 which relayed the results of DOT positive drug and alcohol tests. According to the report, marijuana usage is the most prevalent among those tested. The prevalence of positive marijuana tests is 3.25x that of the next frequent drug: cocaine.

Hair Follicle Testing

Hair follicles hold drug chemical traces much longer than bodily fluids. Testing hair follicles for drug usage gives you a more widespread picture of whether a candidate has used drugs in recent months.

In the interest of lowering CSA scores and insurance premiums, many trucking companies are making procedural changes. One of which includes switching from the traditional urine drug test to the more accurate and detailed hair follicle test.

A urine drug screen may only return accurate results if a controlled substance was used within the previous 2-3 days. This means that a driver could lay off the marijuana for a couple of days, pass a drug test, and then light up again.

Hair follicle tests, however, have a much longer range. These types of drug screens can accurately report any drug use from the previous 90 days.

A truck driver’s sobriety is not only about their own safety, but the safety of everyone on the roadways, on loading docks, and at the terminal.  Studies show that around 8 percent of truck drivers who pass a urine test would fail a hair follicle test if the specimen was given at the same time.

Federal Marijuana Decriminalization Proposal

On September 21, 2020, the House will be voting on a proposed bill to decriminalize marijuana use on a federal level. If passed, marijuana possession and usage will no longer be classified as a felony.

Trucking industry leaders are highly concerned about this bill. If marijuana is no longer a controlled substance, it will no longer be included in DOT drug panel tests.

Predictions state this bill will pass in the House, which is democrat led. The bill will then move to a Senate vote. It is doubtful that the bill will achieve final approval, as republicans typically vote in opposition to relaxing marijuana laws.

“In the midst of an increase in opioid addiction deaths during the coronavirus pandemic, it seems strange that the focus of House majority leadership would be to fully legalize marijuana, a known gateway drug to opioid addiction,” Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.

Mandatory Brake Assist and Speed Limiters

Another House bill is calling for mandatory brake assist and speed limiters (governors) on all commercial motor vehicles. The purpose of this bill is to increase safe driving through automation technology that has been on the market for years.

Brake assistance works by equipping the tractor with sensors and software that read the movements of the tractor and make corrections, even before a driver can react. The software can detect if a tractor is approaching a vehicle too quickly and slow the truck to a stop, even if the driver does not engage the brakes.

Entry-Level Driver Training Changes

Trucking schools will soon be required to register with the FMCSA. The accreditation process begins with an application and is basically a compliance review. An accreditation designation ensures that trucking school has been heavily scrutinized by the board. Accreditation includes:

  • Curriculum requirements
  • Compliance with federal, state, and local laws
  • Proper safety procedures
  • Equipment operation

Insurance Coverage Increases

Congress has proposed changes that could be terminally detrimental to some trucking companies. As you all know, we are now required to carry $1 million minimum coverage. The new proposal would require an increase to $2 million.

Industry experts argue, doubling the amount of coverage is excessive. Rising insurance costs have been an issue for years within the industry. These costs have caused some smaller companies to close their doors, solely because they couldn’t afford to keep insurance.

To avoid closure, some trucking companies have resorted to raising their deductible to control the costs of the premium. This practice puts pressure on their fleets to perform to the top of their abilities. Think about how many loads your company would have to haul to make up for a $2 million SIR deductible.

“Insurance coverage, premiums, and renewals are a top industry concern for our carriers. Increasing the minimum to $2 million only compounds the issue.” – Mark Rhea, Trucking Industry Consultant

More about Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

IWS is the trusted learning management system for over 1,300 companies across the nation. Most of our business comes from referrals. New clients typically come to us because another client or partner couldn’t stop talking about Infinit-I.

Current clients who use our mobile safety training have received tremendous benefits. Successfully reducing:

  • – Accidents by 18%
  • – Violations by 80% — WOW!
  • – Training costs by 50%

We are very proud to provide that level of benefit through our service. But our crowning achievement: We save over 1,000 lives each year. This number includes truck drivers, bus drivers, students, and passengers on the road.

We save over 1,000 lives each year.

Currently, we are offering a 30-day complimentary trial of the IWS system. You will receive full access to the entire platform:

  • – The complete training library
  • – Fleetwide communication
  • – Your Own Client Success Representative


Every single feature that current Infinit-I clients take advantage of is now yours for 30 days. We have content that addresses the top 10 areas that inspectors will be looking for during International Roadcheck. From Hours of service, to seatbelt usage, to ELDs. We can assign all these and more to your drivers in no time.

Next Week’s Webinar

Next week, we have a big webinar on Hours of Service regulation changes that will take effect at the end of September. We will be speaking with the president of Scopelitis Trucking and Consulting, David Osiecki, to review what the HOS changes mean for your drivers. Click here to sign up, registration is free. See you there!

About the Author

Lindsay Presley is the copywriter at Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. Specializing in the trucking industry, Lindsay has spent her professional career studying industry best practices. From recruiter to dispatcher to fleet manager to trainer, Lindsay knows the in’s and out’s of trucking. 

She brings her experience to the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions blog through years of front-line experience. Throughout her career, she states the most rewarding experience was supporting her favorite truckers, running miles, and moving freight.


Additional Information

Safety Managers’ Relief; The Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse

CSA Score Reduction, How to Challenge FMCSA Crash Rulings

FMCSA is Changing HOS… Again! 4 New HOS Rules.

