Tag Archive for: benefits of online training

How to Plan for Driver Health During the Hot Summer Months

How to Plan for Driver Health During the Hot Summer Months

Summer is almost upon us, and with it comes an extra layer of safety precautions to promote good summer driver health. As with any season, summer presents a new set of challenges to overcome as drivers navigate different climates, temperatures, and conditions in different parts of the country.

What are the potential health hazards for drivers during the summer?

While the summer seems like it should be slow and easy, it’s anything but. While you don’t have to worry about blizzards or severe weather in most cases, you need to be aware of an increase in traffic and construction, as well as the toll that heat and sun can take on a trucker’s body.

Why Health and Safety are Important During the Summer

There are a lot of factors that can put truck drivers’ health at risk, especially during long hauls. While the summer is a slower season for other industries, it means more traffic, more slow-downs, and more health hazards for truck drivers. 

The summer sun can present a nice, warm change from winter months, but can also present real risks to driver health when not addressed properly. The sun can cause a glare and impact vision long term, so it’s important that drivers protect their eyes. It can also cause painful sunburns, which can lead to health problems later in life if the skin is not protected.

When driving in the summer months, keep the “Five Ps” top of mind to ensure summer driver health and safety for the long haul and the long term.

Prepare for Traffic Congestion

Summer is the season for tourists, so expect traffic congestion on major roadways. This can lead to quite a bit of anxiety on the part of car drivers and truckers alike and can lead to poor decision making.

Be sure to leave early and account for slow-downs on your route, to ensure timely deliveries without pushing it on the road. Safety is an absolute imperative, so be safe by checking for traffic delays and road conditions before planning your trip.

Protect Your Eyes

Summer driver health is all about protecting your body from the risks of bright suns and heat. During the summer, the sun is especially bright, so high-quality, polarized sunglasses are essential for driving during the day.

Additionally, early morning and mid-evening sun can cause a glare, which can be dangerous to drivers, especially with more cars on the road. Take extra time to absorb surroundings and check glare spots for cars you may have missed.

Protect Your Skin

We’ve all heard of “trucker arm.” This happens when truck drivers rest their arms out the window of their truck, getting a sunburn. Days upon days of this and truckers can experience painful blistering and permanent skin damage. 

Use sunscreen to protect the skin, and roll up windows occasionally to give skin a break from UV rays.

Protect Your Truck

The summer heat puts an extra burden on a truck. It’s important during the summer to check fluids, especially coolant, during summer hauls.

When you’re driving in a hotter, drier climate, the weather can take a larger toll on a truck and even cause major issues if not addressed. Preventable maintenance is especially important during summer months when trucks are exposed to heat and elements at more extreme levels.

Pay Attention to Your Body

It’s easy to ignore the signs of dehydration. At least 518,000 people end up hospitalized each year in the U.S. due to dehydration. During an extended period outside, you may start to feel fatigued or disoriented.

This is your body telling you to cool down and hydrate. Make sure you take regular breaks and drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Dehydration can lead to detrimental health effects and can even land you in the hospital, so make a plan to drink enough water. 

Another good idea is to carry electrolyte pouches with you at all times. These are small, easy packaged powders that can be added to bottled water to give you an instant boost. 

In addition to hydration, make sure to eat healthy food to fuel your body during the hot summer months. While we typically think of the winter as a season for sickness, the summer can present its own health challenges when you’re not properly nourished.

Key Takeaways about Summer Driver Health:

  • Summertime presents a new set of challenges for truck drivers
  • Protect yourself and your truck from breaking down by establishing a preventable maintenance routine during the summer.
  • Use the “5 Ps” to ensure summer driver health.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has a library of 1,000+ training videos on important health and safety topics, including protecting drivers during the summer months. Our videos use microlearning strategies that break the material down into bite-sized chunks, making it easier for drivers to comprehend and retain the information.

For more information on the online training videos available, request a catalog.

Other great posts about summer driver health:
Driver safety tips for the summer
HOT HOT HOT! Sunshine Threatens Truckers
8 Tips for Improving Fuel Efficiency


This is the largest verdict against a single trucking company in US History. Let that sink in. I am sure you have heard about this devastating accident. This verdict has made headlines all over the country.

The Synopsis

$411 Million Dollar Crash

Duane Washington rode his motorcycle down the interstate on this fateful day, as he often did. Further down the highway, a collision occurred. Having seen the accident, possibly seconds too late, a truck driver jackknifed his tractor-trailer to avoid the collision. A total of 45 vehicles were involved in this accident.

According to Duane Washington’s lawyer, Washington was not able to avoid the jackknifed truck because its emergency lights were not in use. If Washington had seen emergency flashers, he may not have smashed into the back of the truck and been thrown into the median. He may not have suffered life-altering injuries from which he will never fully recover.

If the driver had just turned on his lights in the emergency lane, Top Auto may still have its own authority. They may have been more defensible in court. They may have been able to settle.

This case has set a precedent for all future trials involving commercial motor vehicles.

The Advice

I spoke with a colleague of mine, a safety manager from my previous employment. We reminisced shortly before I turned the conversation to business. I wanted to know his thoughts on the latest nuclear verdict to hit the news.

Lady Justice“What if I was sitting in the courtroom when the $411 million verdict was handed over? How would I explain it to my employees, or to my boss? How would I explain it to my family?”

He went on to admit this kind of loss would be devastating for most trucking companies in operation today.

“Drivers make mistakes. Properly trained drivers make smaller mistakes.”

A simple statement, yet the sentiment echoed in my head for some time.  While it is impossible to eliminate human error throughout your fleet, you can dramatically reduce the number of mistakes committed through behavioral changes. Frequent and consistent training brings about small changes over time. Each of those small behavioral changes contributes to safer driving habits, safer drivers, and safer roadways for all.

