Director of Safety with EVO Transportation Reviews InfinitiWorkforce 5-Stars

Randy with EVO Transportation Reviews Infinit-I Workforce’s Learning Management Platform giving it a InfinitiWorkforce 5-Stars

Randy says, “I would rank Infinit-I at five stars. I think that it satisfies all the needs that we have related to the content were looking for. The ability to create content if we want something very specific not found natively in Infinit-I’s package and to customize that content to best fit our needs in our situation that we’re trying to address.”

“I feel like our driver’s will rate Infinit-I very well. Nothing’s perfect so maybe what you will hear four stars from some and 5 stars from others. You know it’s all depending on the user’s perception but I would say that all in all they would definitely speak well of the program. It’s very convenient for them to be able to just do you do the training on the phone on demands at the dock or wherever it is that they find themselves and the shortness of the courses as well being 5 to 10 minutes allows for them to do that training in small segments.

So even if they have to leave off and come back, its great that Infinit-I does remember where you left off, you can resume back in that place because we all know, you know we’re all busy and sometimes we are interrupted within our training when as we’re taking it.”

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Director of Safety
EVO Transportation