My Best Friend, the Trucker: How We Transformed the Dispatcher & Driver Relationship

Brake Safety Week

Fast Forward Webinar Series – Infinit-I Workforce Solutions hosts a bi-weekly webinar series focused on delivering leadership skills to trucking companies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each webisode offers expert advice from industry leaders. Special guests include:

Hit The Brakes! Webinar – August 20, 2020

This week’s webinar was dedicated to Brake Safety Week and we can’t stop… talking about brakes! CVSA utilizes this week to detect maintenance issues regarding brake systems in commercial vehicles and educate drivers on proper requirements. During inspections, enforcement officers will take a close look at the braking system of every tractor-trailer they inspect to ensure highway safety.

Any vehicles found in violation of operational regulations will be placed out of service until the violation is corrected. Last year, 13% of CMVs inspected were found to have some type of regulation severe enough to warrant the vehicle nonoperational. This could mean a portion of your fleet could face a shutdown if the braking systems are not up to standard.

CVSA provides these education videos to help trucking companies prepare for Brake Safety Week. Please contact CVSA or Infinit-I Workforce Solution if you would like further information. Click here for information videos: CVSA Brake Safety Week “Inspection Bitz”

Inspection Bitz include:

  • External Brake Stroke Indicator – The US and Canada require pushrod stroke indicators. Make sure your indicators meet the regulation requirements.
  • Air Leak – Is your audible air leak a violation, OOS condition, or just a minor inconvenience? Learn how to detect, identify, and document audible air leaks before you’re placed out of service.
  • Caged Brake NAIC – Only to be applied after an air brake failure should not be used for normal operation. Arizona DPS explains operational requirements.
  • Plastic Hoses – Air tube chafing out of service identification.
  • Brake Adjusters – Identify whether your trailer has manual slack adjusters and whether they are in compliance.

Upcoming Webinars

Check out the schedule of upcoming webinars. Each participant will receive helpful tricks and best practices to not only survive but thrive throughout the rest of the pandemic and beyond. The schedule is listed below. Registration is always free.

September 10, 10:30 am CST

American Trucking Association – Industry Updates and International Road Check

September 17, 10:30 am CST

FMCSA Hours of Service – industry changes

October 1, 10:30 am CST

Dealing with Fog and Adverse Weather Conditions

October 15, 10:30 am CST

Intersection Awareness – Intersection Hazards for Drivers

October 29, 10:30 am CST

Reduce Critical Events that trigger reporting

Free Expert Safety Consultation

Future Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Clients: Click here for an expert safety consultation. In just 30 minutes, we can show you how to enhance your safety culture and create safer drivers.

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Spotted Lanternfly: Operating Without a Permit Could Cost You $20,000

What Your Drivers Need to Know About CVSA’s Upcoming Brake Safety Week

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Truck drivers are in high demand, and they know it. Because of the driver shortage, truck drivers expect more from their employers than ever before.

You must become the kind of company a driver wants to work for.

Truckers move fast.  Formalities disappear when communication is hurried.  In the rush, sometimes we forget to see each other as people.

As someone’s mom or dad.  As someone’s son or daughter; grandma or grandpa. Sometimes we forget about each other’s lives lived outside the walls of the company.

The Cultural Relationship

Retention is one of the key factors in the profitability of a trucking company. And to achieve long-term retention of your drivers, they must value your company and want to be there.

Establishing a cultural relationship focuses on enhancing the employee experience. Building positive working relationships between employees improves employee retention and satisfaction.

From Drivers, Operations, Shopworkers, Recruiting, and everyone in between. Add enterprise-wide value with these takeaways:

  • Employee Development
  • Improve Communications
  • Encourage Cooperation
  • Foster Professionalism
  • Reinforce Company Culture

Drivers and Everyone else

A driver’s relationship with your company is formed by every single interaction, from day one. Think about your recruiters, your dispatchers, your mechanics; their job performance of determines the driver’s perception of your company.

An adequately trained and competent workforce leads to greater driver satisfaction. Which, in turn, reduces your turnover and saves you money.

Every employee is responsible for your company culture, a critical factor in retention. Every single employee is a key piece in making your company the place drivers want to stay.

Think about your drivers’ typical day, whether at the terminal or on the road. Every point of contact they meet is potentially a pivotal interaction.

Each of those points of contact determines the driver’s perception of the company. Each interaction is an opportunity to create value for the driver.

At any moment, your driver could experience an unfulfilling encounter with another employee. If that driver decides to leave your company, the cost of a new hire replacement is tremendous.

Your winning team depends on motivation, encouragement, and employee morale. Discover the secret to all three with The Cultural Relationship Program: The People Side of Trucking with Dan Baker.

The Dan Baker Cultural Relationship Program

The son of a trucker, Dan Baker utilizes his 40+ years in the industry to improve trucking operations. His consultation builds relationships between employees that bridge generational gaps.

Dan has developed the Dan Baker Cultural Relationship Program, designed for all employees. From the administration to the shop, from the CEO to the custodial staff, this program will improve their communication skills.

The Dan Baker Cultural Relationship Program is available now on the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform. It is presented in three sections:

Employee Development (71 videos)

  • Company Culture, Parts 1 & 2
  • Conflict Resolution, Parts 1 & 2
  • The Most Important Part of the Process is You
  • Our Five Basic Needs
  • Perception
  • How We Perceive Ourselves
  • What Makes People Tick?
  • Comfortable With Yourself

Dispatcher Development/Communication Training (64 videos)

  • Dispatcher Foundations
  • Perception
  • Trust and Respect
  • The Generational Challenge
  • The Functions of a Dispatcher, Parts 1&2
  • Successful Communication
  • The Dispatcher/Driver Relationship
  • Managing Your Own Thinking, Parts 1 & 2

Recruiting Insights (18 videos)

  • Generational Turnover Parts 1 & 2

Poems & Stories (2 videos)

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