The Solution

While hindsight may be 2020 now for Top Auto Express, it is far too late for the (no longer operating) trucking company to be proactive in driver training. However, here are a few courses that could have helped them avoid such a damaging verdict:

Collisions, Rollovers, & Jackknifing

  1. At the Scene of an Accident
  2. Driver Factors
  3. Fixed Object Collisions – High Speed
  4. Fixed Object Collisions – Low Speed
  5. Highway Factors
  6. Jackknifing
  7. Load Effects

Speed and Space Management

  1. Stopping Distance
  2. Spatial Awareness
  3. Incident Avoidance

At the Scene of an Accident

  1. Be Concerned About Litigation
  2. Trucking Companies Are Targets
  3. Do What You Say You’ll Do
  4. Responding to the Catastrophic Event
  5. What to Gather at the Scene
  6. The Care of Your Driver
  7. Accident Procedures


  1. Heavy Trucking Braking System & Braking Techniques
  2. Inoperative Taillights
  3. Inoperative Headlamps
  4. Triangle Placement
  5. Operating CMV with Lamps – Reflectors Obscured
  6. Changing Lanes for CMV Drivers
  7. Tailgating
  8. Unsafe Driving Acts of Motorists Around Large Trucks

Download your free copy of our course catalog here.

Videos for every need

The courses listed above were all available on the Infinit-I platform at the time of the accident. Each of these was an opportunity to create safer driving habits for the drivers of Top Auto Express. Even if the driver had been properly trained, but was not able to avoid the accident, the verdict would have likely been much smaller if he had reacted properly.

“Drivers make mistakes. Properly trained drivers make smaller mistakes.”

The BIG Question

What would a $411 million verdict mean for your company? Join the discussion on our newest LinkedIn page for Trucking Safety Professionals.

If you are not a current client of ours, but you see value in the discussion, follow this link for a quick overview of what our platform can do for you, your company, your drivers, your owners, and other stakeholders such as insurance providers and business partners. Now, you can take advantage of the Infinit-I system absolutely free.

In just 30 days, we promise:30-Complimentary Trial

  • – Reduced Accidents
  • – Reduced Violations
  • – Reduced Training Time
  • – Reduced Driver Turnover
  • – Increased Profitability
  • – Increased Litigation Protection
  • – Fleet-Wide Communication
  • – Simplified Safety Training

Start your complimentary trial today with the most trusted, preferred, and referred learning management system in the trucking industry. Enhance your safety culture and create safer drivers with Infinit-I Workforce Solutions.

Join us Thursday, October 15 @ 10:30

Intersections are one of the most high-risk areas for truck drivers. Two industry experts will be discussing the dangers, both preventable and nonpreventable, of intersection traffic and the threat they present to your drivers. Free sign up here.

Presentation to include:

  • – Dangers of distracted driving – and how to get your drivers to stop.
  • – Dash Cams – real-life footage of some nasty accidents at intersections
  • – Flashing yellow lights – What do they mean?
  • – The likelihood of intersection accidents:
    • – How to prevent intersection accidents
    • – How to lower your insurance risk.

In the spirit of the webinar, I felt compelled to share a personal experience that occurred during the fleet management portion of my career.

The Pre-plan

Danny P. ran on my fleet for about a year before this particular incident. During that time, we developed a working relationship in which we were truly a team. I trusted his judgment and he never let me down.

Danny was the kind of driver who could, “see the future.” He relied on his past experiences and trucking knowledge to make the best decisions possible for the company and for himself. He made my job easy as a fleet manager. I would simply call him up for a status check and let him roll.

I called him on a Tuesday to discuss his plan for the day. Our conversation surrounded the typical trip planning discussion. Did your pre-trip look good? Did you check the traffic? Are we good for OTD?

Of course, he had everything under control. “Yes ma’am, everything is great. Need to get some fuel though; didn’t see an in-network station on my route.”

I advised him to call the fuel department and ask to insert an emergency fuel stop, as that was our procedure.

The Miscommunication

The fuel department ran like a well-oiled machine. They employed algorithms and formulas; they could calculate to the mile the distance a driver could travel on the existing amount in the tank. And they rarely made mistakes.

The problem is, the fuel department did not take into account idle time spent at red lights, outside temperature variances, traffic jams, or road grade. All of which can incrementally affect a tractor’s fuel economy. It was a task considered impossible, as they sat in cubicles above the operations department and not behind a windshield.

He called me back with an urgency in his voice that thinly masked his frustration. “They won’t let me get fuel. The computer says I have plenty to get to the next fuel stop. I’m telling you, boss, I am not going to make it.”

I immediately recognized this as a communication issue between departments. I empowered my drivers to make the right decision on the road, the fuel department focused on the bottom line. Our contracts with in-network fuel stations allowed us to purchase fuel at a lower rate. The fuel departments goal: to save money. Allowing Danny to purchase fuel from an out-of-network station would impact their numbers in a negative way. However, in this instance, its more than “just business.”

I went knuckle to knuckle with the fuel department. “He is going to run out of fuel. I cannot fail this load, please let him stop out-of-network. What if he gets just enough to run to an in-network station and then he can fill up?”

“No. He has enough fuel to make it to the in-network stop.” – Fuel

It was absolute gridlock. Danny and I had a task to complete. The fuel department had metrics to meet. We could not come to an agreement; Danny would roll on until he reached an in-network fuel stop.

The Potential for Tragedy

The following conversation occurred 55 minutes later, 17 miles from the in-network fuel station he was to attend:

“Lindsay, I ran out of fuel. My tractor is sitting under the traffic light. It is blocking the entire intersection. I don’t know what to do.”

“Are you ok? Did you call 911?”

“Yes, and yes. The sheriff is on his way here. What do I do now?”

The panic in his voice added to the sound of car horns blaring and incoming sirens painted a picture of his terrifying experience. He was scared, so was I.

He repeated the question, “What do I do?”

“Ok. The sheriff will take care of the scene, leave the truck. You get somewhere safe,” I advised.

It was my best guess, as this was not a typical occurrence.

We did not have a set procedure regarding performance expectations when your tractor happened to run out of fuel in an intersection while traffic is backing up and civilian drivers are screaming at you. I had to rely on my past training and relay information based on my experiences.

After the sheriff arrived and Danny managed to calm down, I asked him to give me a description of the scene.

“Uh, my truck is sitting diagonally in the intersection, blocking 3 of the 4 lanes at the crossroad. Traffic is backed up at least a half-mile. The light has switched from green to yellow to red about 40 times since I broke down. And I have been flipped off at least that many times. The cops are directing traffic around the truck. Emergency is on the way with fuel; just enough to get to that in-network station.  We aren’t going to make this load, ma’am.”

Fortunately, no injuries occurred. This incident, however, could have turned dire in a matter of seconds.

What We Learned

We experienced a failure that day. The mechanical failure was not the only one that occurred in this particular scenario. The entire company experienced a major communication failure, which is typically easy to avoid.

We became more focused on profit than the safety of our driver and the public area through which he was hauling. This breakdown in communication was a product of our company’s cultural relationships.

Cultivating a solid safety culture as a foundation leads to increased morale, productivity, and retention. We may have saved a few dollars by prohibiting an out-of-network fuel stop, but we could have lost a driver. And we definitely lost his trust.

A solid cultural relationship ensures each department trusts each other. A solid safety culture ensures each person in your enterprise is educated and empowered enough to make the right decision.

Infinit-I is transportation’s most trusted, preferred, and referred learning management system on the market. The platform is proven to increase communications, enhance safety cultures, reduce turnover, and save lives.

Thanks for sticking with me, here’s a free demo. During this high-level overview, our safety experts will demonstrate the power of Infinit-I Workforce Solutions and how we will elevate your safety culture.


Join us Thursday, October 15 @ 10:30

Intersections are one of the most high-risk areas for truck drivers. Two industry experts will be discussing the dangers, both preventable and nonpreventable, of intersection traffic and the threat they present to your drivers. Free sign up here.

Presentation to include:

  • – Dangers of distracted driving – and how to get your drivers to stop.
  • – Dash Cams – real-life footage of some nasty accidents at intersections
  • – Flashing yellow lights – confusion, what do they even mean?
  • – The likelihood of intersection accidents:
    • – How to prevent intersection accidents
    • – How to lower your insurance risk.


My days in dispatch have provided me with many stories, insights, and anecdotes about a career spent supporting truck drivers. Some stories help me relate to others in the industry, some create a bond with drivers, some are told just to get a laugh.

But this story, this one will stick with me forever.

I worked with a driver named Pete Greenly. About 99% of the time, Pete was the best driver a dispatcher could ask for. His trip plans were flawless. His fuel/idle percentage was low. He was always happy and made my job easy. Pete helped me achieve operating metrics, and he told me how to advise other drivers. We made a great team.

Must Service Business

Our company coined high priority loads as “Must Service Business,” or MSB loads. Whenever a planner would pop up above the cubicle and announce, “I have an MSB with a tight schedule, who can do it?” My answer was a resounding, “Put it on Pete.”

He absolutely loved trucking and life on the road. His eyes would light up after making on-time delivery on a tight load. Or getting his truck washed. He was proud of his career and his performance, and rightly so. But that 1% where he was off his game was difficult for us both.


Mr. Greenly struggled with two addictions: gambling and drinking. And when one of his demons took hold of him, he became powerless to the other.

This story is about a particular MSB load, planned almost to the minute. We were hauling for a home goods liquidator on the east coast who paid a lot to move freight but expected perfection.

“Put it on Pete.”

If there was ever a driver who could make this load on time, it was him. The route took him right through Philly, his hometown. We even planned for him to take his 30-minute break with his daughter so they could enjoy a late dinner together. If he stuck to our very tight trip plan, he would have rolled up to the receiver with a couple of minutes to spare.

I put the load on Pete, helped him plan, and let him ride. I clocked out for the evening with no issues to report to the night shift.

The Next Morning

First thing the next morning: coffee, daily safety brief, check on Pete. He never made it to the receiver. I immediately called to check on him, no answer. I sent a panic message to his truck and called again. No answer.


I let the planner know we were late and would have an ETA asap. I pulled the coordinates to Pete’s truck and my heart sank. He had been parked outside a huge casino in Philly since 3 am.  He made a mistake.

As a dispatcher, I had to decide on a plan. Should I make him get the load delivered asap, as not to upset the receiver? No. I had to take care of my driver.

I called the casino and asked for security. They found Pete in the truck, awake but incoherent. I paid for a hotel room and told him to leave his keys at the front desk. I routed another driver to the casino to pick up the load.

Pete spent the rest of the day in that hotel room and was later asked to leave the company. Years of top performance from this driver were squandered in a single evening. Thankfully, everyone was safe, but I couldn’t stop asking myself, “What if?”

Top 5 “What-ifs”

What if my driver had felt pressured to deliver the load for fear of the consequences?

All too often, truck drivers feel the pressure from dispatch to perform at the top of their ability, even to their own detriment. Operations employees sometimes lose the idea that drivers are only human, with limitations, and their safety should always remain top priority. How do we keep that thought top of mind in the haze of MSB loads, on-time delivery, and pressure from customers?

If you have built an operations team that always strives to perform to the best of their abilities, congratulations to you. That is no easy task. Make sure, however, your team can weigh the pros and cons of running too hard for too long. Your team should feel empowered to make decisions together and trust one another to make the right choice.

What if my driver caused injury or death to innocent bystanders in an accident?

Of all professions, professional truck drivers are at the top when it comes to job-related responsibilities. In addition to their job duties, long hours, time away from home, etc. they are also held to a higher highway standard than most drivers. Hauling an 80,000 lb. machine at highway speeds is no easy task and always takes the drivers undivided attention.

When impaired, it becomes impossible for a driver to give his full focus to the road. To what extent are the dispatcher and the safety department responsible? This is where proactivity is key. Drivers must know the policies and procedures of your company and be reminded often. You can prove your due diligence in training by documenting their regularly scheduled safety training.

What if, in that accident, my driver lost his life?

From time-to-time in the trucking industry, fatal accidents occur. It is perhaps the most difficult scenario to navigate while simultaneously attempting to carry on business. Not only would a loss of life be a terrible situation for his family and friends, but also for his co-workers.

When a tragic event occurs, the strength of your company’s cultural relationship shines through. If you have put in the work to solidify the overall bond of your workforce, they can find the strength to overcome the tough times together.

What if my company had to face litigation because of a driver’s mistake?

Nuclear verdicts, verdicts more than $20 million, are one of the trucking industries hottest topics. When accidents occur, especially preventable accidents, these verdicts can close the doors for some less-than-prosperous trucking companies.

Professional drivers may feel that a nuclear verdict is the company’s problem. That is partly true. When a trucking company is sued, especially after injury or death occurs, it is the responsibility of upper management to take on the challenge.

What if I lose the lawsuit?

But let’s imagine that the company is sued because of an accident, loses the court case, and must pay out millions in damages. Depending on the size of the company, potentially hundreds of people could lose their livelihoods.

Hundreds of truck drivers and office staff could find themselves unemployed, all because of one mistake of one driver or dispatcher.

Infinit-I Award-Winning Training Platform – Here for You

Infiniti Workforce has business and training solutions that will decrease and/or eliminate your doubts and fears regarding these “What ifs?” Our Client Success Representatives spend their days talking to, consulting, and learning from industry professionals just like you. We gather a broad scope of industry best practices and pass that information along with the purpose of making every trucker a safer driver.

To our current clients: What are some of your “What-ifs” that haven’t been mentioned in this article? Email me at Lindsay.Presley@verticalag.com or join the discussion on our newest LinkedIn page for Trucking Safety Professionals.

If you are not a current client of ours, but you see value in the discussion, follow this link for a quick overview of what our platform can do for you, your company, your drivers, your owners, and other stakeholders such as insurance providers and business partners. Now, you can take advantage of the Infinit-I system absolutely free.

In just 30 days, we promise:

  • – Reduced Accidents
  • – Reduced Violations
  • – Reduced Training Time
  • – Reduced Driver Turnover
  • – Increased Profitability
  • – Increased Litigation Protection
  • – Fleet-Wide Communication
  • – Simplified Safety Training

Start your complimentary trial today with the most trusted, preferred, and referred learning management system in the trucking industry. Enhance your safety culture and create safer drivers with Infinit-I Workforce Solutions.

About the Author

About the Author

Lindsay Presley is the Industry Marketer for Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. Specializing in the trucking industry, Lindsay has spent her professional career studying and implementing industry best practices. Her positions have included: recruiter, dispatcher, fleet manager, corporate trainer, copywriter, and industry marketer. She knows every aspect of the business including managing front line drivers, insurance providers, executive management, sales, operations, HR, and training.

Lindsay has garnered her knowledge through extensive dealings in:

·         Tractor-Trailer·         Over the Road
·         Reefer/Dry Van·         Local
·         Medium Duty·         Regional/Dedicated
·         HazMat·         Student Transportation

Lindsay’s specialty is transforming the dispatcher & driver relationship, enhancing safety cultures, & training fleet operations. She lends her unique points of view to the Infinit-I Workforce Solution blog through years of front-line experience. Throughout her career, she states the most rewarding experience was supporting her favorite truckers: running miles and moving freight.

This week’s webinar hosted two trucking experts discussing upcoming industry updates. We are prepped and ready to share all the information you need to protect your fleet. Huge thanks to Mike McConnell of TSM trucking for sharing information directly from the 2020 Safety Management Council Policy Conference. This article explains the top 6 industry changes discussed at the conference.

FMCSA Clearinghouse Results

A clearinghouse is an information hub. It is a source that collects and stores information for a set of users. In a project that has taken years to come to fruition, the federal government has is using this structure for the convenience of trucking companies and CDL holders alike.

The FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse is a secure online database that contains records of violations of FMCSA drug and alcohol testing programs. Available information includes:

  • – Positive drug or alcohol test results
  • – Altered drug or alcohol test results
  • – Drug or alcohol test refusals
  • – Return to duty status
  • – Follow up testing plan
  • – SAP process completion date

FMCSA released a report in May of 2020 which relayed the results of DOT positive drug and alcohol tests. According to the report, marijuana usage is the most prevalent among those tested. The prevalence of positive marijuana tests is 3.25x that of the next frequent drug: cocaine.

Hair Follicle Testing

Hair follicles hold drug chemical traces much longer than bodily fluids. Testing hair follicles for drug usage gives you a more widespread picture of whether a candidate has used drugs in recent months.

In the interest of lowering CSA scores and insurance premiums, many trucking companies are making procedural changes. One of which includes switching from the traditional urine drug test to the more accurate and detailed hair follicle test.

A urine drug screen may only return accurate results if a controlled substance was used within the previous 2-3 days. This means that a driver could lay off the marijuana for a couple of days, pass a drug test, and then light up again.

Hair follicle tests, however, have a much longer range. These types of drug screens can accurately report any drug use from the previous 90 days.

A truck driver’s sobriety is not only about their own safety, but the safety of everyone on the roadways, on loading docks, and at the terminal.  Studies show that around 8 percent of truck drivers who pass a urine test would fail a hair follicle test if the specimen was given at the same time.

Federal Marijuana Decriminalization Proposal

On September 21, 2020, the House will be voting on a proposed bill to decriminalize marijuana use on a federal level. If passed, marijuana possession and usage will no longer be classified as a felony.

Trucking industry leaders are highly concerned about this bill. If marijuana is no longer a controlled substance, it will no longer be included in DOT drug panel tests.

Predictions state this bill will pass in the House, which is democrat led. The bill will then move to a Senate vote. It is doubtful that the bill will achieve final approval, as republicans typically vote in opposition to relaxing marijuana laws.

“In the midst of an increase in opioid addiction deaths during the coronavirus pandemic, it seems strange that the focus of House majority leadership would be to fully legalize marijuana, a known gateway drug to opioid addiction,” Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.

Mandatory Brake Assist and Speed Limiters

Another House bill is calling for mandatory brake assist and speed limiters (governors) on all commercial motor vehicles. The purpose of this bill is to increase safe driving through automation technology that has been on the market for years.

Brake assistance works by equipping the tractor with sensors and software that read the movements of the tractor and make corrections, even before a driver can react. The software can detect if a tractor is approaching a vehicle too quickly and slow the truck to a stop, even if the driver does not engage the brakes.

Entry-Level Driver Training Changes

Trucking schools will soon be required to register with the FMCSA. The accreditation process begins with an application and is basically a compliance review. An accreditation designation ensures that trucking school has been heavily scrutinized by the board. Accreditation includes:

  • Curriculum requirements
  • Compliance with federal, state, and local laws
  • Proper safety procedures
  • Equipment operation

Insurance Coverage Increases

Congress has proposed changes that could be terminally detrimental to some trucking companies. As you all know, we are now required to carry $1 million minimum coverage. The new proposal would require an increase to $2 million.

Industry experts argue, doubling the amount of coverage is excessive. Rising insurance costs have been an issue for years within the industry. These costs have caused some smaller companies to close their doors, solely because they couldn’t afford to keep insurance.

To avoid closure, some trucking companies have resorted to raising their deductible to control the costs of the premium. This practice puts pressure on their fleets to perform to the top of their abilities. Think about how many loads your company would have to haul to make up for a $2 million SIR deductible.

“Insurance coverage, premiums, and renewals are a top industry concern for our carriers. Increasing the minimum to $2 million only compounds the issue.” – Mark Rhea, Trucking Industry Consultant

More about Infinit-I Workforce Solutions

IWS is the trusted learning management system for over 1,300 companies across the nation. Most of our business comes from referrals. New clients typically come to us because another client or partner couldn’t stop talking about Infinit-I.

Current clients who use our mobile safety training have received tremendous benefits. Successfully reducing:

  • – Accidents by 18%
  • – Violations by 80% — WOW!
  • – Training costs by 50%

We are very proud to provide that level of benefit through our service. But our crowning achievement: We save over 1,000 lives each year. This number includes truck drivers, bus drivers, students, and passengers on the road.

We save over 1,000 lives each year.

Currently, we are offering a 30-day complimentary trial of the IWS system. You will receive full access to the entire platform:

  • – The complete training library
  • – Fleetwide communication
  • – Your Own Client Success Representative


Every single feature that current Infinit-I clients take advantage of is now yours for 30 days. We have content that addresses the top 10 areas that inspectors will be looking for during International Roadcheck. From Hours of service, to seatbelt usage, to ELDs. We can assign all these and more to your drivers in no time.

Next Week’s Webinar

Next week, we have a big webinar on Hours of Service regulation changes that will take effect at the end of September. We will be speaking with the president of Scopelitis Trucking and Consulting, David Osiecki, to review what the HOS changes mean for your drivers. Click here to sign up, registration is free. See you there!

About the Author

Lindsay Presley is the copywriter at Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. Specializing in the trucking industry, Lindsay has spent her professional career studying industry best practices. From recruiter to dispatcher to fleet manager to trainer, Lindsay knows the in’s and out’s of trucking. 

She brings her experience to the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions blog through years of front-line experience. Throughout her career, she states the most rewarding experience was supporting her favorite truckers, running miles, and moving freight.


Additional Information

Safety Managers’ Relief; The Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse

CSA Score Reduction, How to Challenge FMCSA Crash Rulings

FMCSA is Changing HOS… Again! 4 New HOS Rules.

My Best Friend, the Trucker: How We Transformed the Dispatcher & Driver Relationship


Hello to everyone out there! Thank you so much for checking out the blog and staying up to date on industry trends with me.

In this blog post, I would like to take a moment to formally introduce myself and give you all some background on my experience in the trucking industry. And, so we can get to know each other.

By the way, you can reach me at Lindsay.Presley@verticalag.com with any comments, questions, or hilarious jokes about life on the road.

Let’s get started!

Just like all of you, I have had jobs in many different industries over the years. I have worked in restaurants, retail, real estate, etc. but nothing felt like home. Until I found trucking!

Several years ago, I made the jump into the trucking scene as a recruiter. It was my first experience with truck drivers, and “Man!” was it eye-opening. I fell in love with the industry, the people, and the sprint pace that truck drivers know all too well.

I became passionate about my work. I gained a whole new appreciation for all the hard-working truck drivers out there, realizing immediately just how difficult the job actually is.

The 14-hour days, being away from home, missing your family, frustration in the lack of communication, the list goes on…

The 14-hour days, being away from home, missing your family, frustration in the lack of communication, the list goes on. But every single truck driver I met holds so much pride in their work, it is intoxicating. So, through those relationships I garnered with big rig drivers, my career path was set. And I am so thankful to every one of those men and women who have inspired me through their work ethic and pride in the job.

After recruiting, I moved over to operations. I ran a fleet of 40 over-the-road reefer drivers, who inevitably came to be my best friends. We spent so much time together on the phone and through messages, they became my favorite colleagues.

My Team

After a time, the inspiration flowed between us. They made me want to work harder. I wanted to be the best dispatcher I could possibly be for them. In turn, we became the best fleet in the nation. We were truly a team. That experience taught me that through mutual respect, gratitude, and a little bit of elbow grease, there’s no such thing as a late load or missed home time. Those were unacceptable, and my drivers held me accountable.

Don’t get me wrong, we had some hard times. Every driver, however, was more than willing to work with me and they fought to stay on my fleet. It was something special.

Eventually, I became the Operations trainer. I administered onboarding training and continuing education to a team of 100+ dispatchers, planners, CSRs, recruiters, managers, and executives. My mission was to show respect to our 1000+ fleet and make the greatest, most efficient, and safest fleet on the road. Procedural training became just a detail. For me, it is all about the drivers.

My Best Friend, the Trucker

Over the next few weeks, I would like to give you some stories about the experiences that made me dedicate myself to trucking. I’ll start by sharing a memory about my favorite truck driver of all time.

His name was Mr. Gentry. We worked together for a long time and to this day, that man holds my deepest respect. He was an excellent driver. He knew every back road and greasy spoon all over the country.

Mr. Gentry was a career truck driver. 45 years on the road. He taught me more about trucking through friendly conversation than any of my superiors ever could. Through those little talks, we became friends.  We delivered hundreds of loads together. The dispatcher in me doubted him sometimes, but he always came through.

He lived a hard life and trucking took its toll, but he was proud of the man he had become. And I was proud of him. He was the truck driver that most strive to be. He was one of the good ones.

He taught me the most important lesson I have ever learned. One that some dispatchers work their whole career without realizing. Truckers are people. They have lives and families and feelings. As simple as it sounds, it’s the rule I lived by as a dispatcher. Always remember that there is a living, breathing person on the other end of the phone.

The Lesson I Learned

In the haze of fluorescent lights, computer screens, and KPIs, we are all still people just trying to earn a living. When the stress of operations takes its toll, it is easy to forget that your drivers are your team. A good dispatcher delivers on time. A great dispatcher makes friends for life (and delivers on time.)

I don’t get to speak with Mr. Gentry anymore, as he has moved on to a better place. But he will forever be with me. And every time I see a purple Kenworth with shiny wheels rolling down the highway, I think of him.

If your dispatchers and drivers aren’t experiencing a fulfilling relationship, the job is simply not worth it. And if you need some advice or information on creating those relationships, please reach out to me or anyone on my team. We are passionate about truck drivers, and we are here to serve.

Thanks for sticking with me. Drive safe out there!

  • Lindsay Presley
  • Former Fleet Manager, now Copywriter
  • Infinit-I Workforce Solutions


Lindsay Presley is the copywriter at Infinit-I Workforce Solutions. Specializing in the trucking industry, Lindsay has spent her professional career studying industry best practices. From recruiter to dispatcher to fleet manager to trainer, Lindsay knows the in’s and out’s of trucking. 

She brings her experience to the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions blog through years of front-line experience. Throughout her career, she states the most rewarding experience was supporting her favorite truckers, running miles, and moving freight.


Brake Safety Week

Fast Forward Webinar Series – Infinit-I Workforce Solutions hosts a bi-weekly webinar series focused on delivering leadership skills to trucking companies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each webisode offers expert advice from industry leaders. Special guests include:

Hit The Brakes! Webinar – August 20, 2020

This week’s webinar was dedicated to Brake Safety Week and we can’t stop… talking about brakes! CVSA utilizes this week to detect maintenance issues regarding brake systems in commercial vehicles and educate drivers on proper requirements. During inspections, enforcement officers will take a close look at the braking system of every tractor-trailer they inspect to ensure highway safety.

Any vehicles found in violation of operational regulations will be placed out of service until the violation is corrected. Last year, 13% of CMVs inspected were found to have some type of regulation severe enough to warrant the vehicle nonoperational. This could mean a portion of your fleet could face a shutdown if the braking systems are not up to standard.

CVSA provides these education videos to help trucking companies prepare for Brake Safety Week. Please contact CVSA or Infinit-I Workforce Solution if you would like further information. Click here for information videos: CVSA Brake Safety Week “Inspection Bitz”

Inspection Bitz include:

  • External Brake Stroke Indicator – The US and Canada require pushrod stroke indicators. Make sure your indicators meet the regulation requirements.
  • Air Leak – Is your audible air leak a violation, OOS condition, or just a minor inconvenience? Learn how to detect, identify, and document audible air leaks before you’re placed out of service.
  • Caged Brake NAIC – Only to be applied after an air brake failure should not be used for normal operation. Arizona DPS explains operational requirements.
  • Plastic Hoses – Air tube chafing out of service identification.
  • Brake Adjusters – Identify whether your trailer has manual slack adjusters and whether they are in compliance.

Upcoming Webinars

Check out the schedule of upcoming webinars. Each participant will receive helpful tricks and best practices to not only survive but thrive throughout the rest of the pandemic and beyond. The schedule is listed below. Registration is always free.

September 10, 10:30 am CST

American Trucking Association – Industry Updates and International Road Check

September 17, 10:30 am CST

FMCSA Hours of Service – industry changes

October 1, 10:30 am CST

Dealing with Fog and Adverse Weather Conditions

October 15, 10:30 am CST

Intersection Awareness – Intersection Hazards for Drivers

October 29, 10:30 am CST

Reduce Critical Events that trigger reporting

Free Expert Safety Consultation

Future Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Clients: Click here for an expert safety consultation. In just 30 minutes, we can show you how to enhance your safety culture and create safer drivers.

More Articles

Spotted Lanternfly: Operating Without a Permit Could Cost You $20,000

What Your Drivers Need to Know About CVSA’s Upcoming Brake Safety Week

Nuclear Verdicts Entice Fraudsters in New Trucking Exploitation Scheme

Top 5 Surprising Ways Lawyers Attack Trucking Companies – Know Your Risk

Spotted Lanternfly: Operating Without a Permit Could Cost You $20,000

Spotted Lanternfly

Add another quarantine to the list of 2020’s challenges to overcome. This year, the state of Pennsylvania has nearly doubled the number of counties placed under quarantine due to the spotted lanternfly. This travel quarantine applies to 26 Pennsylvania counties through which commercial vehicle operators must be permitted to travel.

The spotted lanternfly was first spotted in the United States in 2014 and have since rapidly expanded their U.S. population. Originating from China, India, and Vietnam, this invasive species has taken favor to many different types of fruit-bearing trees and plants on the east coast.

This year, they are back with a vengeance. Agricultural departments in Pennsylvania and New Jersey estimate 500% and 1000% increases, respectively, in the spotted lanternfly population. Projections by Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences show the spotted lanternfly could cause a loss of $324 million to the state’s economy and eliminate close to 3,000 jobs.

The Spotted Lanternfly

While these animals aren’t dangerous to humans, they can be devastating to a wide variety of agriculture and produce. Lanternflies are attracted to grapevines, figs, hops, avocados, and many other fruit-bearing plants. After infestation, they secrete a sweet and sticky substance that adheres to the plants. This secretion is attractive to a type of black mold that can be harmful and even cause plant death.

The spotted lanternfly reproduces by laying dozens of eggs at a time. There is no population control because this species has no natural predators. Without human interference, the lanternfly population has grown exponentially.

At least 26 counties in Pennsylvania are under a strict spotted lanternfly quarantine to stop the spread of the pest. Any business that moves goods through one of the quarantined areas must be permitted to do so. Penn State Extension offers a free training course through which you can receive a permit.

Manager’s Responsibility

At least one person in your company must complete the course and pass the knowledge along to the rest of the fleet. Any company that operates out of compliance could face a civil penalty of up to $20,000. The free course is available here and teaches:

  • – The importance of stopping spotted lanternfly
  • – Lifecycle and habits of SLF
  • – How quarantine zones work
  • – Find and destroy SLF
  • – Quarantine zone best practices

Each unit of your fleet who moves through one of the quarantined zones must be properly trained and carry a permit. Through the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform, you can assign custom training to all your drivers and issue their permits. Drivers can access that permit at any time through their resource library, should they be asked to provide it to enforcement officers.

Trucker’s Responsibility

Especially when crossing state or county lines, truck drivers should take special action to ensure they are not contributing to the spread of the insect. Instruct your drivers to complete a thorough search for spotted lanternfly nests on their equipment during their pre- and post-trip inspection.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions offers comprehensive training content on how to manage spotted lanternfly occurrences. Current clients already have access to these materials and it’s ready to “plug and play” with their current training system.

Lanternfly resources and topics we cover:

  • – Destroying Spotted Lanternfly Egg Masses
  • – Development Stages of the Spotted Lanternfly
  • – How to Comply with Spotted Lanternfly Regulations Fact Sheet
  • – How to Identify and Destroy Spotted Lanternfly Egg Masses
  • – If You See A Spotted Lanternfly, Report It!
  • – Lanternfly Quarantine Zone Map
  • – Spotted Lanternfly Permit Training (Parts 1-5)
  • – Spotted Lanternfly Training Quiz

The US Department of Agriculture recommends destroying spotted lanternfly egg masses if found. Spotted lanternflies make nests on hard surfaces, your drivers should thoroughly check their wheel wells, bumpers, and in/around trailers. The nests, which can resemble tree bark, can be removed easily with any tool with a rigid surface. Scrape the egg mass into a plastic bag filled with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer to eliminate the offspring.

We Can Help!

Remember, the state of Pennsylvania requires fleets to carry permits with them throughout the quarantined areas after proper training. We must do our part to suppress the expansion of the spotted lanternfly population.

For Current Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Clients:

Contact your Client Success Rep today to become spotted lanternfly certified and receive your fleet’s permits. Our content catalog has all the training you need to become a certified spotted lanternfly trained fleet.

For Future Infinit-I Workforce Solutions Clients:

Receive your spotted lanternfly training and certification today for free! We are offering a 30-day complimentary trial, no obligation. We can help you choose your designated spotted lanternfly trainer and have you certified by end of business today.

Click here for information about how to receive your fleets certification and permits absolutely free.

Additional Resources:

What Your Drivers Need to Know About CVSA’s Upcoming Brake Safety Week

Nuclear Verdicts Entice Fraudsters in New Trucking Exploitation Scheme

Top 5 Surprising Ways Lawyers Attack Trucking Companies – Know Your Risk

Chuck Norris Says “Thank You, Truckers!” In This Touching Video

Every trucking company knows the risk involved with hauling an 80,000 lb. machine down the highway. Don’t feel hindered, however, by the mountain of liabilities. Simply be prepared. Below are the weaknesses that prosecuting attorneys will try to take advantage of in the event of an accident.

Driver Fatigue

Every decent truck driver knows to pull it over when they are feeling tired. They know the risks of driving while fatigued. But how often do they actually pull over when they should?

Truckers juggle many pressures while on the road: Traffic congestion, highway construction, dispatcher’s expectations, etc.

Take a look at these messages between a truck driver (grey) and their dispatcher (blue):

A good dispatcher would see the warning signs. The driver didn’t sleep well last night. This dispatcher should have asked about the driver’s ability to safely perform that day. Instead, the dispatcher was concerned with their own performance. Perhaps, feeling the pressure from their own manager. The conversation continues below.


The driver has now admitted to being fatigued, asked to pull over, and coerced into rolling anyway. The driver could nod off again, injuring or even killing themself or other innocent bystanders.

This conversation is now recorded and creates the kind of paper trail that prosecuting attorneys love. They would use this conversation to prove to a jury that your company chose to further the load over the safety of the public.

A delicate balance must exist between management, dispatchers, and truck drivers. Each must be aware of and truly understand mounting pressure and weighing the risks. While is it is a fine goal to want every load delivered on time, it should not be achieved at the expense of safe driving.


Distracted Driving

Distracted driving can take many forms. According to the CDC, distractions are categorized as visual, manual, and cognitive.

Driving an 18-wheeler takes intense focus and coordination. Any of the things listed above could bring about a life or death situation for your driver or the people around them.

Train your fleet not only the signs of distracted driving, but they should also be aware of the potential outcome severity. Visual demonstrations can be assigned fleetwide to prove the importance of maintaining proper attention to the road.

Let’s say your driver is eating a big, greasy cheeseburger while driving down the highway. After driving over a small pothole, the driver drops a pickle on the tractor seat. The driver leans over to place the burger onto the passenger seat and begins the pickle search.

At the same time, traffic up ahead has abruptly slowed, causing some cars to swerve or pull on the shoulder. When your driver finally finds the pickle and returns their eyes to the road, it is too late. The driver locks up the breaks, jackknifes the trailer, and bumps into 4 cars that were leading the way.

In a scenario where your driver has an accident due to distracted driving, an attorney will look for any reason that it was the company’s fault. In the event of a lawsuit, the prosecuting attorney will consider:

  • – What policies do you have in place?
  • – Cell phone usage while driving
  • – Eating meals/snacks behind the wheel
  • – Volume restrictions on the radio
  • – Have the drivers been properly trained on these policies?
  • – When was the last time a driver was trained/re-trained on this topic?


Driving Under The Influence

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a crime whether a truck driver or civilian, 18-wheeler or 4-wheeler. Truck drivers, however, hold much more responsibility. The more you communicate with your employees about your drug and alcohol policy, the more likely you are to be protected in court.

Pre/Post-Trip Inspections

A proper pre-trip inspection is the ultimate proactive measure a driver can take. If your drivers aren’t properly trained, it might be difficult to spot a faulty brake line, damaged mud flap, or a loose lug nut.

A proper post-trip involves over 50 points of inspection. Expert drivers might be able to recite all the inspection points from memory, but that skill should not be expected. Provide all your drivers with DVIR checklists. Since these are required to be on file for 90 days, you should require your drivers to fill one out every day, for every load, even if it passes inspection.

Inexperience or Improperly Trained

Perhaps the most important base to have covered. Do you drivers know how to avoid accidents? Do you drivers know what to do in the event of an accident?

You probably have policies in place that explicitly instruct drivers what to do if they get into an accident. Our recommendation is to send this policy out to your fleet at least once a quarter. Test them on the material. Require their signature. Your attorney will easily establish your credibility if you have these documents available.


Review the Webinar

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions presented an exclusive webinar in late July featuring Attorney Peyton Inge. Peyton specializes in defending trucking companies after an accident occurs. You can review the webinar here, as well as the rest of the FastForward series.

Click here for your free demo. Infinit-I Workforce Solutions will protect you in a courtroom. Give us 30 minutes to show you how.


Save Time

The most precious commodity. Online training offers numerous ways to increase your efficiency; the most effective being through online orientation.

Traditional in-person orientation for a trucker is about 3 days on average. Every day that one of your drivers is sitting in a classroom and not on the road is potentially 500 miles per new hire. That’s money lost for your bottom line.

You might be thinking, “It’s not always about mileage, safety is a big part of orientation.”

Absolutely, we couldn’t agree more. Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the entire business structure has shifted. Companies are now realizing the need for remote capabilities.

Our learning management system allows your new hires to start orientation as soon as the job offer is accepted. Instead of dozing off during orientation presentations, your drivers can

participate in online orientation from the comfort of their homes.

If you eliminate just 2 days of in-person orientation, you are looking at an additional 1,000 miles per new driver! Increased your efficiency, capacity, and revenue instantly.

Bonus: Since your drivers can work at their own pace while online, they get to spend more time with their family. This means, when your drivers do show up for their truck assignment, they aren’t worn out by several days of repetitive workshops or classes. They are fresh; ready to hit the road and make some money.

“Infinit-I is the pioneer and the leader for online truck driver training. For instance, we were able to cut our new driver orientation from two days into 2.5 hours with Infinit-I.”

-Bobur Hasan, HR and Recruiting

Save Money

The industry average cost of onboarding a new truck driver is around $10,000 each. How many new drivers do you take on each year? Most trucking companies have a turnover between 85-105%.

If you run a fleet of 100 drivers, your onboarding cost for one year could be up to $1 million dollars. That’s cost to hire, before rolling. How many miles would your new driver have to run before your company breaks even? And since the majority of turnover happens in the first 90 days of employment, how many of your drivers stay on that long?

Our safety program has proven to decrease our client turnover by up to 53%. That means is possible for Infinit-I Workforce Solutions to take you from 100% turnover to just 47%. A reduction in turnover like that would save you over half a million dollars per year in onboarding costs. Incredible!

Let’s say, however, that the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform reduces your turnover by a modest (very modest) 5%. Here is a simple formula to show your annual savings:

With a fleet of 100 trucks, a 5% reduction in turnover would save your company $50,000 annually.


Save Resources – Drivers, Equipment, Fuel

Our #1 goal is to support you in your effort to create safer drivers. Hopefully, you aren’t willing to put a price on a driver’s life. If our frequent and consistent safety training saves even one life, driver or civilian, our platform proves invaluable to your company.

We can, however, put a price on accidents. The average cost of an accidents/incidents in the trucking industry is around $5,000. Our learning management system has shown some clients up to an 18% reduction in accidents.

“The Infinit-I platform has streamlined our orientation process…resulting in lower CSA scores, reduced worker’s compensation claims, and decreased vehicle incidents and accidents.”

-Shepard Dunn, President & CEO

What could a just a 5% reduction in accidents return to your bottom line? If we figure one accident/incident per week for an entire year, your potential savings could be around $13,000 annually. Plug in your numbers below to figure how much your company could be saving.

Remote training can save you resources in so many other ways too. In-person training sessions, no matter how frequent, will always increase wear & tear on your equipment and unnecessary fuel consumption.

Not to mention the loss of revenue while your drivers are traveling to and from the terminal, not making money for your company. These are opportunity costs that aren’t typically considered when planning for safety training sessions.

And since social distancing is here to stay, in-person training presents even more challenges:

  • – What are your legal responsibilities to your employees?
  • – Can you accommodate a 6-foot distance between attendees?
  • – Will you require your drivers to wear masks?
  • – Will you provide masks?
  • – What types of masks are acceptable?

Too good to be true? Nope!

See for yourself with a complimentary, one-on-one, 30-minute demonstration with our experts. In just half an hour, you’ll experience the power of the Infinit-I Workforce Solutions platform.

Our learning management system will not only create safer drivers, but will save you time, money, and resources. We can prove it.

Click here to enhance your safety culture in just 30 minutes.


Want to know more…

More New Content Coming Soon! Check out these new additions to our library.

Out-perform, Out-shine, and Out-grow your Current Safety Culture

Why A Positive Dispatcher & Driver Relationship is Key

Why You Should Be Focused on Your Employee’s Cultural Relationships Now More Than Ever